5,692 research outputs found

    La educación intercultural y la práctica del profesorado de ciencias sociales en secundaria

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    En este artículo hemos pretendido, en primer lugar, describir el significado de la educación intercultural y, en segundo lugar, mostrar algunos aspectos relevantes sobre el quehacer del profesorado de secundaria de ciencias sociales, geografía e historia, a partir de los resultados obtenidos de un cuestionario dirigido a 171 docentes, en el escenario multicultural de 41 centros públicos de secundaria de la provincia de Almería, y de la información recogida a través de grupos de discusión, teniendo como referente el paradigma de la educación intercultural. En cuanto a las técnicas de muestreo, hemos utilizado las de corte no probabilístico e intencional tanto para los centros como para el profesorado.The purpose of this article is to describe the meaning of intercultural education and to show some relevant aspects about the teaching practices of the secondary schoool teachers of social sciences, history and geography, from the results obtained both in a survey addressed to 171 teachers within the multicultural scenario of 41 public schools in the province of Almería, as well as within the discussion groups, having the Intercultural Education paradigm as a reference framework. Regarding sampling techniques, those of a non-probabilistic and intentional shift both for the schools and the teachers have been used.En este artículo hemos pretendido, en primer lugar, describir el significado de la educación intercultural y, en segundo lugar, mostrar algunos aspectos relevantes sobre el quehacer del profesorado de secundaria de ciencias sociales, geografía e historia, a partir de los resultados obtenidos de un cuestionario dirigido a 171 docentes, en el escenario multicultural de 41 centros públicos de secundaria de la provincia de Almería, y de la información recogida a través de grupos de discusión, teniendo como referente el paradigma de la educación intercultural. En cuanto a las técnicas de muestreo, hemos utilizado las de corte no probabilístico e intencional tanto para los centros como para el profesorado

    Tratamiento psicológico grupal de sesión única para personas que sufren trastornos adaptativos. Programa y evaluación preliminar

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    La elevada demanda de atención en salud mental en el Sistema Sanitario Público de Andalucía requiere idear e implementar propuestas asistenciales proporcionales a la gravedad de los trastornos, a la vez que ágiles y de calidad. Este trabajo presenta un programa de tratamiento psicológico grupal de sesión única para atender a personas que sufren trastornos adaptativos, así como los resultados de una evaluación preliminar de dicho programa. Los objetivos del programa son ayudar a la recuperación psicológica y emocional de los participantes y a la prevención de su recaída. Se ha aplicado a 40 personas, mujeres y varones, con edades comprendidas entre los 22 y 73 años, derivadas por sus médicos de atención primaria. La evaluación preliminar se realizó mediante un cuestionario de valoración y de satisfacción con el tratamiento de elaboración propia, indicadores asistenciales y la percepción de los profesionales que indicaron la derivación. A pesar del reducido número de pacientes que necesitaron una nueva derivación en los 12 meses siguientes, de las puntuaciones discretamente positivas obtenidas en el mencionado cuestionario y la percepción positiva de los médicos que indicaron la derivación, las limitaciones metodológicas de este estudio obligan a seguir valorando la oportunidad y utilidad del mismo en nuevos estudios controlados.The high demand for mental health care in the Public Health System of Andalusia requires to devise and implement care proposals proportional to the severity of the disorders, while being agile and of quality. This paper presents a single-session group psychological treatment program to assist people with adjustment disorders, as well as the results of its preliminary evaluation. The objectives of the program are to help the psychological and emotional recovery of the participants and to prevent their relapse. It has been applied to 40 people, women and men, aged between 22 and 73 years, derived by their family doctors. The preliminary evaluation was carried out through a questionnaire of assessment and satisfaction with de treatment of own elaboration, indicators of care and the perception of professionals who indicated the derivation. In spite of the small number of people who are referred back within 12 months after the treatment, the discreetly positive scores obtained in the questionnaire and the favorable perception of the doctors who referred patients, the methodological limitations of this study oblige to continue assessing the opportunity and utility of the same in new controlled studies

    Propuestas de intervención en el aula de las ciencias sociales de secundaria en un contexto multicultural

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    En este artículo queremos ofrecer un ejemplo práctico da las posibles acciones educativas desarrolladas por el profesorado de Ciencias Sociales de Secundaria en los nuevos contextos multiculturales. Éstos comprometen a todo el profesorado a buscar planteamientos pedagógicos y didácticos ajustados a los actuales escenarios socio-educativos. Así, en un ambiente social de nueva configuración, la compleja labor emprendida por el profesorado para poner en marcha prácticas educativas interculturales merece ser reconocida y valorada por nuestra sociedad democrática

    Los problemas relevantes de la sociedad actual en un aula de 5 años: qué hacemos con las personas refugiadas sirias

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    En este artículo ofrecemos una experiencia educativa particular comprometida con la situación de los refugiados de la guerra de Siria, llevada a cabo por dos docentes en el segundo ciclo de educación infantil, con la colaboración de la mayor parte de las familias y para la que tuvieron que superar ciertos obstáculos motivados por la incomodidad que generaba el asunto en algunos sectores minoritarios de la comunidad educativa. Este estudio de caso en un centro público de Almería (CEIP Clara Campoamor) nos ha servido para mostrar al alumnado universitario que los problemas socialmente relevantes del presente pueden y deben tratarse en las aulas de infantil a pesar de las resistencias que suscitan estas temáticas.In this article we offer a particular educational experience committed to the situation of refugees from the Syrian war carried out by two teachers in the second cycle of a nursery school. Although some degree of collaboration of most families was present, these teachers had to overcome certain obstacles caused by the discomfort that the issue generated in some sectors of the educational community. This case study in a public center in Almeria (CEIP Clara Campoamor) serves to show to the university students that the socially relevant problems of the present can and should be treated in nursery school, despite the resistance that these topics may raise.Dans cet article, nous proposons une expérience éducative particulière engagée à la situation des réfugiés de la guerre en Syrie, menée par deux enseignants du deuxième cycle du centre d'éducation de la petite enfance, avec la collaboration de la plupart des familles et qu'ils devaient surmonter certains motivés par l'inconfort généré par la question dans certains secteurs minoritaires des barrières communautaires d'éducation. Cette étude de cas dans un centre public d'Almería (CEIP Clara Campoamor) a servi à montrer aux étudiants universitaires que les problèmes sociaux pertinents de ce qui peut et doit être traitées dans les salles de classe des enfants en dépit de la résistance qui soulèvent ces questions

    The Social and Emotional Competences in the Earliest Academic Training of Compulsory Education Teachers within Multicultural Contexts

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    AbstractIn this article I argue about the necessity to give advantage to the social and emotional competences in the earliest academic training of teachers who work in the different grades of compulsory education, taking into account the requirements of the multicultural contexts currently existing in schools in Spain. In order to develop these ideas, attention will be paid here to the results obtained in our educational research with teachers of Social Sciences in different Secondary state schools in the province of Almería (Andalusia, Spain). With this research line, we are establishing a basic theoretical corpus for the teacher to be able to adjust his/her identities to the effects derived from the existence of a culturally diverse and complex society. We combined both quantitative and qualitative investigation and different methods (surveys, ethnography), as well as data collection techniques (sampling, questionnaire, observation, interview, discussion groups, documentary analysis, statistics analysis).The knowledge provided by a number of research groups from different Spanish universities when applying the Multiple Intelligences theory says that the social and emotional competences development in teachers can solve some of the difficulties he/she can find in the classroom. We believe that Intercultural Education is an adequate educative paradigm to be used as both theoretical and practical tool in these new educative scenarios, and, at the same time, to assist the cultural and ethnic diversity within the formal educative system in the best possible way.In my view, this adjustment will result on the welfare of the teacher and their daily practice in the classroom, achieving a more egalitarian socialization and greater well-being among students in the teaching and learning process of formal education

    Speaker Diarization Based on Intensity Channel Contribution

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    The time delay of arrival (TDOA) between multiple microphones has been used since 2006 as a source of information (localization) to complement the spectral features for speaker diarization. In this paper, we propose a new localization feature, the intensity channel contribution (ICC) based on the relative energy of the signal arriving at each channel compared to the sum of the energy of all the channels. We have demonstrated that by joining the ICC features and the TDOA features, the robustness of the localization features is improved and that the diarization error rate (DER) of the complete system (using localization and spectral features) has been reduced. By using this new localization feature, we have been able to achieve a 5.2% DER relative improvement in our development data, a 3.6% DER relative improvement in the RT07 evaluation data and a 7.9% DER relative improvement in the last year's RT09 evaluation data

    Characterization of electrical crosstalk in 4T-APS arrays using TCAD simulations

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    TCAD simulations have been conducted on a CMOS image sensor in order to characterize the electrical component of the crosstalk between pixels through the study of the electric field distribution. The image sensor consists on a linear array of five pinned photodiodes (PPD) with their transmission gates, floating diffusion and reset transistors. The effect of the variations of the thickness of the epitaxial layer has been addressed as well. In fact, the depth of the boundary of the epitaxial layer affects quantum efficiency (QE) so a correlation with crosstalk has been identified.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TEC2015-66878-C3-1RJunta de Andalucía TIC 2012-2338Office of Naval Research (USA) N00014141035

    A pragmática da interlíngua nos encontros de serviço: diagnosticando como espanhóis estudantes de inglês para a Indústria do Turismo informam os turistas em um centro de visitantes

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    This study explores the behaviour of (pre-)intermediate Spanish learners of English for the Tourism Industry at the transactional phase of a service encounter wherein they have to carry out one of the tasks for which they are trained: giving information at a tourist visitor centre. More specifically, this study analyses (i) the strategies wherewith they dispense tourist information, and (ii) how they attend to relational aspects during the encounter or manage rapport with tourists through such strategies and the information dispensed. Thus, this study purports to shed light onto learners' skills prior to instruction in an area which, although usually included in ESP textbooks, seems to have been overlooked by practitioners in interlanguage pragmatics. The preliminary need diagnosis that this paper makes may be the foundation upon which pedagogical intervention may subsequently be designed.Este estudo explora o comportamento dos aprendizes pré-intermediários de inglês para a Indústria do Turismo na fase transacional de um encontro de serviço onde eles precisam realizar uma das tarefas para as quais são treinados: dar informações em um centro de visitantes turísticos. Mais especificamente, este estudo analisa (i) as estratégias com as quais eles dispensam informações turísticas, e (ii) como atendem a aspectos relacionais durante o encontro ou gerenciam relacionamento com os turistas através dessas estratégias e as informações dispensadas. Assim, este estudo pretende lançar luz sobre as habilidades dos alunos antes da instrução em uma área que, embora geralmente incluída nos livros didáticos ESP, parece ter sido negligenciada por praticantes em interlíngua pragmática. A necessidade preliminar de diagnosticar que este trabalho faz pode ser o fundamento sobre o qual a intervenção pedagógica pode ser posteriormente projetada

    Rapport management by Spanish learners of English as an L2 at the opening phase of interaction in the tourist information office: A pragmatic analysis

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    This paper analyses rapport management at the opening phase of interaction by Spanish students of English as an L2 in Tourism at the tourist information office. Based on Spencer-Oatey’s (2000, 2008, 2009) and Brown and Levinson’s (1987) works, it explores the politeness strategies these learners use in three politeness systems (Scollon and Wong-Scollon 1995) to manage rapport through their L2. Thus, this work examines whether these learners’ behaviour significantly differs from native speakers’.Este trabajo analiza la gestión de las relaciones interpersonales por parte de estudiantes de inglés como L2 en Turismo en la fase inicial de la interacción en una oficina de turismo. Basado en los trabajos de Spencer- Oatey (2000, 2008, 2009) y Brown y Levinson (1987), explora las estrategias de cortesía que estos estudiantes emplean en tres sistemas de cortesía (Scollon y Wong-Scollon 1995) para gestionar sus relaciones sociales con su L2. Con ello, examina si el comportamiento de estos estudiantes en dicha fase interactiva difiere significativamente del de los hablantes nativos

    High-temperature mechanical behavior of polycrystalline yttrium-doped barium cerate perovskite

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    The high-temperature mechanical properties of the mixed ionic-electronic conductor perovskite BaCe0.95Y0.05O3-δ with average grain size of 0.40μm have been studied in compression between 1100 and 1300°C in air at different initial strain rates. The true stress-true strain curves display an initial stress drop, followed by an extended steady-state stage. As the temperature decreases and/or the strain rate increases, there is a transition to a damage-tolerant strain-softening stage and eventually to catastrophic failure. Analysis of mechanical and microstructural data revealed that grain boundary sliding is the primary deformation mechanism. The strength drop has been correlated with the growth of ultrafine grains during deformation, already present at grain boundaries and triple grain junctions in the as-fabricated material.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación MAT2009-13979-C03-0