2,050 research outputs found

    Polimorfismo en el color floral y especiación en Lysimachia arvensis

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    Uno de los caracteres que promueven la selección divergente es el polimorfismo del color que se define como la presencia en una especie de dos o más morfos de color, genéticamente determinados e interfértiles en las mismas poblaciones. En plantas, el polimorfismo del color floral es un fenómeno ampliamente distribuido, pero poco frecuente, que se debe principalmente a la presencia de antocianinas. El polimorfismo del color ha sido definido como un “carácter mágico”, es decir, un carácter codificado por genes que están sujetos a selección divergente y que afectan pleiotrópicamente al aislamiento reproductivo, por lo que puede desencadenar un proceso de especiación. Aunque para que el proceso de especiación se complete es necesario el desarrollo de un considerable número de barreras pre- y postcigóticas entre las especies incipientes. A este respecto, hay que señalar que el color floral puede no ser el carácter que desencadene un proceso de especiación, pero puede ser fundamental como mecanismo de “refuerzo” creando barreras de aislamiento entre esas especies. El objetivo principal de esta tesis doctoral es conocer si el polimorfismo de color floral puede ser el desencadenante de un proceso de especiación en Lysimachia arvensis (L.) U. Manns & Anderb, una especie anual con plantas con flores azules o rojas. Para llevar a cabo este objetivo hemos estudiado diversos aspectos ecológicos, reproductivos y moleculares de esta especie, como la segregación del color floral, el papel de los polinizadores como agentes de selección, la fenología de los morfos de color, su sistema de cruzamiento, la depresión por endogamia, la diversidad genética de las poblaciones y la filogenia del grupo de especies en las que se incluye L. arvensis. Hemos encontrado que tras el cruce entre morfos de color se origina una F1 homogénea con flores salmón y que aparece con muy poca frecuencia en las poblaciones naturales. Los espectros de reflectancia muestran que el morfo azul es el que contrasta más con el fondo verde de las hojas, y que los morfos salmón y rojo son poco diferenciables bajo el sistema visual de las abejas, sus principales polinizadores. Además, se ha observado la presencia de dos tipos consecutivos de hercogamia, lateral y vertical, un fenómeno muy raro en las angiospermas. Ambos tipos de hercogamia tienen un alto grado de heredabilidad, y difieren entre morfos. El morfo rojo presenta una marcada hercogamia lateral en el primer día de apertura floral y hercogamia reversa durante el segundo día, favoreciendo la autopolinización retardada. El azul mostró mucha más variabilidad con poblaciones más xenógamas con una marcada hercogamia lateral el primer día y hercogamia de aproximación después, mientras que otras mostraron poca hercogamia lateral y posteriormente de aproximación, lo que favorece la autogamia competitiva. Además hemos encontrado una disminución de la hercogamia en poblaciones simpátricas con respecto a las alopátricas. Respecto a las barreras pre- y postcigóticas que pueden aparecer entre los dos morfos de color se han estudiado las ecogeográficas, fenológicas, dirigidas por los polinizadores, la precedencia polínica y las relacionadas con el cruce entre morfos (formación de frutos y semillas, germinación, viabilidad y supervivencia de las plántulas, producción de frutos de la F1 y F2). El aislamiento ecogeográfico, la precedencia del polen y el aislamiento por polinizadores fueron las barreras más importantes, contribuyendo a un aislamiento global entre morfos de un 0,7855. Además, los morfos mostraron diferencias en la fenología de germinación y floración, siendo el morfo azul el que germinó primero y floreció más tempranamente. Los niveles de depresión por endogamia fueron altos para el morfo rojo (alrededor de 0,6) y bastante más bajos para el morfo azul (0,18-0,32), a pesar de lo cual la diversidad genética del morfo rojo fue muy baja en comparación con la del azul tanto en poblaciones Mediterráneas como no Mediterráneas. De hecho, ambos morfos mostraron una alta diferenciación genética entre ellos. Todos los resultados que hemos ido obteniendo sugieren una gran diferenciación entre los dos morfos de L. arvensis y una baja tasa de cruzamientos en poblaciones naturales. El estudio filogenético mostró un agrupamiento de los individuos de L. arvensis con independencia de su color floral cuando se utilizaron marcadores plástidiales. Sin embargo, los marcadores nucleares agruparon al morfo rojo con L. monelli y L. foemina, y en un clado diferente al morfo azul junto con L. talaverae. L. arvensis parece estar compuesto por dos linajes totalmente diferentes que pueden ser considerados bajo la categoría de especie. Proponemos el nombre de L. arvensis para el morfo rojo y L. loefflingi, nombre nuevo, para el morfo azul. El conjunto de resultados obtenidos en esta tesis doctoral indica que el color floral no ha sido el carácter que ha desencadenado el proceso de especiación en L. arvensis. Sin embargo, el hecho de que el color floral esté directamente implicado en importantes barreras precigóticas de aislamiento reproductivo entre estos dos taxones sugiere fuertemente que este rasgo podría estar funcionando como mecanismo de refuerzo, manteniendo ambas especies como entidades independientes.Colour polymorphism is defined as the presence of two or more colour morphs, genetically determined and interfertile, within populations of a species. In plants, flower colour polymorphism is a widespread phenomenom but relatively infrequent and depends mainly of the presence of anthocyanins. Colour polymorphism has been defined as a “magic trait”, that is, a character encoded by genes that are subject to divergent selection that affects pleiotropically reproductive isolation, acting as a trigger for the speciation process. An essential component of speciation is the evolution of reproductive isolation. In plants, reproductive isolation depends on the existence of a considerable number of pre- and post-zygotic barriers between the incipient species. However, sometime flower colour does not initiate the speciation process but it can strongly contribute to species separation by acting as a reinforcement mechanism. The main objective of this doctoral thesis is to know if the floral colour polymorphism can be unleashing of speciation process in Lysimachia arvensis (L.) U. Manns & Anderb., an annual forb with red or blue flowers. To do this, we have carried out ecological, reproductive and molecular studies of L. arvensis such as floral colour segregation, plant phenology, breeding system and endogamy depression, genetic diversity of populations and the phylogeny of the L. arvensis group. We have found that inter-morph cross originates a homogeneous F1 with salmon-colour flowers, very infrequent in natural populations. The reflectance spectra of these morphs show that blue flowers markedly contrast with the background of the leaves. Bees, the main pollinators of this species, hardly distinguish between salmon and red flowers. In addition, flowers have two consecutive kinds of hercogamy, lateral and vertical, a very rare phenomenon in flowering plants. Both types of hercogamy have a high degree of heritability, and differ between morphs. The red morph showed a marked lateral hercogamy on the first anthesis day of the flowers and reverse hercogamy during the second day, favouring delayed selfing. The blue morph was much more variable, some populations had a marked lateral herkogamy and then, approach herkogamy while others had low lateral herkogamy and then, approach hercogamy, favouring competing selfing. Herkogamy traits decreased significantly when morphs occur in sympatry than in allopatry. In relation to the pre- and post-zygotic barriers between the two colour morphs, the ecogeographical, phenological, driven by pollinators, pollen precedence and those related to the between morph crossing (fruit- and seed-set, germination, viability and survival of progeny F1 and F2) were studied. The ecogeographical isolation, the pollen precedence and the isolation by pollinators were the most important barriers, contributing to a isolation of 0.7855. In addition, the germination and flowering phenology differed between morphs occurring earlier in the blue morph. Inbreeding depression levels were high in the red morph (about 0.6) and much lower in he blue morph (0.18-0.32). Despite that, genetic diversity of the red morph was lower than that of the blue morph in both Mediterranean and non- Mediterranean populations. In fact, the blue and red morph showed a huge genetic differentiation among them. All the results obtained suggest a high differentiation and a low pollen flow between morphs. The phylogenetic study of Lysimachia arvensis clade grouped both colour morphs in the same clade when using plastid markers. However, the nuclear markers grouped the red morph together both L. monelli and L. foemina, and the blue morph in a different clade with L. talaverae. These results strongly suggest that L. arvensis is composed by two different lineages that can be considered as different species. We propose the name of L. arvensis for the red morph and L. loefflingi, new name, for the blue morph. All results obtained in this doctoral thesis indicate that flower colour has not driven the speciation process in L. arvensis. However, the fact that flower colour is directly associated to important prezygotic barriers between both taxa strongly suggest its role as reinforcement mechanism, maintaining both lineages as independent entities

    Expresiones de la religiosidad medieval en la región gaditana (siglos XIII-XIV)

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    El carácter fronterizo de la región gaditana durante los decenios posteriores a su conquista definitiva en la segunda mitad del siglo XIII, así como las duras condiciones de vida a la que estuvieron sometidos los pobladores castellanos –en constante conflicto con los musulmanes del otro lado de la raya– permitieron la aparición entre ellos de una religiosidad martirial, en plena sintonía con la identificación del repoblador como agente evangelizador. El estudio de esta realidad se completa deteniéndonos en las transformaciones sufridas en las ciudades como consecuencia de la sustitución del Islam por la Cristiandad, a la vez que analizamos las formas de religiosidad de su población y las principales devociones surgidas en el territorio gaditano desde el momento de su conquista.In the years following the Reconquest in the latter half of the 13th century, life in the border area of Cadiz was difficult, and the population was submitted to many hardships. The constant conflict with the Muslims on the other side of the border gave rise to religious devotions in line with the spirit of evangelization dominant among the Christian settlers. The substitution of Islam for Christianity produced important transformations in the towns. In this article we study these transformations and also those relating to the religious practice of the population and the new types of devotion that ensued.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (España) HAR2013-41378

    Alfonso X y el Convento de Santo Domingo de Jerez de la Frontera. Análisis de su primer documento y el caso del falso diplomático

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    La conquista de Jerez por Alfonso X el Sabio en 1264 trajo consigo el estable- cimiento de la Orden de Predicadores en la ciudad. En el presente trabajo se estudia tanto el primer documento conservado de la fundación, una carta plomada de Alfonso X de 1267, como un segundo texto ampliado, difundido por la historiografía local y recogido en otro documento, cuyo detallado análisis paleográfico y diplomático ha demostrado su condición de falso.The conquest of Jerez by King Alfonso 10 th the Wise in 1264 brought about the stablishment of the Order of Preachers in the town. This work analyzes the earliest record reserved of its foundation, a 1267 plumb-sealed letter from King Alfonso 10 th , as well as a second enlarged text transmitted by local historians and included in another document, whose detailed paleographic and diplomatic analysis has proven it to be false

    10 Gigabit White Rabbit: sub-nanosecond timing and data distribution

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    Time synchronization is a critical feature for many scientific facilities and industrial infrastructures. The required performance is progressively increasing everyday, for instance, few tens of nanoseconds for Fifth Generation (5G) networks or sub-nanosecond accuracy on next family of particle accelerators and astrophysics telescopes. Due to this exigent accuracy, many applications require specific timing dedicated networks, increasing the system cost and complexity. Under this context, the new IEEE 1588-2019 High Accuracy (HA) default profile is intensively based on White Rabbit (WR) which can provide sub-nanosecond accurate synchronization for Ethernet networks. However, current WR solutions have not been designed to work properly with high data bandwidth delivery services even in 1 Gigabit Ethernet (GbE) links. On this contribution, the authors propose a new architecture design that enables WR and, consequently, the IEEE 1588-2019 HA profile to be deployed over 10 GbE links solving the already identified data bandwidth problem. Furthermore, this work addresses different experiments needed to characterize the system performance in terms of time synchronization and data transfer. As final result, this contribution presents for the first time in the literature a new WR system which allows high bandwidth data exchange in 10 GbE networks while providing sub-nanosecond accuracy synchronization. The proposed solution maintains the time synchronization performance of existing WR 1 GbE devices with significant advantages in terms of latency and data bandwidth, enabling its deployment in applications that integrate data and synchronization information in the same network.European Union (EU) 725490H2020 ASTERICS 653477AMIGA7 RTI2018-096228-B-C3

    GNS3 for Security Practitioners

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    This guide is only a small part of the security content that can be learned during the "Master's Degree in Computer Engineering" - Cybersecurity Degree. The guide is used by the students as reinforcement during practical classes, but there is much more content that is not found in the guide. Indeed, the student has access to the virtual machine resulting from the steps in the guide (including all the scripts and networks configured for GNS3), so these steps are only used if the student wants to set up their own environment at home. Moreover, vulnerability analyses are very dependent on the living system. The student learns how to use Metasploit and other pentesting tools during the course, although this is not included in deep in the guide. This guide is only a first step towards cybersecurity training.The objective of this guide is to provide useful information for the deployment of a virtual laboratory using GNS3 with the aim of testing security features. In this guide GNS3 is used together with other tools for training in network security. It is possible to install all these tools in a single virtual machine. In addition, the virtual machine must have nested virtualisation enabled in order to run inside other virtual machines (e.g. Kali Linux)

    Comparative analysis of low nitrogen emissions fertilizers based on activated carbon from residual materials

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    Nitrate leaching and ammonia volatilization are the main pathways of nitrogen loss in agriculture. New environmentally friendly fertilizers have been investigated in recent years in order to reduce nitrogen losses and associated impacts [1]. One suggested solution has been to incorporate biochar as soil amendment, since its effects on nitrogen retention and soil fertility are well known [2, 3]. Fertilizer production from activated biocarbon is the researched line explored in this work. Biochar has been produced from two different raw materials, residual biomass and coal mine residues. Both have been produced through a physical activation process in an externally heated quartz tubular reactor [4]. After an experimental period, the optimized conditions were reached and the biochar product was obtained showing good microporosity and adsorption characteristics. The final product was used to set up the new fertilizer, and its nitrogen retention capacity was experimentally tested by laboratory and pot trials. Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract

    IEEE 1588 High Accuracy Default Profile: Applications and Challenges

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    Highly accurate synchronization has become a major requirement because of the rise of distributed applications, regulatory requests and position, navigation and timing backup needs. This fact has led to the development of new technologies which fulfill the new requirements in terms of accuracy and dependability. Nevertheless, some of these novel proposals have lacked determinism, robustness, interoperability, deployability, scalability or management tools preventing them to be extensively used in real industrial scenarios. Different segments require accurate timing information over a large number of nodes. Due to the high availability and low price of global satellite-based time references, many critical distributed facilities depend on them. However, the vulnerability to jamming or spoofing represents a well-known threat and back-up systems need to be deployed to mitigate it. The recently approved draft standard IEEE 1588-2019 includes the High Accuracy Default Precision Time Protocol Profile which is intensively based on the White Rabbit protocol. White Rabbit is an extension of current IEEE 1588-2008 network synchronization protocol for sub-nanosecond synchronization. This approach has been validated and intensively used during the last years. This paper revises the pre-standard protocol to expose the challenges that the High Accuracy profile will find after its release and covers existing applications, promising deployments and the technological roadmap, providing hints and an overview of features to be studied. The authors review different issues that have prevented the industrial adoption of White Rabbit in the past and introduce the latest developments that will facilitate the next IEEE 1588 High Accuracy extensive adoption.This work was supported in part by the AMIGA6 under Grant AYA2015-65973-C3-2-R, in part by the AMIGA7 under Grant RTI2018-096228-B-C32, and in part by the Torres Quevedo under Grant PTQ2018-010198

    Aprendizaje cooperativo en cursos multidisciplinares

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    La enseñanza de contenidos técnicos en grupos multidisciplinares es una tarea compleja debido a la diversidad de los conocimientos iniciales de los alumnos implicados. Sin embargo esta dificultad puede llegar a convertirse en una poderosa herramienta. En este artículo se presenta la experiencia obtenida durante una asignatura de software libre impartida a un grupo multidisciplinar formado por alumnos de distintas carreras técnicas. La base de nuestra propuesta es obligar a los estudiantes a cooperar forzando grupos compuestos por alumnos de diferentes carreras. Este tipo de agrupación obliga a los alumnos a realizar trabajo cooperativo y aprendizaje entre iguales, lo que les permite desarrollar habilidades tanto técnicas como profesionales. Nuestros resultados muestran que con este enfoque se consiguen buenos resultados tanto en el aprendizaje como en la aceptación por parte de los alumnos de la asignatura y del método de enseñanza.Peer Reviewe

    Enabling Semantics-Aware Collaborative Tagging and Social Search in an Open Interoperable Tagosphere

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    To make the most of a global network effect and to search and filter the Long Tail, a collaborative tagging approach to social search should be based on the global activity of tagging, rating and filtering. We take a further step towards this objective by proposing a shared conceptualization of both the activity of tagging and the organization of the tagosphere in which tagging takes place. We also put forward the necessary data standards to interoperate at both data format and semantic levels. We highlight how this conceptualization makes provision for attaching identity and meaning to tags and tag categorization through a Wikipedia-based collaborative framework. Used together, these concepts are a useful and agile means of unambiguously defining terms used during tagging, and of clarifying any vague search terms. This improves search results in terms of recall and precision, and represents an innovative means of semantics-aware collaborative filtering and content ranking