4,110 research outputs found

    Drivers and Impacts of R&D Adoption on Transport and Logistics Services

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    Actually, technologies and applications in industries are changing via business restructuring, new business models, new knowledge and supply chains. So R&D is not focused primarily on manufacturing industry as it used to be, but on different kinds of industries as logistics and transport (TLS). Nevertheless, the characteristics of the TLS industry determine the introduction of specific R&D solutions accordingly to sectors operations. The objective of this paper is to describe the R&D opportunities in the TLS industry and how managers use them to make their businesses more innovative and efficient. Using the Structure-Conduct-Performance (SCP) model the paper identifies the links between R&D adoption and innovation dynamics. Relating the findings, on the driver’s side there are three points that are worth mentioning: increasing market competition, the relationships of firms interacting with each other and the availability and quality of complementary assets such as employee skills and IT know-how. On the impacts’ side, firms advanced in terms of implementing R&D solutions are more likely to implement organizational changes. Finally, a set of recommendations on how to further improve the continuous innovation in the TLS industry is presented

    Head-of-Line Blocking Reduction in Power-Efficient Networks-on-Chip

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    Tesis por compendioNowadays, thanks to the continuous improvements in the integration scale, more and more cores are added on the same chip, leading to higher system performance. In order to interconnect all nodes, a network-on-chip (NoC) is used, which is in charge of delivering data between cores. However, increasing the number of cores leads to a significant power consumption increase, leading the NoC to be one of the most expensive components in terms of power. Because of this, during the last years, several mechanisms have been proposed to address the NoC power consumption by means of DVFS (Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling) and power-gating strategies. Nevertheless, improvements achieved by these mechanisms are achieved, to a greater or lesser extent, at the cost of system performance, potentially increasing the risk of saturating the network by forming congested points which, in turn, compromise the rest of the system functionality. One side effect is the creation of the "Head-of-Line blocking" effect where congested packets at the head of queues prevent other non-blocked packets from advancing. To address this issue, in this thesis, on one hand, we propose novel congestion control techniques in order to improve system performance by removing the "Head-of-Line" blocking effect. On the other hand, we propose combined solutions adapted to DVFS in order to achieve improvements in terms of performance and power. In addition to this, we propose a path-aware power-gating-based mechanism, which is capable of detecting the flows sharing buffer resources along data paths and perform to switch them off when not needed. With all these combined solutions we can significantly reduce the power consumption of the NoC when compared with state-of-the-art proposals.Hoy en día, gracias a las mejoras en la escala de integración cada vez se integran más y más núcleos en un mismo chip, mejorando así sus prestaciones. Para interconectar todos los nodos dentro del chip se emplea una red en chip (NoC, Network-on-Chip), la cual es la encargada de intercambiar información entre núcleos. No obstante, aumentar el número de núcleos en el chip también conlleva a su vez un importante incremento en el consumo de la NoC, haciendo que ésta se convierta en una de las partes más caras del chip en términos de consumo. Por ello, en los últimos años se han propuesto diversas técnicas de ahorro de energía orientadas a reducir el consumo de la NoC mediante el uso de DVFS (Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling) o estrategias basadas en "power-gating". Sin embargo, éstas mejoras de consumo normalmente se obtienen a costa de sacrificar, en mayor o menor medida, las prestaciones del sistema, aumentado potencialmente así el riesgo de saturar la red, generando puntos de congestión que, a su vez, comprometen el rendimiento del resto del sistema. Un efecto colateral es el "Head-of-Line blocking", mediante el que paquetes congestionados en la cabeza de la cola impiden que otros paquetes no congestionados avancen. Con el fin de solucionar este problema, en ésta tesis, en primer lugar, proponemos técnicas novedosas de control de congestión para incrementar el rendimiento del sistema mediante la eliminación del "Head-of-Line blocking", mientras que, por otra parte, proponemos soluciones combinadas adaptadas a DVFS con el fin de conseguir mejoras en términos de rendimiento y energía. Además, proponemos una técnica de "power-gating" orientada a rutas de datos, la cual es capaz de detectar flujos de datos compartiendo recursos a lo largo de rutas y apagar dichos recursos de forma dinámica cuando no son necesarios. Con todas éstas soluciones combinadas podemos reducir el consumo de energía de la NoC en comparación con otras técnicas presentes en el estado del arte.Hui en dia, gr\`acies a les millores en l'escala d'integraci\'o, cada vegada s'integren m\'es i m\'es nuclis en un mateix xip, la qual cosa millora les seues prestacions. Per tal d'interconectar tots els nodes dins el xip es fa \'us d'una Xarxa en Xip (NoC; Network-on-Chip), la qual \'es l'encarregada d'intercanviar informaci\'o entre els nuclis. No obstant aix\`o, incrementar el nombre de nuclis en el xip tamb\'e comporta un important augment en el consum de la NoC, la qual cosa fa que aquesta es convertisca en una de les parts m\'es costoses del xip en termes de consum. Per aix\`o, en els \'ultims anys s'han proposat diverses t\`ecniques d'estalvi d'energia orientades a reduir el consum de la NoC mitjançant l'\'us de DVFS (Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling) o estrat\`egies basades en ``power-gating''. Malgrat aix\`o, aquestes millores en les prestacions normalment s'obtenen a costa de sacrificar, en major o menor mesura, les prestacions del sistema i augmenta aix\'i el risc de saturar la xarxa al generar-se punts de congesti\'o, que al mateix temps, comprometen el rendiment de la resta del sistema. Un efecte col-lateral \'es el ``Head-of- Line blocking'', mitjançant el qual, els paquets congestionats al cap de la cua, impedixen que altres paquets no congestionats avancen. A fi de solucionar eixe problema, en aquesta tesi, en primer lloc, proposem noves t\`ecniques de control de congesti\'o amb l'objectiu d'incrementar el rendiment del sistema per mitj\`a de l'eliminaci\'o del ``Head-of- Line blocking'', i d'altra banda, proposem solucions combinades adaptades a DVFS amb la finalitat d'aconseguir millores en termes de rendiment i energia. A m\'es, proposem una t\`ecnica de ``power-gating'' orientada a rutes de dades, la qual \'es capa\c c de detectar fluxos de dades al compartir recursos al llarg de les rutes i apagar eixos recursos de forma din\`amica quan no s\'on necessaris. Amb totes aquestes solucions combinades podem reduir el consum d'energia de la NoC en comparaci\'o amb altres t\`ecniques presents en l'estat de l'art.Escamilla López, JV. (2017). Head-of-Line Blocking Reduction in Power-Efficient Networks-on-Chip [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/90419TESISCompendi

    Pulsed light inactivation of mushroom polyphenol oxidase: a fluorometric and spectrophotometric study

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    Polyphenol oxidase (PPO) is one of the most important food enzymes, it is responsible for the browning of many foods. Pulsed light (PL) is a non-thermal method of food preservation that is able to inactivate PPO. The aim of this work was to gain insight into the mechanism of PPO inactivation by PL. To this, the kinetics of PPO inactivation by PL was measured, together with associated changes in tryptophan fluorescence, KI fluorescence quenching and turbidity; and results were analysed by parameter A and phase diagram methods. Enzyme inactivation followed the Weibull model. Tryptophan fluorescence decreased during PL treatment, as well as the parameter A, while Stern-Volmer constants increased and turbidity was constant. The phase diagram showed only two populated states. There was a high correlation between the loss of activity and parameter A. Results indicate that under the experimental conditions, the inactivation of PPO by PL is an all-or-none process where the enzyme progressively unfolds with no evidence of aggregation.Fundación Universitaria San Antonio de CartagenaCiencias de la Alimentació

    Audio-visuals as a resource for children’s literature teaching: an ICT experience at teachers’ training

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    De un tiempo a esta parte, el cine o la animación han empezado a cobrar en las aulas un merecido protagonismo por su gran potencial pedagógico y didáctico. Si bien es cierto, no en todas las ocasiones estos recursos visuales se ajustan ni a las exigencias de los nuevos métodos de enseñanza-aprendizaje ni a la realidad del grupo-aula. Con la llegada de las nuevas tecnologías, este proceso de adaptación y mejora de los recursos pedagógicos y didácticos se puede llevar a cabo desde la creación del propio producto audiovisual por parte del docente. En este sentido, la experiencia que presentamos en este trabajo tiene como finalidad formar profesionales de la educación competentes para diseñar audiovisuales didácticos, en este caso vinculados a la enseñanza de la literatura infantil.From a time to this part, the cinema or the animation receive in the classrooms a deserved protagonist by its pedagogical and didactic potential. However, these visual resources aren’t always adjusted to the demands of the new teaching-learning methods and to the reality of the classroom group. With the advent of the new technologies, this process of adaptation and improvement of pedagogical and didactic resources can be carried out from the creation of the audio-visual product itself by the teacher. In this sense, the experience that we present in this article aims to train educational professionals competent to design didactic audio-visuals, in this case linked to the teaching of children's literature

    Using the fisher vector approach for cold identification

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    In this paper, we present a computational paralinguistic method for assessing whether a person has an upper respiratory tract infection (i.e. cold) using their speech. Having a system that can accurately assess a cold can be helpful for predicting its propagation. For this purpose, we utilize Mel-frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC) as audio-signal representations, extracted from the utterances, which allowed us to fit a generative Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) that serves to produce an encoding based on the Fisher Vector (FV) approach. Here, we use the URTIC dataset provided by the organizers of the ComParE Challenge 2017 of the Interspeech Conference. The classification is done by a linear kernel Support Vector Machines (SVM); owing to the high imbalance of classes on the training dataset, we opt for undersampling the majority class, that is, to reduce the number of samples to those of the minority class. We find that applying Power Normalization (PN) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) on the Fisher vector features is an effective strategy for the classification performance. We get better performance than that of the Bag-of-Audio-Words approach reported in the paper of the challenge

    Preparation and Characterization of New Liposomes. Bactericidal Activity of Cefepime Encapsulated into Cationic Liposomes

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    Cefepime is an antibiotic with a broad spectrum of antimicrobial activity. However, this antibiotic has several side effects and a high degradation rate. For this reason, the preparation and characterization of new liposomes that are able to encapsulate this antibiotic seem to be an important research line in the pharmaceutical industry. Anionic and cationic liposomes were prepared and characterized. All cationic structures contained the same cationic surfactant, N,N,N-triethyl-N-(12-naphthoxydodecyl)ammonium. Results showed a better encapsulation-efficiency percentage (EE%) of cefepime in liposomes with phosphatidylcholine and cholesterol than with 1,2-dioleoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphoethanolamine (DOPE). The presence of cholesterol and the quantity of egg-yolk phospholipid in the liposome increased the encapsulation percentage. The bactericidal activity against Escherichia coli of cefepime loaded into liposomes with phosphatidylcholine was measured. The inhibitory zone in an agar plate for free cefepime was similar to that obtained for loaded cefepime. The growth-rate constant of E. coli culture was also measured in working conditions. The liposome without any antibiotic exerted no influence in such a rate constant. All obtained results suggest that PC:CH:12NBr liposomes are biocompatible nanocarriers of cefepime that can be used in bacterial infections against Escherichia coli with high inhibitory activity

    Treatment of oral mucositis due to chemotherapy

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    Introduction: The management of oral mucositis is a challenge, due to its complex biological nature. Over the last 10 years, different strategies have been developed for the management of oral mucositis caused by chemotherapy in cancer patients. Material and Methods: An exhaustive search was made of the PubMed-Medline, Cochrane Library and Scopus databases, crossing the key words “oral mucositis”, “prevention” and “treatment” with the terms “chemotherapy” and “radiotherapy” by means of the boolean operators “AND” and “NOT”. A total of 268 articles were obtained, of which 96 met the inclusion criteria. Results: Several interventions for the prevention of oral mucositis, such as oral hygiene protocols, amifostine, benzidamine, calcium phosphate, cryotherapy and iseganan, among others, were found to yield only limited benefits. Other studies have reported a decrease in the appearance and severity of mucositis with the use of cytoprotectors (sucralfate, oral glutamine, hyaluronic acid), growth factors, topical polyvinylpyrrolidone, and low power laser irradiation. Conclusions: Very few interventions of confirmed efficacy are available for the management of oral mucositis due to chemotherapy. However, according to the reviewed literature, the use of palifermin, cryotherapy and low power laser offers benefits, reducing the incidence and severity of oral mucositis – though further studies are needed to confirm the results obtained

    Robots autónomos : arquitecturas y control

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