110 research outputs found


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    WeLive propone transformar la propuesta actual de e-Government, seguida por la mayor parte de las administraciones públicas europeas, a través de un modelo abierto de ideación, diseño, producción y publicación de una nueva generación de servicios públicos personalizados y centrados en los ciudadanos; apoyándose en la colaboración conjunta entre diferentes agentes; las Administraciones Públicas, los ciudadanos y los emprendedores. Además, WeLive persigue reducir el gap existente entre la “innovación” tecnológica y la “adopción” por parte de la ciudadanía y otros agentes urbanos de esta nueva generación de servicios públicos construidos a partir del modelo de datos abiertos de la administración pública. Para ello, en el marco de WeLive se ha creado un novedoso ecosistema de herramientas TIC construido sobre los paradigmas de los Datos Abiertos, Servicios Abiertos e Innovación. WeLive será validado a través de un piloto en 3 ciudades (Bilbao - España, Novi Sad - Serbia y Trento - Italia) y 1 región (Helsinki-Uusimaa - Finlandia) en Europa. Cada una de estas ciudades cuenta con un conjunto de características diferenciales que las convierten en ciudades “ejemplo” y “representativas” donde medir el impacto que una solución abierta y colaborativa como WeLive puede originar. En lo que respecta a la viabilidad de negocio de la infraestructura WeLive, incluyendo sus componentes individuales, éste será validado mediante el desarrollo y despliegue de modelos de negocio sostenibles a lo largo del tiempo.European Commission's H2020. Grant Agreement Number: 64584

    'Close-the-loop': an iBeacon app to foster recycling through just-in-time feedback

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    Contemporary micro-location technologies such as Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) show promise in enabling new experiences when interacting with physical spaces. An emerging BLE technology is iBeacons, with the retail sector pioneering their use to enhance shopping experiences. There is scope for the HCI sustainability community to explore the use of iBeacons to raise awareness around sustainability issues, particularly in public and communal spaces. This work presents embryonic research exploring the design of a prototype iBeacon-based sustainability application called 'Close-the-Loop'. The application builds on previous sustainability and just-in-time feedback research to encourage end-users to engage in recycling behaviours in a large university canteen space. Findings from a focus group and short ethnographic study provide design insights to further develop the prototype to increase engagement with appropriate recycling practices

    Citizen-Centric Data Services for Smarter Cities

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    Smart Cities use Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to manage more efficiently the resources and services offered by a city and to make them more approachable to all its stakeholders (citizens, companies and public administration). In contrast to the view of big corporations promoting holistic “smart city in a box” solutions, this work proposes that smarter cities can be achieved by combining already available infrastructure, i.e., Open Government Data and sensor networks deployed in cities, with the citizens’ active contributions towards city knowledge by means of their smartphones and the apps executed in them. In addition, this work introduces the main characteristics of the IES Cities platform, whose goal is to ease the generation of citizen-centric apps that exploit urban data in different domains. The proposed vision is achieved by providing a common access mechanism to the heterogeneous data sources offered by the city, which reduces the complexity of accessing the city’s data whilst bringing citizens closely to a prosumer (double consumer and producer) role and allowing to integrate legacy data into the cities’ data ecosystem.The European Union’s Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme has supported this work under grant agreement No. 325097

    Towards Citizen Co-Created Public Service Apps

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    WeLive project's main objective is about transforming the current e-government approach by providing a new paradigm based on a new open model oriented towards the design, production and deployment of public services and mobile apps based on the collaboration of different stakeholders. These stakeholders form the quadruple helix, i.e., citizens, private companies, research institutes and public administrations. Through the application of open innovation, open data and open services paradigms, the framework developed within the WeLive project enables the co-creation of urban apps. In this paper, we extend the description of the WeLive platform presented at, plus the preliminary results of the first pilot phase. The two-phase evaluation methodology designed and the evaluation results of first pilot sub-phase are also presented.The work presented in this research article has been carried out within the WeLive project from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under Grant Agreement No. 645845

    Collaboration-Centred Cities through Urban Apps Based on Open and User-Generated Data

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    This paper describes the IES Cities platform conceived to streamline the development of urban apps that combine heterogeneous datasets provided by diverse entities, namely, government, citizens, sensor infrastructure and other information data sources. This work pursues the challenge of achieving effective citizen collaboration by empowering them to prosume urban data across time. Particularly, this paper focuses on the query mapper; a key component of the IES Cities platform devised to democratize the development of open data-based mobile urban apps. This component allows developers not only to use available data, but also to contribute to existing datasets with the execution of SQL sentences. In addition, the component allows developers to create ad hoc storages for their applications, publishable as new datasets accessible by other consumers. As multiple users could be contributing and using a dataset, our solution also provides a data level permission mechanism to control how the platform manages the access to its datasets. We have evaluated the advantages brought forward by IES Cities from the developers' perspective by describing an exemplary urban app created on top of it. In addition, we include an evaluation of the main functionalities of the query mapper.European Union's Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (ICT-PSP CIP Programme). Grant Agreement Number: 32509

    Guest Editorial: Smart Systems and Architectures

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    none5siŠolić, P. ; Perković, T. ; Marasović, I. ; López-De-Ipiña, D. ; Patrono, L.Šolić, P.; Perković, T.; Marasović, I.; López-De-Ipiña, D.; Patrono, L

    Context, intelligence and interactions for personalized systems

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    This special issue on Context, Intelligence and Interactions for Personalized Systems provides a snapshot of the latest research activities, results, and technologies and application developments focusing on the smart personalised systems in Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing. It is intended for researchers and practitioners from artificial intelligence (AI) with expertise in formal modeling, representation and inference on situations, activities and goals; researchers from ubiquitous computing and embedded systems with expertise in context-aware computing; and application developers or users with expertise and experience in user requirements, system implementation and evaluation. The special issue also serves to motivate application scenarios from various domains including smart homes and cities, localisation tracking, image analysis and environmental monitoring. For solution developers and providers of specific application domains, this special issue will provide an opportunity to convey needs and requirements, as well as obtain first-hand information on the latest technologies, prototypes, and application exemplars

    DeustoTech Internet at TASS 2015: Sentiment analysis and polarity classification in spanish tweets

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    Resumen: Este artículo describe nuestro sistema presentado en el taller de análisis de sentimiento TASS 2015. Nuestro sistema aborda la tarea 1 del workshop, que consiste en realizar un análisis automático de sentimiento para determinar la polaridad global de un conjunto de tweets en español. Para ello, nuestro sistema se basa en un modelo supervisado con máquinas de soporte vectorial lineales en combinación con varios léxicos de polaridad. Se estudia la influencia de las diferentes característi-cas linguísticas y de diferentes tamaños de n-gramas en la mejora del algoritmo. Así mismo se presentan los resultados obtenidos, las diferentes pruebas que se han realizado, y una discusión sobre los resultados. Palabras clave: Análisis de sentimientos, clasificación de la polaridad, Twitter Abstract: This article describes our system presented at the workshop for sentiment analysis TASS 2015. Our system approaches the task 1 of the workshop, which consists on performing an automatic sentiment analysis to determine the global polarity of a set of tweets in Spanish. To do this, our system is based on a model supervised Linear Support Vector Machines combined with some polarity lexicons. The influence of the different linguistic features and the different sizes of n-grams in improving algorithm performance. Also the results obtained, the various tests that have been conducted, and a discussion of the results are presented

    Integration of multisensor hybrid reasoners to support personal autonomy in the smart home.

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    The deployment of the Ambient Intelligence (AmI) paradigm requires designing and integrating user-centered smart environments to assist people in their daily life activities. This research paper details an integration and validation of multiple heterogeneous sensors with hybrid reasoners that support decision making in order to monitor personal and environmental data at a smart home in a private way. The results innovate on knowledge-based platforms, distributed sensors, connected objects, accessibility and authentication methods to promote independent living for elderly people. TALISMAN+, the AmI framework deployed, integrates four subsystems in the smart home: (i) a mobile biomedical telemonitoring platform to provide elderly patients with continuous disease management; (ii) an integration middleware that allows context capture from heterogeneous sensors to program environment¿s reaction; (iii) a vision system for intelligent monitoring of daily activities in the home; and (iv) an ontologies-based integrated reasoning platform to trigger local actions and manage private information in the smart home. The framework was integrated in two real running environments, the UPM Accessible Digital Home and MetalTIC house, and successfully validated by five experts in home care, elderly people and personal autonomy

    A Proposal for Mobile Diabetes Self-control: Towards a Patient Monitoring Framework

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    In this paper, we present a proposal for Patients’ Mobile Monitoring. This framework enables the definition and generation of profiles, modules and communication structures between each of the measuring devices and the mobile phone depending on the kind of condition and the measuring values of the patient. We use patterns to allow the generation of self-control modules and patient profiles. These patterns establish relations between each module. With patient’s measured data, patient profile and modules, the framework generates an application for the doctor and the patient in a mobile phone. These applications allow the monitoring, patient self-control and the communication between the patient and the doctor. Moreover, as an important study case, we present a mobile monitoring system which allows patients with diabetes to have a constant control of their glucose tendency as well as direct communication with their doctor.In this paper, we present a proposal for Patients’ Mobile Monitoring. This framework enables the definition and generation of profiles, modules and communication structures between each of the measuring devices and the mobile phone depending on the kind of condition and the measuring values of the patient. We use patterns to allow the generation of self-control modules and patient profiles. These patterns establish relations between each module. With patient’s measured data, patient profile and modules, the framework generates an application for the doctor and the patient in a mobile phone. These applications allow the monitoring, patient self-control and the communication between the patient and the doctor. Moreover, as an important study case, we present a mobile monitoring system which allows patients with diabetes to have a constant control of their glucose tendency as well as direct communication with their doctor