1,509 research outputs found

    Locating Two Transfer Points on a Network with a Trip Covering Criterion and Mixed Distances

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    In this paper we consider a set of origin-destination pairs in a mixed model in which a network embedded in the plane represents an alternative high-speed transportation system, and study a trip covering problem which consists on locating two points in the network which maximize the number of covered pairs, that is, the number of pairs which use the network by acceding and exiting through such points. To deal with the absence of convexity of this mixed distance function we propose a decomposition method based on formulating a collection of subproblems and solving each of them via discretization of the solution set.Ministerio de Educación, Ciencia e Innovación MTM2009-14243Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad MTM2012-37048Junta de Andalucía P09-TEP-5022Junta de Andalucía P10-FQM-584

    A general approach for the location of transfer points on a network with a trip covering criterion and mixed distances

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    In this paper we consider a trip covering location model in a mixed planar-network space. An embed- ded network in the plane represents an alternative transportation system in which traveling is fasterthan traveling within the plane. We assume that the demand to be covered is given by a set of origin- destination pairs in the plane, with some traffic between them. An origin-destination pair is covered bytwo facility points on the network (or transfer points), if the travel time from the origin to destinationby using the network through such points is not higher than a given acceptance level related to the traveltime without using the network. The facility location problems studied in this work consist of locatingone or two transfer points on the network such that, under several objective functions, the traffic throughthe network is maximized. Due to the continuous nature of these problems, a general approach is pro- posed for discretizing them. Since the non-convexity of the distance function on cyclic networks alsoimplies the absence of convexity of the mixed distance function, such an approach is based on a decom- position process which leads to a collection of subproblems whose solution set can be found by adaptingthe general strategy to each problem considered.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad MTM2012-37048Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad MTM2015-67706-PJunta de Andalucía P10-FQM-584

    The variance location problem on a network with continuously distributed demand

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    Most location problems on networks consider discrete nodal demand. However, for many problems, demands are better represented by continuous functions along the edges, in addition to nodal demands. Several papers consider the optimal location problem of one or more facilities when demands are continuously distributed along the network, and the objective function dealt with is the median one. Nevertheless, in location of public services it is desirable to use an equity criterion. One of the latter is variance of distance distribution which has been studied only for discrete nodal demands. In this paper the variance problem has been generalized to the case where one allows the demand to arise discretely on the nodes as well as continuously along the edges. Properties and behaviour of the objective function are studied. Likewise we present an exact algorithm for solving this problem in a network, which reduces the complexity of the exhaustive procedure.Spanish Research Council (DGICYT

    La represión de periodistas durante la guerra civil española: los casos de Eduardo León y Serralvo y de Rosendo Corripio Márquez (1936-1937)

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    Esta investigación se inserta en la línea de los estudios sobre la represión política durante la guerra civil española, y conecta con los trabajos sobre el martirilogio de periodistas, que en los años setenta emprendiera el profesor José Altabella. La presente investigación ubica su estudio en la ciudad de Málaga, y tiene como finalidad reconstruir las circunstancias que llevaron a la detención y asesinato de Eduardo León y Serralvo, director del diario conservador El Cronista, en septiembre de 1936; y al arresto y posterior ejecución de Rosendo Corripio Márquez, periodista de la Unión Mercantil y también del periódico republicano Julio, en el mes de julio de 1937. En este sentido, se pretende analizar este fenómeno en dos contextos sociopolíticos diferentes, divididos por la toma de la capital malagueña por las tropas de Franco el 8 de febrero de 1937. A través del estudio de la documentación judicial y hemerográfica se pretende ofrecer nuevas aportaciones a los estudios sobre la represión a periodistas en Andalucía.UNIVERSIDAD DE MÁLAGA. CAMPUS DE EXCELENCIA INTERNACIONAL ANDALUCÍA TEC

    Improvement of Edge Brightening by Means of Q Factor Minimization in Circular Antenna Apertures: High Efficient Taylor-Like Patterns

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    Implications and improvements of edge brightening effects led by Q factor minimization restricted to keep the same level of directivity for high efficiency continuous circular aperture distributions are here reported. In this manner, an optimization strategy for a minimum Q value-keeping the same level of efficiency and restricting the maximum sidelobe level (SLL)- is envisaged. As application of the method, a design procedure devoted to reduce the Q factor of the antenna aperture distributions while keeping a high level of efficiency is outlined. Then, these optimal Taylor distributions are used as initial point to develop an optimization strategy. This procedure is devoted to search Taylor-like distributions which offer a good compromise between low Q factor and high efficiency values with potentials for the antenna design scenario, based on a decrease in edge brightening effects led by the minimization of the aforementioned Q ratioS

    Balance and Postural Control Assess in Elite Ice Skaters

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    Análisis de curvas de fuerza muscular en patinadores de élite contando con el apoyo de sistemas de soporte a la decisión y técnicas de descubrimiento de conocimiento

    Analysis of correlation and ionization from pair distributions in many-electron systems

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    This work was supported in part by the Spanish MINECO project FIS2014-59311-P (cofinanced by FEDER). A.L.M., J.C.A. and J.A. belong to the Andalusian research group FQM-020, and S.L.R. to FQM-239.Jensen–Shannon divergence is used to quantify the discrepancy between the Hartree–Fock pair density and the product of its marginals for different N-electron systems, enclosing neutral atoms (with nuclear charge Z = N) and singly-charged ions (N = Z ±1). This divergence measure is applied to determine the interelectronic correlation in atomic systems. A thorough study was carried out, by considering (i) both position and momentum conjugated spaces, and (ii) systems with a nuclear charge as far as Z = 103. The correlation among electrons was measured by comparing, for an arbitrary system, the double-variable electron-pair density with the product of the respective one-particle densities. A detailed analysis throughout the Periodic Table highlights the relevance not only of weightiness for the systems considered, but also of their shell structure. Besides, comparative computations between two-electron densities of different atomic systems (neutrals, cations, anions) quantify their dissimilarities, patently governed by shell-filling patterns throughout the Periodic Table.Spanish MINECO (FEDER) FIS2014-59311-

    A generalized model of equality measures in network location problems

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    In this paper, the concept of the ordered weighted averaging operator is applied to define a model which unifies and generalizes several inequality measures. For a location x, the value of the new objective function is the ordered weighted average of the absolute deviations from the average distance from the facilities to the location x. Several kinds of networks are studied: cyclic, tree and path networks and, for each of them, the properties of the objective function are analyzed in order to identify a finite dominating set for optimal locations. Polynomial-time algorithms are proposed for these problems, and the corresponding complexity is discussed.Future and Emerging Technologies Unit (European Commission)Ministerio de Educación y Cienci

    Maximizing antenna array aperture efficiency for footprint patterns

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    Despite playing a central role in antenna design, aperture efficiency is often disregarded. Consequently, the present study shows that maximizing the aperture efficiency reduces the required number of radiating elements, which leads to cheaper antennas with more directivity. For this, it is considered that the boundary of the antenna aperture has to be inversely proportional to the half-power beamwidth of the desired footprint for each ¿-cut. As an example of application, it has been considered the rectangular footprint, for which a mathematical expression was deduced to calculate the aperture efficiency in terms of the beamwidth, synthesizing a rectangular footprint of a 2:1 aspect ratio by starting from a pure real flat-topped beam pattern. In addition, a more realistic pattern was studied, the asymmetric coverage defined by the European Telecommunications Satellite Organization, including the numerical computation of the contour of the resulting antenna and its aperture efficiency.Postprint (published version