38 research outputs found

    Fintech, financial inclusion and income inequality: A quantile regression approach

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    Although theory suggests that financial market imperfections – mainly information asymmetries, market segmentation and transaction costs – prevent poor people from escaping poverty by limiting their access to formal financial services, new financial technologies (FinTech) are seen as key enablers of financial inclusion. Indeed, the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (UN-2030-ASD) and the G20 High-Level Principles for Digital Financial Inclusion (G20-HLP-DFI) highlight the importance of harnessing the potential of FinTech to reduce financial exclusion and income inequality. This paper investigates the interrelationship between FinTech, financial inclusion and income inequality for a panel of 140 countries using the Global Findex waves of survey data for 2011, 2014 and 2017. We posit that FinTech affects inequality directly and indirectly through financial inclusion. We invoke quantile regression analysis to investigate whether such effects differ across countries with different levels of income inequality. We uncover new evidence that financial inclusion is a key channel through which FinTech reduces income inequality. We also find that while financial inclusion significantly reduces inequality at all quantiles of the inequality distribution, these effects are primarily associated with higher-income countries. Overall, our results support the aspirations of the UN-2030-ASD and G20-HLP-DFI

    Ekologi dan Struktur Komunitas Lamun di Teluk Ratatotok, Minahasa Tenggara, Sulawesi Utara

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    Penelitian mengenai ekologi dan struktur komunitas lamun ini dilakukan tanggal 10 – 15 Juni 2013 di perairan pesisir Teluk Ratatotok, Minahasa Tenggara. Metode penelitian dilakukan secara purposive sampling terkait dengan keberadaan lamun. Penelitian yang dilakukan meliputi pengukuran prosentase tutupan lamun, kerapatan, struktur komunitas, dan kondisi lingkungan di lokasi penelitian. Terdapat tujuh jenis lamun yang terdiri dari dua famili. Famili Hydrocharitaceae ditemukan tiga jenis lamun yaitu Enhalus acoroides (Ea), Thalassia hemprichii (Th) dan Halophila ovalis (Ho). Empat jenis lamun dari famili Cymodoceaceae yaitu Cymodocea serrulata (Cs), Cymodocea rotundata (Cr), Halodule pinifolia (Hp), dan Syringodium isoetifolium (Si). Kisaran prosentase penutupan rata-rata antara 22,5% - 89,5%. Kerapatan lamun perstasiun berkisar antara 17 – 473 ind/m2, dengan kerapatan tertinggi lamun jenis Ho sebesar 473 ind/m2 di stasiun 6. Nilai INP tertinggi pada lamun jenis Ea sebesar 128% diikuti berturut-turut oleh Si (41%), Th (36%), Ho (27%), Cs (26%), Cr (24%) dan Hp (17%). Berdasarkan kriteria status kondisi padang lamun (Kepmen LH no 200 tahun 2004), kondisi padang lamun di Teluk Ratatotok antara rusak/miskin sampai dengan baik/sehat. Stasiun 5 kondisi rusak/miskin, stasiun 3 dan 4 kondisi rusak/kurang sehat dan tiga stasiun kondisi baik/sehat yaitu stasiun 1, 2 dan 6. Secara keseluruhan kondisi lingkungaan Teluk Ratatotok masih mendukung pertumbuhan lamun

    A national-scale land cover reference dataset from local crowdsourcing initiatives in Indonesia

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    Here we present a geographically diverse, temporally consistent, and nationally relevant land cover (LC) reference dataset collected by visual interpretation of very high spatial resolution imagery, in a national-scale crowdsourcing campaign (targeting seven generic LC classes) and a series of expert workshops (targeting seventeen detailed LC classes) in Indonesia. The interpreters were citizen scientists (crowd/non-experts) and local LC visual interpretation experts from different regions in the country. We provide the raw LC reference dataset, as well as a quality-filtered dataset, along with the quality assessment indicators. We envisage that the dataset will be relevant for: (1) the LC mapping community (researchers and practitioners), i.e., as reference data for training machine learning algorithms and map accuracy assessment (with appropriate quality-filters applied), and (2) the citizen science community, i.e., as a sizable empirical dataset to investigate the potential and limitations of contributions from the crowd/non-experts, demonstrated for LC mapping in Indonesia for the first time to our knowledge, within the context of complementing traditional data collection by expert interpreters

    Harvesting Solar Power in India

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    Designing Scientific Writing Syllabus for Undergraduate Student

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    Teaching English needs appropriate syllabus in each course. Writing course is one of courses that has great influence in composing article. Enabling undergraduate students to write in English needs well-organized and appropriate plan that students have no problem in writing. Han (2013) highlights the importance of thesis writing on both teachers and students by proving the use of Slade's step to solve students' problem in writing each part of thesis. The purpose of the study is to design topics in Scientific Writing syllabus for undergraduate students in composing research article. This study implemented DDR with qualitative method. In designing syllabus, ADDIE model of Dick and Carey (2015) is used. The result indicates there are five significant topics in designing Scientific Writing syllabus. Those topics are designed by concerning undergraduate students' problem that ease them in research article writing

    A little "Jules Verne" /

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    A boy is put to bed by his mother, but when she leaves the room, he pulls out a book. Dropping off to sleep, he begins to dream. The wall behind him transforms into a screen, with a portrait of Jules Verne. The boy imagines the starry night sky, with comets shooting by. The gondola of a balloon parks outside his window. He climbs aboard, ascending over a skyline and harbor. Lightning strikes the balloon, and it drops into the ocean, with the boy swimming to the bottom. Various marine vegetation and jellyfish turn into sea maidens. Dancers salute an undersea goddess, showering her with sand. Caught by a giant squid, the boy fights with it for his life, and awakens to his mother's scolding. Instead of a squid, he has actually been fighting his pillow, and he has shaken its feather contents all over his bed and room. His mother angrily picks up the book, unsurprised at the source of his dreams, and puts the apologetic and happy child to bed.English title from film and AFI STAR database record no. 7726.French title, Un petit Jules Verne, per Catalogue Pathé des années 1896 à 1914, 1907 à 1909, p. 44; AFI STAR database record no. 7726.There is a brief color scene. When lightning strikes the balloon, the resulting fire is in color.The original nitrate had some hand-coloring.Pathé no. 1940.Additional holdings for this title may be available. Contact reference librarian. DLCDigital files viewed.Sources used: American Film Institute online catalog, Oct. 25, 2006; Catalogue Pathé des années 1896 à 1914, 1907 à 1909, p. 44; AFI STAR database record no. 7726

    Dogs used as smugglers /

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    With contraband strapped to the backs of their dogs, smugglers set off to cross the Spanish-French border. Having been spied upon and betrayed to customs officers, a fierce skirmish results and only the dogs and a single smuggler reach their destination.French title from Catalogue Pathé des années 1896 à 1914, 1896 à 1906, p. 935. Aside from the title, there may be no changes from the original; contains no intertitles.Alternate title, Canine smugglers, appeared on English language 28 mm. release according to AFI STAR database record no. 4232.Director credit, George Hatot, from Catalogue Pathé des années 1896 à 1914, 1896 à 1906, p. 935. Lucien Nonguet is listed as director in AFI catalog, film beginnings, 1893-1910, p. 276.The content and length of the films in the two collections may vary; AFI/Baker (Glenn L.) Collection material not viewed for cataloging. DLCSummary mainly from National Film Archive catalogue on BFI film & TV database.Pathé no. 1459.MAVIS 6878; Dogs used as smugglers. DLCSources used: Catalogue Pathé des années 1896 à 1914, 1896 à 1906, p. 935; American Film Institute catalog, film beginnings, 1893-1910, p. 276; BFI film & TV database, Oct. 24, 2006; AFI STAR database record no. 4232.Received: 6/18/1997 from LC film lab; viewing print; preservation; AFI/NFSA-Australia Collection.Received: 1/24/2007 from VidiPax; master; preservation; AFI/NFSA-Australia Collection.Received: 4/29/1997 from LC film lab; dupe neg pic; preservation; AFI/NFSA-Australia Collection.Received: 3/21/1984 from LC film lab; viewing print, copy 2; preservation; AFI/Baker (Glenn L.) Collection.Received: 3/9/1984 from LC film lab; dupe neg pic, copy 2; preservation; AFI/Baker (Glenn L.) Collection