216 research outputs found

    Mejoras sociales y negociación colectiva

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    La regulación de la negociación colectiva, al igual que otros aspectos de la legislación laboral, ha sido objeto de diferentes reformas en los últimos años. Reformas que han tenido diferente repercusión a la hora de fijar posibles límites a la libertad negociar de las partes, tanto formales, como materiales. Argumentos que se han tendido a justificar en base a que así era posible afrontar mejor la crisis económica existente. Argumentos que han servido de freno al desarrollo de las materias y contenidos propios de las denominadas «cláusulas sociales» e, incluso, a la desaparición de las mismas. Es cierto que no se trata de una tendencia general, pero sí bastante generalizada. Sobre todo a nivel de convenios y acuerdos de empresa, amén de que la materia haya pasado a tener cada vez menor importancia en fórmulas de negociación supraempresarial. Tendencia en la que ahonda el hecho de acudir en el ámbito empresarial a fórmulas más flexibles y visualmente más positivas sobre el protagonismo de la empresa o grupo, como ocurre con las acciones propias de las empresas socialmente responsables.The collective bargaining regulation, as other aspects of labor law, has been under several reforms in the last years. The impact of these reforms has been different due to the fact that the limits to the negotiation freedom for both parts, have been affected, not only in a formal way but also in a material sense. This kind of arguments has tended to be justified as a mechanism to improve the way for affording the economic crisis. However, it also meant a slow-down in the development of what has been known as «clausulas Sociales» (Social Clauses), or even its disappearance. Although it is not a general tendency, it is true that it is even more extended, specially in the matter of collective agreements, without mentioning the subjects that had been released to a less relevant position in the business groups bargaining. This situation has been motivated companies to search new and a more positive corporate image. An example of this might be the socially responsible entrepreneurship

    Las prestaciones familiares en España y su efecto sobre la pobreza en el trabajo

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    Secretaría de Estado de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación DER2015-63701-C3-1-

    Generation of fuzzy mathematical morphologies

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    Fuzzy Mathematical Morphology aims to extend the binary morphological operators to grey-level images. In order to define the basic morphological operations fuzzy erosion, dilation, opening and closing, we introduce a general method based upon fuzzy implication and inclusion grade operators, including as particular case, other ones existing in related literature In the definition of fuzzy erosion and dilation we use several fuzzy implications (Annexe A, Table of fuzzy implications), the paper includes a study on their practical effects on digital image processing. We also present some graphic examples of erosion and dilation with three different structuring elements B(i,j)=1B(i, j)=1, B(i,j)=0.7B(i, j)=0.7, B(i,j)=0.4B(i, j)=0.4, i,j{1,2,3}i, j \in \{ 1,2, 3\} and various fuzzy implications

    Fuzzy morphological operators in image processing

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    First of all, in this paper we propose a family of fuzzy implication operators, which the generalised Luckasiewicz's one, and to analyse the impacts of Smets and Magrez properties on these operators. The result of this approach will be a characterisation of a proposed family of inclusion grade operators (in Bandler and Kohout's manner) that satisfies the axioms of Divyendu and Dogherty. Second, we propose a method to define fuzzy morphological operators (erosions and dilations). A family of fuzzy implication operators and the inclusion grade are the basis for this method

    A Proposal for Mobile Diabetes Self-control: Towards a Patient Monitoring Framework

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    In this paper, we present a proposal for Patients’ Mobile Monitoring. This framework enables the definition and generation of profiles, modules and communication structures between each of the measuring devices and the mobile phone depending on the kind of condition and the measuring values of the patient. We use patterns to allow the generation of self-control modules and patient profiles. These patterns establish relations between each module. With patient’s measured data, patient profile and modules, the framework generates an application for the doctor and the patient in a mobile phone. These applications allow the monitoring, patient self-control and the communication between the patient and the doctor. Moreover, as an important study case, we present a mobile monitoring system which allows patients with diabetes to have a constant control of their glucose tendency as well as direct communication with their doctor.In this paper, we present a proposal for Patients’ Mobile Monitoring. This framework enables the definition and generation of profiles, modules and communication structures between each of the measuring devices and the mobile phone depending on the kind of condition and the measuring values of the patient. We use patterns to allow the generation of self-control modules and patient profiles. These patterns establish relations between each module. With patient’s measured data, patient profile and modules, the framework generates an application for the doctor and the patient in a mobile phone. These applications allow the monitoring, patient self-control and the communication between the patient and the doctor. Moreover, as an important study case, we present a mobile monitoring system which allows patients with diabetes to have a constant control of their glucose tendency as well as direct communication with their doctor

    Search strategies and the automated control of plant diseases

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    We propose the use of the "infotaxis" search strategy as the navigation system of a robotic platform, able to search and localize infectious foci by detecting the changes in the profile of volatile organic compounds emitted by and infected plant. We builded a simple and cost effective robot platform that substitutes odour sensors in favour of light sensors and study their robustness and performance under non ideal conditions such as the exitence of obstacles due to land topology or weeds