343 research outputs found
Empleo de metodologías activas de enseñanza para el aprendizaje de la Química
En esta experiencia se ha diseñado y aplicado un modelo docente basado en metodologías activas de enseñanza aplicado a la Química, concretamente el aprendizaje basado en problemas, con el objetivo final de promover, adquirir y/o consolidar competencias transversales necesarias para la formación integral de los estudiantes. La idea fundamental desde el punto de vista docente consiste en cambiar la forma de enseñanza establecida tradicionalmente, fomentado el debate y la participación de los alumnos a partir de casos o ejemplos químicos reales tomados de la vida cotidiana y favoreciendo la discusión en grupos pequeños durante el desarrollo del curso, de modo que éste sea el eje central alrededor del cual gire el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que los estudiantes aprenden más, mejor y de forma más duradera empleando este tipo de metodologías, que tienen una incidencia directa en el rendimiento académico de los alumnos.A teaching model based on active learning methodologies (Problem-Based Learning, PBL)
has been designed and applied in the field of Chemistry, to promote, improve and consolidate
key skills which are required for the comprehensive training of students. The key concept
consists of changing the traditional teaching strategy in such a way that students become an
active element of the teaching-learning process by using examples taken from daily life, which
encourage discussion and participation in class. The results obtained are in concordance with
the project expectations since students confirm that they learn more, better, and retain the
information longer under the proposed methodology, as demonstrated by the direct incidence
on their academic results
Proyecto de diseño de una red inalámbrica de sensores de bajo coste
El presente proyecto consiste en el diseño de una red inalámbrica de sensores
fácilmente configurable y adaptable para diferentes aplicaciones. Concretamente
este proyecto se centra en el diseño de uno de los nodos sensores, el entrono de
configuración de la red y el entorno de configuración y procesado de datos de la
PDEs for pricing interest rate derivatives under the new generalized Forward Market Model (FMM)
[Abstract]: In this article we derive partial differential equations (PDEs) for pricing interest rate derivatives under the generalized Forward Market Model (FMM) recently presented by A. Lyashenko and F. Mercurio in [1]
to model the dynamics of the Risk Free Rates (RFRs) that are replacing the traditional IBOR rates in the financial industry. Moreover, for the numerical solution of the proposed PDEs formulation, we develop some adaptations of the finite differences methods developed in
that are very suitable to treat the presence of spatial mixed derivatives. This work is the first article in the literature where PDE methods are used to value RFR derivatives. Additionally, Monte Carlo-based methods will be designed and the results are compared with those obtained by the numerical solution of PDEs.S. Pérez-Rodríguez has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through project
. J.G. López-Salas and C. Vázquez acknowledge the funding by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through the projects
, as well as from the Galician Government through grant
ED431C 2022/47
, including FEDER financial support. Also J.G. López-Salas and C. Vázquez acknowledge the support received from the Centro de Investigación en Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones de Galicia, CITIC, as a center accredited for excellence within the Galician University System and a member of the CIGUS Network, receives subsidies from the Department of Education, Science, Universities, and Vocational Training of the Xunta de Galicia. Additionally, it is co-financed by the EU through the FEDER Galicia 2021-27 operational program
ED431G 2023/01
.Xunta de Galicia; ED431C 2022/47Xunta de Galicia; ED431G 2023/0
AMFR-W Numerical Methods for Solving High-Dimensional SABR/LIBOR PDE Models
©2021 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM). This version of the article has been accepted for publication, after peer review, but is not the Version of Record and does not reflect post-acceptance improvements, or any corrections. The Version of Record is available online at: https://doi.org/10.1137/20M1348595[Abstract]: In this work, we mainly develop a new numerical methodology to solve a PDE model recently proposed in the literature for pricing interest rate derivatives. More precisely, we use high-order-in-time AMFR-W-methods, which belong to a class of W-methods based on approximate matrix factorization (AMF) and are especially suitable in the presence of mixed spatial derivatives. High-order convergence in time allows larger time steps, which, combined with the splitting of the involved operators, highly reduces the computational time for a given accuracy. Moreover, the consideration of a large number of underlying forward rates makes the PDE problem high dimensional in space, so the use of AMFR-W-methods with a sparse grid combination technique represents another innovative aspect, making AMFR-W more efficient than with full grids and opening the possibility of parallelization. Also, the consideration of new homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions provides another original feature to avoid the difficulties associated to the presence of boundary layers when using Dirichlet ones, especially in advection-dominated regimes. These Neumann boundary conditions motivate the introduction of a modified combination technique to overcome a decrease in the accuracy of the standard combination technique.This work was funded by the Spanish Grants MTM2016-76497-R, PID2019-108584-
RB-I00 and MTM2016-77735-C3-3-P, as well as Xunta de Galicia grant ED431C2018/033, all includ-
ing FEDER funding. First and third authors acknowledge the support received from the Centro de
Investigacin de Galicia "CITIC", funded by Xunta de Galicia and the European Union (European
Regional Development Fund- Galicia 2014-2020 Program), by grant ED431G 2019/01.Xunta de Galicia; ED431C2018/033Xunta de Galicia; ED431G 2019/0
Citrate and Polyvinylpyrrolidone Stabilized Silver Nanoparticles as Selective Colorimetric Sensor for Aluminum (III) Ions in Real Water Samples
The use of silver nanoparticles stabilized with citrate and polyvinylpyrrolidone as a sensor for aluminum ions determination is proposed in this paper. These non-functionalized and specific nanoparticles provide a highly selective and sensitive detection system for aluminum in acidic solutions. The synthesized nanoparticles were characterized by transmission electron microscopy. Surface plasmon band deconvolution analysis was applied to study the interaction between silver nanoparticles and aluminum ions in solution. The interaction band in the UV-visible region was used as an analytical signal for quantitation purposes. The proposed detection system offers an effective AND wide linearity range (0.1-103 nM), specificity for Al(III) in THE presence of other metallic ions in solution, as well as high sensitivity (limit of detection = 40.5 nM). The proposed silver-nanoparticles-based sensor WAS successfully used for detecting Al(III) in real water samples.Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, MinECo, CTQ2016-78703-P (AEI/FEDER, UE)España, Universidad de Sevilla ,V Plan Propio Grupos Emergentes (PP2016-5937)Junta de Andalucía (2017/FQM-386)CITIUS VI PP USO SSGG (1804031606
Population tendency of the magpie (Pica pica) in the period 1994-2009 at the mouth of the Millars river (Castelló)
Aquesta nota mostra la tendència poblacional de la garsa (Pica pica) al llarg del kilòmetre 1 (des de la línea de costa, riu amunt) del paisatge protegit de la Desembocadura del riu Millars (Castelló), per al període comprés de 1994-2009 (16 anys). Els resultats se centren en censos realitzats a la zona mitjançant el mètode del transecte lineal duts a terme 3 o 4 vegades al mes. L’espècie se censa per primera vegada l’any 1997 i des l’aleshores mostra una tendència a l’alça sobretot a partir de 2003 i molt especialment en els dos últims (2008-2009). S’ha estabilitzat una abundància mitjana de 8,3 aus/km. Pel que fa a les correlacions amb la meteorologia, en els anys més freds presenta menor abundància que en els càlids. Els hiverns càlids podrien permetre major supervivència i, a més, major disponibilitat de recursos amb els quals assegurar un bon nombre de polls. L’espècie troba en la zona suficients recursos tròfics per sobreviure i un lloc excel·lent on lliurar-se de la pressió cinegètica.This note shows the population trend of the magpie (Pica pica) over 1 kilometer (up river from the coast line) of the protected landscape of the mouth of the Mijares river (Castellón), for the period of 1994-2009 (16 years). I focus on census conducted in the area by the method of linear transect, carried out 3 or 4 times every month. The species was registered for the first time in 1997 and since then it shows an upward trend, especially after 2003 and more so in the last two years (2008-2009). Abundance has stabilized arround an average of 8.3 birds/km. Regarding correlations with weather, the species presented lower abundance in cold years than in warm ones. Cool winters could allow higher survival rates and increased resources availability to breed a higher number of youngs. The species founds in the area sufficient food resources to survive and an excellent place to avoid hunting pressure
A systematic literature review and bibliometric analysis of eco-innovation on financial performance: Identifying barriers and drivers
Junta de Castilla y León, Grant/Award
Number: CLU-2019-03; Consejería de
Transformación Económica, Industria,
Conocimiento y Universidades, Grant/Award
Number: P20_00605; Consejería de Economía,
Conocimiento, Empresas y Universidad, Junta
de Andalucía, Grant/Award Numbers: A-SEJ-426-UGR20, B-SEJ-220-UGR18; Ministerio de
Ciencia e Innovación, Grant/Award Number:
PID2021-128713OB-I00; Funding for open
access charge: Universidad de Granada/CBUAEco-innovation strategies are essential elements for companies developing core competencies in the circular economy model. The academic world has begun to study the knowledge of these business decisions, and there is incipient literature on the subject. In this context, this paper aims to contribute to the current knowledge on the impact of eco-innovation strategies on corporate performance by exposing and synthesizing the distinct positions found in the literature. For this purpose, a systematic and bibliometric review of 81 articles related to the economic impact of eco-innovation on firm performance, as well as the barriers and drivers of these strategies, was carried out. After analyzing the several types of eco-innovation, our results show that although previous empirical evidence suggests the existence of a positive effect, it is not generalizable due to the existence of several factors that may condition the impact of eco-innovation on corporate performance and its implementation. This study delves into the current academic literature on eco-innovation and firm performance, determining that both size and the environment in which a company is framed constitute a series of conditioning factors that may clarify why there is no consensus in the academic literature in this regard. In addition, this work encourages future lines of research with the aim of shedding light on this field of knowledge.Junta de Castilla y León,
CLU-2019-03Consejería de
Transformación Económica, Industria,
Conocimiento y Universidades P20_00605Consejería de Economía,
Conocimiento, Empresas y Universidad, Junta
de Andalucía A-SEJ-426-UGR20, B-SEJ-220-UGR18Ministerio de
Ciencia e Innovación, PID2021-128713OB-I00Universidad de Granada/CBU
Chitosan tailor-made membranes as biopolymeric support for electromembrane extraction
El período de embargo ha expirado ya al ser del año 2019A chitosan membrane composed by 60% (w/w) chitosan and 40% (w/w) Aliquat®336 has been proposed as a new biopolymeric support for electromembrane extraction. The new support has been characterized by Scanning Electron Microscopy, resulting a 30–35 µm thickness. Amoxicillin, nicotinic acid, hippuric acid, salicylic acid, anthranilic acid, ketoprofen, naproxen and ibuprofen have been successfully extracted using the proposed support. Better enrichment factors were obtained for the acidic polar analytes than for the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory compounds (ranging from 118 for hippuric acid and 20 for ibuprofen). Electromembrane extraction was developed applying a DC voltage of 100 V, 1-octanol as supported liquid membrane and 20 min of extraction. The target analytes have also been satisfactorily extracted from human urine samples, providing high extraction efficiencies. The chitosan membrane is presented as a promising alternative for supporting liquid membrane compared to commonly used materials for this purpose.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (MEC). España CTM2015–67902-C-1-
Banks’ Net Interest Margin in the 2000s: A Macro-Accounting International Perspective
This paper re-examines the determinants of Net Interest Margin (NIM) in the banking industries
of 15 developed and emerging economies. It presents three main contributions
with respect to previous studies: first, we analyze the determinants of NIM in the years
leading to the 2008 financial crisis; second, we account for the role of different accounting
standards across countries; third, we use multi-way cluster estimation methodologies
which control for cross-sectional and time-series dependence in macroeconomic and
banking variables. We find that the introduction of International Financial Reporting
Standards (IFRSs) contributed to lower NIM variations unexplained by standard accounting
variables. Interest rate volatility is found to be positively and strongly related to
NIM dynamics, whereas inflation risk is often found to be a relevant driver of NIM crosscountry
Transparency and Digitalization in Water Services: Reality or Still a Dream?
The provision of public services, mostly by local governments, has been widely analyzed
in the scientific literature. The relevance of these services has generated an incipient demand for
information on the part of citizens, which makes it necessary for the bodies responsible for their
provision to present adequate levels of transparency. In this context, digitalization is a crucial tool for
providing information to citizens and, therefore, contributing to improving the levels of transparency
of those organizations that provide public services. Among these, the drinking water supply service
stands out, which is crucial for well-being and sustainable progress, and whose analysis is of vital
importance, especially in countries such as Spain affected by factors such as climate change and
urbanization. In this way, the aim of this paper is to analyze the degree of transparency of the
companies providing water supply services in Spain, as well as their degree of digitalization. To this
end, a relationship will be established between the Transparency Index of Public Enterprises (INDEP)
and the Strategic Project for Economic Recovery and Transformation (PERTE), which measure the
degree of transparency and digitalization, respectively. This relationship will be established for a
sample of 59 companies responsible for water supply. The main results derived from this study show
a wide margin for improvement on the part of the companies analyzed, both in terms of transparency
and digitalization, as the vast majority of these companies show a medium–low degree of compliance
in both aspects.Ministry of Science and Innovation, Grant/Award numbers: PID2021-128713OB-I00,
MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/yporFEDERUna manera de hacer Europ
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