82 research outputs found

    El paradigma del desarrollo rural sustentable versus las políticas del medio rural centralizadas en México: el caso de Comala, Colima

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    El municipio de Comala, se encuentra localizado en el estado de Colima, México. Contaba con una población de 19 mil 384 habitantes al 2010. En este municipio se implementaron políticas para el desarrollo rural sustentable; sin embargo, éstas no se vieron reflejadas en el territorio, en lo económico ni en lo social, ya que desde el 2008 se presentó una tasa de crecimiento poblacional negativa, pues el campo está siendo abandonado, los ejidos se han quedado conformados con una población vieja, ya que los jóvenes migraron hacia las zonas urbanas o fuera del municipio en busca de mejores oportunidades de trabajo, y muchas veces diferentes a las actividades agropecuarias. Estas tendencias observadas se contraponen a los supuestos del desarrollo rural sustentable esperados como son: i) cambios en la economía rural, ii) articulación de los espacios rurales con los urbanos iii) descentralización de las políticas y participación de los actores locales; iv) diversificación productiva y; v) aumento de oportunidades en el campo. En este sentido, a través de los conceptos del desarrollo rural sustentable se analizó el modelo de desarrollo rural con enfoque territorial implementado en el municipio de Comala en el periodo 2005-2009. Para ello, se realizó un diagnóstico territorial, y se analizaron los aspectos socio-económicos, ambientales y de participación social. Los principales hallazgos fueron que la estructura que presentó el desarrollo rural en Comala, sigue siendo centralizada orientada a lo agropecuario, donde el nivel municipal queda sin peso social y económico ante las políticas del gobierno federal y estatal; la diversificación no ha funcionado; la participación social no ha pasado de lo individual o lo familiar; y no se ha logrado que el proceso de planeación pase de lo informativo y validativo al empoderamiento.The town of Comala, is located in the state of Colima, Mexico. In 2010, its population was 19,384 inhabitants, at federal level there has been implemented sustainable rural development policies, however, these were not reflected on the territory, nor in the economics and social well being, due to a negative growth rate since 2008. Because of emigration, rural collective towns “ejidos” have remained inhabited by old population, since young people have gone to urban areas or out of the town in search of better work opportunities, often related to different agricultural activities. These trends were reverted by means of sustainable rural development principles set in the Mexican legal framework, such as: diversification of rural economy, enhancement of rural and urban interactions, decentralization policies and local participation of communities, productive networks and the increase of rural opportunities. Therefore, the purpose of the work is the assessment of the sustainable rural development with a territorial approach in Comala between 2005-2009, taking into account social, economic and environmental issues. Results have demonstrated that diversification of rural economy has not launched, there is still centralization of federal resources and community participation hasn’t overcome family organization and its participaton has been reduced to information and consultation levels, but have not reach empowerment.Peer Reviewe

    Neurocognition and functional outcome in patients with psychotic, non-psychotic bipolar I disorder, and schizophrenia. A five-year follow-up

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    Bipolar disorder (BD) and schizophrenia (SZ) are characterized by neurocognitive and functional deficits with marked heterogeneity. It has been suggested that BD with a history of psychotic symptoms (BD-P) could constitute a phenotypically homogeneous subtype characterized by greater neurocognitive and functional impairments, or by a distinct trajectory of such deficits. The aim of this study was to compare the neurocognitive and functional course of euthymic BD-P, euthymic BD patients without a history of psychosis (BD-NP), stabilized patients with schizophrenia and healthy subjects, during a five-year follow-up

    Las Creencias de los Consumidores de la Ciudad de Saltillo, Coahuila, México, 2018

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    Esta investigación pretende profundizar sobre las creencias de los consumidores jóvenes de nivel socioeconómico medio C+ y C, de la ciudad de Saltillo, Coahuila, para así determinar el impacto que pueden llegar a tener dichas creencias difundidas de generación en generación y que los especialistas en marketing pueden utilizar para la creación de estrategias. Es una investigación de “corte transversal” donde se realizan estudios en un momento determinado del grupo que se investiga (Hernández Sampieri, Fernandez Collado, & Baptista Lucio, 2006). Se realizó un estudio exploratorio con alcance cualitativo y se estableció el grupo de enfoque como técnica directa. Los resultados no pueden generalizarse, pues el objetivo de esta investigación es de diagnóstico y de hallazgo; sin embargo, a partir de los mismos es posible concluir que las creencias son una variable subyacente al sujeto en lo que respecta a las decisiones de compra. This paper focuses on deepening the beliefs of young consumers of medium socioeconomic status, C + and C, in the city of Saltillo, Coahuila, in Mexico. The impact that these beliefs have and how it spreads fromgeneration to generation was also determined. Marketing specialists can also use it for the creation of strategies. It is a "cross-sectional" investigation where studies are carried out at a specific moment with the group under investigation (Hernández Sampieri, Fernandez Collado, & Baptista Lucio, 2006). An exploratory study with a qualitative scope was also carried out, and the focus group was established as a direct technique. The results cannot be generalized since their objective is difficult to diagnose and find. This therefore leads to the conclusion that beliefs are an underlying variable for the subject in regards to purchasing decisions

    Tratamiento endodóntico de un dens in dente.

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    El dens in dente es una patología clasificada en anomalías de forma, da la apariencia de un diente dentro de otro diente, el cual puede generar compromiso pulpar, su diagnóstico oportuno evitará el desarrollo de patologías pulpares y perirradiculares

    Contribución de las aplicaciones móviles a la Seguridad vial. Drive Smart como ejemplo de aplicación

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    [ES] En los últimos años han proliferado las aplicaciones móviles que contribuyen, en diferentes aspectos, a mejorar la movilidad. En este contexto, se ha desarrollado la aplicación móvil Drive Smart, con el objetivo de analizar y mejorar el comportamiento del usuario al volante. A través de la utilización de dicha aplicación se obtiene un conjunto de datos que se transforman en un paquete de incidencias en la conducción, siendo éstas: velocidad, aceleración, frenada, paso por curva y anticipación al tráfico. Drive Smart analiza los eventos de tráfico registrados en el contexto en el que han ocurrido y como parte de una maniobra, más allá de la individualidad de un evento. Además, tiene la capacidad de asistir al conductor, dándole un informe posterior a su conducción que le sirva de autoformación y con consejos prácticos orientados a mejorar la conducta en temas particulares, mediante mensajes específicos de distintas tipologías (jurídico, eficiencia y sensibilizador). A través de este proyecto, se pretende demostrar la viabilidad y utilidad de los modernos mecanismos telemáticos en combinación con el estudio psicosociológico y las diversas técnicas de análisis estadístico de datos basados en Machine Learning. Los datos obtenidos de la aplicación móvil junto con datos sociodemográficos permiten obtener las principales variables de movilidad, además, pueden utilizarse para definir la base algorítmica en futuros estudios con mayor calado, teniendo una matriz estadística preliminar que permita generar procesos paralelos en el futuro.Lijarcio Cárcel, J.; Martí-Belda Bertolín, A.; Boso Segui, P.; López Osma, C.; Escamilla Robla, C.; Puchades Villarreal, R. (2016). Contribución de las aplicaciones móviles a la Seguridad vial. Drive Smart como ejemplo de aplicación. En XII Congreso de ingeniería del transporte. 7, 8 y 9 de Junio, Valencia (España). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1528-1535. https://doi.org/10.4995/CIT2016.2015.3472OCS1528153

    Oleoyl-estrone is a precursor of an estrone-derived ponderostat signal

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    Oleoyl-estrone (OE) is a powerful anti-obesity compound that decreases food intake, decreases insulin resistance and circulating cholesterol. OE stimulates a severe loss of body fat by decreasing adipose tissue lipid synthesis and maintaining lipolysis. Therefore, the body economy loses lipid energy because energy expenditure is maintained. This study analyses the discrepancy between OE effects and the distribution of labelled OE in plasma. Estrone radioimmunoassay of organic solvent plasma extracts of rats treated with OE showed the massive presence of acyl-estrone, but. saponification did not release estrone, but containing similar unknown compound. Analysis of label distribution in plasma after oral gavages of 3H-OE showed the presence of a more hydrophilic compound than OE or any estrogen as well as 3H2O, formed from 3H-OE in the acidic stomach medium. OE was not attached toa specific transporter in plasma. Through serum HPLC analysis we found W, a labelled derivative more hydrophilic than OE or estrone. The results were confirmed using 14C-OE. HPLC-MS/MS studies showed that plasma OE levels were one order of magnitude lower than those of W. When liver cell cytosols from rats laden with 3H-OE were incubated with nuclei from untreated rats, the OE-derived label (i.e., W's) was found attached to nuclear DNA. Neither estradiol nor estrone interfered with its binding. W is a fairly hydrophilic compound of low molecular weight containing the estrone nucleus, but it is not an ester because saponification or esterases do not yield estrone as OE does. It is concluded that OE acts through its conversion to W, its active form; which binds to a nuclear receptor different from that of estrogen. The estimated W serum levels are proportional to the pharmacological OE effects in vivo. We postulate W as a new type of hormone that exerts the full range of in vivo effects thus far attributed to OE. The full identification of W is anticipated to open the way for the development of new OE-like anti-obesity drugs

    Dynamics of Mask Use as a Prevention Strategy against SARS-CoV-2 in Panama.

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    Early in the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, many national public health authorities implemented non-pharmaceutical interventions to mitigate disease outbreaks. Panamá established mandatory mask use two months after its first documented case. Initial compliance was high, but diverse masks were used in public areas. We studied behavioral dynamics of mask use through the first two COVID-19 waves in Panama, to improve the implementation of effective, low-cost public health containment measures when populations are exposed to novel air-borne pathogens. Mask use behavior was recorded from pedestrians in four Panamanian populations (August to December 2020). We recorded facial coverings and if used, the type of mask, and gender and estimated age of the wearer. Our results showed that people were highly compliant (>95%) with mask mandates and demonstrated important population-level behaviors: (1) decreasing use of cloth masks over time, and increasing use of surgical masks; (2) mask use was 3-fold lower in suburban neighborhoods than other public areas and (3) young people were least likely to wear masks. Results help focus on highly effective, low-cost, public health interventions for managing and controlling a pandemic. Considerations of behavioral preferences for different masks, relative to pricing and availability, are essential for optimizing public health policies. Policies to increase the availability of effective masks, and behavioral nudges to increase acceptance, and to facilitate mask usage, during the ongoing SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, and for future pandemics of respiratory pathogens, are key tools, especially for nations lagging in access to expensive vaccines and pharmacological approaches

    Prevalencia de malnutrición en adolescentes de Tapachula, Chiapas, México

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    Objective: to determine the prevalence of malnutrition (underweight, overweight and obesity) in adolescents from 12 to 15 years of age in the Tapachula municipality, Chiapas, Mexico. Methodology: descriptive cross-sectional cohort study, with the participation of 793 high school students (423 women and 370 men), belonging to 10 schools. The body mass index was evaluated and the anthropometric status was compared by gender and educational sector (public and private). Results: of the general sample, 0.8% were underweight, 53.2% normal weight, 20.6% overweight and 25.4 obese; Comparing the prevalence of malnutrition by gender, men presented lower weight than women (Men: 1.1% - M: 0.7%), the same for overweight (M: 22.2% - M: 19.1%) and obesity (M: 26.8 %-M: 24.1%). When comparing the prevalence of malnutrition by educational sector, it was observed that in public sector schools there were more students with low weight (Public: 1% - Private: 0.6%), and in private schools a higher prevalence of overweight was observed (Private: 26.2% - Public: 19%) and obesity (Private: 28.6% - Public: 24.5%). Conclusion: this is the first study that shows the high prevalence of malnutrition in Tapachula, the second most populous municipality in Chiapas.Objetivo: determinar la prevalencia de malnutrición (Bajo peso, Sobrepeso y Obesidad) en adolescentes de 12 a 15 años del municipio Tapachula, Chiapas, México. Metodología: estudio descriptivo de cohorte transversal, con la participación de 793 estudiantes (423 mujeres y 370 hombres) de secundaria, pertenecientes a 10 escuelas. Se evaluó el índice de masa corporal y se comparó el estado antropométrico por género y sector educativo (público y privado). Resultados: de la muestra general, el 0.8% presentaron bajo peso, el 53.2% normopeso, 20.6% Sobrepeso y el 25.4 Obesidad; comparando la prevalencia de malnutrición por género, los hombres presentaron más bajo peso que las mujeres (Hombres: 1.1% - M: 0.7%), lo mismo para Sobrepeso (H: 22.2% - M: 19.1%) y Obesidad (H: 26.8% - M: 24.1%). Al comparar la prevalencia de malnutrición por sector educativo, se observó que en las escuelas del sector público habían más estudiantes con bajo peso (Públicas: 1% - Privadas: 0.6%), y en las escuelas privadas se observó una mayor prevalencia de Sobrepeso (Privadas: 26.2% - Públicas: 19%) y Obesidad (Privadas: 28.6% - Públicas: 24.5%). Conclusión: esta es la primera investigación que evidencia la alta prevalencia de malnutrición en Tapachula, el segundo municipio más poblado de Chiapa

    Concordance of the risk of neonatal respiratory morbidity assessed by quantitative ultrasound lung texture analysis in fetuses of twin pregnancies

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    To evaluate the concordance of the risk of neonatal respiratory morbidity (NRM) assessed by quantitative ultrasound lung texture analysis (QuantusFLM) between twin fetuses of the same pregnancy. Prospective study conducted in twin pregnancies. There was good concordance of the risk of NRM between twins 34.0 weeks. From 30.0 to 33.6 weeks 26.5% of the twin pairs had discordant results, with moderate concordance of the risk of NRM