175 research outputs found

    Predicción de la futura distribución potencial de Quercus humboldtii bajo diferentes escenarios de cambio climático

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    Quercus humboldtii is an oak hardwood forest tree, which both exploitation, and the extension of the agricultural frontier has caused its reduction in natural populations. This has led to the species being classified as Vulnerable. This panorama may be aggravated by the impact of climate change on the species distribution. Knowing the potential species distribution and the possible changes from future impacts of climate change in different natural ecosystems, it can facilitate the design of mitigation and conservation measures appropriate for the species. This study applies models of distribution based only on presence to develop models to identify areas of potential distribution, through the use of one algorithm (MaxEnt). From the models obtained a prediction of the possible distributional change in the future under the climate scenario A2 and B2 for the periods to 2020, 2050 and 2080. It was found that the most influential climatic variables on the distribution of Q. humboldtii are mean diurnal range, the seasonality of temperature and precipitation, isothermality, mean temperature of coldest quarter, annual precipitation and altitude. Comparison between the contemporary potential distributions and future potential distributions show a loss of potential area for the species, a situation which makes it necessary to take measures to counteract this distributional contraction. These models permit a new vision of the possible future impacts of climate change on the distribution of this important species.Quercus humboldtii es una especie de árbol maderable, cuyas poblaciones naturales se han reducido y fragmentado como consecuencia de su explotación y por la ampliación de la frontera agrícola, llevándola a que sea clasificada en la categoría de vulnerable (Vu): Este panorama se puede ver agravado por los efectos que conlleve el cambio climático sobre la distribución de esta especie, por lo tanto predecir su futura distribución potencial y adelantarse a los acontecimientos de los impactos futuros que provocará el cambio climático en los diferentes ecosistemas naturales, permitirá diseñar medidas de mitigación y de conservación oportunas para la protección de la especie. Aplicando un modelo de distribución basado en presencias, se desarrolló una modelización a partir de un algoritmo que emplea la entropía (MaxEnt) para identificar áreas de distribución potencial. A partir de los modelos obtenidos se predijo su posible cambio en el futuro bajo el escenario climático A2 y B2 para los periodos del 2020, 2050 y 2080. Estableciéndose que las variables climáticas más influyentes en la distribución de Q. humboldtii son el rango de temperatura promedio diurna, la estacionalidad de la temperatura y la precipitación, isotermalidad, temperatura media del trimestre más frío, precipitación anual y altitud. Los resultados obtenidos al comparar las distribuciones potenciales actuales y futuras muestran una pérdida de área potencial, situación que hace necesario que se tomen medidas que permitan contrarrestar esta contracción poblacional. Estos modelos permiten una visión novedosa de los posibles impactos futuros del cambio climático sobre la distribución de las especies en el Neotrópico

    Mitochondrial DNA Variations in Colombian Creole Sheep Confirm an Iberian Origin and Shed Light on the Dynamics of Introduction Events of African Genotypes

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    The genetic origins and diversity of Creole sheep from five regions of Colombia were investigated based on mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variations across 89 sequences from five breeds: one wool Creole sheep (CL) and four hair Creole sheep, including Ethiopian (OPCE), Sudan (OPCS), Pelibuey (OPCP) and Wayúu (OPCW). A global comparison was done using 62 haplotypes from Iberian, African, Indian, Caribbean, Mexican, Caucasian and European sheep based on sequences retrieved from GenBank. This study aimed to identify the maternal origin of Colombian Creole sheep and their genetic relationships at a global level. The results showed 31 different haplotypes from Colombian Creole sheep, which can be assigned to maternal lineage B, the most common lineage found in European sheep breeds and the only one found in several Iberian breed (e.g., Churra, Spanish Merino) that most likely participated in the Creole formation. Additional analyses showed that wool and hair sheep retained a broad genetic identity despite being geographically separated. The global-level phylogenetic analysis revealed that Colombian Creole sheep belong to a distinct and defined genetic lineage that is likely the result of a founder effect with ecotypes of Iberian descent and the subsequent introduction of foreign breeds. This is consistent with historical reports on the presence of sheep in South America and, particularly, Colombia

    Clinical and therapeutic characteristics of patients with dental emergencies of dental origin

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    Introducción: a las clínicas dentales acuden diariamente pacientes con urgencias estomatológicas, en este sentido se hace indispensable un análisis exhaustivo sobre el tema para un mejor dominio y control de las mismas.Objetivo: describir las características clínicas y terapéuticas de los pacientes con urgencias estomatológicas de origen dental atendidos en la consulta de urgencias del Policlínico Docente Norte “Diego del Rosario” del municipio de Morón, provincia Ciego de Ávila.Métodos: se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo, transversal, en pacientes atendidos en la institución antes mencionada, durante el período comprendido entre enero del 2021 a enero del 2022. Se trabajó con la totalidad del universo, constituido por 122 pacientes. Se utilizó estadística descriptiva. Como medida de resumen de la información se utilizaron las frecuencias absolutas y relativas porcentuales.Resultados: existió predominio del sexo femenino y del grupo de edades de 35-59 años. El 45,9 % de los pacientes acudieron a consulta refiriendo dolor. Los procesos pulpares y periapicales estuvieron presentes en 74 de los casos. Se observó que la sedación pulpar fue el tratamiento terapéutico de elección, realizado en 57 urgencias para un 40,4 %.Conclusiones: se identificó a los procesos pulpares y periapicales como el tipo de urgencia estomatológica de mayor predominio, de ellos, el absceso dentoalveolar agudo estuvo presente en la mayoría de los pacientes. La sedación pulpar fue el tratamiento terapéutico de elección.Introduction: dental clinics are daily visited by patients with stomatological emergencies, in this sense, an exhaustive analysis on this subject is indispensable for a better control and control of them.Objective: to describe the clinical and therapeutic characteristics of patients with stomatological emergencies of dental origin seen in the emergency clinic of the Policlínico Docente Norte "Diego del Rosario" of the municipality of Morón, Ciego de Avila province.Methods: an observational, descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out on patients seen in the aforementioned institution, during the period from January 2021 to January 2022. We worked with the totality of the universe, constituted by 122 patients. Descriptive statistics were used. Absolute and relative percentage frequencies were used to summarize the information.Results: there was a predominance of female sex (59,0 %) and of the 35-59 years age group (55,7 %). Pain was reported in 45,9 % of the patients. Pulpal and periapical processes were present in 74 (52,5%) of the cases. It was observed that pulp sedation was the therapeutic treatment of choice, performed in 57 emergencies representing 40,4 %.Conclusions: Pulpal and periapical processes were identified as the most predominant type of stomatological emergency, of which acute dentoalveolar abscess was present in most patients. Pulp sedation was the therapeutic treatment of choice

    Predictive model for acute myocardial infarction in working-age population: a machine learning approach

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    Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of mortality in Latin America, particularly acute myocardial infarction (AMI), which is the primary cause of atherosclerotic cardiovascular morbidity. This study aims to develop a predictive model for the probability of AMI occurrence in the working-age population, based on atherogenic indices, paraclinical variables, and anthropometric measures. The research conducted a cross-sectional study involving 427 workers aged 40 years or older in Popayán, Colombia. Out of this population, 202 individuals were screened with a 95% confidence interval and a 5% error margin. Epidemiological, anthropometric, and paraclinical data were collected. A binary logistic regression model was employed to identify variables directly associated with the probability of AMI. Predictive classification models were generated using statistical software JASP and the programming language Python. During the training stage, JASP produced a model with an accuracy of 87.5%, while Python generated a model with an accuracy of 90.2%. In the validation stage, JASP achieved an accuracy of 93%, and Python reached 95%. These results establish an effective model for predicting the probability of AMI in the working population

    Multiple founder events explain the genetic diversity and structure of the model allopolyploid grass Brachypodium hybridum in the Iberian Peninsula hotspot

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    Background and Aims It is accepted that contemporary allopolyploid species have originated recurrently, but very few cases have been documented using multiple natural formations of the same species. To extend our knowledge, we have investigated the multiple origins, genetic variation and structure of the allotetraploid grass Brachypodium hybridum with respect to its progenitor diploid species B. distachyon (D genome) and B. stacei (S genome). For this, our primary focus is the Iberian Peninsula, an evolutionary hotspot for the genus Brachypodium. Methods We analysed 342 B. hybridum individuals from 36 populations using ten nuclear SSR loci and two plastid loci. The B. hybridum genetic profiles were compared with those previously reported for B. stacei and B. distachyon. In addition, phylogenetic analysis of the plastid data was performed for a reduced subset of individuals. Key Results The nuclear simple sequence repeat (SSR) genetic analysis detected medium to high genetic diversity, with a strong south-to-north genetic structure cline, and a high selfing rate in B. hybridum. Comparative genetic analysis showed a close relatedness of current B. hybridum D allelic profiles with those of B. distachyon, but a lack of similarity with those of B. stacei, suggesting another B. stacei source for the B. hybridum S alleles. Plastid analysis detected three different bidirectional allopolyploidization events: two involved distinct B. distachyon-like ancestors and one involved a B. stacei-like ancestor. The south-eastern Iberian Peninsula B. hybridum populations were more genetically diverse and could have originated from at least two hybridization events whereas north-eastern/north-western Iberian Peninsula B. hybridum populations were less diverse and may have derived from at least one hybridization event. Conclusions The genetic and evolutionary evidence supports the plausible in situ origin of the south-eastern and northern Iberian Peninsula B. hybridum allopolyploids from their respective local B. distachyon and unknown B. stacei ancestors. The untapped multiple origins and genetic variation detected in these B. hybridum populations opens the way to future evolutionary analysis of allopolyploid formation and genomic dominance and expression in the B. hybridum–B. distachyon–B. stacei grass model complex.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Detection of Ralstonia solanacearum phylotype II, race 2 causing Moko disease and validation of genetic resistance observed in the hybrid plantain FHIA-21

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    Vascular wilt of banana and plantains, also known as Moko disease, is caused by Ralstonia solanacearum (Rs) phylotype II, and is the main bacterial disease affecting these crops in the Americas. Upon comparative sequence analysis of 44 Rs genomes we developed an improved PCR protocol based on the nucleotide sequence of a gene coding for a hypothetical DUF3313 domain protein. Next, we tested the detection protocol with two Rs inoculation methods to validate field resistance reported in the hybrid plantain genotype FHIA-21, previously identified as susceptible to Moko disease in greenhouse experiments in which wounds were caused to the roots prior to inoculation. By using an inoculation method without causing wounds to the roots, we confirmed resistance of FHIA-21 to Moko disease (no Rs was detected by PCR in inoculated plants). In contrast, the field-susceptible genotype Dominico Hartón developed severe symptoms of Moko disease, regardless of the inoculation method used. FHIA-21 showed an area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) close to zero, while Dominico Hartón plants showed AUDPC values ranging from 65.8 to 88.4. The availability and analysis of genomic data facilitates the development of improved pathogen detection tools that together with the availability of improved inoculation methods and tolerant genotypes to Moko disease will be of great use in Musa breeding programs

    Genoma completo, diagnóstico y resistencia a Ralstonia solanacearum en hibridos de plátano

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    La marchitez vascular del banano y el plátano, también conocida como enfermedad de Moko, es causada por Ralstonia solanacearum (Rs) filotipo II y es la principal enfermedad bacteriana que afecta a estos cultivos en Colombia. Tras obtener el genoma completo de un aislado colombiano (CIAT-078) y el análisis de secuencia comparativo con otros 44 genomas de Rs, desarrollamos un protocolo de PCR mejorado. Esto se basa en la secuencia de nucleótidos de un gen que codifica una proteína hipotética del dominio DUF3313, que se encontró que estaba presente solo en el filotipo II de Rs y además es conservada y polimórfica. El protocolo se probó con dos métodos de inoculación de Rs (con herida y sin herida), para validar la resistencia de campo reportado en el genotipo híbrido de plátano FHIA-21, previamente reportado como susceptible a la enfermedad de Moko en condiciones de invernadero. Mediante el uso de un método de inoculación sin herida en las raíces, confirmamos la resistencia en FHIA-21 a la enfermedad de Moko (no se detectó Rs por PCR en plantas inoculadas). En contraste, el genotipo Dominico Hartón susceptible al campo desarrolló síntomas severos independientemente de que las raíces tuvieran heridas o no. El genotipo FHIA-21 mostró un área bajo la curva de progresión de la enfermedad (AUDPC) cercana a cero, mientras que las plantas de Dominico Hartón mostraron valores de AUDPC que variaron de 65,8 a 88,4

    Design and Programming of a Wire Winder Device for Extrusion Activity in the Metal-Mechanical Industry

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    The present research is focused on the analysis of an industrial activity where the case under study is wire extrusion activity, which has been developed using old machines. This activity is analyzed considering the task and its elements to identify the movements and sequence of actions performed by the workforce and the machines. One of these activities is the roll-up of lead wire coming from the extruding machine. The task is done by the workforce 73 times during a shift and roughly consists in transporting the wire to the pulley guide and driving the lead wire until the container is rolled up manually. The analysis shows that the workers are exposed to hazardous conditions that could affect their health, meaning they are under risk of suffering an injury or a disease by exposure to repetitive actions and high temperatures (>90°C). Based on the latter, the design and development of a wire winder device has been proposed, which implements a programmable logic controller and servomechanism to replace the activities done manually. A ladder diagram is proposed to control the action performed by the servomechanism based on a stimulus received from the environment

    Complete genome sequence of the plant pathogen Ralstonia solanacearum strain ciat-078, isolated in Colombia, obtained using Oxford Nanopore Technology

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    Moko is one of the main diseases affecting banana and plantain in Colombia. Here, we report the genome sequence of the causal agent, the bacterium Ralstonia solanacearum (Smith) strain CIAT-078, collected in 2004 from affected plantains in central-west Colombia. The assembled genome was obtained using Oxford Nanopore Technology

    SUMOylated SNF2PH promotes variant surface glycoprotein expression in bloodstream trypanosomes

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    SUMOylation is a post¿translational modification that positively regulates monoallelic expression of the trypanosome variant surface glycoprotein (VSG). The presence of a highly SUMOylated focus associated with the nuclear body, where the VSG gene is transcribed, further suggests an important role of SUMOylation in regulating VSG expression. Here, we show that SNF2PH, a SUMOylated plant homeodomain (PH)¿transcription factor, is upregulated in the bloodstream form of the parasite and enriched at the active VSG telomere. SUMOylation promotes the recruitment of SNF2PH to the VSG promoter, where it is required to maintain RNA polymerase I and thus to regulate VSG transcript levels. Further, ectopic overexpression of SNF2PH in insect forms, but not of a mutant lacking the PH domain, induces the expression of bloodstream stage¿specific surface proteins. These data suggest that SNF2PH SUMOylation positively regulates VSG monoallelic transcription, while the PH domain is required for the expression of bloodstream¿specific surface proteins. Thus, SNF2PH functions as a positive activator, linking expression of infective form surface proteins and VSG regulation, thereby acting as a major regulator of pathogenicity.The authors thank Dr. Alicia Barroso Del Jesus for excellent assistance and input with NSG methodology at the Genomic Unit and Dr. Laura Montosa at the Microscopy Unit (IPBLN-CSIC). This work was supported by grants from the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (RTI2018-098834-B-I00) and the Wellcome Trust (WTI 204697/Z/16/Z to MCF) and thegrant from the Argentinian National Agency for Promotion of Scientific and Technological Research to VEA (PICT/2016/0465)