881 research outputs found

    Education and health

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    Recent studies have tried to provide rigorous tests of causal effects of education levels on health status. Some of these studies show a significant causal impact of school-leaving age on mortality at later ages: their empirical strategy consists in using exogenous shocks on education levels resulting from changes in compulsory schooling regulations. Data from Insees Permanent Demographic Dataset can be used to attempt transposing this strategy to the French case. The two identifying shocks used are the Zay and Berthoin reforms. They have respectively raised the minimum school leaving age to 14 and 16 years. After having detailed the methological framework, we successively implement a non-parametric approach comparing cohorts born immediately before or immediately after the application of reforms, and a parametric two-stage approach using information from a larger part of our sample. None of these approaches confirm results of existing studies. Despite the fact that reforms have significantly increased school leaving ages, and despite the fact that subsequent declines in mortality have been observed, none of these declines appear to be significant. We conclude with a discussion on possible limitations of these two reforms as identifying devices, and make some suggestions for future research.Health, mortality, education, causal effect, regression discontinuities

    The Lie-Poisson structure of the reduced n-body problem

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    The classical n-body problem in d-dimensional space is invariant under the Galilean symmetry group. We reduce by this symmetry group using the method of polynomial invariants. As a result we obtain a reduced system with a Lie-Poisson structure which is isomorphic to sp(2n-2), independently of d. The reduction preserves the natural form of the Hamiltonian as a sum of kinetic energy that depends on velocities only and a potential that depends on positions only. Hence we proceed to construct a Poisson integrator for the reduced n-body problem using a splitting method.Comment: 26 pages, 2 figure

    Projective dynamics and first integrals

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    We present the theory of tensors with Young tableau symmetry as an efficient computational tool in dealing with the polynomial first integrals of a natural system in classical mechanics. We relate a special kind of such first integrals, already studied by Lundmark, to Beltrami's theorem about projectively flat Riemannian manifolds. We set the ground for a new and simple theory of the integrable systems having only quadratic first integrals. This theory begins with two centered quadrics related by central projection, each quadric being a model of a space of constant curvature. Finally, we present an extension of these models to the case of degenerate quadratic forms.Comment: 39 pages, 2 figure

    Euler configurations and quasi-polynomial systems

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    In the Newtonian 3-body problem, for any choice of the three masses, there are exactly three Euler configurations (also known as the three Euler points). In Helmholtz' problem of 3 point vortices in the plane, there are at most three collinear relative equilibria. The "at most three" part is common to both statements, but the respective arguments for it are usually so different that one could think of a casual coincidence. By proving a statement on a quasi-polynomial system, we show that the "at most three" holds in a general context which includes both cases. We indicate some hard conjectures about the configurations of relative equilibrium and suggest they could be attacked within the quasi-polynomial framework.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figure

    Convex central configurations of the 4-body problem with two pairs of equal masses

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    AgraĂŻments: The first and third authors are partially supported by FAPEMIG grant APQ-001082/14. The third author is partially supported by CNPq grant 472321/2013-7 and by FAPEMIG grant PPM-00516-15. The second and third autors are supported by CAPES CSF-PVE grant 88881.030454/2013-01.MacMillan and Bartky in 1932 proved that there is a unique isosceles trapezoid central configuration of the 4--body problem when two pairs of equal masses are located at adjacent vertices. After this result the following conjecture was well known between people working on central configurations: The isosceles trapezoid is the unique convex central configuration of the planar 4--body problem when two pairs of equal masses are located at adjacent vertices. We prove this conjecture

    Pauli graphs, Riemann hypothesis, Goldbach pairs

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    Let consider the Pauli group Pq=\mathcal{P}_q= with unitary quantum generators XX (shift) and ZZ (clock) acting on the vectors of the qq-dimensional Hilbert space via X∣s>=∣s+1>X|s> =|s+1> and Z∣s>=ωs∣s>Z|s> =\omega^s |s>, with ω=exp⁥(2iπ/q)\omega=\exp(2i\pi/q). It has been found that the number of maximal mutually commuting sets within Pq\mathcal{P}_q is controlled by the Dedekind psi function ψ(q)=q∏p∣q(1+1p)\psi(q)=q \prod_{p|q}(1+\frac{1}{p}) (with pp a prime) \cite{Planat2011} and that there exists a specific inequality ψ(q)q>eÎłlog⁥log⁥q\frac{\psi (q)}{q}>e^{\gamma}\log \log q, involving the Euler constant ÎłâˆŒ0.577\gamma \sim 0.577, that is only satisfied at specific low dimensions q∈A={2,3,4,5,6,8,10,12,18,30}q \in \mathcal {A}=\{2,3,4,5,6,8,10,12,18,30\}. The set A\mathcal{A} is closely related to the set AâˆȘ{1,24}\mathcal{A} \cup \{1,24\} of integers that are totally Goldbach, i.e. that consist of all primes p2p2) is equivalent to Riemann hypothesis. Introducing the Hardy-Littlewood function R(q)=2C2∏p∣np−1p−2R(q)=2 C_2 \prod_{p|n}\frac{p-1}{p-2} (with C2∌0.660C_2 \sim 0.660 the twin prime constant), that is used for estimating the number g(q)∌R(q)qln⁥2qg(q) \sim R(q) \frac{q}{\ln^2 q} of Goldbach pairs, one shows that the new inequality R(Nr)log⁥log⁥NrâȘ†eÎł\frac{R(N_r)}{\log \log N_r} \gtrapprox e^{\gamma} is also equivalent to Riemann hypothesis. In this paper, these number theoretical properties are discusssed in the context of the qudit commutation structure.Comment: 11 page

    Kustaanheimo-Stiefel Regularization and the Quadrupolar Conjugacy

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    In this note, we present the Kustaanheimo-Stiefel regularization in a symplectic and quaternionic fashion. The bilinear relation is associated with the moment map of the S1S^{1}- action of the Kustaanheimo-Stiefel transformation, which yields a concise proof of the symplecticity of the Kustaanheimo-Stiefel transformation symplectically reduced by this circle action. The relation between the Kustaanheimo-Stiefel regularization and the Levi-Civita regularization is established via the investigation of the Levi-Civita planes. A set of Darboux coordinates (which we call Chenciner-F\'ejoz coordinates) is generalized from the planar case to the spatial case. Finally, we obtain a conjugacy relation between the integrable approximating dynamics of the lunar spatial three-body problem and its regularized counterpart, similar to the conjugacy relation between the extended averaged system and the averaged regularized system in the planar case.Comment: 19 pages, corrected versio

    Functional diversity of sharks and rays is highly vulnerable and supported by unique species and locations worldwide

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    Elasmobranchs (sharks, rays and skates) are among the most threatened marine vertebrates, yet their global functional diversity remains largely unknown. Here, we use a trait dataset of >1000 species to assess elasmobranch functional diversity and compare it against other previously studied biodiversity facets (taxonomic and phylogenetic), to identify species- and spatial- conservation priorities. We show that threatened species encompass the full extent of functional space and disproportionately include functionally distinct species. Applying the conservation metric FUSE (Functionally Unique, Specialised, and Endangered) reveals that most top-ranking species differ from the top Evolutionarily Distinct and Globally Endangered (EDGE) list. Spatial analyses further show that elasmobranch functional richness is concentrated along continental shelves and around oceanic islands, with 18 distinguishable hotspots. These hotspots only marginally overlap with those of other biodiversity facets, reflecting a distinct spatial fingerprint of functional diversity. Elasmobranch biodiversity facets converge with fishing pressure along the coast of China, which emerges as a critical frontier in conservation. Meanwhile, several components of elasmobranch functional diversity fall in high seas and/or outside the global network of marine protected areas. Overall, our results highlight acute vulnerability of the world’s elasmobranchs’ functional diversity and reveal global priorities for elasmobranch functional biodiversity previously overlooked

    Pauli graphs when the Hilbert space dimension contains a square: why the Dedekind psi function ?

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    We study the commutation relations within the Pauli groups built on all decompositions of a given Hilbert space dimension qq, containing a square, into its factors. Illustrative low dimensional examples are the quartit (q=4q=4) and two-qubit (q=22q=2^2) systems, the octit (q=8q=8), qubit/quartit (q=2×4q=2\times 4) and three-qubit (q=23q=2^3) systems, and so on. In the single qudit case, e.g. q=4,8,12,...q=4,8,12,..., one defines a bijection between the σ(q)\sigma (q) maximal commuting sets [with σ[q)\sigma[q) the sum of divisors of qq] of Pauli observables and the maximal submodules of the modular ring Zq2\mathbb{Z}_q^2, that arrange into the projective line P1(Zq)P_1(\mathbb{Z}_q) and a independent set of size σ(q)−ψ(q)\sigma (q)-\psi(q) [with ψ(q)\psi(q) the Dedekind psi function]. In the multiple qudit case, e.g. q=22,23,32,...q=2^2, 2^3, 3^2,..., the Pauli graphs rely on symplectic polar spaces such as the generalized quadrangles GQ(2,2) (if q=22q=2^2) and GQ(3,3) (if q=32q=3^2). More precisely, in dimension pnp^n (pp a prime) of the Hilbert space, the observables of the Pauli group (modulo the center) are seen as the elements of the 2n2n-dimensional vector space over the field Fp\mathbb{F}_p. In this space, one makes use of the commutator to define a symplectic polar space W2n−1(p)W_{2n-1}(p) of cardinality σ(p2n−1)\sigma(p^{2n-1}), that encodes the maximal commuting sets of the Pauli group by its totally isotropic subspaces. Building blocks of W2n−1(p)W_{2n-1}(p) are punctured polar spaces (i.e. a observable and all maximum cliques passing to it are removed) of size given by the Dedekind psi function ψ(p2n−1)\psi(p^{2n-1}). For multiple qudit mixtures (e.g. qubit/quartit, qubit/octit and so on), one finds multiple copies of polar spaces, ponctured polar spaces, hypercube geometries and other intricate structures. Such structures play a role in the science of quantum information.Comment: 18 pages, version submiited to J. Phys. A: Math. Theo
