109 research outputs found

    Implementation and validation of an economic module for the epidemiological model Be-FAST to predict the costs generated by livestock diseases epidemics. Application to the Classical Swine Fever case in Spain.

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    Classical Swine Fever (CSF) is one of the most harmful livestock di-seases for the economy of the swine sector worldwide. Specifically in Spain, the costs in the two last CSF outbreaks (1997 and 2001) have been estimated above 108 million euros. In this work, we aim to evaluate the economic impact of important livestock disease epidemics, and particularly the CSF in Spain. This study starts with a preliminary classification of the costs associated with CSF epidemics. In order to estimate the expected costs of a given epidemic in a considered area, a new economic module has been integrated into the epidemiological model Be-FAST, a time-spatial stochastic spread mathematical model for studying the transmission of diseases within and between farms. The input data for economic parameters have been obtained from entities related with the swine industry in Spain. The new Be-FAST module is tested by comparing the results obtained with historical data from CSF epidemics in Spain. The outcomes show that severe CSF epidemics also have a strong economic impact with around 80% of the costs related to animal culling, while costs associated with control measures are directly associated with the number of infected farms and the duration of the epidemic. The results presented in this work are expected to provide valuable information to decision makers, including animal health officials and insurance companies, and can be extended to other livestock diseases or used to predict the economic impact of future outbreaks

    Implementation and validation of an economic module for the epidemiological model Be-FAST to predict the costs generated by livestock diseases epidemics. Application to the Classical Swine Fever case in Spain

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    Abstract Classical Swine Fever (CSF) is one of the most harmful livestock diseases for the economy of the swine sector worldwide. Specifically in Spain, the costs in the two last CSF outbreaks (1997 and 2001) have been estimated above 108 million euros. In this work, we aim to evaluate the economic impact of important livestock disease epidemics, and particularly the CSF in Spain. This study starts with a preliminary classification of the costs associated with CSF epidemics. In order to estimate the expected costs of a given epidemic in a considered area, a new economic module has been integrated into the epidemiological model Be-FAST, a time-spatial stochastic spread mathematical model for studying the transmission of diseases within and between farms. The input data for economic parameters have been obtained from entities related with the swine industry in Spain. The new Be-FAST module is tested by comparing the results obtained with historical data from CSF epidemics in Spain. The outcomes show that severe CSF epidemics also have a strong economic impact with around 80% of the costs related to animal culling, while costs associated with control measures are directly associated with the number of infected farms and the duration of the epidemic. The results presented in this work * Corresponding author: [email protected] 1 are expected to provide valuable information to decision makers, including animal health officials and insurance companies, and can be extended to other livestock diseases or used to predict the economic impact of future outbreaks

    Smoking-attributable mortality in Portugal and its regions in 2019

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    Funding Information: This research was supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) through the project “ PI19/00288 ″ and co-funded by the European Union . Publisher Copyright: © 2023 Sociedade Portuguesa de PneumologiaIntroduction and objectives: Timely regional-specific estimates of smoking-attributable mortality (SAM) are crucial for healthcare planning and tobacco control advocacy. Currently, this information is lacking in Portugal. The aim of this study was to estimate SAM by region in 2019 among the Portuguese population aged ≥35 years. Methods: SAM was estimated using an independent-prevalence method. Observed mortality was obtained from Portugal Statistics; lung cancer mortality rates in smokers and never-smokers from the Cancer Prevention Study I-II and updated relative risks from five contemporary US cohort studies. SAM was estimated for each NUTS-II region by sex, age, and cause of death. Crude SAM rates, sex and age-specific rates, and age-adjusted rates were calculated using the direct method. Results: In 2019, tobacco consumption caused 13,847 deaths, representing 12.3% of total mortality among the Portuguese population aged ≥35 years. Of the total SAM, 71.2% occurred in men and 22.2% in those under 65 years; 42.5% was due to cancer, 35.4% to cardiovascular and metabolic diseases, and 22.2% to respiratory diseases. SAM greatly varied among regions from 2.1% in Madeira to 36.2% in the North region. In men, cancer was the leading cause of death in all regions, while in women it was cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. Conclusion: In Portugal, tobacco-mortality burden is high and varies significantly by region, sex and age. Therefore, estimates disaggregated by sociodemographic data and region may better support decision-makers while tailoring and implementing tobacco control policies addressing health population needs. The apparent lower tobacco burden among women and in some Portuguese regions may dramatically rise in the near future. This and the high SAM in Portugal, particularly in some regions, highlights the need to accelerate tobacco control both at national and regional levels.publishersversioninpres

    Validity and reliability of the international fItness scale (IFIS) in preschool children

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    Objectives Examine the validity and reliability of parent-reported International FItness Scale (IFIS) in preschoolers. Method A cross-sectional study of 3051 Spanish preschoolers (3-5 years). Fitness was measured by PREFIT battery and reported by parents using an adapted version of the IFIS. Waist circumference was evaluated, and the waist-to-height ratio (WHtR) was calculated. Seventy-six parents of randomly selected schoolchildren completed the IFIS twice for a reliability assessment. Results ANCOVA, adjusted for sex, age and WHtR, showed that preschoolers who were scored by their parents as having average-to-very good fitness had better levels of measured physical fitness than those preschoolers who were classified as having very poor/poor fitness levels (18.1laps to 22.1laps vs 15.6laps for cardiorespiratory fitness; 6.6 kg to 7.5 kg vs 5.3 kg for muscular fitness-handgrip-; 71.7 cm to 76.4 cm vs 62.0 cm for muscular fitness-standing long jump-; 17.2s to 16.2s vs 18.2s for speed/agility; and 11.2s to 15.6s vs 8.7s for balance; p < 0.001). The weighted kappa for concordance between parent-reported fitness levels and objective assessment was poor (kappa <= 0.18 for all fitness measures). Overall, the mean values of the abdominal adiposity indicators were significantly lower in high-level fitness categories reported by parents than in low-level fitness categories (p < 0.05). The test-retest reliability ranged from 0.46 to 0.62. Conclusions The reliability of the parent-reported IFIS are acceptable, but the concordance between parents reported and objectively measures fitness levels is poor, suggesting that parents' responses may not be able to correctly classify preschoolers according to their fitness level.The PREFIT project takes place thanks to the funding linked to the Ramon y Cajal grant held by Ortega FB (RYC-2011-09011)

    Cancer Survival in Adults in Spain: A Population-Based Study of the Spanish Network of Cancer Registries (REDECAN)

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    © 2022.This document is made available under the CC-BY 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by /4.0/ This document is the published version of a published work that appeared in final form in CancersThe assessment of cancer survival at the population level is essential for monitoring progress in cancer control. We aimed to assess cancer survival and its trends in adults in Spain. Individual records of 601,250 adults with primary cancer diagnosed during 2002-2013 and followed up to 2015 were included from 13 population-based cancer registries. We estimated net survival up to five years after diagnosis and analyzed absolute changes between 2002-2007 and 2008-2013. Estimates were age-standardized. Analyses were performed for 29 cancer groups, by age and sex. Overall, age-standardized five-year net survival was higher in women (61.7%, 95% CI 61.4-62.1%) than in men (55.3%, 95% CI 55.0-55.6%), and ranged by cancer from 7.2% (pancreas) to 89.6% (prostate) in men, and from 10.0% (pancreas) to 93.1% (thyroid) in women in the last period. Survival declined with age, showing different patterns by cancer. Between both periods, age-standardized five-year net survival increased overall by 3.3% (95% CI 3.0-3.7%) in men and 2.5% (95% CI 2.0-3.0%) in women, and for most cancer groups. Improvements were greater in patients younger than 75 years than in older patients. Chronic myeloid leukemia and myeloma showed the largest increases. Among the most common malignancies, the greatest absolute increases in survival were observed for colon (5.0%, 95% CI 4.0-6.0%) and rectal cancers (4.5%, 95% CI 3.2-5.9%). Survival improved even for some cancers with poor prognosis (pancreas, esophagus, lung, liver, and brain cancer). Further investigation of possible sociodemographic inequalities is warranted. This study contributes to the evaluation of cancer control and health services' effectiveness

    Agricultura y campos de cultivo en la sierra de Alcaraz. Prefacio en la hoya de Haches entre la protohistoria y el medievo

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    Se presenta en estas páginas una introducción al estudio de las explotaciones de tipo agrícola en la serranía de Alcaraz, en el cuadrante suroccidental de la provincia de Albacete, desde la protohistoria hasta época medieval. Desde el caso concreto de la hoya de Haches se pretende lograr un vistazo general, en clave diacrónica, de los procesos de elección de tierras, sistemas de aprovechamiento y dinámicas del control del territorio explotado desde los núcleos habitados con objeto de sentar las bases para practicar estudios más completos y complejos a propósito de las sociedades concretas que ocuparon esta comarca.This paper introduces a study on agricultural exploitations in the Alcaraz mountain range, in the southwestern quadrant of the province of Albacete, from protohistoric to medieval times. From the specific case of the Haches valley, the aim is to achieve a diachronic vision of the land selection processes, exploitation systems, and control dynamics of the territory exploited from the inhabited nuclei in order to lay the foundations for more complete and complex studies on the specific societies that occupied this region.Proyecto Haches en su fase 2/2022 se encuentra financiado por el Instituto de Estudios Albacetenses “Don Juan Manuel”, la Diputación de Albacete y el Ayuntamiento de Bogarra en colaboración con la Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha

    Stabilization and reversal of child obesity in Andalusia using objective anthropometric measures by socioeconomic status

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    Background: Childhood obesity continues to be a significant public health issue worldwide. Recent national studies in Spain show a stable picture. However, prevalence and trends differ by socio-economic status, age, and region. We present the trend in childhood excess weight prevalence, aged 8–15 years, in Andalusia from 2011-2012 to 2015–2016 by socio-economic status. Results: Overall prevalence of excess weight decreased from 42.0% in 2011–2012 to 35.4% in 2015–2016. Overweight decreased from 28.2 to 24.2% and obesity from 13.8 to 11.2%. In 2011–2012 the prevalence of excess weight in boys was 46.0%and 37.9% in girls; in 2015–2016 the difference became significant with 41% of boys with excess weight compared with 30% in girls. Conclusions: Childhood excess weight prevalence in Andalusia has decreased slightly between 2011-2012 and 2015–2016. Notably, a decrease in obesity prevalence in girls aged 8–15 years was recorded. In 2011–2012 a social gradient for excess weight prevalence across three SES indicators was observed: in 2015–2016 this gradient disappeared. Nonetheless, prevalence remains too high

    Laboratori remot d'experimentació en fenòmens oscil·latoris i ondulatoris, circuits i electrometria i en experimentació en electrotècnia

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    Este proyecto es la continuación de dos proyectos anteriores: Laboratorio de experimentación remoto interactivo en física. Experiencia en oscilaciones y ondas. Laboratorio de experimentación remoto interactivo. Experiencias en circuitos y electrometría. Fueron proyectos calificados positivamente por el ICE en la convocatoria de diciembre de 1999 y que por la envergadura de los mismos no pudieron ser concluidos. El proyecto de experiencia en oscilaciones y ondas consta de tres bancadas experimentales en las que se estudian oscilacionmes amortiguadas, ondas estacionarias en una cuerda y ondas estacionarias en un tubo de aire. El proyecto de circuitos tiene la finalidad de poder estudiar remotamente un circuito con diferentes componentes conectados con la topología requerida a partir de la conexión de múltiples relés sobre un conjunto de elementos