633 research outputs found

    Baryons, multi-hadron systems, and composite dark matter in non-relativistic QCD

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    We provide a formulation of potential non-relativistic quantum chromodynamics (pNRQCD) suitable for calculating binding energies and matrix elements of generic hadron and multi-hadron states made of heavy quarks in SU(Nc)SU(N_c) gauge theory using quantum Monte Carlo techniques. We compute masses of quarkonium and triply-heavy baryons in order to study the perturbative convergence of pNRQCD and validate our numerical methods. Further, we study SU(Nc)SU(N_c) models of composite dark matter and provide simple power series fits to our pNRQCD results that can be used to relate dark meson and baryon masses to the fundamental parameters of these models. For many systems comprised entirely of heavy quarks, the quantum Monte Carlo methods employed here are less computationally demanding than lattice field theory methods, although they introduce additional perturbative approximations. The formalism presented here may therefore be particularly useful for predicting composite dark matter properties for a wide range of NcN_c and heavy fermion masses.Comment: 39 pages, 24 figure

    Tetraquarks made of sufficiently heavy quarks are bound in QCD

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    Tetraquarks, bound states composed of two quarks and two antiquarks, have been the subject of intense study but have yet to be understood from first principles. Previous studies of fully-heavy tetraquarks in nonrelativistic effective field theories of quantum chromodynamics (QCD) suggest different conclusions for their existence. We apply variational and Green's function Monte Carlo methods to compute tetraquarks' ground- and excited-state energies in potential nonrelativistic QCD. We robustly demonstrate that fully-heavy tetraquarks are bound in QCD for sufficiently heavy quark masses. We also predict the masses of tetraquark bound states comprised of bb and cc quarks, which are experimentally accessible, and suggest possible resolutions for previous theoretical discrepancies.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figur

    Optimizing the method for authenticating pharmaceutical products of different dosage forms using dual laser handheld raman spectroscopy

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    Handheld Raman spectroscopy has emerged over the last few years as a rapid technique for authenticating medicines. Major challenges arose in the authentication process attributed to the Raman activity of the main constituents or to the formulation type. This witnessed the masking of the Raman signal of herbal medicinal products or medicinal products of low dosage forms. Liquid and semisolid formulations represented a further challenge in the authentication process which was mainly attributed to the number of soluble/insoluble constituents. The present work aims to optimize the method for authenticating medicinal products of different dosage forms using dual laser handheld Raman spectroscopy

    Screening phytochimique de quelques plantes médicinales ivoiriennes utilisées en pays Krobou (Agboville, Côte-d’Ivoire)

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    Une étude ethnomédicinale réalisée chez les Krobou, une ethnie du Département d’Agboville (Côte-d’Ivoire), a montré que 27 tradithérapeutes utilisent 18 espèces de la flore ivoirienne, pour combattre différentes pathologies. Diverses parties de la plante (écorces de racine et de tige, feuilles, fruits, graines et tubercules) sont utilisées pour la préparation des recettes médicamenteuses. Ces recettes, monospécifiques en général, nécessitent divers modes de préparation (décoction, expression, infusion, macération, pétrissage, pilage, pulvérisation, ramollissement, torréfaction et trituration). On note divers modes d’administration des médicaments : ablution, application locale, badigeonnage, bain de vapeur, boisson, instillations buccales, nasales, vaginales et purges. Les tests tri phytochimiques réalisés sur 3 extraits (éthérique, méthanolique et aqueux) ont révélé que les différentes drogues renferment des stérols, polyterpènes, polyphénols, flavonoïdes, tanins catéchiques, alcaloïdes et des saponosides, qui leur confèrent les propriétés thérapeutiques diverses.An ethnomedicinal study carried out at Krobou, an ethnic group in the Department of Agboville (Côte-d’Ivoire) showed that 27 traditional doctors use 18 ivorian plants species to cure people to different pathologies. Various parts of the plant (barks of root and stem, sheets, fruits, seeds and tubers) are used to prepare the medicamentous receipts. These receipts which are generally monospecific, require different preparation modes (decoction, expression, infusion, soaking, kneading, pounding, crushing, softening, rousting and trituration). We note several administration modes of those medicines : washing, application on the skin, painting, steam bath, drinking, oral, nasal, vaginal instillations and purges. The tri phytochemical tests of three extracts (etheric, methanolic and aqueous) revealed that the different drugs contain sterols, polyterpenes, polyphenols, flavonoids, tannins, alkaloids and saponosideswhich give these medicines several healing properties.Keywords: Agboville, chemical Components, Côte-d’Ivoire, Ethnomedicine, Krobou, Phytochemistr

    Response of Sweet Pepper Capsicum Annulus L. (Qurtuba Cultivar) To Spraying With Two Types of Potassium Fertilizer Cultivated In Plastic House

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    نفذت تجربة حقلية في البيت البلاستيكي غير المدفأ في الكلية التقنية المسيب للموسم الخريفي 2016 لدراسة مدى استجابة نبات الفلفل الحلو Capsicum annuum L. صنف قرطبة للرش الورقي بنوعين من الاسمدة البوتاسية الورقية التجارية في تربة رملية مزيجة لدراسة تأثير اربعة مستويات من سماد البوتاسيوم والعناصر الصغرى (صفر، 4، 6، 8 مل.لتر-1) واربعة مستويات من سماد البوتاسيوم والكبريت KTS (صفر، 2، 4، 6 مل.لتر-1) وتداخلهما على بعض مؤشرات النمو الخضري والزهري والحاصل ونوعيته، صممت التجربة وفق تصميم القطاعات تامة التعشية RCBD  وقورنت المتوسطات باختبار اقل فرق معنوي LSD وبمستوى معنوية 5%. اشارت النتائج الى تفوق معاملة الرش بسماد البوتاسيوم والعناصر الصغرى بمستوى (8 مل.لتر-1) معنويا في زيادة متوسطات طول النبات وعدد الافرع المثمرة والمساحة الورقية للنبات والوزن الجاف للمجموع الخضري وعدد الازهار في النبات ونسبة العقد ومحتوى الاوراق من الكلوروفيل والنتروجين والفسفور والبوتاسيوم وعدد الثمار ووزن الثمرة والحاصل المبكر والكلي ومحتوى فيتامين C ونسبة المواد الصلبة الذائبة الكلية وبنسب زيادة بلغت 19.47، 29.54، 16.68، 30.01، 11.26، 24.09، 38.16، 24.36، 16.67، 34.00، 21.87، 20.27، 50.46، 45.96، 39.33، و70.85% بالتتابع قياسا بمعاملة المقارنة، وهو نفس سلوك معاملة الرش بسماد البوتاسيوم والكبريت اذ تفوقت المعاملة (4  مل.لتر-1) في جميع الصفات اعلاه اذ بلغت نسب الزيادة 31.72، 53.53، 49.88، 15.82، 14.84، 24.54، 19.79، 36.73، 21.05، 47.55، 24.53، 19.07، 49.43، 48.01، 30.29 و36.56% بالتتابع قياسا بمعاملة المقارنة. اما معاملات التداخل فقد اظهرت تفوق معاملة الرش بخليط من (8 مل. لتر-1 + 4 مل. لتر-1) واعطائها اعلى القيم لجميع الصفات اعلاه وبلغت 109.5 سم، 6.4 فرع، 25.3 دسم2، 132.7 غم، 62.7 زهرة، 43.9%، 65.11 spad، 2.22%، 0.75%، 2.55%، 34.6 ثمرة، 108.3 غم، 0.790 كغم. نبات-1، 3.747 كغم. نبات-1، 69.2 ملغم.100مل-1، و10.4% بالتتابع.Field experiment was conducted in the non-heated plastic house at Al-Mussaib Technical College in the autumn season 2016 to study the Response of sweet pepper Capsicum annuum L. (Qurtuba cultivar) to foliar spraying with two types of foliar commercial Potassium fertilizers in loamy sand soil. To study the effect of four levels of potassium fertilizer and micronutrients (0, 4, 6, 8 ml.L-1), four levels of potassium fertilizer and Sulfur KTS (0, 2, 4, 6 ml.L-1) and their interaction on some vegetative and flowering growth indicators, yield and its components. The experiment was designed according to the Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) and the averages were compared with the least significant difference (LSD), with a significant level of 5%. The result indicated to the excelling of the spraying treatment with potassium and micronutrient (8 ml.L-1) by giving it a significant level in increasing the averages of plant height, number of branches, leaf area, dry weight for total  vegetative, number of flowers in plant, percentage of fruit set, the leaves content of (chlorophyll, nitrogen, Phosphorus and potassium), early and total yield, the content of vitamin C, and percentage of Total Soluble Solids, with an increasing percentage of (19.47, 29.54, 16.68, 30.01, 11.26, 24.09, 38.16, 24.36, 16.67, 34.00, 21.87, 20.27, 50.46, 45.96, 39.33, 70.85%), respectively, compared to control treatment.  Which is the same behavior as spraying treatment with potassium fertilizer and sulfur, where treatment (4 ml.L-1) was excelled in all the above traits, where the percentages of increasing were (31.72, 53.53, 49.88, 15.82, 14.84, 24.54, 19.79, 36.73, 21.05, 47.55, 24.53, 19.07, 49.43, 48.01, 30.29, 36.56%), respectively, compared to the control treatment. As for interaction treatments, it has showed excelling the spraying treatment with a mixture of (8 ml. L-1 + 4 ml. L-1) by giving it the highest values for all the above traits amounted of (109.5 cm, 6.4 branches, 25.3 dm2, 132.7 g, 62.7 flower, 43.9% 2.22%, 0.75%, 2.55%, 34.6 fruits, 108.3 g, 0.790 kg. plant-1, 3.747 kg. plant-1, 69.2 mg.100 ml-1, 10.4%), respectively

    Controle de doenças no morangueiro em diferentes sistemas de cultivo: um estudo de caso sobre a sustentabilidade

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    Non-observance of the inter-relationships of natural resources with the global environment has compromised the maintenance of life on earth. Neoclassic economics believes that the environmental problem can be solved by technology, and the capitalist system encourages consumerism, which contributes to the depletion of natural resources and to environmental pollution. The great challenge is to find mitigative ways to enable economic development without affecting much the environment, as usually happens. Among these ways is the alternative agriculture, based on the maintenance of soil fertility through organic fertilization, and on plant health through the use of cultural, physical, genetic and alternative methods, without using the fungicides and insecticides as in the conventional system. Specifically for diseases, the alternative control involves biological control and the use of natural extracts with antimicrobial and/or resistance-inducing properties. This study aimed at evaluating the economic viability of the alternative control of diseases in organically grown strawberry plants with the use of extracts, using information from strawberry farmers’ statements and from research. Based on cost data for strawberry production (fertilizers, irrigation, electricity, pesticides and manpower), a comparative table for disease control of strawberry plants was designed, for the following cultivation systems: conventional, organic with the use of Bordeaux mixture, and organic with the use of vegetal extract. The analysis of the information indicated that, although the cost of production had been on average 3.6 times higher in the conventional system, the income was 1.9 times higher in relation to the organic with Bordeaux mixture, but 2% lower in relation to the organic system using plant extracts. The impacts on the environment and on the farmers’ health are also discussed.A inobservância das inter-relações dos recursos naturais com o ambiente global tem comprometido a manutenção da vida na terra. A economia neoclássica acredita que o problema ambiental pode ser resolvido pela tecnologia e o sistema capitalista incentiva o consumismo, que acaba contribuindo com a exaustão dos recursos naturais, e a poluição do meio ambiente. O grande desafio está em encontrar caminhos mitigadores que possibilitem o desenvolvimento econômico, sem que afete tanto o meio como tem ocorrido. Dentro deste enfoque esta a agricultura alternativa cuja base mestra é a manutenção de fertilidade do solo, através da adubação orgânica, e da sanidade das plantas por métodos culturais, físicos, genéticos e alternativos, dispensando-se o uso dos tradicionais fungicidas e inseticidas. Especificamente paradoenças, o controle alternativo envolve o controle biológico e a utilização de extratos naturais com propriedades antimicrobiana e/ou indutora de resistência. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a viabilidade econômica do controle alternativo de doenças no morangueiro, em cultivo orgânico, pelo uso de extratos, utilizandoinformações coletadas juntamente com produtores de morangoe aquelas resultantes de trabalhos de pesquisa. A partir dos dados de custeio para produção de morango (adubação, irrigação, energia elétrica, defensivos e mão-de-obra), elaborou-se uma planilha comparativa para os sistemas de cultivo: convencional; orgânico com o uso de calda bordaleza; e orgânico com o uso de extratos vegetais, para o controle de doenças do morangueiro. A análise dessas informações indicou que, embora o custo de produção tenha sido em média 3,6 vezes maior no cultivo convencional doque nos orgânicos, a renda foi ainda 1,9 vezes maior emrelação ao orgânico com calda bordaleza, porém 2% inferiorao orgânico com extrato vegetal. Os impactos sobre o meioambiente e sobre a saúde do aplicador são discutidos