67 research outputs found

    Analys av metoder för sökmotoroptimering : Hur öka synligheten för sin webbplats

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    Det hÀr arbetet behandlar olika metoder för att optimera sin webbplats för sökmotorer. Syftet Àr att ge en inblick i hur sökmotorer fungerar, hur folk anvÀnder sig av dem, samt att förse lÀsaren med lÀmpliga redskap för att sjÀlv kunna sökmotoroptimera mindre webbplatser. Arbetet fokuserar pÄ gratis, allmÀnt accepterade metoder som alla kan anvÀnda sig av. PÄ grund av Google dominans behandlas frÀmst deras sökmotor. Arbetet grundar sig pÄ elektroniska kÀllor samt en del egna undersökningar. Arbetet börjar med att reda ut hur sökmotorer fungerar och hur folk anvÀnder sig av dem. Metoderna för att sökmotoroptimera webbplatser har delats in i onpage- och offpage-metoder. PÄ sÄ vis fÄr lÀsaren först en inblick i hur man optimerar en webbplats pÄ bÀsta sÀtt, och sedan kunskap om andra externa faktorer som man behöver ta i beaktande. Som avslutning har en jÀmförelse mellan nÄgra högt rankade webbplatser gjorts och lÀsaren presenteras Àven med framtidsutsikter för sökmotoroptimering. Arbetet strÀvar efter att vara sÄ lÀttlÀst som möjligt, men pÄ grund av sin tekniska natur krÀvs det att lÀsaren har en grundförstÄelse för hur webbplatser Àr uppbyggda, samt kÀnner till HTML och CSS.This thesis deals with various methods for optimizing a website for search engines. The purpose is to give an insight into how search engines work, how people use them, and to provide the reader with the necessary tools for optimizing smaller websites. The thesis focuses on free, widely accepted methods that anyone can use. Because of Google's dominance, their search engine is primarily dealt with. The thesis is based on electronic sources, as well as some of my own investigations. The thesis begins with sorting out how search engines work and how people use them. The methods for optimizing websites have been divided into on-page and off-page methods. This first gives the reader an insight into how to optimize a website in the best way, and then the knowledge of other external factors that one needs to take into consideration. In conclusion, a comparison between some high ranking sites is made and the reader is also presented with the outlook for search engine optimization. The thesis strives to be as easily readable as possible, but due to its technical nature the reader is required to have a basic understanding of how websites are constructed, and also be familiar with HTML and CSS

    The behaviour of foals before and after weaning in group

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    Weaning is a standard procedure at most studs, and the methods of weaning varies greatly. The method used at the stud in this particular study is supposed to decrease stress. The purpose of the study was to compare the behaviour of foals in group before and after stepwise removal of their mares. Standardbred foals with their mothers were kept in three different groups at pasture (12, 11 and 11 foals, respectively, mixed sexes). They had free access to silage and the foals were fed concentrate in a creep-feeding area. By the time the foals were 5 months old, the mares were stepwise removed from the pasture. Every or every second day, 2-4 mares were removed, until all mares were gone. The mares were placed so that the foals could not hear or see them. The foals remained in their original group at the pasture throughout the whole weaning process. Observations were performed daily in two hour-shifts from the day before the first removal until the day after the last removal of mares. The three groups were observed for 28, 26 and 20 hours, respectively. A total of 24 different behaviours were recorded, some continuously and others every second minute. Means for periods of 14 minutes were calculated and analysed by the GLM procedure, the Statistical Analysis System. The time budgets of the three groups were very similar to each other. Also the time budgets before and after removal of mares were similar. This indicates that the foals adapted quickly to the new situation. Perhaps this quick adaptation was possible because of the otherwise familiar circumstances. On removal days, the foals without dams were both running and walking more and they were also more vocal than the foals with dams. Apparently, the foals were upset by the removal of their dams. Also on removal days, all foals, both with and without dams, spent less time resting and less time in a recumbent position. This shows that all foals in the group were disturbed on removal days. During days after removal days, the foals without dams spent less time resting alone and less time in lateral recumbency than foals with dams. This indicates that the foals without dams still had not adapted to the new situation. After removal of all mares, the total time of resting were no less than before the removal of mares, but the foals had changed their resting behaviour. Since the foals spent less time in lateral recumbency one might assume that they did not get enough of the important REM-sleep. While the foals still had access to their dams and were able to suckle, they ended the majority of the nursing bouts. This shows that the mares had not yet began to wean their foals themselves. Still twelve days after the first group had been weaned, we noticed that the foals were trying to suckle on each other. For a foal which is developing very rapidly at this age, the separation from it’s dam is a major psychological trauma. The traumatic experience may be irreversible, and will lay a foundation to the development of stereotypies. The subject of weaning foals need more research. This study show that weaning by stepwise removal of the mares from pasture, leaving the foals in a familiar surrounding, is a good weaning method. However, the timing of the weaning, at the age of five months, is too soon for the foals. When and how to wean the foals should be based on knowledge of the horse’s natural behaviour and not tradition

    Snus use and risk of schizophrenia and non-affective psychosis

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    AbstractBackgroundRecent studies suggest a possible causal role for smoking in schizophrenia and psychosis. Most studies have focused on cigarette smoking, the most common form of tobacco use, but other forms of tobacco exist, including smokeless products such as Swedish snuff (or “snus”).MethodsWe explored whether snus use is associated with schizophrenia and non-affective psychotic illness in a large Swedish registry data set. The majority of participants were aged 18 or 19 at the time of assessment.ResultsWe observed a positive association between snus use and odds of schizophrenia in all analyses, but the magnitude of the association was small and the confidence interval wide, consistent with no association (fully adjusted HR 1.03, 95% 0.70–1.54). A similar pattern was observed for non-affective psychosis, but the magnitude of the association was somewhat greater and the confidence intervals narrower, so that these analyses provided stronger statistical evidence for this association (fully adjusted HR 1.22, 95% CI, 1.00–1.48).ConclusionsOur results therefore provide modest evidence for an association between snus use and risk for non-affective psychosis. This is consistent with emerging evidence from a range of studies and methodologies that tobacco use may be a risk factor for psychotic illness. However, our results provide some evidence against the hypothesis that it is the burnt products of cigarette smoke that are psychotogenic

    Investigation of PPC in an Optical Engine : With focus on Fuel Distribution and Combustion Characterization

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    The global society is dependent on transportation to function and a big part of these transports are driven by an internal combustion engine. Heavy-duty vehicles utilizes conventional diesel combustion is a combustion concept where the fuel is often ignited during the injection event and while it gives a high combustion efficiency, the combustion mode is also characterized by high emission of NOx and soot. The transports also contributes to greenhouse gas emissions and to emissions of substances harmful to humans. These negative effects have driven research in advanced combustion concepts that combine high efficiency with low emissions. A number of advanced combustion concepts have been developed utilizing low temperature combustion and partially premixed combustion is one of them. Partially premixed combustion utilizes dilution of the charge to lower the combustion temperature, which means that the ignition delay is longer.The ignition delay for PPC can be further delayed by adding EGR. The advantages with keeping a low combustion temperature is reduced thermal NOx-emissions and lower heat transfer. The increased ignition delay will lead to reduced the soot emissions. Another concept that utilizes low temperature combustion is HCCI, where a homogeneous mixture is created before ignition. Since the charge is homogeneous the combustion will progress rapidly through a series of auto-ignition events. The limitations with HCCI is that this rapid heat release limits the possibility of reaching higher loads and at lower loads the emissions of HC and CO increases which limits the efficiency. The PPC concept is a way to combine the benefits, and to limit the disadvantages, of HCCI combustion and conventional diesel combustion. PPC is thus an intermediate concept and the focus of this thesis is to investigate the transition from HCCI-like combustion to more stratified combustion. The studies are mainly carried out in an optical engine with optical diagnostics, including laser-based diagnostics. This includes investigation the effects of the piston geometry and spray angle on the combustion. The thesis links the combustion characteristics with the fuel distribution and the mixing process for a sweep of injection timings. The studies are carried out with fuel having a high octane rating in order to increase the ignition delay. In most of the studies, the PPC transition was carried out with primary reference fuels, but the thesis also includes characterization of methanol combustion in PPC mode for a variety of injection strategies. The methanol study has shown that by injecting a small amount of methanol as a pilot can trigger the combustion of the main injection. The study also shows that by adopting a double injection strategy the inlet temperature required to ignite the fuel can be reduced significantl

    Statistical Modelling of Cell Cycle Dynamics Analysis and Interpretation of BrdUrd DNA FCM-Derived Data

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    It it of great importance to increase the knowledge of various cell cycle kinetic parameters and the objective of this thesis is to use stochastic models to interpret Bromodeoxyuridine (BrdUrd) DNA Flow Cytometry (FCM) derived data in order to estimate such parameters. The cell cycle is the process of growth and division that is essential for an organism to increase in size. The cell cycle consists of several consecutive phases and one of these is the S phase, during which DNA is duplicated. The duration of this phase is the main focus of the thesis although also the following G2 phase is studied. Most of the previous methods developed to estimate the duration of the S phase consider its length as a deterministic value. The variation within a cell population is large though and to obtain information regarding the variation in S phase duration it is nesessary to consider stochastic models. When using the BrdUrd DNA FCM method the DNA content can be measured under certain circumstances and the DNA distribution of cells followed through the cell cycle. Cells in S phase are labelled with BrdUrd and it is the DNA content in this subpopulation of cells that is measured at various times after BrdUrd labelling. In the first place, the models considered in this thesis are based on asymptotic results from branching processes. To obtain information regarding the duration of the S phase it is crucial to have a model for the rate at which DNA is duplicated. There is no parametric model known to describe this rate and therefore nonparametric approaches are proposed. Furthermore, the duration of the S phase is assumed to be gamma distributed, resulting in an expression for the progression of the DNA distribution over time. The derived expression is then compared with the obtained data. However, there is also a measurement variation which has to be modelled. Different approaches are investigated; a deconvolution approach and including the measurement variation in the likelihood. The estimated durations of the S phase and the G2 phase turn out to be rather large, strengthening the importance of considering stochastic models when modelling cell cycle dynamics

    Klimatkalkyl - En studie om hur arbetet med klimatkalkyler kan effektiviseras.

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    Klimatet pÄ jorden Àr i förÀndring. Detta Àr frÀmst pÄ grund av en förstÀrkt vÀxthuseffekt, till följd av ökade mÀngder vÀxthusgaser i atmosfÀren. FortsÀtter denna klimatförÀndring kommer det resultera i förödande konsekvenser för bÄde mÀnniska och natur. Det Àr dÀrför viktigt att ÄtgÀrder sÀtts in för att minska utslÀppet av vÀxthusgaser. Klimatkalkyl underlÀttar arbetet med att sÀnka utslÀppet av vÀxthusgaser i byggprojekt. De ökar medvetenheten om var i projekten de största utslÀppen av vÀxthusgaser finns och kan anvÀndas som underlag för var ÄtgÀrder bör sÀttas in för att minska vÀxthusgasutslÀppen. Klimatkalkyler kan Àven anvÀndas till att jÀmföra olika lösningar för att se vilket alternativ som Àr miljömÀssigt bÀst. En minskning i utslÀpp av vÀxthusgaser leder Àven ofta till en minskning av kostnader. Det finns i dagens lÀge dock brister i arbetet med klimatkalkyler. De anstÀlldas kunskap om hur utförande bör ske Àr inte tillrÀcklig och det finns svÄrigheter i att tolka resultatet som fÄs ut. Brister upptÀcktes Àven i de verktyg som klimatkalkylerna utförs i. Exempelvis fanns det inte resurser för alla material och det var fel i vissa maskiners utnyttjandegrader. SvÄrigheter uppstÄr Àven dÄ Àndringar och tillÀgg uppkommer pÄ projekt. En klimatkalkyl bör utföras i anbudsskedet pÄ alla större projekt. Uppföljning bör göras i slutet av projektet och i vissa fall Àven under projektets gÄng. I dagens lÀge finns det ingen tydlig mall för hur en klimatkalkyl ska följas upp, men mÄlet Àr att ta fram en

    Automatic vehicle location system development

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    Bakalaura darba mērÄ·is ir aprakstÄ«t un analizēt automātiskas transporta lÄ«dzekÄŒu izsekoĆĄanas (AVL) sistēmas izstrādes procesa gaitu. Lai labāk saprastu AVL sistēmas darbÄ«bas principus, darbā ir aprakstÄ«tas tehnoloÄŁijas, kuru attÄ«stÄ«ba stimulēja iepriekĆĄminētā tipa sistēmas izveidoĆĄanu. Par izstrādes sākumpunktu tiek Ɔemts pētÄ«jums par vispārējiem AVL sistēmas darbÄ«bas principiem, pielietoĆĄanas sfērām un analoÄŁisko sistēmu tipiskajiem trĆ«kumiem. SaistÄ«bā ar augsti uzstādÄ«tajām prasÄ«bām sistēmas ātrdarbÄ«bai un neatkarÄ«bai no platformas, ierÄ«ces, sakaru veidiem ar ierÄ«cēm un datubāzes - atseviĆĄÄ·i tiek izpētÄ«tas izstrādes vides un gatavas komponentu bibliotēkas, kā arÄ« izstrādāta viegli izmaināma un mērogojama programmatĆ«ras arhitektĆ«ra. Noslēgumā tiek analizēta gatava sistēma atbilstÄ«gi sākotnējām prasÄ«bām, aprakstÄ«ts, kā izdevās to sasniegt, un noteiktas stiprās un potenciāli vājās vietas.The purpose of the given bachelor grade work is to describe process of development of AVL system. It was necessary to familiarize with theoretical base and technologies owing to which was possible an existence of systems of the given type. A point of departure was studying main principles of construction, merits and demerits of AVL systems in whole, determine application spheres of use. Because of high requirements to productivity of system and its independence of a platform, devices, type of communication with them and databases the special attention has been given to choice of development environment, programming language and component packages, also was developed easy modifiable and scalable software architecture. In the conclusion the brief analysis of final system is made: conformity to initial requirements, how they were reached and analysed main strong and possible weak places

    Environmentally friendly and sustainable additive manufacturing

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    Den additiva tillverkningsindustrin associeras ofta med en hĂ„llbar hushĂ„llning av resurser. Trots detta har denna industriavfall med stor potential till vidare anvĂ€ndning. Detta kandidatexamensarbete undersöker möjligheten att anvĂ€nda Polyamid 12 (PA12) avfall frĂ„n selektiv lasersintring (SLS) i formen av filament till en annan additiv tillverkningsmetod, friformsframstĂ€llning. Avfall frĂ„n olika delar av SLS-processen försĂ„gs av life science företaget Cytiva. Olika blandningar av avfallen extruderades till filament. Innan extrudering undersöktes innehĂ„ll samt de termiska egenskaperna hos avfallet med hjĂ€lp av differentiell skanningskalometri (DSC), termogravimetrisk analys och fourier transform infraröd spektroskopi. Filamenten analyserades med dragprovning, DSC och svepelektronmikroskopi. Rent obearbetat PA12 pulver och ett kommersiellt PA12 filament anvĂ€ndes som referenser vid jĂ€mförelse. Blandningarna innehĂ„llande avfall frĂ„n SLS-printerns automatiska rengöringsprocess var kontaminerade med glaspartiklar och blev dĂ€rför spröda och erhöll en skrovlig yta. Dessa filament gick inte att 3D-printa eftersom glaspartiklar ansamlades i munstycket av printern. Flera filament fick en ojĂ€m och liten diameter och kunde dĂ€rför inte anvĂ€ndas i 3D-printern. OjĂ€mn och liten diameter blev resultatet av bekymmer med sensorn som mĂ€ter diametern av filamenten. Dessa filament gjordes av granulerade utskrivna prototyper, pulver nĂ€ra utskrivna delar och silat pulver lĂ„ngt ifrĂ„n de utskrivna delarna. Filament gjorda pĂ„ blandningar innehĂ„llande avfall frĂ„n dammsugaren som anvĂ€nds för att rengöra SLS-printern kunde med framgĂ„ng skrivas ut i 3D-printern. Dessa filament hade en jĂ€mn diameter och innehöll inga större kontamineringar. Det Ă€r dĂ€rför genomförbart att tillverka filament av avfall frĂ„n alla delar av SLS-processen Ă€ven om inte alla filament kunde 3D-printas.Additive manufacturing is often associated with sustainable use of resources. However, this industry still has material waste with great potential for further use. This bachelor thesis examines the opportunity of using Polyamide 12 (PA12) waste from Selective laser sintering (SLS) in the form of filaments for another additive manufacturing method, fused filament fabrication. Waste from different parts of the SLS process were provided from the life science company Cytiva. Several blends of the waste were made into filaments. Prior extrusion, the thermal properties and content of the waste were examined with differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), thermogravimetric analysis and fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The filaments were analyzed by tensile testing, DSC and scanning electron microscopy. Pure virgin powder of PA12 and a commercial PA12 filament were used as a reference for comparison. The blends containing waste from the SLS printer’s automatic blasting was contaminated with glass beads which resulted in brittle filaments with a rough surface. These filaments were not possible to 3D print with due to accumulation of glass beads in the nozzle of the printer. Several filaments got an uneven and small diameter and could therefore not be 3D printed with. The small and uneven diameter was a result of issues with the sensor measuring the diameter. This includes filaments made of granulated printed prototypes, powder close to the printed parts and sieved powder further away from printed parts. The filaments made of blends including waste from the vacuum cleaner used to clean the SLS printer could successfully be used in printing. These filaments had an even diameter and did not contain any larger contaminations. It is therefore possible to make filaments from waste from all parts of the SLS process although not all filaments could be 3D printed

    Insulin action and secretion independent of traditional risk factors predict new-onset type 2 diabetes in Iraqi and Swedish born citizens - The MEDIM cohort study

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    AIMS: Our aim was to study the incidence of type 2 diabetes in a population-based cohort of Swedish and Iraqi born individuals, focussing on traditional risk factors, insulin action, insulin secretion and ethnicity.MATERIALS AND METHODS: The cohort consisted of 1164 Iraqi and 693 Swedish-born citizens. We investigated the association between new-onset type 2 diabetes and the predictors including lifestyle factors, metabolic risk markers, country of birth, insulin sensitivity and secretion assessed by Matsuda index with Cox regression.RESULTS: Eighty-nine individuals were diagnosed with type 2 diabetes with a mean follow-up of 7.5 years. Both lower insulin sensitivity (ISI, HR 0.02 [0.01-0.08]) as well as insulin secretion (CIR, HR 0.13 [0.07-0.24]) at baseline predicted type 2 diabetes onset, independent of traditional risk factors. Our results were not modified by country of birth. Regarding traditional risk factors, WHR (1.05 [1.00-1.09]), blood glucose (3.27 [2.35-4.55]), LDL/HDL (1.46 [1.20-1.78]) and diastolic blood pressure (1.04 [1.00-1.07]) predicted diabetes incidence in the full model.CONCLUSIONS: Both impaired insulin sensitivity index and corrected insulin response predicted type 2 diabetes onset, independent of traditional risk factors. We conclude that insulin secretion and action might be useful additional predictors for type 2 diabetes in populations of European and Middle Eastern ethnicities
