29 research outputs found

    Fuerza y violencia en el marco de la épica griega

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    Viriatus Hispaniae Romulus

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    La supuesta invasión del Siglo III d.C. en territorio de vascones

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    Durante el siglo ni d.C. el Imperio Romano se vio perturbado, tanto en Oriente como en Occidente, por reiteradas invasiones de bárbaros; y la Península Ibérica, aunque ocupaba una posición periférica respecto de los centros de poder, no dejó de sufrir las consecuencias de alguna de esas invasiones. Diversas fuentes de información documentan la entrada en Híspanla de francos y germanos en torno al 260 d.C, dentro de un amplio panorama de invasiones y usurpaciones. Aurelio Víctor, primer autor que alude a esa invasión, y de quien dependen las otras referencias total o parcialmente, identifica como francos a los invasores, y lo mismo hace Mazarlo; los demás autores, en cambio —Eutropio, Orosio, Jerónimo y Próspero de Tiro—, utilizan para ellos el término «Germani». De ahí que la historiografía moderna haya dado en emplear la mención doble de francos y alamanes, que no se refiere a dos invasiones diferenciadas en el tiempo

    Una pena sepulcral en favor de la república Aiungitanorum

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    Hispania Ulterior Baetica era una de las provincias del Imperio más ricas en ciudades aunque no las tenía uniformemente distribuidas: mientras en el norte, en la Baeturia de los túrdulos y de los célticos, no era infrecuente que distaran 50 Km, o incluso más, una de otra, se amontonaban en cambio en el fértil valle del Betis, y especialmente en el accidentado borde norte del sistema Subbético, es decir, en el sur de las actuales provincias de Jaén y Córdoba y en el sureste de Sevilla. Cuando, en esta zona, algún hallazgo epigráfico feliz nos da a conocer un nuevo municipio, nos vemos obligados a volver a reflexionar sobre algunos planteamientos tradicionales y criterios metodológicos de las respectivas localizaciones. Puesto que la nueva inscripción es, por añadidura, el primer testimonio hispano de una pena sepulcral —un instrumento jurídico conocido sobre todo de Italia y de Asia Menor—, resulta obligado revisar el lugar que ocupan esas penas dentro del derecho romano, y, desde luego, su aplicación; sobre todo, porque algunos testimonios de tal procedimiento no habían sido tomados hasta ahora, a nuestro juicio, en la debida consideración

    Comorbidity of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder with personality disorders in homeless people.

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    Background: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a condition that begins in childhood but can continue into adulthood, and may be the cause of many disadaptive behaviors, as in the case of homeless people, who often display a high incidence of personality disorders. The goal of this study is to analyze the comorbidity of ADHD with axis II disorders in a Spanish homeless population. Results: The outcomes show high comorbidity between these two kinds of disorders, and that the prevalence of axis II disorders is higher among people with ADHD than among the general population. Conclusions: From these results we can draw the conclusion that in homeless people ADHD in childhood continues into adulthood, when it is very often observed together with personality disorders. Finally, the implications of this study both for clinical practice and for future lines of research are discussed

    Primary and Secondary Immunodeficiency Diseases in Oncohaematology: Warning Signs, Diagnosis, and Management

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    Background: Immunodeficiencies (ID), in particular primary immunodeficiencies (PID), are often associated with haematological manifestations, such as peripheral cytopenias or lymphoproliferative syndromes. Early diagnosis and management have significant prognostic implications. Secondary immunodeficiencies (SID) may also be induced by oncohaematological diseases and their treatments. Haematologists and oncologists must therefore be aware of the association between blood disorders and cancer and ID, and be prepared to offer their patients appropriate treatment without delay. Our aim was to define the warning signs of primary and secondary IDs in paediatric and adult patients with oncohaematological manifestations.Methods: A multidisciplinary group of six experts (2 haematologists, 2 immunologists, and 2 paediatricians specializing in ID) conducted a literature review and prepared a document based on agreements reached an in-person meeting. An external group of 44 IDs specialists from all over Spain assessed the document and were consulted regarding their level of agreement.Results: This document identifies the haematological and extra-haematological diseases that should prompt a suspicion of PIDs in adults and children, in both primary care and haematology and oncology departments. Cytopenia and certain lymphoproliferative disorders are key diagnostic pointers. The diagnosis must be based on a detailed clinical history, physical exploration, complete blood count and standard laboratory tests. The immunological and haematological tests included in the diagnostic process will depend on the care level. Patients who are candidates for immunoglobulin replacement therapy must be carefully selected, and treatment should be offered as soon as possible to avoid the development of complications. Finally, this document recommends procedures for monitoring these patients.Conclusions: This document combines scientific evidence with the opinion of a broad panel of experts, and emphasizes the importance of an early diagnosis and treatment to avoid complications. The resulting document is a useful tool for primary care physicians and specialists who see both adult and paediatric patients with oncohaematological diseases

    Jason y la serpiente de la Colquide

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    López Melero Raquel. Jason y la serpiente de la Colquide. A propósito del Kylix de Duris del Vaticano. In: Sur les traces des Argonautes. Actes du 6e symposium de Vani (Colchide), 22-29 septembre 1990. Besançon : Université de Franche-Comté, 1996. pp. 65-100. (Annales littéraires de l'Université de Besançon, 613

    ¿"Gracchuris" Fundación Celtíbera?

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