10 research outputs found

    Identificación de estudiantes de noveno y décimo grado con talento científico en la institución educativa distrital de bonda, de la ciudad de Santa Marta

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    El trabajo se ejecutó en la Institución Educativa Distrital de Bonda y contó con una población de 140 estudiantes del grado noveno y décimo. Los resultados en la primera fase arrojaron un total de 13 preseleccionados, para luego en la fase de evaluación e identificación confirmar como talentos científicos en las áreas de Matemáticas, Ciencias sociales y Ciencias Naturales a 2 estudiantes uno de sexo masculino y otro de sexo femenino. La tarea vinculó a profesores estudiantes y padres de familia; a su vez, los resultados del proceso de identificación presentaron una gran consistencia en concordancia con los datos suministrados en el marco de otros trabajos de identificación de índole internacional (Benito, 2005)

    Executive functions and functional impairment in Latin seniors suffering from depression

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    Functional impairment (FI) relates to the condition of executive functions (EFs). While EFs become affected by age and educational level (EL). Seniors suffering from depression (SSDs) on the other hand show EF-related deficiencies; however, there is hardly any literature available regarding their relationship with FI in Latin SSDs, who usually have low ELs. Objective: To verify the relationship between EFs and FI in SSDs of Latin origins, by controlling the effects associated with age and educational level. Methodology: Cross-sectional study, of cases and controls, conducted on a nonprobability sample, made up of 102 self-sufficient SSDs and 142 control subjects over age 50, monolinguals of Latin origin (Chileans), all assessed by means of a battery of assessments such as: Geriatric Depression Scale, Addenbrook's Cognitive Assessment III, Trail making Tests A and B, STROOP word-color test, and semantic and phonological verbal fluency tests. A domain of composite EFs was established with standardized Chilean population scores, where age and educational levels were controlled. A simple linear regression analysis was conducted to determine the relationship between EFs and FI in SSDs. Results: Upon controlling age and educational levels, EFs explained an FI variance of 3.9% in SSDs; depression explained an EF variance of 3.2%, and 3.7% of FI. Conclusion: The results of the present study highlight the importance of a timely intervention when it comes to geriatric depression, considering the negative effect it has over the executive functions and the functionality of seniors

    Presentation of bilateral facial paralysis in Melkersson–Rosenthal syndrome

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    Introduction. Melkersson–Rosenthal syndrome (MRS) is a neuromucocutaneous disorder characterized by the following classic symptom triad: peripheral facial paralysis, orofacial edema, and scrotal or fissured tongue. It is rare, and since most of the patients are oligo- or monosymptomatic, it makes it difficult to diagnose. Clinical Case. We present a 26-year-old male patient with a history of sickle cell trait, untreated snoring, and left peripheral facial paralysis when he was 11 years old. +is was an overall 20- day clinical profile that started with left peripheral facial paralysis, which was accompanied by moderate-intensity occipital pulsatile headaches. Additionally, the patient experienced paresthesias in the tongue and feelings of labial edema. After one week, he manifested peripheral facial paralysis on the right side. Physical examination revealed bilateral peripheral facial paralysis, mild labial edema, and a scrotal or fissured tongue. +e patient received corticosteroids, which resulted in improvement of the edema and facial paralysis. Discussion. MRS is a rare disorder that predominantly affects women, typically starting in their 20s or 30s. +e etiology is unknown. However, a multifactorial origin that involves environmental factors and a genetic predisposition has been proposed, which causes a dysfunction of the local immune system and autonomic nervous system (ANS) and an appearance of granulomatous inflammation in the lips and tongue. Facial paralysis usually appears later on; however, it can occur from its clinical debut. +ere are no curative treatments. +erapy is focused on modulating the patient’s immune response, and relapses are frequent

    Efecto de la capacidad visoespacial en el rendimiento académico de estudiantes de anatomía médica

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    Visuospatial ability is associated with clinical skills in medical education, as it predicts the academic performance of anatomy students. Objective: To determine whether visuospatial processing generates changes in the teaching of medical anatomy and predicts academic performance in that subject. Methods: 140 students were evaluated at the beginning of the semester and before final exams with the Rey Complex Figure Test (CRFT).  Student's t-tests were performed to contrast pre- and post-test differences, Cohen's d to measure effect size, and linear regression to evaluate prediction with final grades. Results: Mean age 20.22 years (SD=1.12), mean grade point average 4.96 (SD=1.20). Seventy percent of the students passed the course. The t-test reports significant differences of TFCR (Memory recall: t=-17.383; p<0.001; Delayed recall: t=-16.547, p<0.001) with a medium effect size (d=0.59 and d=0.56), respectively. The scores obtained in the post-test on the TFCR deferred recall task explained up to 90% of the students' academic performance. Conclusions: The instrument's deferred memory predicted academic performance and anatomy learning improved students' visuospatial function performance.La capacidad visoespacial se asocia con habilidades clínicas en la educación médica, ya que predice el desempeño académico de los estudiantes de anatomía. Objetivo: Determinar si el procesamiento visoespacial genera cambios en la enseñanza de la anatomía médica y predice el desempeño académico en esa asignatura. Método: 140 estudiantes evaluados al inicio de semestre y antes de exámenes finales con el Test de la Figura Compleja de Rey.  Se realizaron análisis t de Student para contrastar las diferencias pre y pos-test, d de Cohen para medir el tamaño de efecto y regresión lineal para evaluar la predicción con las notas finales. Resultados: Edad promedio 20.22 años (DE=1.12), media de calificaciones 4.96 (DE=1.20). El 70% de los estudiantes aprobó la asignatura. La prueba t reporta diferencias significativas del TFCR (Evocación de Memoria: t=-17.383; p<0.001; Evocación diferida: t=-16.547, p<0.001) con un tamaño del efecto mediano (d=0.59 y d=0.56), respectivamente. Las puntuaciones obtenidas en el post-test en la tarea de memoria diferida del TFCR, explicaron hasta en un 90% el desempeño académico de los estudiantes. Conclusiones: La memoria diferida del instrumento predijo el rendimiento académico y el aprendizaje de anatomía mejoró el desempeño en la función visoespacial de los estudiantes

    Efecto del Aprendizaje de Morfología en el Procesamiento Visoespacial de Estudiantes Universitarios Chilenos

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    Objetivo. Verificar el efecto del aprendizaje de morfología sobre el procesamiento visoespacial en estudiantes universitarios. Método. Participaron 48 estudiantes de Kinesiología que cursaron anatomía (GE); y 43 de Trabajo Social, que no estudió anatomía (GNE). Resultados. No se reportaron diferencias significativa s en el pretest intragrupal, pero si en el pos -test, a favor del GE, junto a un alto efecto en las dimensiones Copia y Memoria del TFCR. El análisis intergrupal evidenció un mejor rendimiento en el post test, en Copia y Memoria del TFCR. Estas diferencias no se observaron en el TAAVR en ninguno de los grupos y análisis estadísticos. Conclusiones. El aprendizaje de anatomía fortalece la función visoespacial, necesaria para el correcto y futuro desempeño profesional de estudiantes universitarios de ciencias d e la salud

    Effect of learning morphology on the visuospatial processing of chilean university students [Efecto del aprendizaje de morfología en el procesamiento visoespacial de estudiantes universitarios chilenos]

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    Objective. Check the effect of morphology on learning visuospatial processing in college students. Method. Kinesiology involved 48 students who studied anatomy (EG); and 43 of Social Work, who studied anatomy (UG). Results. No significant differences were recorded at pretest intra - group, but in the post-test, in favor of EG, with an effect size high TCFR Copy and memory. The intergroup analysis showed better performance in the post test in TCFR Copy and memory. These differences were not observed in the TAVLR in either group and statistical analysis. Conclusions. Learning anatomy strengthens visuospatial function, necessary for the proper and professional performance of future college students health sciences. © 2016, Sociedad Interamericana de Psicologia. All rights reserved.Trabajo de investigació

    Psychometric properties of the GAD-7 score to detect generalized anxiety in health professionals in Bolivia

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    El aumento de los casos y las muertes relacionadas con la COVID-19 ha generado un importante desgaste físico y emocional en los profesionales sanitarios. El personal de salud ha tenido que enfrentarse al estigma y al rechazo social, al riesgo a enfermar y al miedo a contagiar a sus familias, lo que podría disminuir su bienestar psicológico y aumentar los problemas de salud mental (1). La ansiedad generalizada es un trastorno mental en el cual una persona está preocupada o ansiosa respecto de una o varias situaciones y le parece difícil controlar sus síntomas. La evidencia disponible muestra un incremento de la ansiedad generalizada en el personal médi co que está en contacto directo con los pacientes contagiados con la COVID-19 (2). Durante la pandemia, la carga global de ansiedad en los trabajadores de la salud se incrementó en más del 30% (3). Por tanto, el uso de instrumentos breves, fáciles de aplicar y capaces de detectar alteraciones psicológicas en la actual pandemia, ha tomado relevancia (4). La escala de ansiedad de siete ítems (GAD-7) (Material suplementario), se desarrolló originalmente en inglés como una herramienta de detección breve capaz de detectar la ansiedad (5). El estudio original reportó adecuados valores de sensibilidad (0,92) y especificidad (0,83). Desde entonces, sus propiedades psicométricas se han examinado (6). En Latinoamérica se reportan estudios en Perú (7) y Colombia (8). Sin embargo, no existen datos publicados en Bolivia sobre las características psicométricas de este instrumento. Por lo tanto, analizamos las propiedades psicométricas del GAD-7 en una muestra amplia de profesionales sanitarios bolivianos durante la pandemia de la COVID-19

    MoCA-T as a remote assessment tool to determine cognitive impairment in patients with moderate to severe OSA

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    La pandemia de COVID-19 ha dado lugar al surgimiento de herramientas tecnológicas que permiten la valoración de pacientes de forma remota. La prueba de evaluación cognitiva de Montreal, versión telefónica (MoCA-T), es una de ellas. Se considera como un recurso de la telemedicina que permite la tamización cognitiva a distancia en épocas de pandemia y en la población con dificultades en el acceso a los centros de salud. El deterioro cognitivo leve (DCL) es un hallazgo usual en pacientes con síndrome de apnea-hipopnea obstructiva del sueño (SAHOS); sin embargo, no se ha estudiado la aplicación de pruebas telefónicas para su tamización cognitiva. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es determinar la frecuencia de deterioro cognoscitivo mediante la aplicación de MoCA-T como prueba de tamización remota en pacientes con SAHOS moderado y severo. Para ello, se aplicó la prueba de MoCA-T en 104 pacientes entre 18 y 65 años con diagnóstico polisomnográfico de SAHOS moderado y severo, excluyéndose a pacientes con comorbilidades que afectasen las capacidades cognoscitivas. Se obtuvieron resultados anormales de MoCA-T en el 43% de los pacientes, siendo los dominios cognitivos de la memoria y la atención los más comúnmente afectados. Finalmente, los resultados anormales de MoCA-T se correlacionaron con la autopercepción de las dificultades en la memoria, estando más frecuentemente alterada en quienes manifestaron quejas cognitivas. La prueba MoCA-T podría ser una herramienta tecnológica breve, validada y factible para realizar el tamizaje cognitivo de pacientes con SAHOS en épocas de pandemia y en pacientes con barreras asistenciales.The COVID-19 pandemic has led to the emergence of technological tools that allow remote assessment on patients. The Montreal Cognitive Assessment Test Telephone Version (MoCA-T) is one of them. Considered as a telemedicine resource that allows remote cognitive screening in pandemic era and in the population with difficulties in accessing health centers. Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is a common finding in patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Hypopnea Syndrome (OSAHS). However, the application of telephone tests for cognitive screening has not been studied. To determine the frequency of cognitive deterioration through the application of MoCA-T as a remote screening test in patients with moderate and severe OSAHS is the main objective of this work. To do this, the MoCA-T test was applied to 104 patients with polysomnographic diagnostic capabilities for moderate and severe OSAHS between ages 18 and 65, excluding patients with comorbidities that affect cognitive ones. Abnormal MoCA-T results were obtained in 43% of patients, with the cognitive domains of memory and attention being the most affected. Finally, abnormal MoCA-T results correlated with self-perception of memory difficulties, being more frequently altered in those who manifest cognitive complaints. The MoCA-T test could be a brief, validated and feasible technological tool for cognitive screening of patients with OSAHS in times of pandemic and in patients with care barriers

    The cumulative effect of fibromyalgia symptoms on cognitive performance: the mediating role of pain

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    Fibromyalgia (FMS) is a chronic condition that encompasses widespread pain associated with cognitive impairment and significant emotional distress related to functional disability. This study aimed to obtain evidence of the role of pain in the effect of time since FMS diagnosis and cognitive performance using a novel online protocol of neuropsychological evaluation since the COVID-19 pandemic has challenged traditional neuropsychology testing leading to the need for novel procedures transitioning to tele-neuropsychology. A sample of 70 adult women was evaluated (50 with FMS and 19 controls) using online questionnaires that evaluated pain and executive functioning (impulsivity, inhibition control, monitoring, and planning). Afterward, participants were evaluated by trained neuropsychologists in a 30 min online session using virtually adapted cognitive tests: the Hopkins Verbal Learning Test (memory), the Symbol-Digit Modalities Test (attention and speed processing), the F-A-S test (verbal fluency), and Digit Span tests (working memory). We found that the time of FMS diagnosis has an effect on cognitive functioning predominantly mediated by pain. Our results point out the role of pain as a mediator on cognitive performance, specifically in executive functions which are directly affected by the cumulative effect of the time of diagnosis. Furthermore, the importance of considering a broader perspective for assessment and treatment including novel procedures via tele-neuropsychology

    Psychometric properties of the positive mental health scale in Arequipa (Peru).

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    La salud mental positiva es un constructo complejo que está relacionado con el funcionamiento óptimo de la persona. Comprende un conjunto de cualidades orientadas al desarrollo del potencial del individuo. La Escala de Salud Mental Positiva es uno de los instrumentos más utilizados para evaluarlo, sin embargo, los antecedentes señalan inconsistencias respecto a su estructura interna. El objetivo del presente estudio fue analizar las propiedades psicométricas de la Escala de Salud Mental Positiva en Arequipa-Perú. Participaron 3933 personas, 50.3% fueron mujeres y 49.7% fueron varones, incluyendo desde adolescentes hasta adultos mayores. La evaluación mediante AFC de la estructura original evidenció índices de ajuste pobres, por lo que se tuvo que evaluar la dimensionalidad y proponer una nueva estructura. Para lo cual, se dividió a la muestra (n1 = 1966 y n2 = 1967). En la primera, se aplicó un AFE y en la segunda se valida mediante un AFC. Se hallaron tres factores y se concluye que tiene un buen ajuste (χ 2 (431) = 2473.378; CFI = .959; TLI = .956, RMSEA = .049; SRMR = .051). La consistencia interna mostró valores mayores a .81. Finalmente, se evaluó la equivalencia de la medición según el sexo, hallando que el instrumento presenta invarianza de la medición.Positive mental health is a complex construct that is related to the optimal functioning of the person. It comprises a set of qualities aimed at the development of the individual's potential. The Positive Mental Health Scale is one of the most used instruments to evaluate it, however, the antecedents indicate inconsistencies regarding its internal structure. The objective of this study was to analyze the psychometric properties of the Positive Mental Health Scale in Arequipa-Peru. 3,933 people participated, 50.3% were women and 49.7% were men, including from adolescents to the elderly. The evaluation by CFA of the original structure showed poor fit indices, so the dimensionality had to be evaluated and a new structure had to be proposed. For which the sample is divided (n1 = 1,966 and n2 = 1,967). In the first, an EFA was applied and in the second, it is validated by means of a CFA. Three factors were found and it is concluded that it has a good fit (χ 2 (431) = 2,473.378; CFI = .959; TLI = .956, RMSEA = .049; SRMR = .051). The internal consistency showed values greater than .81. Finally, the equivalence of the measurement according to sex was evaluated, finding that the instrument presents measurement invariance