394 research outputs found

    Intracellular lucifer yellow injection in fixed brain slices combined with retrograde tracing, light and electron microscopy.

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    The present paper contains a full methodological description of iontophoretic Lucifer Yellow injections in fixed brain slices in mammals. In brief, cortical tissue was either perfused or immersion-fixed in paraformaldehyde. After Vibratome sectioning, tissue slices were transferred to epifluorescence microscopes equipped with long distance objectives. Under visual guidance, neurons were selectively impaled with Lucifer Yellow-filled electrodes and intracellularly injected until all dendrites appeared brightly fluorescent. Excellent dendritic staining was obtained in both perfusion-fixed cat visual cortex and immersion-fixed human brain biopsies. Dendritic spines, varicosities and growth cones could be readily discerned. Filling of axonal collaterals was, however, incomplete. Callosally projecting neurons in cat visual cortex were retrogradely traced with a mixture of the fluorescent tracers Fast Blue and DiI. Subsequently the morphology of labelled cells was determined by intracellular Lucifer Yellow injection. Although the Fast Blue fluorescence had become undetectable in filled neurons the granular red appearance of DiI was still discernible. Hence the neuronal composition of even relatively sparse projections can be demonstrated. To obtain permanent preparations, dye-filled neurons were immersed in a diaminobenzidine solution and irradiated with epifluorescent illumination until all visible fluorescence had faded. Photo-oxidation resulted in the intracellular formation of a homogeneously distributed brown reaction product visible with the light microscope. Brief osmication enhanced the staining contrast, thus providing a Golgi-like image. Subsequent electron microscopy of photo-converted cells showed the fine granular nature of the electron opaque reaction product, thus revealing numerous cytological features. The precipitate was homogeneously distributed throughout the entire cytoplasm and nucleus, extending into dendrites and axon. Any apparent leakage of the label into the extracellular space was not observed. Intracellular staining in fixed tissue yields a high number of neurons with extensive filling of dendritic arbors. Photo-oxidation provides stable, non-fading preparations with the option of subsequent electron microscopy. In addition, the technique can be combined with immunocytochemistry and a variety of fluorescent tracer substances. These features, combined with its high selectivity and relative methodological simplicity, render the method to be a promising alternative to classical neuroanatomical approaches

    Spontaneous spiking in an autaptic Hodgkin-Huxley set up

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    The effect of intrinsic channel noise is investigated for the dynamic response of a neuronal cell with a delayed feedback loop. The loop is based on the so-called autapse phenomenon in which dendrites establish not only connections to neighboring cells but as well to its own axon. The biophysical modeling is achieved in terms of a stochastic Hodgkin-Huxley model containing such a built in delayed feedback. The fluctuations stem from intrinsic channel noise, being caused by the stochastic nature of the gating dynamics of ion channels. The influence of the delayed stimulus is systematically analyzed with respect to the coupling parameter and the delay time in terms of the interspike interval histograms and the average interspike interval. The delayed feedback manifests itself in the occurrence of bursting and a rich multimodal interspike interval distribution, exhibiting a delay-induced reduction of the spontaneous spiking activity at characteristic frequencies. Moreover, a specific frequency-locking mechanism is detected for the mean interspike interval.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figure

    Functional outcome after open and arthroscopic Bankart repair for traumatic shoulder instability

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Purpose</p> <p>Both open and arthroscopic Bankart repair are established procedures in the treatment of anterior shoulder instability. While the open procedure is still considered as the "golden standard" functional outcome is supposed to be better in the arthroscopic procedure. The aim of this retrospective study was to compare the functional outcome between open and arthroscopic Bankart repair.</p> <p>Materials and methods</p> <p>In 199 patients a Bankart procedure with suture anchors was performed, either arthroscopically in presence of an detached, but not elongated capsulolabral complex (40) or open (159). After a median time of 31 months (12 to 67 months) 174 patients were contacted and agreed to follow-up, 135 after open and 39 after arthroscopic Bankart procedure.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Re-dislocations occurred in 8% after open and 15% after arthroscopic Bankart procedure. After open surgery 4 of the 11 re-dislocations occurred after a new adequate trauma and 1 of the 6 re-dislocations after arthroscopic surgery. Re-dislocations after arthroscopic procedure occured earlier than after open Bankart repair. An external rotation lag of 20° or more was observed more often (16%) after open than after arthroscopic surgery (3%). The Rowe score demonstrated "good" or "excellent" functional results in 87% after open and in 80% patients after arthroscopic treatment.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In this retrospective investigation the open Bankart procedure demonstrated good functional results. The arthroscopic treatment without capsular shift resulted in a better range of motion, but showed a tendency towards more frequently and earlier recurrence of instability. Sensitive patient selection for arthroscopic Bankart repair is recommended especially in patients with more than five dislocations.</p

    Antenna Setup for Future Joint Radar-Communications – Characteristics and Mounting Positions

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    The development of millimeter wave systems is driven by the strong trend toward new communications generations and especially by the emerging joint radar and communications design approach. Safety-critical applications like platooning or intersection assistance will significantly benefit from the combination of sensing and communications. While radar performs a channel measurement and thus, needs a wide field of view (especially in city/intersection scenarios), communications aims to minimize the interference for other not addressed receivers (e. g. in a platoon) by a focused antenna design. The proposed work extends the analysis of the influence of various antenna positioning for a typical automotive scene by taking also different characteristics (antenna gain, half power beamwidth, and sidelobe level) into account. Hereby, it is mandatory to investigate the communications and sensing performance simultaneously. The positions at the front bumper – typical for radar sensors – and especially at the left mirror convinced regarding the vehicular communications as well as the sensing behaviour. Applying focused antennas is promising, however, has also limits if the signals are not received out of the main beam but out of the sidelobes, resulting in a critical communications performance. Thus, beam steering is recommended to be applied in the future.</p

    Uhlenbeck-Donaldson compactification for framed sheaves on projective surfaces

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    We construct a compactification MμssM^{\mu ss} of the Uhlenbeck-Donaldson type for the moduli space of slope stable framed bundles. This is a kind of a moduli space of slope semistable framed sheaves. We show that there exists a projective morphism γ ⁣:MssMμss\gamma \colon M^{ss} \to M^{\mu ss}, where MssM^{ss} is the moduli space of S-equivalence classes of Gieseker-semistable framed sheaves. The space MμssM^{\mu ss} has a natural set-theoretic stratification which allows one, via a Hitchin-Kobayashi correspondence, to compare it with the moduli spaces of framed ideal instantons.Comment: 18 pages. v2: a few very minor changes. v3: 27 pages. Several proofs have been considerably expanded, and more explanations have been added. v4: 28 pages. A few minor changes. Final version accepted for publication in Math.

    Solutions of the Strominger System via Stable Bundles on Calabi-Yau Threefolds

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    We prove that a given Calabi-Yau threefold with a stable holomorphic vector bundle can be perturbed to a solution of the Strominger system provided that the second Chern class of the vector bundle is equal to the second Chern class of the tangent bundle. If the Calabi-Yau threefold has strict SU(3) holonomy then the equations of motion derived from the heterotic string effective action are also satisfied by the solutions we obtain.Comment: 19 pages, late

    New aerodynamic lens injector for single particle diffractive imaging

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    An aerodynamic lens injector was developed specifically for the needs of single-particle diffractive imaging experiments at free-electron lasers. Its design allows for quick changes of injector geometries and focusing properties in order to optimize injection for specific individual samples. Here, we present results of its first use at the FLASH free-electron-laser facility. Recorded diffraction patterns of polystyrene spheres are modeled using Mie scattering, which allowed for the characterization of the particle beam under diffractive-imaging conditions and yield good agreement with particle-trajectory simulations

    Time-resolved single-particle x-ray scattering reveals electron-density as coherent plasmonic-nanoparticle-oscillation source

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    Dynamics of optically-excited plasmonic nanoparticles are presently understood as a series of sequential scattering events, involving thermalization processes after pulsed optical excitation. One important step is the initiation of nanoparticle breathing oscillations. According to established experiments and models, these are caused by the statistical heat transfer from thermalized electrons to the lattice. An additional contribution by hot electron pressure has to be included to account for phase mismatches that arise from the lack of experimental data on the breathing onset. We used optical transient-absorption spectroscopy and time-resolved single-particle x-ray-diffractive imaging to access the excited electron system and lattice. The time-resolved single-particle imaging data provided structural information directly on the onset of the breathing oscillation and confirmed the need for an additional excitation mechanism to thermal expansion, while the observed phase-dependence of the combined structural and optical data contrasted previous studies. Therefore, we developed a new model that reproduces all our experimental observations without using fit parameters. We identified optically-induced electron density gradients as the main driving source.Comment: 32 pages, 5 figures, 1 supporting information document include

    Towards High Capacity Li-ion Batteries Based on Silicon-Graphene Composite Anodes and Sub-micron V-doped LiFePO4 Cathodes

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    Lithium iron phosphate, LiFePO4 (LFP) has demonstrated promising performance as a cathode material in lithium ion batteries (LIBs), by overcoming the rate performance issues from limited electronic conductivity. Nano-sized vanadium-doped LFP (V-LFP) was synthesized using a continuous hydrothermal process using supercritical water as a reagent. The atomic % of dopant determined the particle shape. 5 at. % gave mixed plate and rod-like morphology, showing optimal electrochemical performance and good rate properties vs. Li. Specific capacities of >160 mAh g−1 were achieved. In order to increase the capacity of a full cell, V-LFP was cycled against an inexpensive micron-sized metallurgical grade Si-containing anode. This electrode was capable of reversible capacities of approximately 2000 mAh g−1 for over 150 cycles vs. Li, with improved performance resulting from the incorporation of few layer graphene (FLG) to enhance conductivity, tensile behaviour and thus, the composite stability. The cathode material synthesis and electrode formulation are scalable, inexpensive and are suitable for the fabrication of larger format cells suited to grid and transport applications