15 research outputs found

    A Espanya, treballar més anys ha de venir de jove : apunts sobre la sortida del mercat laboral dels 50 als 65 anys en la darrera década

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    Aquest treball ha estat finançat pel Programa Beatriu de Pinós. Agraïments a Iñaki Permanyer i Elisenda Renteria pels seus consells, Tere Menacho per facilitar accés a les dades.A partir de 2013, l'edat de jubilació a Espanya, que era als 65 anys, augmenta paulatinament, de manera que el 2027 se situarà als 67 anys, amb el consegüent increment del llindar mínim d'anys de cotització, que passa dels 35 als 38 anys. La justificació d'aquesta mesura ha vingut de la mà de la sostenibilitat del sistema de seguretat social, atès que l'efectiu de persones grans augmenta a major velocitat que el nombre de contribuents. Però aquesta política ha estat criticada, atès que no té en compte la diversitat de vides laborals: el mercat laboral i la construcció social del treball són molt diferents en funció de l'ocupació i del sexe, generant-se múltiples tipologies de vida laboral. I si la vida laboral és variada, també ho hauria de ser també la sortida del mercat laboral. La política d'endarrerir de manera uniforme l'edat de jubilació no té en compte l'estat actual de les jubilacions. L'objectiu d'aquest estudi és conèixer, en la darrera dècada, qui s'ha jubilat abans o després i quines són les causes de la sortida del mercat laboral i la seva repercussió sobre el nombre d'anys cotitzats. A partir de les dades de la Mostra Contínua de Vides Laborals (MCLV) de la seguretat social, s'analitzen les sortides prematures del mercat laboral dels 50 als 65 anys d'edat, durant la dècada de 2010 a 2020. Es tracta de les generacions nascudes entre 1945 i 1954. Els resultats revelen que les dones treballen fins a edats més tardanes que els homes, que les persones en ocupacions rutinàries tendeixen a sortir prematurament del mercat laboral, i que, malgrat les diferències entre homes i dones, els anys treballats entre els 50 i els 59 anys són un bon predictor de l'allargament de la vida laboral a partir dels 60 anys.Desde el 2013, la edad de jubilación en España aumenta paulatinamente de los 65 a los 67 años para el año 2027 y, con ella, sube también el mínimo de años de cotización de 35 a 38. La justificación de esta política es la sostenibilidad del sistema de seguridad social dado que las personas mayores incrementan con más velocidad que el número de contribuyentes. Sin embargo, esta política ha sido criticada por no tomar en cuenta la diversidad de vidas laborales. El mercado laboral y la construcción social del trabajo difieren entre ocupaciones y entre sexos, creando pluralidades de vidas laborales. Por lo cual, las formas de salir del mercado laboral deberían tener en cuenta esta diversidad. La actual política universal de retrasar la edad de jubilación a todos por igual no toma en cuenta el estado actual de las jubilaciones. En este estudio se busca conocer quién se ha jubilado antes o después en la última década y cuáles son las causas de las salidas del mercado laboral y su repercusión sobre el número de años cotizados. Analizamos las salidas prematuras del mercado laboral en personas de 50 a 65 años de edad durante la década de 2010 a 2020 utilizando datos de la Muestra Continua de Vidas Laborales (MCVL) de la seguridad social en España. Son las personas nacidas entre 1945 y 1954. Los resultados muestran que las mujeres trabajan hasta más tarde que los hombres, que las personas en ocupaciones rutinarias tienden a salir prematuramente del mercado laboral y que los años trabajados entre los 50 y 59 años de edad resultan un buen predictor del alargamiento de la vida laboral a partir de los 60 con diferencias entre sexos.Since 2013, retirement age in Spain has been rising slowly from 65 to an expected 67 in 2027 and, with it, the minimum number of years of National Insurance contributions from 35 to 38. This policy is justified by sustainability of the social security system since the number of older people is increasing faster than the number of contributors. However, the policy has been criticised for not taking into account the diversity of working lives. The labour market and social construction of work differ with occupations and with gender, thus creating pluralities of working lives. Hence, the ways of leaving the labour market should take this diversity into account. Since the present wholesale policy of equally postponing retirement age for everyone overlooks the actual state of retirements, the aim of this study is to ascertain who has retired earlier or later in the last decade, the causes of exits from the labour market, and the repercussions on the number of years of National Insurance contributions. Premature exits from the labour market of people aged between 50 and 65 during the decade from 2010 to 2020 are analysed using data from the Continuous Sample of Working Lives (CSWL) taken from Spanish Social Security records. These are people who were born between 1945 and 1954. The results show that women work later than men, that people in Routine occupations tend to leave the labour market early, and that the number of years worked between the ages of 50 and 59 are a good predictor of prolongation of working life after the age of 60, although there are differences between the sexes

    Community Based Sustainable and Equitable Employment in Aquaculture on the Burin Peninsula

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    The conceptualization of this study was initiated through the Harris Centre Thriving Regions Process which provides funding and support to researchers from Memorial University to build partnerships that help promote thriving social and economic regions through applied research In 2019 community members who attended a workshop on the Burin peninsula organized by the Harris Centre identified four priority areas that could support community, economic and social development in the area. The present st udy covers two of the priority areas: 1) Attraction and retention of workers and families and 2) Ocean health and seafood opportunities through the study of recruitment and retention in the aquaculture sector in the Burin Peninsula

    Labour, Fisheries and Coastal Communities: Recruitment and Retention in Small-Scale Fisheries in Newfoundland and Labrador

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    This report presents findings from a research project titled Recruitment, Training and Retention in Small-Scale Fisheries in Newfoundland and Labrador that aims to document and better understand the mechanisms underpinning current trends related to recruitment, training and retention in the commercial small-scale fisheries in the province. This project is part of the Ocean Frontier Institute’s Module M research program entitled Informing Governance Responses in a Changing Ocean that seeks to understand how governance models can work to sustain fisheries and communities in the context of a changing world. The research study was carried out by investigators Dr. María Andrée López Gómez, Dr. Nicole Power, Dr. Jahn Petter Johnsen, Dr. Barbara Neis and Dr. Paul Foley

    The Length of Working Life in Spain : Levels, Recent Trends, and the Impact of the Financial Crisis

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    While there has been considerable debate about extending the length of working life, relatively little is known about this issue. We use data from the Spanish Continuous Working Life Sample for 2004--2013 to calculate period working life tables, which in turn allows us to assess the impact of the financial crisis on working life expectancy in Spain. Before the recession hit, working life expectancy in Spain was around 38 years for males and 33 years for females. The recession had a tremendous impact on the Spanish labor market, but the effects differed considerably by gender and occupational category. Men working in skilled non-manual jobs were less affected, while men working in unskilled manual jobs lost close to 14 years of working life expectancy. Women were less affected than men. With working life expectancy decreasing, the average proportion of lifetime spent in unemployment and outside the labor market increased markedly, whereas the average number of years spent in retirement changed only a little. When we decompose losses in working life expectancy by age group, we find that economic fluctuations affect both older and younger workers. This result suggests that policies that focus on retirement ages only are incomplete. We also compare our findings to the results obtained by Sullivans method, which is based on prevalence rates rather than the incidence-based working life table approach. We find that the use of Sullivans approach does not accurately reflect the levels of and the trends in working life expectancy.Peer reviewe

    Salmon mass mortality events and occupational health and safety in Chilean aquaculture

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    Mass mortality events (MMEs) threaten the health of fish and are also a potential threat to the health and safety of workers. This paper presents findings from a desktop risk assessment exercise focused on potential aquaculture occupational health and safety (AOHS) hazards and risks associated with MMEs in Chile. The study reviews academic and grey literature, government regulations and MME reports and statistics to assess the scale and distribution of MMEs; identifies associated documented and potential health and safety hazards; and documents and assesses policy responses to MMEs in the Chilean context through the lens of health and safety. The paper documents the size and regional distribution of salmon MME occurrences in Chile from 2016 to 2022. It discusses AOHS hazards associated with MMEs such as exposure to hydrogen sulfide, drowning and diving-related illnesses and potential issues around accessing hospitals and hyperbaric chambers for workers in remote aquaculture regions, as well as exposure to antibiotics and antibiotic residues. Recent Chilean regulatory requirements around reporting and management of MMEs that have the potential to help reduce identified MME-related risks for workers are described and addressed. Key policy highlights Risk of mass mortality events (MMEs) in marine aquaculture is increasing as the industry expands and climate change increases fluctuations in marine conditions. Policies need to be developed to counteract these risks. MMEs-related worker accidents and environmental degradation point to the urgent need to develop environmental and occupational health and safety (OHS) guidelines that prevent MMEs and protect workers and the environment. The Chilean OHS guidelines related to aquaculture MMEs may be adapted and used in other countries. Surveillance programs on harmful algal blooms and antibiotic resistance (AMR) markers may be a preventive measure towards MMEs and exposure to AMR markers

    Characteristics of employment history indicators: Employment, unemployment and Inactivity, by sex of cases and controls in the Spanish WORKing Life Social Security (WORKss) cohort study 2004–2013.

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    <p>Characteristics of employment history indicators: Employment, unemployment and Inactivity, by sex of cases and controls in the Spanish WORKing Life Social Security (WORKss) cohort study 2004–2013.</p

    Association (Odds ratio = OR) of mortality and employment history indicators: Employment, unemployment and inactivity in the Spanish WORKing Life Social Security (WORKss) cohort study 2004–2013.

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    <p>Association (Odds ratio = OR) of mortality and employment history indicators: Employment, unemployment and inactivity in the Spanish WORKing Life Social Security (WORKss) cohort study 2004–2013.</p

    Follow-up time of employment history in three different birth cohorts (1926, 1957, 1988) of the nested case-control sample from the Spanish WORKing Life Social Security (WORKss) cohort study 2004–2013.

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    <p>Follow-up time of employment history in three different birth cohorts (1926, 1957, 1988) of the nested case-control sample from the Spanish WORKing Life Social Security (WORKss) cohort study 2004–2013.</p

    Association (Odds ratio = OR) of mortality before sge 65 and labor trajectory indicators: Employment, unemployment and inactivity by sex for cases and controls in the Spanish WORKing Life Social Security (WORKss) Cohort Study 2004–2013.

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    <p>Association (Odds ratio = OR) of mortality before sge 65 and labor trajectory indicators: Employment, unemployment and inactivity by sex for cases and controls in the Spanish WORKing Life Social Security (WORKss) Cohort Study 2004–2013.</p