794 research outputs found

    Errata for sbe32

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    Relationship between rules and technical and tactical contents in minibasket

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    Las reglas condicionan el desarrollo del juego en cualquier deporte ya que delimita lo que se puede hacer. Se pretende conocer el orden de importancia de las reglas en minibasket, así como los medios técnico-tácticos que se derivan éstas. El método utilizado para la toma de datos ha sido el grupo nominal. Los participantes han sido siete expertos que cumplían unas condiciones mínimas. Con relación a la primera pregunta, el orden de importancia de las reglas ha sido: los pasos, dobles, líneas delimitadoras, faltas, árbitro, reglas de tiempo y puntuación. Con relación a los medios técnico-tácticos que se derivan de las reglas más importantes, a modo de ejemplo, a través de los pasos se aprende el bote, las arrancadas, las paradas, entradas, etc. Estos datos permiten organizar una programación basada en las reglasThe rules determine the development of the game in every sport because they put a limit to what you can do and what not. The aims of the research were to determine the order of importance of the basic basketball rules as well as the technical and tactical contents deriving from these rules. The method used for the data collection was that of the nominal group technique. The nominal group consisted of seven experts who fulfilled the minimum conditions. Regarding the first question, the order of importance of the rules was: steps, double dribble, lines, fouls, referee, rules regarding time limits and score. With regard to the technical and tactical contents deriving from the most important rules, for example, through the steps’ rules, players can learn starts, stops, lay-up, etc. These data allow organizing a program based on the rule

    Evaluation of the spatial patterns and risk factors, including backyard pigs, for classical swine fever occurrence in Bulgaria using a Bayesian model

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    The spatial pattern and epidemiology of backyard pig farming and other low bio-security pig production systems and their role in the occurrence of classical swine fever (CSF) is described and evaluated. A spatial Bayesian model was used to explore the risk factors, including human demographics, socioeconomic and environmental factors. The analyses were performed for Bulgaria, which has a large number of backyard farms (96% of all pig farms in the country are classified as backyard farms), and it is one of the countries for which both backyard pig and farm counts were available. Results reveal that the high-risk areas are typically concentrated in areas with small family farms, high numbers of outgoing pig shipments and low levels of personal consumption (i.e. economically deprived areas). Identification of risk factors and high-risk areas for CSF will allow to targeting risk-based surveillance strategies leading to prevention, control and, ultimately, elimination of the disease in Bulgaria and other countries with similar socio-epidemiological condition

    Gender diversity on boards: Determinants that underlie the proposals for female directors

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    [Abstract] Although the gender composition of corporate boards and the contribution of female directors to corporate governance have been previously analysed, few studies have investigated the factors that may help contribute to increasing the still scarce presence of women on boards. Therefore, using three-stage least squares (3SLS) estimation on a data panel comprising the 100 largest companies in the world according to the 2019 Fortune Global 500 ranking, including data on (re)election proposals for corporate board members, this research aims to analyse the influence of the number of men's nominations, board interlocks, director tenure, geographical area, the sector to which the firms belong, and the relevance of firms on women's nominations for boards of directors. The results show the factors that facilitate the presence of women on boards. In addition, the different influences that remain in the election of female and male directors when considering factors related to the experience, expertise, and networks of directors or the visibility of firms can also be observed. This study contributes to the knowledge of gender diversity on boards, shedding light on the factors that might lead to gender-balanced boards. It could also help companies and policymakers design strategies to build more egalitarian boards

    Método avanzado de hipertrofia “Rest-Pause” y “Cluster”

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    El principal objetivo de esta revisión es comparar los métodos de entrenamiento del Rest-pause y el Cluster, con el método tradicional de hipertrofia, viendo cual de estos puede generar una mayor hipertrofia

    Optimización y validación de metodología analítica para la determinación de principios activos en quimioterapia

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    En el presente Trabajo de Fin de Grado se ha propuesto y optimizado una metodología analítica simple, rápida y precisa para la determinación de 6-Mercaptopurina presente en preparados farmacéuticos mediante cromatografía líquida de alta eficacia (HPLC). La importancia de este analito radica en el hecho de ser el componente integral del medicamento utilizado para el tratamiento de la Leucemia Linfocítica Aguda, siendo esta la neoplasia más frecuente que afecta a la población infantil. La obtención de las condiciones óptimas para llevar a cabo la separación cromatográfica, así como la detección, es lo que ha permitido realizar un análisis cuantitativo del analito mediante HPLC. De la misma manera, se han obtenido las rectas de calibrado correspondientes y se ha realizado un estudio de repetibilidad intra e interdía. Además, se ha considerado la 6-Mercaptopurina como un posible contaminante emergente, por lo que, se han estudiado una serie de compuestos adsorbentes que pudiesen ser útiles para solventar este problema de contaminación de las aguas

    Feto acárdico y acéfalo: reporte de un caso infrecuente.

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    El feto acárdico constituye una de las malformaciones menos frecuentes, presentándose en 1 de cada 35.000 a 48.000 nacimientos y complicando únicamente a las gestaciones múltiples monocoriales, monocigotas. En esta anomalía ocurren una serie de anastomosis vasculares arteria-arteria en el lecho placentario,  formando un gemelo bomba con presión de perfusión arterial alta y un gemelo receptor completamente acárdico. Este último recibe sangre desoxigenada por un patrón inverso de las arterias umbilicales (Secuencia de Perfusión Arterial Reversa Gemelar) generando un suministro preferencial hacia el segmento inferior del cuerpo a través de los vasos iliacos, generando un pobre o ausente desarrollo del segmento corporal superior y una mitad inferior aunque malformada más desarrollada. Presentamos el caso de un feto acárdico y acéfalo producto de una gestación gemelar monocorial monoamniótica de 34 semanas, en el cual se observó acefalia y amelia de miembros superiores, tetradactilia de ambos pies y onfalocele. A la exploración interna se halló una caja torácica incompleta con presencia de costillas, sin esternón, dos riñones de aspecto usual con glándulas suprarrenales, un segmento de intestino, útero y vagina, no identificándose otros órganos

    Selection model for domains across time: application to labour force survey by economic activities

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    This version of the article has been accepted for publication, after peer review and is subject to Springer Nature’s AM terms of use, but is not the Version of Record and does not reflect post-acceptance improvements, or any corrections. The Version of Record is available online at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11749-020-00712-4[Abstract]: This paper introduces a small area estimation approach that borrows strength across domains (areas) and time and is efficiently used to obtain labour force estimators by economic activity. Specifically, the data across time are used to select different models for each domain; such selection is done with an aggregated mixed generalized Akaike information criterion statistic which is obtained using data across all time points and then is split into individual component for each domain. The approach makes a selection from different estimators, including the direct estimator, synthetic and mixed estimators derived from different models using auxiliary information. Results from several simulation experiments, some with original designs, show the good performance of the approach against standard small area approaches. In addition, it is shown the important practical advantages in the real application.Supported by the MINECO Grants MTM2017-82724-R, MTM2015-71217-R, and by the Xunta de Galicia (Grupos de Referencia Competitiva ED431C-2016-015 and Centro Singular de Investigación de Galicia ED431G/01), all of them through the ERDF.Xunta de Galicia; ED431C-2016-015Xunta de Galicia; ED431G/0

    A New Approach to the Gender Pay Gap Decomposition by Economic Activity

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    This is a pre-copyedited, author-produced version of an article accepted for publication in Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A: Statistics in Society, following peer review. The version of record [M. J. Lombardía, E. López-Vizcaíno, y C. Rueda, «A New Approach to the Gender Pay Gap Decomposition by Economic Activity», Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A: Statistics in Society, vol. 185, n.º 1, pp. 219-245, ene. 2022] is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1111/rssa.12742.[Abstract]: The aim of this paper is to present an original approach to estimate the gender pay gap (GPG). We propose a model-based decomposition, similar to the most popular approaches, where the first component measures differences in group characteristics and the second component measures the unexplained effect; the latter being the real gap. The novel approach incorporates model selection and bias correction. The pay gap problem in a small area context is considered in this paper, although the approach is flexible to be applied to other contexts. Specifically, the methodology is validated for analysing wage differentials by economic activities in the region of Galicia (Spain) and by analysing simulated data from an experimental design that imitates the generation of real data. The good performance of the proposed estimators is shown in both cases, specifically when compared with those obtained from the widely used Oaxaca–Blinder approach.Supported by the MINECO grants MTM2017-82724-R, MTM2015-71217-R, and by the Xunta de Galicia (Grupos de Referencia Competitiva ED431C 2020/14 and Centro de Investigación del Sistema universitario de Galicia ED431G 2019/01), all of them through the ERDF.Xunta de Galicia; ED431C 2020/14Xunta de Galicia; ED431G 2019/0