11 research outputs found

    Correcció de les aberracions d'un dispositiu de pinces òptiques hologràfiques mitjançant un sensor de Shack-Hartmann

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    En aquest treball es presenten els principis físics de la captura de partícules micromètriques mitjançant les pinces òptiques hologràfiques, així com el sistema experimental que ho fa possible. La representació d'hologrames en un modulador espacial de llum permet generar patrons de trampes de manera dinàmica. Malauradament, aquest dispositiu introdueix aberracions òptiques que deterioren la qualitat de la trampa i poden impossibilitar la captura estable de partícules. S'han mesurat aquestes aberracions amb un sensor d'ones Shack-Hartmann, i s'ha calculat l'holograma que, escrit en el mateix modulador, permeti compensar-les. Això ha permès capturar i desplaçar partícules micromètriques de manera efectiva

    Artificially-induced organelles are optimal targets for optical trapping experiments in living cells

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    Optical trapping supplies information on the structural, kinetic or rheological properties of inner constituents of the cell. However, the application of significant forces to intracellular objects is notoriously difficult due to a combination of factors, such as the small difference between the refractive indices of the target structures and the cytoplasm. Here we discuss the possibility of artificially inducing the formation of spherical organelles in the endoplasmic reticulum, which would contain densely packed engineered proteins, to be used as optimized targets for optical trapping experiments. The high index of refraction and large size of our organelles provide a firm grip for optical trapping and thereby allow us to exert large forces easily within safe irradiation limits. This has clear advantages over alternative probes, such as subcellular organelles or internalized synthetic beads

    Optical trapping: a review of essential concepts

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    Optical tweezers are an innovative technique for the non-contact, all-optical manipulation of small material samples, which has extraordinarily expanded and evolved since its inception in the mid-80s of the last century. Nowadays, the potential of optical tweezers has been clearly proven and a wide range of applications both from the physical and biological sciences have solidly emerged, turning the early ideas and techniques into a powerful paradigm for experimentation in the micro- and nanoworld. This review aims at highlighting the fundamental concepts that are essential for a thorough understanding of optical trapping, making emphasis on both its manipulation and measurement capabilities, as well as on the vast array of important biological applications appeared in the last years

    Correction of aberration in holographic optical tweezers using a Shack-Hartmann sensor

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    Optical aberration due to the nonflatness of spatial light modulators used in holographic optical tweezers significantly deteriorates the quality of the trap and may easily prevent stable trapping of particles. We use a Shack-Hartmann sensor to measure the distorted wavefront at the modulator plane; the conjugate of this wavefront is then added to the holograms written into the display to counteract its own curvature and thus compensate the optical aberration of the system. For a Holoeye LC-R 2500 reflective device, flatness is improved from 0.8¿ to ¿/16 (¿=532 nm), leading to a diffraction-limited spot at the focal plane of the microscope objective, which makes stable trapping possible. This process could be fully automated in a closed-loop configuration and would eventually allow other sources of aberration in the optical setup to be corrected for

    Optical trapping: a review of essential concepts

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    Optical tweezers are an innovative technique for the non-contact, all-optical manipulation of small material samples, which has extraordinarily expanded and evolved since its inception in the mid-80s of the last century. Nowadays, the potential of optical tweezers has been clearly proven and a wide range of applications both from the physical and biological sciences have solidly emerged, turning the early ideas and techniques into a powerful paradigm for experimentation in the micro- and nanoworld. This review aims at highlighting the fundamental concepts that are essential for a thorough understanding of optical trapping, making emphasis on both its manipulation and measurement capabilities, as well as on the vast array of important biological applications appeared in the last years

    Positional stability of holographic optical traps

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    The potential of digital holography for complex manipulation of micron-sized particles with optical tweezers has been clearly demonstrated. By contrast, its use in quantitative experiments has been rather limited, partly due to fluctuations introduced by the spatial light modulator (SLM) that displays the kinoforms. This is an important issue when high temporal or spatial stability is a concern. We have investigated the performance of both an analog-addressed and a digitally-addressed SLM, measuring the phase fluctuations of the modulated beam and evaluating the resulting positional stability of a holographic trap. We show that, despite imparting a more unstable modulation to the wavefront, our digitally-addressed SLM generates optical traps in the sample plane stable enough for most applications. We further show that traps produced by the analog-addressed SLM exhibit a superior pointing stability, better than 1 nm, which is comparable to that of non-holographic tweezers. These results suggest a means to implement precision force measurement experiments with holographic optical tweezers (HOTs)

    Artificially-induced organelles are optimal targets for optical trapping experiments in living cells

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    Optical trapping supplies information on the structural, kinetic or rheological properties of inner constituents of the cell. However, the application of significant forces to intracellular objects is notoriously difficult due to a combination of factors, such as the small difference between the refractive indices of the target structures and the cytoplasm. Here we discuss the possibility of artificially inducing the formation of spherical organelles in the endoplasmic reticulum, which would contain densely packed engineered proteins, to be used as optimized targets for optical trapping experiments. The high index of refraction and large size of our organelles provide a firm grip for optical trapping and thereby allow us to exert large forces easily within safe irradiation limits. This has clear advantages over alternative probes, such as subcellular organelles or internalized synthetic beads

    Positional stability of holographic optical traps

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    The potential of digital holography for complex manipulation of micron-sized particles with optical tweezers has been clearly demonstrated. By contrast, its use in quantitative experiments has been rather limited, partly due to fluctuations introduced by the spatial light modulator (SLM) that displays the kinoforms. This is an important issue when high temporal or spatial stability is a concern. We have investigated the performance of both an analog-addressed and a digitally-addressed SLM, measuring the phase fluctuations of the modulated beam and evaluating the resulting positional stability of a holographic trap. We show that, despite imparting a more unstable modulation to the wavefront, our digitally-addressed SLM generates optical traps in the sample plane stable enough for most applications. We further show that traps produced by the analog-addressed SLM exhibit a superior pointing stability, better than 1 nm, which is comparable to that of non-holographic tweezers. These results suggest a means to implement precision force measurement experiments with holographic optical tweezers (HOTs)

    70º Aniversario de la declaración universal de derechos humanos. La protección internacional de los Derechos Humanos en cuestión

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    Segundo volúmen de la Colección Perspectivas Iberoamericanas sobre la justicia. La Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos de las Naciones Unidas cumple, el 10 de diciembre de 2018, setenta años. La simbólica fecha obliga a los investigadores en derechos humanos a reflexionar críticamente sobre los avances y límites de un complejo sistema de normas y, sobre todo, de valores culturales sustentados en la matriz liberal occidental. Desde entonces, ha habido indiscutibles avances institucionales y normativos, como la creación del Consejo de Derechos Humanos, varios pactos y declaraciones complementarias, órganos específicos, tribunales internacionales, jurisprudencia, constituciones estatales, una infinidad de instituciones basadas en esta “ética mínima universal” que, contradictoriamente, no logró evitar un conjunto de catástrofes humanitarias y de vulneración de derechos. La primera década del siglo XX trae un reflejo limitante al consenso de la posguerra, pues la agresividad de los Estados hegemónicos, en alianza con intereses privados transnacionales, pone en jaque la capacidad del sistema protector frente a guerras humanitarias e internacionales. tratados económicos de nueva generación aquellos que excluyen por completo a la democracia del proceso de negociación.A Declaração Universal dos Direitos Humanos das Nações Unidas completa, em 10 de diciembre de 2018, setenta años. A data simbólica exige dos pesquisadores em direitos humanos uma reflexão crítica a respeito dos avanços y dos limites de um sistema complexo de normas e, principalmente, de valores culturales apoiados na matriz liberal ocidental. De lá para cá, houve indiscutível avanço institucional e normativo, do qual é exemplo a criação do Conselho de Direitos Humanos, diversos pactos e declarações complementarios, órgão específicos, tribunais internacionais, jurisprudência, constituições dos States, uma infinidade de instituições pautadas nesse “mínimo ético universal” que, contraditoriamente, não conseguiu evitar um conjunto de catástrofes humanitárias e de violação de direitos. A primeira década do século XX traz uma reflexão limite para o consenso do pós-guerra, pois a agressividade dos States hegemônicos, em aliança com interesses private transnacionais, põe em check a capacidade do sistema protectivo diante das guerras humanitárias e dos tratados internacionais econômicos de nueva generación aqueles que excluem completamente a democracia do processo negociador

    Presentation, care and outcomes of patients with NSTEMI according to World Bank country income classification: the ACVC-EAPCI EORP NSTEMI Registry of the European Society of Cardiology.

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