50 research outputs found

    Pflanzentechnologe/-in – der neue Beruf für die Pflanzenzüchtung

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    Pflanzentechnologe/-in – der neue Beruf für die Pflanzenzüchtung

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    Die duale betriebliche Ausbildung ist die tragende Säule des deutschen Berufsbildungssystems. Dort werden die grundlegenden Fertigkeiten zur selbständigen, eigenverantwortlichen Ausübung von fachlichen Aufgaben vermittelt. Die Neuordnung des Berufes des/r Landwirtschaftlich-technischen Laboranten/in (LTL) wurde erforderlich, da die Ausbildungsverordnung veraltet war und bundeseinheitlich angepasst werden sollte. Ausgehend von dieser Neuordnung wurde 2013 der neue bundeseinheitliche Ausbildungsberuf „Pflanzentechnologe/-in“ eingeführt, der besonders für die Branchen Pflanzenzüchtung und -vermehrung, Pflanzenschutz und Düngung sowie die Bereiche Feldversuche und Kulturlabore entwickelt wurde. Der Beruf stellt keine Konkurrenz zu dem/der schulisch ausgebildeten landwirtschaftlich/agrar-technischen Assistenten/-in (LTA/ATA) dar, die weiterhin besonders in forschungsintensiven Sektoren wie der Pflanzenzüchtung vielfältig eingesetzt werden. Die Ausbildung in acht Einsatzbereichen ermöglicht eine breite berufliche Perspektive in der Pflanzenproduktion. Die Weichen für den beruflichen Fortbildungsabschluss zum Pflanzentechnologiemeister/-in wurden 2016 gestellt und das offizielle Verordnungsverfahren eingeleitet

    Economic valuation of tillage systems in crop rotations with grain legumes

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    Durch die Erweiterung der Fruchtfolge und den konsequenten Pflugverzicht sinken der notwendige Kapitalbedarf und die damit gebundenen Festkosten. Dies erhöht die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit des Pflanzenbaus. Durch die Erweiterung der Fruchtfolgen und die Umstellung auf Mulchsaatsysteme mit vollkommenem Pflugverzicht bei Wechsel von Halm- und Blattfrucht und/oder Winterung und Sommerung sind diese verfahrenstechnisch und pflanzenbaulich sicherer zu gestalten. Körnerleguminosen kann in derartigen Bewirtschaftungssystemen eine zentrale Rolle zukommen. Die Deckungsbeitragsrechnung erweist sich für die langfristige Bewertung von Fruchtfolgesystemen als weitgehend ungeeignet, da z. B. Vorfruchteffekte und entscheidende Kostenblöcke wie die Maschinenfestkosten unberücksichtigt bleiben. Ein in Südniedersachsen untersuchter Betrieb mit vergleichsweise geringem Optimierungspotenzial zeigt nach Umstellung auf aufgelockerte Fruchtfolgen unter Einbeziehung von Ackerbohnen mit vollkommen pflugloser Bewirtschaftung ökonomisch bessere Ergebnisse und deutliche Effekte bei der Einsparung von Arbeitszeit. Die Bewertung von Fruchtfolgesystemen mit Hilfe der direkt- und arbeitserledigungskostenfreien Leistung zeigt bei Ausnutzung der Optimierungspotenziale die ökonomische Überlegenheit aufgelockerter Fruchtfolgen bei Integration von Körnerleguminosen.Through an extension of crop rotations and the consistent renouncement of ploughing the capital requirement and the fixed costs are decreasing. This increases the competitiveness of the plant production. The change to minimum tillage systems without any ploughing is easy by alternating cereals and leaf crops or winter crops and spring crops. Grain legumes can have a central role in those cultivation systems. The common method of cost accounting is not convenient for a long-term valuation because precrop effects and important costs like those for mechanisation are not considered. The analysis of a farm in the south of Lower Saxony with only little potential for optimization showed higher economic profit and less demand for labour time after the conversion to an extended crop rotation including faba beans. The valuation of crop rotations by using an advanced direct costing method revealed the economic advantage of extended crop rotations by the integration of grain legumes

    rf-studies of vortex dynamics in isotropic type-II superconductors

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    We have measured the surface impedance of thick superconductors in the mixed state over a broad 2 kHz - 20 MHz frequency range. The depinning cross-over is observed; but it is much broader than expected from classical theories of pinning. A striking result is the existence of size effects which invalidate the common interpretation of the low-frequency surface inductance in terms of a single penetration depth. Instead, a two-mode description of vortex dynamics, assuming free vortex flow in the bulk and surface pinning, accounts quantitatively for the spectrum of the complex apparent penetration depth.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figures, 28 reference

    Supply chain planning in the food industry : a systematic literature review

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    PURPOSE: Advanced Planning Systems (APS) can contribute to improved decision making and enhanced efficiency along complex food supply chains. This paper presents a systematic literature review of supply chain planning (SCP) in the food industry. In particular, the literature on three increasingly important planning tasks supported by APS is examined, namely Supply Chain Network Design, Sales & Operations Planning and Production Planning & Scheduling. METHODOLOGY: A literature review is conducted by systematically collecting the existing literature published between 1998 and 2020 and classifying it based on three planning tasks supported by APS modules (Supply Chain Network Design, Sales & Operations Planning and Production Planning & Scheduling). Furthermore, research papers are categorized according to the product under consideration, geographic region and method. FINDINGS: Multiple models for SCP practices have been developed. The modelling literature is fragmented around specific challenges faced in food supply chains. Empirical literature including case studies on the implementation of APS is sparse. The findings suggest that developed models for the three examined planning tasks are only implemented to a limited extent in practice. ORIGINALITY: This paper focuses on three planning tasks that are of increasing relevance for the food industry. The literature review can help practitioners within the food industry to get insights regarding the opportunities offered by the three software modules examined in this paper. Further research should be conducted in these areas to make literature on SCP more practically relevant for managers

    Comment to the paper : Collapse of the vortex-lattice inductance and shear modulus at the melting transition in untwinned YBa2_2Cu3_3O7_7, by Matl \QTR{em}{et al.}

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    In a recent paper, Matl et al present a high-frequency study of the complex resistivity of a pinned vortex lattice in YBaCuO . They focus on the inductive-to-resistive transition which is investigated as a function of temperature at a constant field B0=2B_0=2 T, so that the transition is associated with the vanishing of vortex pinning strength. To our view, their conclusions rely on a rather brittle experimental body and the collapse of C66 results from an involved analysis of the finite frequency corrections to ρ(ω)\rho (\omega). These corrections are not necessary since the complex frequency spectrum has been previously interpreted by the two modes model, first proposed for low Tc materials. We think that it is more adequate to interpret the present data and should be at least considered.Comment: 4pages tex. submitted to PR

    The vortex depinning transition in untwinned YBaCuO using complex impedance measurements

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    We present surface impedance measurement of the vortex linear response in a large untwinned YBCO crystal. The depinning spectra obtained over a broad frequency range (100 Hz- 30 MHz) are those of a surface pinned vortex lattice with a free flux flow resistivity (two modes response). The critical current in the "Campbell" like regime and the flux flow resistivity in the dissipative regime are extracted. Those two parameters are affected by the first order transition, showing that this transition may be related to the electronic state of vortices.Comment: to be published in the proceedings of M2S RI

    Supporting Engineering Processes Utilizing Service-Oriented Grid Technology

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    Speeding up knowledge-intensive core processes in engineering and increas-ing the quality of their results is becoming more and more decisive, since economic pressure from national and international competitors and customers is rising. In particular, these demands exceed the organizational and infrastructural capacities of small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) by far. Hence, combining complementary core competencies across organizational boundaries is crucial for an enterprise's continuing success. Efficient and economically reasonable support of knowledge-intensive core processes in virtual organisations is therefore a predominant requirement for future IT infrastructures. The paradigm shift to service-orientation in Grid middleware opens the possibility to provide such support along the product lifecycle by employing a flexible software development approach, namely to compose applications from standard components, promising easier development and modification of Grid applications. In this paper, a service-oriented Grid computing approach is presented which aims at supporting distributed business processes in industry (see section 2 for industrial scenarios) from top level modelling, workflow design and exe-cution to actual Grid service code (presented in section 3). Parts of this gap between processes and code can be bridged by semi-automatically generated Grid service code. Orchestration of these Grid services is also automated by using a Grid-enabled workflow engine (see section 3). The feasibility of the proposed approach is demonstrated by presenting an exemplary process chain from the casting industry (see full paper)

    Depinning transition in type-II superconductors

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    The surface impedance Z(f) of conventional isotropic materials has been carefully measured for frequencies f ranging from 1 kHz to 3 MHz, allowing a detailed investigation of the depinning transition. Our results exhibit the irrelevance of classical ideas to the dynamics of vortex pinning. We propose a new picture, where the linear ac response is entirely governed by disordered boundary conditions of a rough surface, whereas in the bulk vortices respond freely. The universal law for Z(f) thus predicted is in remarkable agreement with experiment, and tentatively applies to microwave data in YBaCuO films.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, 14 reference

    Phase-Sensitive Impurity Effects in Vortex Core of Moderately Clean Chiral Superconductors

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    We study impurity effects in vortex core of two-dimensional moderately clean su perconductors within the quasiclassical theory. The impurity scattering rate \G amma(E) of the Andreev bound states in vortex core with +1 vorticity of p-wav e superconductors with {\mib d}=\hat{\mib z}(p_x+\iu p_y) is suppre ssed, compared to the normal state scattering rate Γn\Gamma_{\rm n} in the energ y region \Gamma_{\rm n}^3/E_\delta^2\ll E\ll E_\delta\equiv |\delta_0|\Delta_\i nfty with scattering phase shift δ0\delta_0 (δ01)(|\delta_0|\ll 1) and the pair-po tential in bulk Δ\Delta_\infty. Further we find that Γ(E)/Γn\Gamma(E)/\Gamma_{\rm n} for p-wave superconductors with {\mib d}=\hat{\mib z}(p_x-\iu p_y) is at most {\cal O}(E/\Delta_\i nfty). These results are in marked contrast to the even-parity case (s,d-wave), where Γ(E)/Γn\Gamma(E)/\Gamma_{\rm n} is known to be proportional to \ln(\Delta_\i nfty/E) . Parity- and chirality-dependences of impurity effects are attributed to the Andr eev reflections involved in the impurity-induced scattering between bound states . Implications for the flux flow conductivity is also discussed. Novel enhanceme nt of flux flow conductivity is expected to occur at TEδT\ll E_\delta for {\mib d}=\hat{\mib z}(p_x+\iu p_y) and at TΔT\ll \Delta_\infty for {\mib d}=\hat{\mib z}(p_x-\iu p_y).Comment: 9 pages, No figures, To appear in JPSJ Vol. 69, No. 10 (2000