6 research outputs found

    Fructose Consumption among Students at The University of Guanajuato

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    Introduction: Fructose is a monosaccharide commonly found in fruits. However, it can also be found in carbonated beverages, cereals, fruit juices, and in other processed fruit. The consumption of fructose in moderate to high amounts increases levels of triglycerides in plasma and alters hepatic glucose homeostasis. Little information is avialble on fructose consumption in Mexico. The aim of this study was to determine the amount of fructose consumption among college students enrolled at the Unviersity of Guanajuato in Mexico (Celaya-Salvatierra Campus). Methods: This was an explorative, cross-sectional descriptive study. A total of 57 full time students attending Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation program were included in the analysis. Demographic data, food frequency questionnaire, and body mass index (BMI) were collected from all students. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics; discrete variables were reported as frequencies or percentages and continuous variables were reported as means and standard deviations. Results: The average age of participants was 19.5 卤 2.8 years. 72% of participants were female and 28% were male. The average BMI was 24.0 卤 4.1 Kg / m2, indicating normal BMI range. 聽Fructose consumption was roughly 55g per day. Discussion: Previous research demonstrated that levels below 50 mg per day are safe. Madero et al. reported that that consumption of 50-70 g of fructose per day is considered to be moderate. We found that students consumed 55g of fructose, so their fructose intake is at a moderate level and should not be an obesity-inducing factor, also consistent with BMI ranges of our research participants. Considering obesity epidemic in Mexico, further studies examining the source of calories in Mexican poipualation are warranted, especially among young people


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    La prevalencia de diabetes mellitus tipo 2 en adultos a nivel nacional es de un 7%, con varios factores de riesgo: obesidad y sobrepeso, hiperglucemia, sedentarismo,聽 hipertensi贸n,聽 tabaquismo, h谩bitos alimentarios inadecuados.聽 El objetivo fue analizar la frecuencia de los factores de riesgo en personas de 25 a 35 a帽os, con y sin antecedentes de diabetes mellitus tipo 2. Se realiz贸 un estudio anal铆tico, en 50 personas con y 50 sin antecedentes de diabetes mellitus 2 (control), se registraron los principales factores de riesgo como: sobrepeso u obesidad,聽 valores de 铆ndice cintura cadera fuera de la recomendaci贸n, sedentarismo, presencia de hiperglucemia, hipertensi贸n arterial y tabaquismo. Se analiz贸 el IMC, presi贸n arterial, glucosa capilar. A trav茅s de un cuestionario se evalu贸 la presencia de tabaquismo, sedentarismo, los h谩bitos de alimentaci贸n (caracter铆sticas de la alimentaci贸n). Los resultados no mostraron diferencia significativa en ambos grupos y los principales factores de riesgo para personas de 25 a 35 a帽os fueron: sobrepeso, obesidad, con distribuci贸n grasa de acuerdo al ICC;聽 sedentarismo y, cercano al 25% de la poblaci贸n estudiada fue el tabaquismo y la hiperglucemia.聽 La hipertensi贸n arterial se observ贸 en el grupo control. Es evidente el efecto que tienen los factores de聽 riesgo ambientales (obesidad, tabaquismo, sedentarismo, h谩bitos de alimentaci贸n) en el desarrollo de la DM2. Es urgente aplicar estrategias y programas dirigidos a la prevenci贸n y control de la obesidad en edades tempranas, como聽 el grupo de edad estudiado, as铆 como en la infancia, la adolescencia y el adulto joven, para disminuir el riesgo de desarrollar diabetes mellitus tipo 2. Estos factores de riesgo, de acuerdo a los reportes, ser铆an suficientes para que en corto plazo se pueda desarrollar diabetes tanto en el grupo con antecedentes y sin antecedentes de DM2.聽Abstract The prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus in adults at the national level is 7%, with several risk factors: obesity and overweight, hyperglycemia, sedentary lifestyle, hypertension, smoking, improper eating habits. The objective was to analyze the frequency of risk factors in people 25 to 35 years old, with and without a history of type 2 diabetes mellitus. An analytical study was conducted in 50 persons with and 50 without a history of diabetes mellitus 2 (control), where were analyzed the main risk factors: overweight or obesity, waist-hip out of the recommendation, sedentary lifestyle, hyperglycemia, hypertension and smoking. We analyzed BMI, blood pressure, capillary glucose levels. Through a questionnaire evaluated the presence of smoking, sedentary lifestyle, eating habits (characteristics of food). The results showed no significant difference in both groups and the main risk factors for people 25 to 35 years old were overweight, obesity, fat distribution according to the ICC, sedentary, and nearly 25% of the study population were smokers and had hyperglycemia. Hypertension was observed in the control group. In this study found that the effects of environmental risk factors are crucial for the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus. It is urgent to implement strategies and programs at preventing and controlling obesity at an early age as the age group studied as well as in childhood, adolescence and young adulthood, to reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus. These risk factors, according to reports, would be sufficient for short-term diabetes can develop in this study population (with and without a history of DM2).聽Palabras clave: diabetes mellitus tipo 2, antecedentes heredofamiliares, h谩bitos alimentarios, factores de riesg

    Actitudes hacia la lactancia asociada a la pr谩ctica de lactancia materna exclusiva en madres mexicanas

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    Objetivo: Determinar la asociaci贸n entre las actitudes hacia la lactancia con la pr谩ctica de lactancia materna exclusiva en madres mexicanas. Material y m茅todo: el estudio fue descriptivo, correlacional y transversal. La muestra fue de 169 d铆adas (madres e hijos). Se incluyeron madres biol贸gicas con al menos un hijo de 0 a 24 meses de edad y con firma de consentimiento informado. Se utiliz贸 una c茅dula de datos sociodemogr谩ficos, la Escala de Actitudes hacia la Alimentaci贸n Infantil y preguntas sobre la pr谩ctica de lactancia materna. Se calcul贸 estad铆stica descriptiva univariada y bivariada. Resultados: Participaron 169 diadas (madre e hijo). La edad media de las madres fue de 27,22 (DE = 5,70) a帽os. De acuerdo con las actitudes hacia alimentaci贸n, el 59,80 % report贸 una actitud neutral hacia la alimentaci贸n infantil. El 52,10% de las madres report贸 que abandonar铆a la lactancia materna despu茅s de los 12 meses de edad. El 83,10% de las madres dan leche materna exclusiva a su hijo menor a 6 meses de nacimiento. Se encontr贸 una asociaci贸n significativa d茅bil entre actitudes hacia la lactancia materna asociado con la edad en meses del abandono de la lactancia materna exclusiva (X2 (2, 169) = 11,40, p<0,022). Conclusiones: Las madres reportaron que sus hijos recibieron leche materna en la primera hora de nacimiento, aunque la frecuencia fue disminuyendo conforme el crecimiento del hijo. Hubo asociaci贸n entre las actitudes positivas hacia la lactancia materna con la pr谩ctica de lactancia en los primero seis meses del nacimiento

    Uso de probi贸ticos para el control de la hipercolesterolemia

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    Hypercholesterolemia is one of the causes of the development of cardiovascular diseases, thus it is important to reduce blood cholesterol levels. There are several strategies to reduce the hypercholesterolemia such as modifying eating behavior, do exercise or to use treatment with drug, it has also been proposed the consumption of probiotics bacteria isolated from the intestinal microbiota. Probiotic bacteria can reduce cholesterol by reducing their absorption, by the action of bile salt hydrolase, by trapping the cholesterol on the bacterial membrane, by converting cholesterol to coprostanol, by inhibiting the formation of micelles and by the selective fermentation of certain foods by the intestinal microbiota. Thus, the use of probiotic bacteria is an alternative to reduce hypercholesterolemia and preventing the development of cardiovascular diseases, although the mechanisms are not completely clear.La hipercolesterolemia es de las principales causas del desarrollo de las enfermedades cardiovasculares, por lo que es importante reducir los niveles de colesterol en sangre. Hay diversas estrateg铆a para reducir la hipercolesterolemia, como son: modificar la conducta alimentaria, hacer ejercicio con regularidad o el tratamiento con f谩rmacos, tambi茅n se ha propuesto el consumo de los probi贸ticos o bacterias que conforman la microbi贸ta intestinal (MI). Las bacterias probi贸ticas pueden reducir el colesterol por disminuir la absorci贸n del mismo, por la acci贸n de hidrolasa de sales biliares (HSB), por atrapar el colesterol a la membrana de las bacteriana, por la conversi贸n de colesterol a coprostanol, por inhibici贸n de la formaci贸n de micelas y por la fermentaci贸n selectiva de ciertos alimentos por la microbiota intestinal. As铆, el uso de bacterias probi贸ticas es una alternativa para disminuir la hipercolesterolemia y prevenir el desarrollo de enfermedades cardiovasculares, aunque los mecanismos no son completamente claros

    Effect of Restriction of Foods with High Fructose Corn Syrup Content on Metabolic Indices and Fatty Liver in Obese Children

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    Objective: We examined the effect of restriction of foods with high fructose content in obese school children. Methods: In a clinical study, we selected 54 obese children 6 to 11 years old with high fructose consumption (>70 g/day) in order indicate dietary fructose restriction (Results: The group of children had 80% adherence and reported decreased fructose consumption (110 卤 38.6 to 11.4 卤 12.0 g/day) and also a significant decrease in caloric (2,384 卤 568 to 1,757 卤 387 kcal/day) and carbohydrate consumption (302 卤 80.4 to 203 卤 56.0 g/day). The severity of steatosis improved significantly after fructose restriction (p Conclusions: In school children, the restriction of high fructose foods with a decrease of caloric and carbohydrate intake at 6 weeks did not induce weight loss; however, triglyceride levels and hepatic steatosis decreased. Differences with other studies in regard to weight loss may be explained by adaptive changes on metabolic expenditure