129 research outputs found

    Rosen’s projection method for SVM training

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    This is an electronic version of the paper presented at the 17th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, held in Bruges on 2009In this work we will give explicit formulae for the application of Rosen’s gradient projection method to SVM training that leads to a very simple implementation. We shall experimentally show that the method provides good descent directions that result in less training iterations, particularly when large precision is wanted. However, a naive kernelization may end up in a procedure requiring more KOs than SMO and further work is needed to arrive at an efficient implementation.With partial support of Spain’s TIN 2007–66862 project and Cátedra UAM–IIC en Modelado y Predicción. The first author is kindly supported by FPU-MICINN grant reference AP2007–00142

    Least 1-Norm SVMs: a new SVM variant between standard and LS-SVMs

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    This is an electronic version of the paper presented at the 18th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, held in Bruges on 2010Least Squares Support Vector Machines (LS-SVMs) were proposed by replacing the inequality constraints inherent to L1-SVMs with equality constraints. So far this idea has only been suggested for a least squares (L2) loss. We describe how this can also be done for the sumof-slacks (L1) loss, yielding a new classifier (Least 1-Norm SVMs) which gives similar models in terms of complexity and accuracy and that may also be more robust than LS-SVMs with respect to outliers.With partial support of Spain’s TIN 2007–66862 project and Cátedra IIC en Modelado y Predicción. The first author is kindly supported by FPU-MICINN grant reference AP2007– 00142

    An accelerated MDM algorithm for SVM training

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    This is an electronic version of the paper presented at the 16th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, held in Bruges on 2018In this work we will propose an acceleration procedure for the Mitchell–Demyanov–Malozemov (MDM) algorithm (a fast geometric algorithm for SVM construction) that may yield quite large training savings. While decomposition algorithms such as SVMLight or SMO are usually the SVM methods of choice, we shall show that there is a relationship between SMO and MDM that suggests that, at least in their simplest implementations, they should have similar training speeds. Thus, and although we will not discuss it here, the proposed MDM acceleration might be used as a starting point to new ways of accelerating SMO.With partial support of Spain’s TIN 2004–07676 and TIN 2007–66862 projects. The first author is kindly supported by FPU-MEC grant reference AP2006-02285

    El castillo-palacio de Bulbuente: Informe histórico-artístico con estudio y catalogación de los grafitis históricos del edificio.

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    El castillo-palacio de los abades de Veruela, ubicado en Bulbuente (Zaragoza), es un edificio reflejo del dominio que tenía el Señorío del Monasterio de Veruela sobre la villa. El abandono sufrido en los últimos años se había traducido en un desconocimiento por parte de la historiografía. Gracias a la rehabilitación finalizada en 2021 para su uso como alojamiento hotelero, se han sacado a la luz nuevos elementos que revelan importantes datos sobre el inmueble y recuperan su interés científico. Entre las noticias más destacadas se encuentran los grafitis históricos, siendo uno de los escaso edificios localizados hasta ahora en la provincia de Zaragoza que los albergan. La aproximación a los grafitis desarrollada en el presente estudio, ha aportado material inédito de gran interés sobre el conjunto, los usos, las funciones y las gentes que lo habitaron.<br /

    Sparse LS-SVMs with L0-norm minimization

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    This is an electronic version of the paper presented at the 19th European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks, held in Bruges on 2011Least-Squares Support Vector Machines (LS-SVMs) have been successfully applied in many classification and regression tasks. Their main drawback is the lack of sparseness of the final models. Thus, a procedure to sparsify LS-SVMs is a frequent desideratum. In this paper, we adapt to the LS-SVM case a recent work for sparsifying classical SVM classifiers, which is based on an iterative approximation to the L0-norm. Experiments on real-world classification and regression datasets illustrate that this adaptation achieves very sparse models, without significant loss of accuracy compared to standard LS-SVMs or SVMs

    Sex-Specific Effects of Early Life Stress on Brain Mitochondrial Function, Monoamine Levels and Neuroinflammation

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    Sex differences have been reported in the susceptibility to early life stress and its neurobiological correlates in humans and experimental animals. However, most of the current research with animal models of early stress has been performed mainly in males. In the present study, prolonged maternal separation (MS) paradigm was applied as an animal model to resemble the effects of adverse early experiences in male and female rats. Regional brain mitochondrial function, monoaminergic activity, and neuroinflammation were evaluated as adults. Mitochondrial energy metabolism was greatly decreased in MS females as compared with MS males in the prefrontal cortex, dorsal hippocampus, and the nucleus accumbens shell. In addition, MS males had lower serotonin levels and increased serotonin turnover in the prefrontal cortex and the hippocampus. However, MS females showed increased dopamine turnover in the prefrontal cortex and increased norepinephrine turnover in the striatum, but decreased dopamine turnover in the hippocampus. Sex differences were also found for pro-inflammatory cytokine levels, with increased levels of TNF-&alpha; and IL-6 in the prefrontal cortex and hippocampus of MS males, and increased IL-6 levels in the striatum of MS females. These results evidence the complex sex- and brain region-specific long-term consequences of early life stress.This work was supported by grants PSI 2017-83038-P to HGP and NC, PSI 2017-90806-REDT to JLA, PSI 2017-83893-R to JLA (Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Spain)

    Sobre garabatos de criados, danzantes y presos: a propósito de nuevos testimonios en Bulbuente, Castejón de Monegros y Crivillén: On the scribbling of servants, dancers and prisoners: on new testimonies in Bulbuente, Castejón de Monegros and Crivillén

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    Resumen Durante las últimas décadas, se ha recuperado el interés por las incisiones y dibujos de los muros carcelarios aragoneses realizados por sus malavenidos huéspedes. El artículo parte de las relaciones entre estos trazos y los garabatos marginales de los libros, tomando como referencia la propuesta de Gombrich acerca de esta singular creación automática que frecuentemente se encuentra motivada por un estado de aburrimiento. En semejante trance afloran todo tipo de imágenes y expresiones, entre ellas, recuerdos del lugar de origen, fiestas populares, motivos espirituales o simples elementos repetitivos que propician la focalización del pensamiento y, en consecuencia, la evasión; como se expone a través de los testimonios inéditos de tres localidades. Abstract During the last decades, the interest in the incisions and drawings on the Aragonese prison walls have recovered the interest made by their unfortunate guests. The article starts from the relationship between these traces and the marginal scribbles in books, taking as a reference Gombrich’s proposal about this singular automatic creation that is frequently motivated by a state of boredom. In such a trance, all kinds of images and expressions emerge, including memories of the place of origin, popular festivals, spiritual motifs or simple repetitive elements that favour the focusing of thought and, consequently, evasion, as is shown through unpublished testimonies from three localities. Keywords historical graffiti, prison, boredom, scribbles, written culture

    Análisis de los Riesgos en proyectos de Generación de Energí­as Renovables en Colombia. /

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    Los proyectos de generación de energí­a con fuentes renovables se han incrementado los últimos años, motivados por la búsqueda de la minimización del impacto ambiental, la producción tecnológica y la reducción de la dependencia de los combustibles fósiles, se ha ido avanzando en materia de construcción de proyectos que implementen dichas prácticas; Colombia no ha sido ajeno a lo anterior, sin embargo, presenta inconvenientes a la hora de desarrollar de manera exitosa y de principio a fin este tipo de proyectos. A pesar de la necesidad, beneficios y efectividad de la ejecución de sistemas de gestión de riesgos en los proyectos, se evidencia poca aplicación por parte de las organizaciones en cuanto a este tipo de prácticas, es así­ como el siguiente articulo realiza un análisis de estudios de los diferentes tipos de riesgos, por lo tanto, se hace necesario identificar y estudiar los riesgos que afectan la implementación de los proyectos de energí­a renovable, valorando la importancia que ha tomado la gestión de riesgo, es indispensable que las empresas que ejecutan este tipo de proyectos efectúen los estudios y análisis precisos para impedir que ocurra un evento y sus consecuencias sean negativas. De igual modo el artí­culo, describe una experiencia de un caso de estudio de un proyecto de generación de energí­as renovable en Colombia, y se analiza cuales fueron esos riesgos que percibieron y el modo de evaluación que emplean para evitar impactos negativos en la organización.Incluye referencias bibliográficas

    CryoEM structural exploration of catalytically active enzyme pyruvate carboxylase

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    Pyruvate carboxylase (PC) is a tetrameric enzyme that contains two active sites per subunit that catalyze two consecutive reactions. A mobile domain with an attached prosthetic biotin links both reactions, an initial biotin carboxylation and the subsequent carboxyl transfer to pyruvate substrate to produce oxaloacetate. Reaction sites are at long distance, and there are several co-factors that play as allosteric regulators. Here, using cryoEM we explore the structure of active PC tetramers focusing on active sites and on the conformational space of the oligomers. The results capture the mobile domain at both active sites and expose catalytic steps of both reactions at high resolution, allowing the identification of substrates and products. The analysis of catalytically active PC tetramers reveals the role of certain motions during enzyme functioning, and the structural changes in the presence of additional cofactors expose the mechanism for allosteric regulation.This study was supported by grants from the HFSP (RGP0062), and from the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (PGC2018-098996-B-100) to M.V., and grants from the NIGMS (R35GM118093) and the NIAID (R01AI116669) to L.T