6 research outputs found

    Analytical tools for the multiplex rapid detection of SARS-CoV-2

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    There is a high demand for analytical tools that can readily be applied to effectively diagnose the Covid-19 but also to carry out screening and surveillance detection with enough frequency to get the transmission rates under control and thus help to timely tackling the disease. On the one hand, high throughput analytical benchtop approaches are still highly demanding for accelerating diagnostics. Such platforms are required to show multiplexed capabilities while in turn reducing the turnaround times of currently applied techniques such as the RT-PCR gold standard. On the other hand, massive screening and surveillance protocols still require for effective tools at the point of need that could reliably detect the virus in individuals after being exposed or the likelihood of being immunized after suffering from the disease. The rapid detection of coronavirus biomarkers, including RNA as well as spike and nucleocapsid proteins in nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal samples, together with host biomarkers such as immunoglobulins and cytokines in serum has been addressed in this work. We aim to produce tools that provided with a global response to the diagnosis, prognosis and follow-up of the disease (Figure 1). All the biocomponents and corresponding bioassay protocols required for measuring these biomarkers have been tailored made and implemented in three different platforms. A calorimetric device based on a lateral flow assay format [1, 2] and a multiplex electrochemical platform comprising an electrochemical transducer array and a paper microfluidic component [3] have been adapted to produce tools to be used at the point of care. Likewise, a fluorescence microarray platform has been set up with the potential for high-throughput screening by recording molecular signatures thanks to the its multiplexing and miniaturization capabilities. REFERENCES [1] E. Polo et al. PCT, ES2013/070549 [2] E. Polo et al. Chem. Commun., 49 (2013) 3676 [3] C. Fernández-Sánchez et al. Application no. EP20382721.

    Necesidades y atención tutorial personalizada a deportistas de alto nivel, desde un enfoque inclusivo, que cursan estudios universitarios

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    Many university students have to combine their academic training with high competition sport. Although it may seem compatible processes, it is not so if the circumstances to which the students who live in this situation are analyzed. The dedication required by sports practice means that their university education is often compromised because they cannot be combined in both activities. In relation to this problem, a needs analysis was carried out with a sample of high level athletes who were studying at the University of La Laguna, in order to determine what difficulties were found to reconcile both activities. From the analysis carried out, the need for personalized support was derived to respond to the specific needs of these students. The lack of time to compare studies and sports was the main drawback that caused students to participate in the study. Other needs pointed out by student athletes had to do with the lack of information, the lack of support services, the need for help to learn how to organize time, etc. Based on the results of this analysis, an inclusive personalized tutoring program was designed, where the main objective was to help all university students with sports practiceMuchos estudiantes universitarios tienen que compaginar su formación académica con el deporte de alta competición. Aunque pueden parecer procesos compatibles, no lo es tanto si se analizan las circunstancias a las que se ven expuestos los estudiantes que viven esta situación. La dedicación que les exige la práctica deportiva hace que su formación universitaria se vea muchas veces comprometida al no poder compaginar ambas actividades. Con relación a esta problemática se llevó a cabo un análisis de necesidades con una muestra de deportistas de alto nivel que cursaban estudios en la Universidad de La Laguna, con el fin de determinar qué dificultades encontraban para conciliar ambas actividades. Del análisis realizado se derivó la necesidad de un apoyo personalizado para dar respuesta a las necesidades específicas de estos estudiantes. La falta de tiempo para compaginar los estudios y el deporte constituyó el principal inconveniente que resaltaron los estudiantes que participaron en el estudio. Otras necesidades apuntadas por los estudiantes deportistas tuvieron que ver con la falta de información, la falta de servicios de apoyo, la necesidad de ayuda para aprender a organizar el tiempo, etc. A partir de los resultados de este análisis, se diseñó un programa de tutoría personalizada inclusiva, cuyo objetivo principal era ayudar a cada uno de los estudiantes deportistas de alto nivel a armonizar los estudios universitarios con la práctica deportiva

    Revisión de estudios sobre inclusión en educación física

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    In the present article a bibliographic review of studies on inclusion and Physical Education is proposed, considering works after those carried out by Ríos (2005), Hernández (2010) and Fernández (2014), and contemplating factors or dimensions of analysis that provide information about of the most current research lines. Eight dimensions of analysis have been considered to assess the typology of studies and their academic orientation (theoretical-descriptive research or linked to educational practice). The results point to the predominance of theoretical studies on pilots, an aspect that had already been confirmed in the work carried out by Fernández (2014). We conclude by insisting on the need to encourage research in and from physical-motor practice as a reference model for teachers who seek to improve their educational practice in physical education from an inclusive perspective.En el presente artículo se plantea una revisión bibliográfica de estudios sobre inclusión y Educación Física, considerando trabajos posteriores a los realizadas por Ríos (2005), Hernández (2010) y Fernández (2014), y contemplando factores o dimensiones de análisis que aportan información acerca de líneas de investigación más actuales. Se han considerado ocho dimensiones de análisis para valorar la tipología de estudios y su orientación académica (investigaciones teórico-descriptivas o vinculadas a la práctica educativa). Los resultados apuntan al predominio de estudios teóricos sobre los prácticos, aspecto que ya se había confirmado en el trabajo realizado por Fernández (2014). Concluimos insistiendo en la necesidad de incentivar la investigación en y desde la práctica físico-motriz como modelo de referencia para los docentes que buscan mejorar su práctica educativa en educación física desde una perspectiva inclusiva