109 research outputs found

    Ageing in the working population associated with obesity and cardiovascular risk parameters

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    Objective: The shift experienced in recent decades in developed countries, with an aging population, also affects the working population. This is associated with an increase in diseases such as obesity and cardiovascular risk. The objective of this study is to understand the relationship between aging in men and women with respect to obesity and cardiovascular risk in a working population. Materials and methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted on 389 workers in the chemical industry sector of the Autonomous Community of Murcia. The relationship between age and BMI, CUN BAE, and RCV SCORE in men and women was calculated. Results: In both sexes, people ≥ 50 years show a higher BMI and body fat percentage than those < 50 years with p <0.001. In the female population aged ≥ 50 years, an increase in body fat percentage is observed compared to those aged < 50 years with p <0.001. CUN BAE shows higher values in individuals aged ≥ 50 years in both sexes (p <0.001), being higher in women. The RCV SCORE in both sexes is low in the studied population, with no significant differences observed by sex and age. Conclusions: Significant differences are observed in workers aged ≥ 50 years in obesity, BMI, and CUN BAE. Therefore, in order to act in primary prevention and health promotion in obesity and RCV related to aging within companies, it is useful to include parameters such as: BMI, CUN BAE, and RCV SCORE in health surveillance protocols

    Fault overprinting and paleostresses in the Almanzora Corridor from the Tortonian to the Present (Betic Cordilleras)

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    The Almanzora Corridor in the Betic Cordilleras is affected by brittle deformations since the Tortonian. The analysis of fault overprinting shows a first group formed by a set of E-W dextral strike-slip faults, N-S leftlateral strike-slip faults and NW-SE normal faults compatible with a NW-SE shortening and an associated NE-SW extension. A second group corresponds to younger NW-SE normal faults, formed during NE-SW oblique extension to the Corridor, with an oblate stress ellipsoid that also reactivates, in some cases, previous faults. A more recent stress ellipsoid indicates extension, that is locally pluridirectional and reactivate previous fault surfaces, although horizontal striations have been overprinted in the Somontín fault, associated to a NW-SE recent shortening that is only locally registere

    Soft-sediment deformation structures interpreted as seismites in the late Miocene (Turolian) of the Granada basin (Betic Cordillera)

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    We studied various Upper Miocene (Turolian) layers of superimposed soft-sediment deformation structures induced by liquefaction in the Granada basin (Betic Cordillera). These are principally load structures: sagging and dome load casts, ball-and-pillow and drop structures. Based on analyses of their morphology and of the facies, these have been interpreted as being the result of liquefaction of non-cohesive sediments during earthquakes. The intense synsedimentary fracturing and the presence of seismites highlight the strongly influence of tectonic activity in the Granada basin during the Late Miocene, with earthquakes of moderate to high magnitude occurring which were capable of liquefying the sedimen

    Principales fallas activas de las Cuencas de Granada y Guadix-Baza (Cordillera Bética)

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    The Granada and Guadix-Baza Basins, the largest Neogene-Quaternary intramontane basins of the Betic Cordillera (southern Spain), undergo active deformation with an associated moderate level of seismic activity. This deformation is controlled by a NNWSSE compressive regime and an approximate orthogonal tensional regime. The compression produced N70ºE to E-W folds of several scales, the Sierra Nevada antiform being the largest one. The tension is accommodated mainly by NW-SE active normal faults, the most notable being the Baza Fault, in the Guadix-Baza Basin, and the Granada, Sierra Elvira-Dílar and Padul-Dúrcal Faults, in the Granada Basin. In addition, other active faults with different orientations also exist, such as the Alfahuara-Botardo and the Galera faults in the Guadix-Baza Basin, and the Huenes, Obéilar-Pinos Puente and N of Sierra Tejeda Faults in the Granada Basin. Moreover, in several sectors, the presence of orthogonal normal fault sets suggests alternating trends or even radial extension. Slip rates of these active faults, based on geologic markers, vary between 0.06 and 0.5 mm/year. Estimates for the maximum expected magnitude of earthquakes caused by these faults vary between MW 6.0 and 7.0. The N of Sierra Tejeda and the Baza Faults, the largest faults in the Granada and Guadix-Baza Basins, respectively, have the greatest seismic potential. They could cause events up to a magnitude of MW 6.5-7.0, although their reference earthquakes, computed for a return period of 475 years, are on the order of MW 5.0-5.5.Las Cuencas de Granada y Guadix-Baza, las mayores cuencas intramontañosas del Neógeno y Cuaternario de la Cordillera Bética (sur de España), experimentan una deformación activa y tienen asociada una actividad sísmica moderada. La deformación está controlada por una compresión NNO-SSE y una tensión aproximadamente perpendicular. La compresión ha formado pliegues de dirección N70ºE a E-O de muy diferentes tamaños, siendo el antiforme de Sierra Nevada el mayor. La tensión se acomoda sobre todo por fallas normales NO-SE, siendo las más notables de ellas la falla de Baza, en la cuenca de Guadix-Baza, y las de Granada, Sierra Elvira-Dílar y Padul-Dúrcal, en la cuenca de Granada. Además, existen otras fallas activas con diferentes orientaciones, tales como la de Alfahuara-Botardo y la de Galera en la cuenca de Guadix-Baza y las de Huenes, Obéilar-Pinos Puente y norte de Sierra Tejeda en la cuenca de Granada. Además, en varios sectores, la presencia de juegos de fallas ortogonales sugiere cambios en el elipsoide de esfuerzos e incluso una extensión radial. Las tasas de desplazamiento de estas fallas activas, calculadas a partir de marcadores geológicos, varían entre 0,06 y 0,5 mm/año. La estimación del potencial sísmico indica que la máxima magnitud esperable de los terremotos producidos por estas fallas varía entre MW 6,0 y 7,0. La falla del N de Sierra Tejeda y la de Baza, las mayores respectivamente en las Cuencas de Granada y Guadix-Baza, tienen el mayor potencial sísmico. Podrían causar eventos con magnitudes del orden de MW 6,5-7,0, aunque sus terremotos de referencia para un periodo de retorno de 475 años son del orden de MW 5,0-5,5.This work has been financed through projects TOPO-IBERIA CONSOLIDER-INGENIO (CSD2006-00041), CGL2010-21048, CGL-2011-29920, CGL2011-30153-C02-02, P09-RNM-5388 and the Junta de Andalucía groups RNM 370, RNM148 and RNM325

    The Role of Gold-Alumina Template in the Electrochemical Deposition of CeO2 Nanotubes

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    Electrochemical synthesis employing porous membranes previously metalized with a gold layer as a template is an easy and widespread method to obtain 1D nanostructures. Nevertheless, experimental factors for tuning the morphology and structural details of such nanostructures are still investigated. The influence of the amount of gold on morphology and structure of the 1D systems is studied for the first time. For this purpose, CeO2 nanotubes are synthesized via template-based lectrodeposition inside the pores of gold-sputtered anodic aluminum oxide (AAO). X-ray diffraction and electron microscopy techniques, including 3D electron tomography, are applied for the characterization of the template and the nanostructures. On one hand, the results reveal how gold is deposited on top and inside the pores of the AAO as a thin layer or as particles. On the other hand, the 1D systems consist of nanotubes formed by randomly oriented fluorite-like nanocrystals (2–5 nm), which features a network of inner walls whose compactness directly relates to the thickness of the gold-sputtered layer. From the combined analysis of voltage–time curves recorded during electrodeposition and the 2D, 3D structural information, a growth mechanism is proposed, which may enlighten paths to tailor the morphology and properties of CeO2 1D nanostructure

    Kinematics and paleostresses in the Jebha-Chrafate transcurrent fault (northern Rif, Morocco)

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    The Jebha-Chrafate is an ENE-WSW sinistral major transcurrent fault of the Rif Cordillera, formed during the southwestwards emplacement of the Internal Zones on the Flysch units and the External Zones. The analysis of minor structures along the Jebha area indicates the activity of top to the SW low and high angle normal faults during the tectonic wedge emplacement. In addition, most of the kinematic indicators along the transcurrent fault zone point to a reactivation as dextral fault during the recent NW-SE Eurasia-Africa convergence and a final overprinting of normal faults during the late stages of relief uplif

    3D-printing of metallic honeycomb monoliths as a doorway to a new generation of catalytic devices: the Ni-based catalysts in methane dry reforming showcase

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    Stainless-steel honeycomb monoliths (square cell-shape/230 cpsi cylinders) were 3D-printed and used as support of a Ni/CeO2-ZrO2 powder deposited by washcoating. The resulting catalysts were characterized by XRF, SEM-EDX and H-2-TPR, and tested in the dry reforming of methane reaction. In the 750-900 degrees C range, they showed competitive conversions (45-95%) and H-2/CO ratio (0.84-0.94) compared to cordierite honeycombs with same catalyst loading and geometric characteristics, but did not require activation time thanks to better heat transfer. Both structured catalysts were stable in prolonged TOS experiments. The bare metallic monoliths exhibited significant activity at 900 degrees C due to their intrinsic nickel content

    El Neógeno del Valle de los Guájares (Cordillera Bética, Granada)

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    El estudio llevado a cabo sobre las características litoestratigráficas, el contenido faunístico y la edad de los materiales neógenos del Valle de los Guájares, pone de manifiesto la presencia de materiales del Serravallense y del Tortonense, además de los correspondientes al Plioceno (?) - Cuaternario. Las deformaciones de tales materiales se deben esencialmente a fracturas con saltos tanto horizontales como verticales, que controlaron en buena medida el relieve y la sedimentación. A partir de estos datos y de otros de carácter regional se aborda la evolución geológica del sector, posterior a la estructuración esencial de la Cordillera Bética durante el Mioceno inferior. A este respecto se pueden destacar dos fases deformacionales: una fase finiserravallense, responsable de algunas fallas inversas que afectan a las margas pelágicas serravallenses y a los materiales alpujárrides y, probablemente, también responsable del nacimiento de sistemas de fallas, las cuales podrían ya controlar la sedimentación; segunda fase intratortonense que produce discordancia angular entre los materiales tortonenses así como una nueva actividad, principalmente con desplazamientos verticales, de los sistemas de fallas previamente formados. Los materiales del Plioceno (?) - Cuaternario muestran igualmente evidencias de movimientos tectónicos recientes en los que prevalecen los desplazamientos verticales sobre los horizontales.The geological study, lead upon the lithostratigraphic characteristics, the faunistic content and the age of the neogene materials from the Guájares valley reveals the presence of terranes belonging to the Serravallian and the Tortonian, besides the ones corresponding to the Pliocene (?) - Quaternary. The deformation features of such materials are essentially due to faults showing both horizontal and vertical slips, which strongly controlled the relief and the deposition. From these data and others of regional character we envisage the geological evolution of the area, once the main structuration of the Betic Cordilleras during the lower Miocene was already accomplished. In this regard two deformational phases stand out: a finiserravallian phase, responsible for sorne reverse faults concerning serravallian pelagic marls and alpujarride materials and, probably also and for the birth of important fault systems which could already control the sedimentation; which a second one, the intratortonian phase, which yields an angular unconformity within the tortonian materials as well as a new activity, mainly with vertical displacements, of the previous fault systems. The Pliocene (?)- Quaternary deposits provide also evidence of recent tectonic movements, the vertical slips being prevalent over the horizontal ones.Trabajo realizado dentro del Proyecto «El Borde Mediterráneo español: Evolución del Orógeno bético y geodinámica de las depresiones neógenas», realizado por el Departamento de Investigaciones Geológicas, C.S.I.C. y financiado por C.A.I.C.YT. y C.S.I.C

    Characterization of the Lago Mare sedimentation (latest Messinian) and the transgression of the beginning of the Pliocene in the Malaga basin (Betic Cordillera)

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    A stratigraphic unit deposited close to the Messinian-Pliocene boundary is newly discovered in the Malaga basin. This unit mainly consist of alluvial and lagoonal deposits. Paleontological and paleomagnetic data from these deposits and from the overlying sediments indicate that the former were formed in the latest Miocene, thus can be correlated with the so-called Lago Mare deposits. The latest Messinian and lower Pliocene deposits are separated by an erosive surface (latest-Messinian discontinuity) that is related to a relative sea-level fall previous to the earliest Pliocene general floodin