7 research outputs found

    Electrochemical oxidation of meglumine in a pharmaceutical formulation using a nanocomposite anode

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    The electrocatalytic oxidation of meglumine and gadoterate meglumine (Gd-DOTA) on a TiO2-Ni(SO4)0.3(OH)1.4 composite anode was investigated in alkaline medium (5 M KOH) using cyclic voltammetry and chronoamperometry. The composite was prepared by hydrothermal method and the morphology and structure of the produced nanoparticles were studied by scanning electron microscopy with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, atomic force microscopy, BET surface area analysis and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The characterization revealed the formation of Ni(SO4)0.3(OH)1.4 nanobelts dispersed on TiO2 nanoaggregates. The composite was coated onto a porous graphite rod, showing good adherence without requiring any binder (according to their anodic and cathodic charges). The supported composite was electrocatalytic, allowing the oxidation of meglumine, either as pure reagent or contained in gadoterate meglumine solutions. Electrochemical methods allowed determining the kinetic parameters, such as the electron transfer coefficient α, the total number of electrons n and the standard heterogeneous rate constant k0 for the reaction of meglumine. The chronoamperometric tests informed about the good stability of the composite anode upon meglumine oxidation at +0.6 V for 10 h. The electrochemical oxidation of meglumine in a commercial pharmaceutical formulation (Dotarem®) was corroborated via ultra-high performance liquid chromatography coupled to electrospray ionization and quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry

    Fechas de trasplante y productividad del chile habanero con riego por goteo

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    Se cuantificó el efecto de la fecha de trasplante en la producción del chile habanero y el uso eficiente del agua de riego(UEA)y se determinóla rentabilidad dela producciónen condiciones de riego por goteo y cubierta plástica.El trabajo se desarrolló en Huimanguillo, Tabasco en un suelo Fluvisoléutrico. Se utilizóla variedad Orangeencincofechas de trasplante: 1) 17de septiembre de 2014,2) 30 de septiembre de2014,3)23 de diciembre de 2014, 4) 10 de enero de 2015 y 5) 12de febrero de 2015. Se establecieron cuatro parcelas de validación en el ciclo PV-2016. El trasplante se realizó a los 45días después de la emergenciade las plántulas en charolas, con una densidad de 13400 plantas ha-1. El riego se aplicó con base enla evapotranspiración del cultivo (ETc=ET0Kc)donde la evapotranspiración de referencia (ET0)se estimó con el tanque evaporímetro tipo “A”. Se utilizaron los siguientes coeficientes de cultivo (Kc): 0.4, 0.8y 0.7en la etapa inicial, intermedia y final de desarrollo del cultivo, respectivamente.Se concluye que las fechas de trasplante del 17 de septiembre al 12 de febrero tienen un efecto similar en el rendimiento de frutos a excepción de la fecha 10 de enero, afectada por Phytophthora capsici. En cuanto alaUEA, la fecha de trasplante 30 de septiembre incrementó 16.5% con respecto al 12 de febrero y 33.7% con respecto al 10 de enero.La rentabilidad del cultivofue mayor en las fechas de diciembre y febreroobteniéndoseuna relación beneficio costo de 3.1y 3.5, respectivamente. Palabras clave: Capsicum chinense,Phytophthora capsici, lámina de riego,uso eficiente del agua

    Cassava-based (Manihot esculenta Crantz) fermented energy-protein food for bovines

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    Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) is a tuber that is used for human consumption and in the diet of animals, it is characterized by having a high starch content and low protein content. In this sense, it is proposed to use solid state fermentation (FES) to obtain a fermented feed based on cassava with a high energy-protein value for cattle. The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of the levels of yeast inoculum (IL) and days of fermentation, in the chemical, fermentative and microbiological composition of fermented foods based on cassava. A completely randomized design was used with factorial arrangement, 3 levels of yeast inoculum (0, 5 and 10%) and 5 days of fermentation (0, 1, 2, 3 and 4 days). Interaction was found between the factors studied in the variables pH and crude protein (CP). The highest pH values ??were obtained with the addition of 10% of the IL (8.67) and values ??of 16.55% of PC were found. In relation to true protein (PV) and in situ degradation of dry matter (DIMS), no differences were found in the inoculum level or the days of fermentation studied, the PV values ??were 8% and DIMS 80 %. The yeast inoculum and the days of fermentation did not increase the true protein of the fermented cassava-based food.L Objective: To assess the effect of different yeast levels and fermentation times on the chemical, fermentative, and microbiological composition of cassava in order to produce a cassava-based fermented food. Design/Methodology/Approach: We used a completely randomized design with a factorial arrangement, three yeast inoculum levels (0, 5, and 10%), and five fermentation times (0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 days). Results: We found significant interaction of the studied factors with the pH and crude protein (CP) variables. The highest pH values were obtained adding 10% yeast inoculum (YI) (8.67). CP values of 16.55% were found. No differences caused by the studied inoculum levels and fermentation times were found in true protein (TP) and the in situ degradation of dry matter (IDDM). TP and IDDM had 8% and 80% values, respectively. Study Limitations/Implications: A behavior test with bovines must be conducted to demonstrate the potential of cassava-based fermented foods in meat and/or milk production. Findings/Conclusions: The yeast inoculum and the fermentation days did not increase the TP in the cassava-based fermented food

    Onset of the growing season and dry periods in Tabasco, Mexico

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    In rainfed agriculture, information about dates for the onset of rainy periods is used to plan activities inherent to exploitation, and even determines the success or failure of crops. The results are partially reflected after planting (germination) and at harvesting time. Dry periods are another very important factor to the agricultural cycle, causing poor germination, stunted growth, deficient development and considerable reductions in yield. Therefore, an analysis was performed at the onset of the growing season in Tabasco in order to identify different levels of probabilities for the dates for the beginning of this period. The frequency of 7-day dry periods was also studied (defined by a threshold of 1 mm) using daily rainfall and evaporation information from 18 weather stations in the state. A relationship was found between the average start of the growing season with the latitude and average annual rainfall. This was corroborated by a linear regression analysis, in which values for r2 of 0.6884 and 0.8112 were found for each case. The earliest dates for the beginning of the growing season relate to low probabilities for the onset of the rainy season; Tabasco has three regions in which the beginning of the growing season (80%) is distinctly affected by the occurrence of 7-day dry periods

    Estudio base sobre alternativas productivas agropecuarias en el estado de Tabasco en escenarios de cambio climático

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    <p>El presente informe está orientado a la identificación y descripción de alternativas productivas agropecuarias, considerando cultivos representativos (maíz, cacao, plátano, cítricos, hortalizas y asociados a ganadería) en una muestra de Unidades de Producción (UP), entendidas éstas como personas físicas o grupo de personas físicas o morales que desarrollan actividades agropecuarias, acuícolas, pesqueras u otras para producir bienes para autoconsumo y/o venta al mercado, a partir de datos del año agrícola 2013. Esto bajo escenarios de cambio climático, particularmente de aumento de temperatura y variaciones de precipitación, tomando como base los registros históricos (1961-2000) y futuro lejano (2075-2099) elaborados por el Instituto Nacional de Ecología y Cambio Climático (INECC).</p