2,216 research outputs found

    Diatomeas y calidad del agua de los ríos del Macizo Central Gallego (Ourense, N.O. España) mediante la aplicación de índices diatomológicos

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    Mountain rivers diatoms from a complex of sierras that form the Galician Central Massif (Ourense province), place of communitarian importance, have been studied. For that study, eight rivers and one spring have been sampled, over one and a half years (from 2001 to 2003) and water samples were also taken to obtain some physico-chemical parameters (pH, conductivity, temperature, and dissolved oxygen). The most abundant species are Achnanthidium minutissimum, Diatoma mesodon, Fragilaria capucina, Gomphonema parvulum, G. rhombicum, and Hannaea arcus. With the diatoms' abundances, the IPS, IBD, and CEE indices were calculated to study the water quality, using the OMNIDIA program. The results of the indices classify the waters of these mountain rivers as of good or very good quality.Se han estudiado diatomeas de ríos de montaña de un conjunto de sierras que constituyen el Macizo Central Gallego (provincia de Ourense), lugar de importancia comunitaria (LIC). Se han muestreado 8 ríos y 1 fuente para dicho estudio durante un período de año y medio (2001-2003) y también se han tomado muestras del agua para la obtención de algunos parámetros físico-químicos (pH, conductividad, temperatura y oxígeno disuelto). Las especies más abundantes fueron Achnanthidium minutissimum, Diatoma mesodon, Fragilaria capucina, Gomphonema parvulum, G. rhombicum y Hannaea arcus. Con las abundancias de las diatomeas se calcularon los índices IPS, IBD y CEE para el estudio de la calidad de las aguas, utilizando el programa OMNIDIA. Los resultados de los índices clasifican las aguas de estos ríos de montaña como de calidad buena o muy buena

    Evaluation of the response to treatment and clinical evolution in patients with burning mouth syndrome

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    Objective: the aim of this study is to investigate the clinical evolution, the spontaneous remission of the symp - tomatology and the response to different treatments in a group of burning mouth syndrome patients. Study Design: the sample was formed by a group of patients that were visited in the Unit of Oral Medicine of the Dentistry Clinic of the University of Barcelona, from the year 2000 to 2011. After revising the clinical records of all the patients that had been under control for a period of time of 18 months or longer, they were contacted by telephone. In the telephone interview, they were questioned about the symptomatology evolution and the response to the treatments received, noting down the data in a questionnaire previously performed. Results: the average duration of the symptoms was 6.5 years (+/-2.5 years). The most frequent treatments were: chlorhexidine mouthrinses, oral benzodiazepines, topical clonazepam, antiinflamatory drugs, antidepressants, antifungicals, vitamins, psycotherapy, salivary substitutes and topical corticoids. The specialists that were con - sulted with a higher frequency were: dermatologists (30%), othorrynolaringologists (10%) and psychiatrists (3%). In 41 patients the oral symptoms did not improve, 35 reported partial improvements, 12 patients worsened, and only in 3 patients the symptoms remitted. Conclusions: In three of the 91 patients studied the symptoms remitted spontaneously within the five years of treatment. Only 42% of the study population had improved the symptomatology significantly, and this improvement would reach 60% if clonazepam were associated to psychotherap

    Estudio de una muestra de pacientes con síndrome de boca ardiente

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    El síndrome de boca ardiente (SBA) es una enfermedad que, a pesar de conocerse desde hace muchos años, sigue planteando problemas de diagnóstico y tratamiento. Se manifiesta clínicamente como sensación de ardor o escozor en alguna zona de la mucosa oral, no existiendo ninguna lesión que pueda justificar dicha sintomatología. Se presenta fundamentalmente en mujeres postmenopáusicas, que suelen presentar sus molestias durante periodos prolongados. El ardor bucal puede acompañarse de otras alteraciones sensitivas, como sensación de sequedad o alteraciones gustativas. Objetivos: Estudiar una muestra de pacientes con SBA y describir los factores epidemiológicos, las enfermedades que padecen y los fármacos que consumen. Pacientes y métodos: La muestra estaba formada por 83 pacientes que consultaban en la clínica odontológica por ardor bucal. Se efectuó en todos ellos una historia clínica detallada y se registraron todas las características en una hoja de protocolo. Resultados: El 90,4% de los pacientes de nuestro estudio eran mujeres y sólo el 9,6% eran hombres. La media de edad de la muestra fue de 64,9 años. Todos los pacientes presentaban ardor en la lengua y el 64% lo presentaban en los labios. La mayoría de los pacientes estudiados (76%) presentaban una evolución de más de 12 meses, mientras que los de menos de 6 meses únicamente llegaban al 6%. De los 83 pacientes estudiados, 52 presentaban trastornos psicológicos (63%) y más de la mitad de ellos consumía algún fármaco psicoactivo. Conclusiones: Nuestra muestra de pacientes es equiparable a las descritas en otros estudios. El SBA predomina en mujeres postmenopáusicas, que presentan con gran frecuencia ansiedad y/o depresión

    Manifestaciones orales secundarias al tratamiento oncológico: pautas de actuación odontológica

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    El tratamiento del cáncer se basa en la administración de quimiorradioterapia asociada a cirugía, en función del tipo y estadiaje del tumor. La mayor parte de fármacos antineoplásicos actúan de manera indiscriminada sobre las células de la capa basal del epitelio, alterando su capacidad de renovación. Esto conlleva la aparición de una serie de efectos secundarios tanto locales como sistémicos entre los que destacarían: la mielosupresión, la mucositis, las náuseas y vómitos y la alopecia. Asimismo, la administración de determinados citostáticos implica una mayor incidencia y gravedad de estas complicaciones. La afectación de la cavidad bucal en forma de mucositis, es uno de los efectos secundarios más frecuentes del tratamiento oncológico, afectando en ocasiones su calidad de vida. Actualmente no existen protocolos estandarizados para tratar los efectos secundarios bucales de la quimiorradioterapia, aunque se han publicado algunas normas de actuación. En este trabajo se resumirán algunas pautas odontológicas para su manejo

    Activity of Ricinus communis (Euphorbiaceae) against Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)

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    One of the most studied plant species with insecticidal properties is the castor bean Ricinus communis. However, its activity against Spodoptera frugiperda is unclear. Therefore, to determinate the insecticidal and insectistatic activities of methanol, hexane and ethyl acetate extracts of the seeds and leaves of R. communis, castor oil and ricinine were tested at different concentrations against S. frugiperda. This study demonstrated for the first time, that the castor oil and ricinine are active ingredients of R. communis that acts against S. frugiperda and that each of the seed extracts exhibited better insecticidal and insectistatic activity than the leaf extracts. The half maximum larvae viability concentration (LVC50) were 0.38 × 103 ppm for the ricinine, 0.75 × 103 ppm for a methanol extract ofseeds, 1.97 × 103 ppm for an ethyl acetate seed extract, 2.69×103 ppm for the castor oil, 4.83 × 103 ppm for a methanol extract of leaves, 5.07 × 103 ppm for an ethyl acetate extract of leaves, 9.95 × 103 ppm fora hexane extract of seeds and 10.01 × 103 ppm for a hexane extract of leaves

    Síndrome de ardor bucal: actualización diagnóstica y terapéutica

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    El síndrome de boca ardiente (SBA) es una entidad patológica caracterizada por la presencia de síntomas crónicos de ardor o dolor en la mucosa bucal clínicamente normal. El SBA afecta principalmente a mujeres peri y posmenopáusicas. Su causa es desconocida, pero su relación con una compleja asociación de factores biológicos y psicológicos hace suponer una etiología multifactorial. Aunque se han encontrado tratamientos eficaces en casos particulares, se sigue buscando un tratamiento que resulte eficaz en la mayoría de los casos. Esta revisión hace especial referencia a los factores etiológicos y al tratamiento del síndrome

    Burning mouth syndrome: update

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    Burning Mouth Syndrome (BMS) is a chronic disorder that predominately affects middle-aged women in the postmenopausal period. The condition is distinguished by burning symptoms of the oral mucosa and the absence of any clinical signs. The etiology of BMS is complex and it includes a variety of factors. Local, systemic and psychological factors such as stress, anxiety and depression are listed among the possible causes of BMS. BMS may sometimes be classified as BMS Type I, II or III. Although this syndrome is not accompanied by evident organic alterations and it does not present health risks, it can significantly reduce the patient's quality of life. This study analyzes the available literature related to BMS, and makes special reference to its therapeutic management. The pages that follow will also discuss the diagnostic criteria that should be respected, etiological factors, and clinical aspects. We used the PubMed database and searched it by using the keywords 'burning mouth syndrome', 'BMS and review', and 'burning mouth and review', in the title or abstract of the publication. BMS treatment usually steers towards the management of the symptoms; however, the specific local factors that could play a significant role in worsening the oral burning sensation should be eradicated. The most widely accepted treatment options that show variable results include tricyclic antidepressants, benzodiazepines and antipsychotic drugs; nevertheless there are other therapies that can also be carried out. Professionals that work in the field of dentistry should formulate standardized symptomatic and diagnostic criteria in order to more easily identify the most effective and reliable strategies in BMS treatment through multidisciplinary research

    Tuberous sclerosis: literature review and case report

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    Tuberous sclerosis (TS) or Bourneville’s disease is a rare, multisystemic genetic disorder. It involves alterations to ectodermal and mesodermal cell differentiation and proliferation, causing benign hamartomatous tumors, neurofibromas and angiofibromas in the brain and other vital organs including the kidney, heart, eyes, lungs, skin and mucosa. It also affects the central nervous system and produces neurological dysfunctions such as seizures, mental retardation and behavior disorders. Tuberous (rootshaped) growths develop in the brain, and calcify over time, becoming hard and sclerotic, hence the name given to the disease. Although inheritance is autosomal dominant, 60-70% of cases occur through spontaneous mutations. The disease is related to some mutations or alterations in two genes, named TSC1 and TSC2. Discovered in 1997, TSC1 is located on chromosome 9q34 and produces a protein called hamartin. TSC2, discovered in 1993, is located on chromosome 16p13 and produces a protein called tuberin. The prevalence of the disease is 1/6000-10,000 live newborns, and it is estimated that there are 1-2 million sufferers worldwide. This paper presents a literature review and a family case report of a mother and two of her daughters with oral features of TS

    Erectile Dysfunction Associated with Cardiovascular Risk Factors

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    Objectives: (1) Determine erectile dysfunction (ED) prevalence in patients with cardiovascular risk factors (CVRF). (2) Assess ED incidence in relation to the extent of controlling CVRF. Methodology: Patients: Enrolled participants came to the health centres in the study area. In accordance with the incidence of diseases with cardiovascular risks (CVR) in the Basic Health Regions of the study area, sample size was calculated with a 95% confidence interval and an alpha error of 0.005, resulting in a sample of 210 people, of which 30 could not complete the study for various reasons (change of address, death, refused to complete questionnaire, etc.). A full awareness and diffusion campaign was organized with talks and leaflets. Letters: A standard letter was given to patients which explained the importance of sexual health, offering them an appointment with a DUE (Diploma in Nursing) survey taker. The questionnaire was devised by the research group and was given by a fully trained DUE survey taker. Previously, contact was made with all the health centres, physicians and nursing staff to give them information on ED and CVRF and to inform them about the work to be done in their health region. Those patients who did not come to the appointment were telephoned to insist on the importance of attending and completing the questionnaire. Variables analysis: We analysed age, level of education, civil status, height, weight and body mass index (BMI), SBP, DBP, smoking habit, number cigarettes/day, year smoking began, ex‐smoker, year smoking stopped, alcohol consumption, grams alcohol/week, as well as consumption of other drugs, frequency and type. Blood test: glucose, haemoglobin glycated haemoglobin, total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, triglycerides, artherogenic index, creatinine, urea, GOT, GPT, gamma‐GT and PSA. Urine test: micro‐albuminuria, proteinuria and creatinine clearance. ECG: Diabetes diagnosed at least 1 year ago and prescribed drugs to treat it. High blood pressure diagnosed at least 1 year ago and prescribed drugs to treat it. Dyslipidaemia (hypercholesterolaemia) diagnosed at least 1 year ago and prescribed drugs to treat it. Concomitant diseases of at least 1 year and drugs (up to 3) SHIM questionnaire and ED according to SHIM. Statistical analysis: an observational, descriptive, analytical, cross‐sectional study. Qualitative variables are presented as exact values and a percentage; quantitative variables as the mean and standard deviation (SD). A means comparison was done with the Student’s t‐test for independent groups, or the Mann‐Whitney U test if normality conditions (using the Kolmogorov‐Smirnoff or Shapiro‐Wilks test) were not fulfilled. The chi‐squared test was used for qualitative variables. Results: Of the 210 selected people, 179 completed the questionnaire (85.2%). The mean age was 64.5 ± 11.6 years. When analysing all the study variables in relation to the main variable, presence or absence of ED, age played an important role in ED appearing as ED incidence rises with age. Blood pressure had no significant relationship with the studied variable, and the same hold for BMI and its subdivision into normal weight and obesity. As regards toxic habits, neither cigarette smoking nor alcohol consumption influenced the presence of ED. The same hold for the sociological‐type variables (civil states, level of education). Regarding the biochemical variables from blood tests, a significant relationship with the atherogenic index and its recoded variable at high and low atherogenic risk (p < 0.04) was noted. In the glycaemic profile, a glycaemia mean of 126 mg/dl was obtained in the ED presence group, which is the cut‐off point proposed by ADA117 (American Diabetes Association) to consider a subject diabetic. Likewise, glycated haemoglobin presented figures in the two groups can be considered an alternation of a practically diabetic glucose metabolism. In our study, the presence of diabetic disease, high blood pressure (HBP) and dyslipidaemia showed no significant relationship with ED presence for each disease. However, in the combination of these diseases, a statistically significant relationship was seen when CVR increases, according to the Framinghan tables. Neither did each disease’s duration show a significant relationship with ED presence nor significant differences for the drugs used to treat the three pathologies were found. The coronary risk calculated according to the Framinghan tables indicated a statistically significant result, as did excessive risk (the difference between the coronary risk and the average assigned per age) for ED presence. The LISAT 8 test suggested that ED affected health‐associated quality of life and was statistically significant in two items of sex life and economic situation and was borderline statistically significant in the general life and working life items. Conclusions: There is a high ED prevalence in patients with high CVR. When ED improves, the better CVRFs are controlled. These patients’ pluripathology implies aggressive polymedication which doctors must consider as it increases the risk of ED

    Association of burning mouth syndrome with xerostomia and medicines

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    Objetivo: Identificar factores de riesgo para el síndrome de boca ardiente (SBA) a través de estudio de casos y controles. Material y métodos: Se realizó análisis cuantitativo del flujo salival total en reposo y estimulado; se registraron la xerostomía subjetiva, el consumo de medicamentos y los estados psicológicos de ansiedad y depresión en 40 pacientes con SBA y 40 controles. Resultados: El análisis ANOVA mostró diferencias significativas en las medias del número de medicamentos/día, número de medicamentos xerostomizantes/día, xerostomía subjetiva, ansiedad y depresión, entre los grupos estudiados. No se observaron diferencias significativas en las tasas de flujo salival en reposo y estimulado. El análisis de asociación Odds ratio determinó asociación del SBA con xerostomía y con el consumo de hipotensores y diuréticos. Conclusiones: Según los resultados de este estudio, se puede afirmar que el consumo de hipotensores y diuréticos fue un factor de riesgo para el padecimiento del SBA. La función de las glándulas salivales en los pacientes con SBA no está deteriorada