376 research outputs found

    A construción da axenda política, mediática e pública nas eleccións galegas do ano 2009. Estratexia partidaria, produción da información e cidadanía

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    As eleccións ao Parlamento de Galicia do ano 2009 foron uns comicios con características especiais, dende o nivel fenomenolóxico ata o comunicativo e o político, onde, nun momento de varias crises superpostas, cada axente xogou un papel determinante na configuración das diferentes axendas e no encadre dos actores. Os acontecementos que tiveron lugar entre setembro de 2008 e marzo de 2009 no contexto económico e social, dinamitaron a posibilidade de continuidade no poder por parte de dous partidos políticos, PSOE e BNG, que, naquela altura, estaban condenados a entenderse para construír unha alternativa á dereita en Galicia. A presente investigación realizouse mediante un estudo pormenorizado das novas dos xornais La Voz de Galicia, Faro de Vigo e El País entre o 9 de decembro de 2008 (data de saída de Xornal de Galicia) e o 28 de febreiro de 2009 (último día da campaña electoral) a través dunha metodoloxía mixta onde se conxuga a análise de discurso e de contido, ademais da extracción de datos dos diferentes barómetros do CIS. Sobre esta base constrúese o relato electoral mediante a “tematización” presente nos medios, investigando o proceso de diálogo (ou comunicación) que se estableceu entre os partidos políticos, os medios de comunicación e a cidadanía dentro do marco das teorías da axenda-setting e tamén da axendabuilding e as súas posibles influencias no voto. O desenvolvemento da investigación incardinouse nun momento de cambio, cunhas axendas que estaban reforzando o seu contido económico, e no que o período máis conflitivo se deu entre o 23 e o 28 de febreiro, onde os encadres sobre determinados protagonistas se acentúan, certos temas se reforzan e o conflito chega ao punto máximo co “despilfarro” como elemento central

    De la videopolítica a la ciberpolítica: debate entre candidatos y televisiones en cinco elecciones presidenciales

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    From video politics to cyberpolitics: Debate among candidates and televisions in five presidential elections. Media acquires political prominence also in the digital space, where its information collaborates in building up an agenda linked to both candidates and citizens. The present investigation analyzes the official Twitter accounts of two main television stations in Argentina, Peru, Ecuador, Honduras and Chile for 28 days, each of which corresponds with the electoral processes and campaigns of the presidential elections held in Latin America over the period 2015-2017. Through the study of 16,359 broadcasts using tools such as Python Twint, NVivo and SPSS, the most relevant topics from each electoral process were correlated and analyzed in relation to the agendas of the candidates. The main conclusions show the primacy of the horse-race campaign, the subsidiary position of political information and the existence of a “coalition of agendas” that marks the relationship between the political system and the media system

    De la videopolítica a la ciberpolítica: debate entre candidatos y televisiones en cinco elecciones presidenciales

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    From video politics to cyberpolitics: Debate among candidates and televisions in five presidential elections. Media acquires political prominence also in the digital space, where its information collaborates in building up an agenda linked to both candidates and citizens. The present investigation analyzes the official Twitter accounts of two main television stations in Argentina, Peru, Ecuador, Honduras and Chile for 28 days, each of which corresponds with the electoral processes and campaigns of the presidential elections held in Latin America over the period 2015-2017. Through the study of 16,359 broadcasts using tools such as Python Twint, NVivo and SPSS, the most relevant topics from each electoral process were correlated and analyzed in relation to the agendas of the candidates. The main conclusions show the primacy of the horse-race campaign, the subsidiary position of political information and the existence of a “coalition of agendas” that marks the relationship between the political system and the media system

    Transparency Policies in European Public Broadcasters: Sustainability, Digitalisation and Fact-Checking

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    Over the last few years, European public broadcasters have promoted the concept of public service media as one of their main values. To this end, transparency policies have been implemented as a mechanism of corporate projection by strengthening their role as an essential service. The objective of this article is to ascertain the existence of this type of policies among European public broadcasters. To this end, a nominal group was made with 24 experts who were surveyed, thus generating new indicators of transparency and accountability strategies around sustainability and digitalization. The contents of the websites of RTVE (Spain), RTP (Portugal), France TV (France), RAI (Italy), BBC (UK), RTÉ (Ireland), ZDF (Germany), VRT (Belgium), and SVT (Sweden) were also analyzed, paying attention to such indicators and strategies. The main results include the identification of differences on the basis of the ideal models described by Hallin and Mancini; a commitment to credibility (fact-checking) to the detriment of diversity of opinions; and a connection between the political system and the media system, which, preliminarily, determines the level of transparency of these public entitiesThe results of this research are part of the work of the “Equipo de Investigaciones Políticas” (USC). It is also part of the project “Nuevos valores, gobernanza, financiación y servicios audiovisuales públicos para la sociedad de Internet: contrastes europeos y españoles” (2019–2021) financed by the Spanish Ministry of Innovation and Universities (RTI2018-096065-B-I00)S

    Thematic agenda and Twitter: Presidential elections in Latin America during the 2015-2017 period

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    The political agenda in an electoral context has multiple supports on which to be built: besides traditional media, social networks have adopted a leading role in the strategies of the parties. The current research analyzes for 28 days the official Twitter accounts of the two main presidential candidates in Argentina, Peru, Ecuador, Honduras and Chile, during the elections held in Latin America in the 2015-2017 period. The thematic agendas of the candidates and the countries are exposed through the use of a quantitative methodology, content analysis and the use of tools such as Python Twint, NVivo and SPSS, whilst Spearman’s Rho coefficient was applied for the extraction of correlations. In conclusion, the absence of a particular digital agenda in Latin America has been inferred, within a coherent thematic behavior through the left-right axis and the national politics

    The communicationn of the accountability of european public service media

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    La rendición de cuentas es un compromiso para las corporaciones de radiotelevisión pública de la Unión Europea debido a las diferentes leyes que obligan al cumplimiento de este ejercicio. El objeto de este trabajo es evaluar cómo estas organizaciones exponen los resultados de gestión a sus respectivas ciudadanías y si la relación con ellas está basada en la transparencia, la apertura y el diálogo. Para ello, metodológicamente, la aproximación que se ha llevado a cabo en esta investigación se orienta a un modelo analítico de tipo cualitativo basado en la aplicación de un sistema de indicadores que permita conocer la dirección en la que se están moviendo estas instituciones para, no solo cumplir con las diferentes normativas de transparencia y rendición de cuentas, sino para satisfacer las demandas de sus principales stakeholders. Este instrumento será aplicado a cinco corporaciones (BBC, RTÉ, ARD, France TV y RTVE) seleccionadas en función de los siguientes criterios: titularidad pública y señal en abierto, participación en la Unión Europea de Radiodifusión, situación pareja en indicadores internacionales, marco normativo sobre el acceso a la información pública y que los tres sistemas mediáticos comparados de Hallin y Mancini estén representados. Basándonos en los resultados obtenidos, se evidencia que las entidades públicas analizadas muestran un interés generalizado por transparentar sus acciones, sin embargo, no todas presentan un buen nivel de accesibilidad a la información ni de actualización de la misma.Accountability is a compromise for public service media organizations in the European Union due to the different laws that force compliance with this exercise. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate how these organizations present their management results to their respective citizens and whether the relationship they establish with the citizens is based on transparency, openness and dialogue. In order to do so, our methodological approach was directed at a qualitative analytical model based on the application of a system of indicators that allows for the identification of the direction towards which these institutions are moving not only to comply with the different transparency and accountability regulations, but also to satisfy the demands of their main stakeholders. This tool will be applied to five corporations (BBC, RTE, ARD, France TV and RTVE), selected according to the following criteria: public ownership and free-to-air signal, membership in the European Broadcasting Union, similar position in international indicators, normative framework on access to information, and the representation of the three media models established by Hallin and Macini. The achieved results prove that the analysed public organizations show a generalized interest in making their actions transparent; however, not all of them offer a good level of accessibility to information nor update it frequently.S

    Gamification in Ecology-Oriented Mobile Applications-Typologies and Purposes

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    Mobile applications viewed as digital social change tools are focused on sustainable development, particularly in topics that address ecology and the environment. In this research, the aim is to systematize a review of the 10 most downloaded mobile applications in this context, but deepening on those that use game elements in their interface, organizing them according to components, mechanics and playful dynamics. Findings demonstrate the role of levels and achievements as more repeated dynamics, and challenges and feedback as more relevant elements in gameplay, and finally, emotions and narratives as components of the gamified experience. The incorporation of these elements in mobile games shows that digital gamification in the environmental context is organized from an alternative perspective, where argumentation, the succession of events, the progressive incorporation of difficulty and the interaction with the computerized system modify the traditional view that sees gamification as a superficial system of points

    Imagen e Identidad Política en América Latina Proyecto de Investigación 11.4

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    Los trabajos que integran el Cuaderno 112, que se corresponde con el Proyecto de Investigación 11.4 Imagen e Identidad Política en América Latina dan cuenta de una serie de aproximaciones al complejo y diverso panorama de Latinoamérica en lo referido a los usos de los medios en las relaciones entre gobiernos y ciudadanos, analizando las prácticas mediante las que se desenvuelven los partidos políticos considerando la presencia de las tecnologías digitales y las redes sociales en particular. El estudio de casos abarca un abanico de países que incluye a Uruguay, Chile, Perú, Brasil, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador y Argentina

    Imagen e Identidad Política en América Latina

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    Research Project 11.4 presents and reflects on the various transformations experienced in the field of government-citizenship relations in Latin American countries from the 1990s to the present. Three axes of study are followed: a) political discourse and its manifestations, analyzing the ways in which mediatization intervenes in the processes of production, circulation and consumption of political phenomena. Likewise, it explores the incidence of digitization in the transformations of communication modalities between political actors and citizens; b) on this axis, the tensions between the political forces of the (center) left and (center) right are reconstructed and systematized, analyzing the narratives used by each to capture votes and remain in power; and c) it focuses on the enunciative strategies and styles of public presentation of (center) right candidates, whose electoral boom in recent years constitutes a phenomenon of growing interest for political communication studies.El Proyecto de Investigación 11.4 presenta y reflexiona las diversas transformaciones experimentadas en el ámbito de las relaciones gobierno-ciudadanía en los países de América Latina desde la década de 1990 hasta la actualidad. Se siguen tres ejes de estudio: a) el discurso político y sus manifestaciones, analizando las formas en que la mediatización interviene en los procesos de producción, circulación y consumo de fenómenos políticos. Asimismo, explora la incidencia de la digitalización en las transformaciones de las modalidades de comunicación entre los actores políticos y la ciudadanía; b) en este eje se reconstruye y sistematizan las tensiones entre las fuerzas políticas de (centro) izquierda y (centro) derecha, analizando las narrativas utilizadas por cada una para captar votos y permanecer en el poder; y c) se centra en las estrategias enunciativas y los estilos de presentación pública de candidatos de (centro) derecha, cuyo auge electoral en los últimos años constituye un fenómeno de creciente interés para los estudios de comunicación política.O Projeto de Pesquisa 11.4 apresenta e reflete sobre as várias transformações vividas no campo das relações governo-cidadania nos países latino-americanos desde a década de 1990 até o presente. São seguidos três eixos de estudo: a) o discurso político e suas manifestações, analisando as formas pelas quais a midiatização intervém nos processos de produção, circulação e consumo dos fenômenos políticos. Da mesma forma, explora a incidência da digitalização nas transformações das modalidades de comunicação entre atores políticos e cidadãos; b) neste eixo, as tensões entre as forças políticas de (centro) esquerda e (centro) direita são reconstruídas e sistematizadas, analisando as narrativas utilizadas por cada uma para captar votos e permanecer no poder; ec) enfoca as estratégias enunciativas e os estilos de apresentação pública dos candidatos (de centro) direita, cujo boom eleitoral nos últimos anos constitui um fenômeno de crescente interesse para los estudos de comunicação política