9 research outputs found

    Calcio, f贸sforo y metales del sedimento de la laguna de la Massona (Girona)

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    Es presenten els resultats d'una investigaci贸 preliminar de la composici贸 qu铆mica dels sediments de la Massona, una llacuna costanera dels aiguamolls de l'Empord脿. Hom hi va analitzar el calci, ferro, manganes, fosfor, plom i crom. Els valors observats concorden amb estudis previs de les caracter铆stiques de les aig眉es. L'hipol铆mnion anoxic de la llacuna fa que en el sediment hi hagi un empobriment relatiu en calci (concentraci贸 mitjana, 79,9 mg/g), mangan猫s (concentraci贸o mitjana, 286 ppm) i f貌sfor (concentraci贸 mitjana, 752 ppm), mentre que el ferro i el crom hi s贸n augmentats (concentracions mitjanes del 39,1 % i de 58,7 ppm, respectivament). Els perfils verticals del ferro i del mangan猫s s贸n oposats: el ferro augmenta en profunditat i el mangan猫s disminueix. Ambd贸s elements presenten entre ells una correlaci贸 negativa (r=-0,50). Aquests resultats indiquen que les condicions redu茂ides en el fons d'aquesta llacuna s贸n relativament constants, i que en el passat hi ha hagut un canvi en les entrades, probablement degut a una menor influ猫ncia de l'aigua de mar.This paper reports the results of an exploratory investigation of the chemical composition of sediments from La Massona, a coastal lagoon located in the Aiguamolls de l'Empord脿 area (salt marshes in Girona, Spain). Calcium, iron, manganese, phosphorus, lead and chromium were analized. The observed values were consistent with previous studies of water characteristics. Anoxic hypolimnion in the lagoon caused a relative impoverishment of the sediment in calcium (mean concentration, 79.9 mg/g), manganese (mean concentration, 286 ppm) and phosphorus (mean concentration, 752 ppm), whereas iron and chromium increased (mean concentrations, 3.91 % and 58.7 ppm respectively). Iron and manganese vertical profiles were opposed: iron rose in depth and manganese decreased. Both elements showed a negative correlation between them ( r=-0.50). Results suggest that reduced conditions in the bottom are quite constant in the lagoon, and a change in the inputs has taken place in the past, probably because of a lower influence of seawater

    Subsurface zones in intermittent streams are hotspots of microbial decomposition during the non-flow period

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    The microbial decomposition of organic matter is a fundamental ecosystem process that transforms organic matter and fuels detritus-based food webs, influencing biogeochemical cycles such as C-cycling. The efficiency of this process can be compromised during the non-flow periods of intermittent and ephemeral streams (IRES). When water flow ceases, sediments represent the last wet habitat available to microorganisms and may play an important role in sustaining microbial decomposition. However, despite the increasing prevalence of IRES due to climate change and water abstraction, it is unclear to what degree the subsurface habitat can sustain microbial decomposition during non-flow periods. In order to gather information, we selected 20 streams across Catalonia (Spain) along a gradient of flow intermittency, where we measured microbial decomposition and fungal biomass by placing wood sticks in both the surface and subsurface zones (15 cm below the streambed) over the course of one hydrological year. Our results showed that microbial decomposition and fungal biomass were consistently greater in the subsurface zone than in the surface zone, when intermittency increased. Although flow intermittency was the main driver of both microbial decomposition and fungal biomass, phosphorus availability in the water, sediment C:N ratio and sediment grain size also played relevant roles in surface and subsurface organic matter processing. Thus, our findings demonstrate that although the OM processing in both zones decreases with increased intermittency, the subsurface zone made an important contribution during the non-flow periods in IRES. Therefore, subsurface activity during non-flow periods has the potential to affect and maintain ecosystem functioning

    Elemental ratios in sediments as indicators of ecological processes in Spanish reservoirs

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    Reservoir sediments are important archives of biogeochemical data, reflecting ecological processes that occur at the watershed system. In this paper, a preliminary study of the limnological significance of major element composition and element ratios in sediments of Spanish reservoirs is presented, by analysing two data-sets from different limnological regions. Reservoirs from Eastern and Western Spain present significant differences in the chemical composition of their sediments: higher average values for calcium and magnesium appear in the Eastern reservoirs, while, in Western Spain, higher mean values are found for alumino-silicate elements (i.e. silicon, aluminium, and potassium), iron and phosphorus. Meaningful ratios are Si/Al and Si/K, that are closely related to energy transport in sedimentary catchments, whereas in siliceous catchments Si/Al is an indicator of chemical weathering. Ca/Al ratio appears related to water mineralization, and, in the Eastern Region, the slope of the regression line between Ca/Al and conductivity reflects catchment mineralogy. In superficial sediments from both Eastern and Western regions, Fe/Al is linked to the authigenic precipitation of iron oxides and appears closely related to sedimentary phosphorus accumulation above background levels.El sedimento de los embalses constituye un importante registro de datos biogeoqu铆micos, ya que refleja los procesos ecol贸gicos que tienen lugar en el conjunto de la cuenca hidrogr谩fica. A partir del an谩lisis de dos conjuntos de datos obtenidos en distintas regiones limnol贸gicas, se presenta una aproximaci贸n preliminar al significado limnol贸gico de la composici贸n qu铆mica y los cocientes elementales en el sedimento de los embalses espa帽oles. Las regiones Este y Oeste de la Pen铆nsula muestran diferencias significativas en cuanto a composici贸n qu铆mica del sedimento: los mayores valores promedio en la regi贸n Este corresponden a la concentraci贸n de calcio y magnesio, mientras que en la regi贸n Oeste, los mayores valores medios corresponden a los elementos asociados a los alumino-silicatos (aluminio, silicio y potasio), hierro y f贸sforo. Los cocientes elementales con mayor significado son: Si/K y Si/Al estrechamente relacionados con la energ铆a de transporte en la regi贸n calc谩rea, mientras que en la regi贸n sil铆cica Si/Al es un indicador del proceso de meteorizaci贸n qu铆mica. Ca/Al se encuentra asociado a la mineralizaci贸n del agua, y en la regi贸n Este la pendiente de la recta de regresi贸n entre Ca/Al y la conductividad del agua refleja la mineralog铆a de la cuenca. En ambas regiones, el cociente Fe/Al en el sedimento superficial indica la precipitaci贸n end贸gena de 贸xidos de hierro y aparece estrechamente asociado a la acumulaci贸n de f贸sforo sedimentario por encima del nivel basal

    Modern Analogue Approach Applied to High-Resolution Varved Sediments-A Synthesis for Lake Montcort猫s (Central Pyrenees)

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    In Quaternary paleosciences, the rationale behind analogical inference presupposes that former processes can be explained by causes operating now, although their intensity and rates can vary through time. In this paper we synthesised the results of di erent modern analogue studies performed in a varved lake. We discuss their potential value to obtain best results from high resolution past records. Di erent biogeochemical contemporary processes revealed seasonality and year-to-year variability, e.g., calcite precipitation, lake oxygenation, production and deposition of pollen and phytoplankton growth. Fingerprints of the first two of these processes were clearly evidenced in the varve-sublayers and allow understanding related to past events. Pollen studies suggested the possibility of identifying and characterizing seasonal layers even in the absence of varves. Marker pigments in the water column were tightly associated with phytoplankton groups living today; most of them were identified in the sediment record as well. We observed that 50% of these marker pigments were destroyed between deposition and permanent burying. In another study, seasonality in the production/distribution of branched glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (brGDGTs) and derived temperature estimates were investigated in catchment soils and particles settling in the lake. The signatures of brGDGTs in depositional environments mainly were representative of stable conditions of soils in the catchment that last over decades; no brGDGTs seemed to be produced within the lake. The main contribution of this review is to show the advantages and limitations of a multiproxy modern-analogue approach in Lake Montcort猫s as a case study and proposing new working hypotheses for future research

    El aprendizaje adaptativo de los estudiantes de un Grado de nueva creaci贸n: An谩lisis de su actividad en el Campus Virtual-UB

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    La docencia presencial de la Univ. Barcelona se apoya en su Campus virtual. Para promover el aprendizaje adaptativo, hemos analizado los Recursos/Actividades (n煤mero, tipo y frecuencia de uso) de 3 cohortes del Grado de Ciencias del Mar (30 Informes de actividad en total y 10 Registros de uso seleccionados). Predominan los Recursos (87%), pero se interact煤a m谩s en las Actividades. El an谩lisis de los Registros ha permitido relacionar los resultados con el rendimiento, g茅nero u opcionalidad

    Calcio, f贸sforo y metales del sedimento de la laguna de la Massona (Girona)

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    Es presenten els resultats d'una investigaci贸 preliminar de la composici贸 qu铆mica dels sediments de la Massona, una llacuna costanera dels aiguamolls de l'Empord脿. Hom hi va analitzar el calci, ferro, manganes, fosfor, plom i crom. Els valors observats concorden amb estudis previs de les caracter铆stiques de les aig眉es. L'hipol铆mnion anoxic de la llacuna fa que en el sediment hi hagi un empobriment relatiu en calci (concentraci贸 mitjana, 79,9 mg/g), mangan猫s (concentraci贸o mitjana, 286 ppm) i f貌sfor (concentraci贸 mitjana, 752 ppm), mentre que el ferro i el crom hi s贸n augmentats (concentracions mitjanes del 39,1 % i de 58,7 ppm, respectivament). Els perfils verticals del ferro i del mangan猫s s贸n oposats: el ferro augmenta en profunditat i el mangan猫s disminueix. Ambd贸s elements presenten entre ells una correlaci贸 negativa (r=-0,50). Aquests resultats indiquen que les condicions redu茂ides en el fons d'aquesta llacuna s贸n relativament constants, i que en el passat hi ha hagut un canvi en les entrades, probablement degut a una menor influ猫ncia de l'aigua de mar.This paper reports the results of an exploratory investigation of the chemical composition of sediments from La Massona, a coastal lagoon located in the Aiguamolls de l'Empord脿 area (salt marshes in Girona, Spain). Calcium, iron, manganese, phosphorus, lead and chromium were analized. The observed values were consistent with previous studies of water characteristics. Anoxic hypolimnion in the lagoon caused a relative impoverishment of the sediment in calcium (mean concentration, 79.9 mg/g), manganese (mean concentration, 286 ppm) and phosphorus (mean concentration, 752 ppm), whereas iron and chromium increased (mean concentrations, 3.91 % and 58.7 ppm respectively). Iron and manganese vertical profiles were opposed: iron rose in depth and manganese decreased. Both elements showed a negative correlation between them ( r=-0.50). Results suggest that reduced conditions in the bottom are quite constant in the lagoon, and a change in the inputs has taken place in the past, probably because of a lower influence of seawater

    Chemical composition of the small coastal lagoons of the Mediterranean Spanish littoral

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    About sixty small water bodies (coastal lagoons, marshes, salt pans, channels, springs, etc.) of the Spanish Mediterranean coast were sampled seasonally for one year (1979-1980), in order to study different aspects of their chemical composition. The concentrations of major ions (alkalinity, Cl-, Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, and K+), nutrients (N.NO-3, N.NO2-, TRP and Si), oxygen and pH were determined for this purpose. The salt concentrations measured range between 0.4 and 361.3 g l-1. The samples have been divided into four classes of salinity (in g l-1): Cl, S 40. Within these classes, the pattern of ionic dominance recorded is remarkably constant and similar to that found in most coastal lagoons (Cl- > So42- > Alk., for the anions, and Na+ > Mg2+ > Ca2+ > K+, for the cations), although other models occur especially in the first class. The dominance of Na+ and Cl-, as well as the molar ratios Mg2+/Ca2+ and Cl- / SO42- ,clearly increase from class Cl to class C4. The hyperhaline waters include different subtypes of the major brine type"c",, of EUGSTER & HARDIE (1978), the Na+ - (Mg2+) - Cl- - (SO42-) being the most frequent. Nutrient concentrations fall within a wide range (N.NO3 from 0.1 to 1100 mg-at 1-1; PRT from 0.01 to 23.56 mg-at l-1 and Si from 1.0 to 502.0 mg-at l-1). The oxygen values are very variable too, ranging between 0 and 14.4 ml l-1. Four different patterns of nutrient distribution have been distinguished based on the mean concentrations of N.NO3-, and TRP (mean values in mg-at l-1): A, N.NO3- l ; B, N.NO3- > 100, TRP < 1; C, 10 < N.NO3- < 100, TRP < 1; C, D, N.NO3- < 10, TRP < 1. As a rule, lagoons of low salinity (C1 and C2 classes) display the nutrient pattern C, and lagoons of high salinity (C3 and C4) show the nutrient pattern D. Model A only appears in waters of very low salinity, whereas model B does not seem to be related to salinity

    Chemical composition of the small coastal lagoons of the Mediterranean Spanish littoral

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    About sixty small water bodies (coastal lagoons, marshes, salt pans, channels, springs, etc.) of the Spanish Mediterranean coast were sampled seasonally for one year (1979-1980), in order to study different aspects of their chemical composition. The concentrations of major ions (alkalinity, Cl-, Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, and K+), nutrients (N.NO-3, N.NO2-, TRP and Si), oxygen and pH were determined for this purpose. The salt concentrations measured range between 0.4 and 361.3 g l-1. The samples have been divided into four classes of salinity (in g l-1): Cl, S 40. Within these classes, the pattern of ionic dominance recorded is remarkably constant and similar to that found in most coastal lagoons (Cl- > So42- > Alk., for the anions, and Na+ > Mg2+ > Ca2+ > K+, for the cations), although other models occur especially in the first class. The dominance of Na+ and Cl-, as well as the molar ratios Mg2+/Ca2+ and Cl- / SO42- ,clearly increase from class Cl to class C4. The hyperhaline waters include different subtypes of the major brine type"c",, of EUGSTER & HARDIE (1978), the Na+ - (Mg2+) - Cl- - (SO42-) being the most frequent. Nutrient concentrations fall within a wide range (N.NO3 from 0.1 to 1100 mg-at 1-1; PRT from 0.01 to 23.56 mg-at l-1 and Si from 1.0 to 502.0 mg-at l-1). The oxygen values are very variable too, ranging between 0 and 14.4 ml l-1. Four different patterns of nutrient distribution have been distinguished based on the mean concentrations of N.NO3-, and TRP (mean values in mg-at l-1): A, N.NO3- l ; B, N.NO3- > 100, TRP < 1; C, 10 < N.NO3- < 100, TRP < 1; C, D, N.NO3- < 10, TRP < 1. As a rule, lagoons of low salinity (C1 and C2 classes) display the nutrient pattern C, and lagoons of high salinity (C3 and C4) show the nutrient pattern D. Model A only appears in waters of very low salinity, whereas model B does not seem to be related to salinity

    Redaccio col路laborativa de treballs en la doc猫ncia de les ci猫ncies experimentals. Comparaci贸 entre m猫todes tradicionals i wikis

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    En aquest treball es presenta la recerca en doc猫ncia que desenvolupen els autors, ique fa refer猫ncia a l"煤s de la redacci贸 col路laborativa de documents i treballscooperatius en doc猫ncia. Aquesta recerca es dedica principalment a l"an脿lisi de l"煤s de metodologies TIC, com 茅s el wiki, per tal d"avaluar-ne els seus avantatges i inconvenients respecte als m猫todes tradicionals de treball col路laboratiu. Entre d"altres aspectes, ens interessen la mesura de l"esfor莽 en temps de dedicaci贸 de l"alumnat i tamb茅 del professorat, i la possibilitat de fer una avaluaci贸 de cada alumne que inclogui la seva contribuci贸 individual al treball de grup. L"estudi s"est脿 fent en diverses assignatures dels ensenyaments de Biologia, Ci猫ncies Ambientals i Infermeria. Es presenten algunes dades sobre els resultats obtinguts en aspectes com ara les dificultats t猫cniques, q眉estions organitzatives i grau de satisfacci贸 dels alumnes. S"aporten algunes dades preliminars sobre la valoraci贸 diferent de cada alumne segons el m猫tode