337 research outputs found

    Pedagogía y enseñanza constitucional: mecanismo efectivo para la correcta impartición de la carta política en las instituciones educativas Avelina Moreno y militar general Santander año 2019

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    A partir de la promulgación de la Carta Política de Colombia de 1991, el estado atravesó una serie de cambios provenientes de las corrientes del neoconstitucionalismo (Comanducci, 2017). Esto permitió la evolución del modelo estatal, pasando de ser un Estado de Derecho a ser un Estado Social y Democrático de Derecho. Cambio que logro romper una serie de paradigmas jurídicos entre los cuales se encuentra la inclusión al ordenamiento jurídico del artículo 41 constitucional, que señala: “En todas las instituciones de educación, oficiales o privadas, serán obligatorios el estudio de la Constitución y la Instrucción Cívica. Así mismo se fomentarán prácticas democráticas para el aprendizaje de los principios y valores de la participación ciudadana. El Estado divulgará la Constitución”. Prerrogativa que tenía como principal finalidad el asegurar y garantizar la correcta impartición de la enseñanza y un primer acercamiento a la norma de mayor rango jurídico dentro de sociedad. De tal manera que el Estado creaba una norma de especial desarrollo, en tanto buscaba asegurar el correcto aprendizaje de la Constitución desde los diferentes niveles escolares y a su vez en los diversos esquemas de educación tanto privada como pública.Universidad Libre Seccional Socorro - Facultad de derecho y ciencias políticasAs of the promulgation of the Political Charter of Colombia in 1991, the state underwent a series of changes stemming from the currents of neoconstitutionalism (Comanducci, 2017). This represents the evolution of the state model, going from being a Rule of Law to being a Social and Democratic State of Law. Change that managed to break a series of legal paradigms among which is the inclusion to the legal system of article 41 of the Constitution, which states: “In all educational institutions, official or private, the study of the Constitution and Civic Instruction will be compulsory. Likewise, democratic practices will be promoted for learning the principles and values ​​of citizen participation. The State will disclose the Constitution ”. Prerogative whose main purpose was to ensure and guarantee the correct delivery of education and a first approach to the higher legal norm within society. In such a way that the State creates a special development norm, as it seeks to ensure the correct learning of the Constitution from the different school levels and once in the various private and public education schemes

    Pedagogía y enseñanza constitucional: mecanismo efectivo para la correcta impartición de la carta política en las instituciones educativas Avelina Moreno y militar general Santander año 2019

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    A partir de la promulgación de la Carta Política de Colombia de 1991, el estado atravesó una serie de cambios provenientes de las corrientes del neoconstitucionalismo (Comanducci, 2017). Esto permitió la evolución del modelo estatal, pasando de ser un Estado de Derecho a ser un Estado Social y Democrático de Derecho. Cambio que logro romper una serie de paradigmas jurídicos entre los cuales se encuentra la inclusión al ordenamiento jurídico del artículo 41 constitucional, que señala: “En todas las instituciones de educación, oficiales o privadas, serán obligatorios el estudio de la Constitución y la Instrucción Cívica. Así mismo se fomentarán prácticas democráticas para el aprendizaje de los principios y valores de la participación ciudadana. El Estado divulgará la Constitución”. Prerrogativa que tenía como principal finalidad el asegurar y garantizar la correcta impartición de la enseñanza y un primer acercamiento a la norma de mayor rango jurídico dentro de sociedad. De tal manera que el Estado creaba una norma de especial desarrollo, en tanto buscaba asegurar el correcto aprendizaje de la Constitución desde los diferentes niveles escolares y a su vez en los diversos esquemas de educación tanto privada como pública.Universidad Libre Seccional Socorro - Facultad de derecho y ciencias políticasAs of the promulgation of the Political Charter of Colombia in 1991, the state underwent a series of changes stemming from the currents of neoconstitutionalism (Comanducci, 2017). This allowed the evolution of the state model, going from being a State of Law to being a Social and Democratic State of Law. Change that managed to break a series of legal paradigms among which is the inclusion to the legal system of article 41 of the Constitution, which states: “In all educational institutions, official or private, the study of the Constitution and Civic Instruction will be compulsory. Likewise, democratic practices will be promoted for learning the principles and values ​​of citizen participation. The State will disclose the Constitution ”. Prerogative whose main purpose was to ensure and guarantee the correct delivery of education and a first approach to the norm of higher legal rank within society. In such a way that the State created a rule of special development, as it sought to ensure the correct learning of the Constitution from the different school levels and in turn in the various schemes of both private and public education

    Multidirectional Light-Harvesting Enhancement in Dye Solar Cells by Surface Patterning

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    One dimensional gratings patterned on the surface of nanocrystalline titania electrodes are used as a light harvesting strategy to improve the overall performance of dye solar cells under both frontal and rear illumination conditions. A soft-lithography-based micromoulding approach is employed to replicate a periodic surface relief pattern onto the surface of the electrode, which is later sensitized with a dye. As the patterned surface acts as an optical grating both in reflection and transmission modes, its effect is to increase the light path of diffracted beams within the absorbing layer when it is irradiated either from the electrode or the counter electrode for a broad range of angles of incidence on each surface. Full optical and photovoltaic characterization demonstrates not only the optical quality of the patterned surfaces but also the multidirectional character of the enhancement of light harvesting and conversion efficiency. The approach herein presented thus permits to preserve the operation of the cell when irradiated from its two faces while increasing its overall power conversion efficiency. This feature is a key advantage over other light harvesting efficiency enhancing methods, such as the deposition of a back diffuse scattering layer, in which the performance of the cell under illumination from one of its sides is enlarged at the expense of reducing the output under reverse irradiation conditions.European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme 307081Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad MAT2011–23593, CSD2007–00007Junta de Andalucía FQM524

    Degradabilidade da matéria seca e da proteína bruta de frutos de Cloroleucon mangense e Acacia cochliacantha em carneiros

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    The objective of this work was to determine the nutritional content and the degradability of the dry matter and protein of fruits of Chloroleucon mangense and Acacia cochliacantha and of a 1:1 mixture of both, offered as supplements to Rambouillet sheep. In situ ruminal degradation was evaluated in three adult rams, fitted with a rumen cannula, with different incubation times of 0, 6, 12, 24, 48, and 72 hours. Protein intestinal degradability was quantified with a three-step procedure: in situ ruminal incubation, in vitro enzymatic digestion, and abomasal-intestinal digestion. The fruits of C. mangense and A. cochliacantha contain 21 and 12% crude protein, 47 and 56% neutral detergent fiber, 31 and 43% acid detergent fiber, and 0.9 and 6.0% condensed tannins, respectively. The fruits of C. mangense showed a higher nutritional value and a higher  dry matter and crude protein degradability (p<0.05) than those of A. cochliacantha and the 1:1 mixture. The amount of protein that reaches the small intestine is higher for the 1:1, which is an indicative that its tannin concentration is enough to increase the bypass protein that can be absorbed in the small intestine.O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o conteúdo nutricional e a degradabilidade da matéria seca e da proteína de frutos de Cloroleucon mangense e Acacia cochliacantha e de uma mistura 1:1 de ambos, oferecidos como suplementos para carneiros Rambouillet. Foi avaliada a degradação ruminal in situ em três carneiros adultos, com colocação de uma cânula ruminal, com diferentes tempos de incubação de 0, 6, 12, 24, 48 e 72 horas. A degradação intestinal da proteína foi quantificada por meio de procedimento com três etapas: incubação ruminal in situ, digestão enzimática in vitro e digestão abomasal intestinal. Os frutos de C. mangense e A. cochliacantha contêm 21% e 12% de proteína bruta, 47% e 56% de fibra em detergente neutro, 31 e 43% de fibra em detergente ácido e 0,9 e 6,0% de taninos condensados, respectivamente. Os frutos de C. mangense apresentaram valor nutricional edegradabilidade da matéria seca e da proteína bruta (p<0,05) maiores que os de A. cochliacantha e da mistura 1:1. A quantidade de proteína que chega ao intestino delgado é maior para a mistura 1:1, o que é indicativo de que sua concentração de tanino é suficiente para aumentar a proteína não degradável no rúmen absorvida no intestino delgado

    Characterization of pregnant adolescents from Bucaramanga, Colombia. A cross-sectional study

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    El embarazo en adolescentes se ve influenciado por factores sociales, culturales y familiares, siendo fundamentales los soportes familiares y antecedentes de embarazo durante la adolescencia. Objetivo: Establecer las características demográficas, socioculturales y familiares de las adolescentes embarazadas que consultan a una institución de primer nivel de atención de la ciudad de Bucaramanga. Métodos: Estudio transversal. Se utilizó una en-cuesta autoaplicada. Resultados: Se analizaron 336 embarazadas adolescentes. La edad promedio fue de 17 años (rango 13-9 años), la mayoría en su primer embarazo. La edad promedio de inicio de relaciones sexuales fue 15 años; 65.6% afirmó haber tenido solo un compañero sexual, 62.2% viven en unión libre; 52.15% cursaba o había terminado la secundaria, y el 51.8% pertenecían al estrato bajo. El 61.6% recibió información sobre planificación, siendo el colegio el mayor sitio de suministro de información (31.44%); 66.2% manifestó no usar ninguno. El 59.0% afirmó haber deseado quedar embarazada; 26.1% refieren violencia intrafamiliar y 33.8% tiene una hermana con historia de gestación durante la adolescencia. Conclusiones: Un número importante de adolescentes desea su gestación con el fin de formar un nuevo hogar, tratando de escapar del suyo propio por violencia intrafamiliar. Sus compañeros son algo mayores, quienes en su mayoría aceptan y se preocupan por la evolución del embarazo, llevando una buena relación de pareja. Es necesario ejercer un mayor control en la eficacia de programas de planificación familiar, prevención de infecciones de transmisión sexual y citología cérvico-uterina que incluya a la población de mujeres adolescentes. [Ortiz R, Anaya NI, Sepúlveda C, Torres SJ, Camacho PA. Caracterización de las adolescentes gestantes de Bucaramanga, Colombia. Un estudio transversal.Many social, cultural and family factors, deeply affect all pregnant adolescents. Therefore a strong support from their families, is urgently needed. Objective: To establish among pregnant adoles-cents, their demographic, social and family characteristics. These teenagers attend a primary care clinic at the City of Bucaramanga. Methods: Cross-sectional study using a self-applied questionnaire. Results: We analyze 336 pregnant adolescents, mean age 17 years (range 13 to 19). Most of them were having their first pregnancy. The mean age for their first sexual relations was at 15 years of age. 65.5% of them said they had only one sexual partner. 62.2% were life partners. 52.15% had or were attending high school. 61.6% had some information about pregnancy planning. 31.44 had information from their school. 66.2% followed no planning at all. 59.0% was hoping to get pregnant. 26.1% of them had experienced interfamily violence and 33.8% said they had a sister with pregnancy during adolescence. Discussion: an important number of adolescents want to get pregnant and establish a new home with their partners. Basically they try to get away from their violent original homes. Their partners are usually, older than the adolescent pregnant is. Most of the partners accept, worry, support and have stable relations dur-ing the girl’s pregnancy. A good and sound control for preventing teenage-pregnancy should be implemented in family programs for pregnancy planning, including prevention of sexually transmitted diseases and cervical cytology

    Association among salivary alpha-amylase activity and executive functioning in healthy children

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    Salivary alpha-amylase (sAA) is employed in basic research as a surrogate and non-invasive marker of the activity of Autonomous Nervous System (ANS) and Adrenomedullar System (AMS). In particular, sAA has showed a statistically sig- nificant association with levels of peripheral noradrenaline under acute psychoso- cial stress conditions in young and healthy participants. In this study, our aim was directed to describe the relation among sAA and cognitive performance in differ- ent executive tasks in a sample composed by 69 healthy children (45 boys). The tasks employed to assess executive functioning belong to the ENFEN battery (which measures different aspects of executive functions through four subtests: Phonologic and Semantic Fluency, Trail Making Test, Towers, and Interference). Saliva samples were obtained at baseline (10 minutes before the start of neuro- psychological assessment), just one minute before and just one minute after the end of the last subtest of ENFEN. Our statistical analyses showed a direct and sig- nificant association among sAA and scores in Phonologic Fluency, Trail Making, Towers and Interference subtests of ENFEN after controlling the effect of BMI. These results show a positive lineal association among sAA and executive behav- ior in healthy children. We discuss these findings in relation with those studies what have suggested a main role of the noradrenergic central action mediated via Locus Coeruleus-Noradrenaline System (LC-NA System) in the regulation of executive behavior.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Rituximab levels are associated with the B cell homeostasis but not with the clinical response in patients with rheumatoid arthritis

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    To study the levels of rituximab (RTX) and anti-RTX antibodies (ARAs) in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) at 30, 90, and 180 days after the first infusion, in relation to clinical and serological parameters and B cell homeostasis. Thirty-four patients with RA who failed to respond to anti-tumor necrosis factor therapy received RTX. At baseline, 4, 12, and 24 weeks after the first infusion of RTX, we performed a clinical assessment and determined the levels of RTX, ARAs, B cells, rheumatoid factors, anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies, immunoglobulins, and complements. RTX levels varied widely among patients. No ARAs were detected during the follow-up. Patients with lower levels of RTX presented with higher decreases in erythrocyte sedimentation rate, immunoglobulins, and complement 6 months after the first infusion. Patients with higher levels of RTX showed a higher B cell depletion at 90 days but an earlier B cell recovery than those with lower levels of RTX. No differences in clinical response were observed between the two groups at 6 months after starting the treatment. Our findings suggest that RTX levels in the serum of patients with RA are related to B cell homeostasis and the severity of immunological parameters but not to the clinical response at 6 months

    Uso de las redes sociales y rendimiento académico de estudiantes de preparatoria de la Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa

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    Is amazing how students of the high school Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa from El Fuerte, learn and use the information and communication technologies (ICT) even how they have the hability to surf the Internet with the purpose to enter in web sites or social networks that are available for all the people around the world. When students have free time they prefer to access the internet not for doing homeworks or any academic school projects, they do this just to have fun in the social networks where they can send texts to other people, share pictures, watch videos and down load or up load all type of information. This activity done for the students is irrelevant in the teaching and learning process of the students of the high school Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa (UAS) campus El Fuerte. This research denominated. “Use of the social networks and academic performance of the students of the universidad autónoma de sinaloa campus el fuerte, 2020” is focused on determining the influence of the social networks in the academic performance of the students of the Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa Campus El Fuerte. This research was done using a quantitative methodology and According to the design of the research non-experimental transactional and correlational in terms of its scope, which studies the relationship between these variants: The use of social networks and academic performance in students with an average of 7.0 or less. According to the hypothesis says that the use of social networks on the Internet affects the academic performance of the 137 students who were the object of the research, students with the school average of 7.0 or less. Also it was used as an instrument to obtain data, the direct observation and the survey, information that was processed with the statistical program SPSS version v20 with which a relation of results was established in contingency tables that allowed a quantitative analysis with a qualitative interpretation of the results obtained.Es sorprendente la forma en que los estudiantes del nivel medio superior aprenden a manejar las nuevas tecnologías de la información y la destreza que tienen para navegar en el mundo del internet, ingresando a las páginas web que estén a disposición y que llamen la atención de los jóvenes; cuando tienen horas libres, acceden no precisamente para cumplir con tareas escolares, sino a buscar cualquier clase de diversión, principalmente el uso de redes sociales donde las principales actividades que realizan lo es el chat, compartir fotografías y videos que es de nula relevancia para el proceso de aprendizaje escolar de los estudiantes nivel bachillerato pertenecientes a la preparatoria de la UAS El Fuerte. La presente investigación denominada “Uso de las redes sociales y rendimiento académico de estudiantes de preparatoria de la universidad autónoma de sinaloa, 2020” es una investigación que tiene como objetivo principal determinar la influencia que ejerce el uso de las redes sociales de internet en el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes de la Unidad Académica Preparatoria UAS de El Fuerte, Sinaloa, para lo cual se utilizó una metodología cuantitativa que de acuerdo al diseño de la investigación no experimental transaccional y correlacional en cuanto a su alcance, en el que se estudia la relación de las variantes de investigación uso de las redes sociales y rendimiento académico en alumnos con promedio igual o menor a 7.0 en la que de acuerdo a la hipótesis se plantea que el uso de las redes sociales en internet, afecta significativamente el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes que fueron objeto de la investigación, los cuales fueron 137 alumnos con estas características de promedio escolar, donde principalmente se utilizó como instrumento o medio de obtención de datos la observación participante del autor y la encuesta, la cual fue procesada con el programa SPSS stadistic versión v20 con el que se estableció una relación de resultados en tablas de contingencia que permitió hacer un análisis cuantitativo con una interpretación cualitativa de los resultados obtenidos

    The value network of an organization of dairy cattle producers in the municipality of Xico, Veracruz, Mexico

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    Objective:Characterize the growers and the dairy cattle value network in the municipality of Xico, Veracruz, based on interviews with key actors to analyze the concerns and issues and the identification of opportunity areas to improve cattle ranchers competitiveness. Design/methodology/approach:Interviews to 30 cattle ranchers selected by targeted sampling and snowballing, semi-structured interviews with key actors, and revision of documentary information were performed, to identify producer profiles and the structure of the value network. Results:Milk producers in Xico are the third generation dedicated to that activity; they are classified as small (83%) and medium (17%) cattle ranchers, with a mean age of 56.0 ± 12.1 years, and 30.0 ± 15.1 years of experience; they have 55.0 ± 33.8 heads per producer, producing 241 ± 156.8 L day-1; 57% of them have mechanical milking and cold tank storage. Their marketing channels are Nestlé and Liconsa, regional cheese factories, and direct sales to consumers within the municipality. Growers interact with the Local Xico Livestock Association (LXLA) for paperwork related to cattle management and for supplies purchase. Limitations/implications: Successors must be prepared to maintain the active in the region. Findings/conclusions: Producers have the experience, vocation, resources, and infrastructure to produce milk offered for sale, primarily to Nestlé and Liconsa. The LXLA is the center of the network and it has the capacity to promote dairy activity to generate benefits for the chain of actors in the value network. Keywords:value network, key actors, union organization, productive chain, associativity.Objective: To characterize the producers and the dairy cattle value network in the municipality of Xico, Veracruz, Mexico, through interviews with key actors with the aim of analyzing the problem and identifying areas of opportunity that improve the competitiveness of ranchers. Design/methodology/approach: Interviews were conducted with n=30 ranchers selected by targeted and snowball sampling. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with key actors. The documentary information was reviewed, resulting in the identification of the profile of the producers and the structure of the value network. Results: Dairy producers in Xico are the third generation devoted to this activity. They are small- (83%) and medium-sized (17%) ranchers. They are 56.0 ± 12.1 years old and have 30.0 ± 15.1 years of experience. They have 55.0 ± 33.8 animals and produce 241 ± 156.8 L day-1. Fifty-seven percent have mechanical milking and cooling equipment. They sell their product to Nestlé and Liconsa, regional cheese factories, and directly to consumers within the municipality. The producers constantly interact with the Asociación Ganadera Local de Xico (AGLX) for matters related to cattle management and input purchase. Limitations/implications: If the regional activity is to be maintained, the generational replacement must be prepared. Findings/Conclusions: The producers have the experience, calling, resources, and infrastructure to produce and sell milk, mainly to Nestlé and Liconsa. The AGLX is the hub of the network and can promote dairy activity to generate benefits for the actors of the value chain and network