397 research outputs found

    Diseño, intervención y propuesta de mejora para trabajar la coeducación en Educación Primaria

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    El Trabajo Fin de Grado que se muestra a continuación es una propuesta de intervención sobre “Coeducación”. Se trata de un tema que está a la orden del día, debido a la desigualdad entre hombres y mujeres existente en la sociedad. Se pretende fomentar la igualdad de género en las aulas para que en el futuro tengan un concepto diferente respecto al tema. En este proyecto el alumnado aprenderá el significado del concepto coeducación y todo lo que implica. La propuesta ha sido llevada a cabo con niños y niñas de 5º de Primaria de tres centros educativos de distintas zonas de Sevilla. En la presenta investigación se indican las actividades realizadas y las ideas de los discentes, así como un análisis de las mismas acompañado de sus respectivas conclusiones y propuestas de mejora.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Educación Primari

    El lugar de Osma

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    Sobre la base de los resultados de una prospección arqueológica superficial realizada en el despoblado bajomedieval de Osma, y partiendo de la disposición planimétrica de las evidencias arquitectónicas detectadas se propone que la distribución observada responde a una elemental y eficiente ordenación urbanística, caracterizada por la presencia de ámbitos espaciales deiferenciados.__________________________Basing on the results of a superficial archaeological prosprection carried outin the medieval wilderness of Osma, and considering the planimetrical disposition of the architectural evidences located there, we propose that this ditribution responds to an elementary and efficient urban development, characterised by the presence of differentiated space environments

    A Deep Learning Approach for Fusing Sensor Data from Screw Compressors

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    [EN] Chillers are commonly used for thermal regulation to maintain indoor comfort in medium and large buildings. However, inefficiencies in this process produce significant losses, and optimization tasks are limited because of accessibility to the system. Data analysis techniques transform measurements coming from several sensors into useful information. Recent deep learning approaches have achieved excellent results in many applications. These techniques can be used for computing new data representations that provide comprehensive information from the device. This allows real-time monitoring, where information can be checked with current working operation to detect any type of anomaly in the process. In this work, a model based on a 1D convolutional neural network is proposed for fusing data in order to predict four different control stages of a screw compressor in a chiller. The evaluation of the method was performed using real data from a chiller in a hospital building. Results show a satisfactory performance and acceptable training time in comparison with other recent methods. In addition, the model is capable of predicting control states of other screw compressors different than the one used in the training. Furthermore, two failure cases are simulated, providing an early alarm detection when a continuous wrong classification is performed by the model.SIThis research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and the European Regional Development Fund under project DPI2015-69891-C2-1-R/2-R.Ministerio de Economía y Competitivida

    La resistencia al cambio durante la implementación de un sistema ERP

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    The objective of this research was to identify the factors that influence resistance to change by users of automotive agencies during the implementation of an ERP system. It is an in-process documentary and field investigation in situ, with a non-experimental, transactional design. This was a descriptive research with a quantitative and qualitative focusing. In this document, the progress of the quantitative research realized through the application of 35 questionnaires used to obtain data in March 2020 is reported, at the GMC and BMW agencies and the Shared Services Unit. The results showed that the biggest resistance to change manifested was due to factors that make up the dimension called knowledge, reason why it was concluded that it is necessary to evaluate the strategies that help to mitigate misinformation or lack of knowledge when implementing an ERP System.El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar los factores que inciden en la resistencia al cambio por parte de los usuarios de las agencias automotrices durante la implementación de un sistema ERP. Es una investigación en proceso documental y de campo in situ, con diseño no experimental, transeccional. Se trató de un estudio con alcance descriptivo con enfoque cuantitativo y cualitativo. En este documento, se reporta el avance del estudio cuantitativo realizado mediante la aplicación de 35 cuestionarios usados para la obtención de datos en el mes de marzo del 2020, en las agencias GMC y BMW y la Unidad de Servicios Compartidos. Los resultados mostraron que la mayor resistencia al cambio manifestada fue a causa de factores que integran la dimensión denominada conocimiento, por lo que se concluyó que es necesario evaluar las estrategias que ayuden a mitigar la desinformación o falta de conocimiento al implementar un Sistema ERP

    Implementing a Distance Estimator for a Wildlife Tracking System Based on 802.15.4

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    In this work, a novel distance estimation mechanism using received signal strength indication (RSSI) signals with ZigBee modules is designed, implemented and tested in several scenarios. This estimator was used for a research project focused on a wildlife behavioral classification system deployed in Doñana’s National Park. As a supporting feature for that project, this work was implemented for locating animal’s collars acting as wireless nodes in order to find those who went outside of the coverage area of the network or that were accidentally detached from animals. This work describes the system architecture and the implementation of a mobile assistant capable of recovering devices located beyond the coverage of the network. The analytical model needed for distance estimation and the signal filtering are described, as well as the difficulties that the researchers must deal when building robust location estimators. This theoretical model was applied to three different scenarios and tested with two validation experiments.Junta de Andalucía P12-TIC-130

    Sampling Frequency Evaluation on Recurrent Neural Networks Architectures for IoT Real-time Fall Detection Devices

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    Falls are one of the most frequent causes of injuries in elderly people. Wearable Fall Detection Systems provided a ubiquitous tool for monitoring and alert when these events happen. Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) are algorithms that demonstrates a great accuracy in some problems analyzing sequential inputs, such as temporal signal values. However, their computational complexity are an obstacle for the implementation in IoT devices. This work shows a performance analysis of a set of RNN architectures when trained with data obtained using different sampling frequencies. These architectures were trained to detect both fall and fall hazards by using accelerometers and were tested with 10-fold cross validation, using the F1-score metric. The results obtained show that sampling with a frequency of 25Hz does not affect the effectiveness, based on the F1-score, which implies a substantial increase in the performance in terms of computational cost. The architectures with two RNN layers and without a first dense layer had slightly better results than the smallest architectures. In future works, the best architectures obtained will be integrated in an IoT solution to determine the effectiveness empirically.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TEC2016-77785-

    Exoesqueleto para rehabilitación de miembro superior

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    Múltiples lesiones neurológicas, como los Accidentes Cardíacos Vasculares (ACV), provocan una degeneración y/o atrofia de la movilidad en las extremidades. La terapia pasiva se suele usar en los procesos de recuperación tras sufrir este tipo de lesiones, pero los ejercicios de brazos y manos utilizados habitualmente se basan en la realización de actividades de alta intensidad y repetitivos, haciendo que la recuperación sea larga, necesite de mucho trabajo y de la ayuda de varios fisiotera- peutas. En este trabajo se realiza el diseño, montaje, implementación y testeo de un sistema hardware-software basado en exoesqueleto y sensores de captación de movimiento de brazo y manos para su utilización en la rehabilitación de los miembros superiores con el fin de reducir el tiempo de recuperación. El usuario dispondrá de una aplicación que le guiará en todo momento haciendo uso de técnicas activas de gamificación para aumentar la motivación

    Optimization of the luminescence emission of Si nanocrystals synthesized from non-stoichiometric Si oxides using a Central Composite Design of the deposition process

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    Si oxide films with a controlled excess of Si were deposited on Si wafers by LPCVD using Si2H6 and O2, thermally annealed to 1100 °C for 1 h to form Si nanocrystals embedded in SiO2 and subsequently annealed at 450 °C in forming gas. The samples were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, spectroscopic ellipsometry and cathodoluminescence spectroscopy. The excess of Si in the as-deposited samples, ranging from 0 to 70% in volume, was obtained from the ellipsometry data analysis. After annealing at 1100 °C, the samples show a luminescence band (peaking at 665 nm) at 80 K and at room temperature which is associated to the presence of Si nanocrystals. The growth rate, the excess of Si incorporated to the films and the intensity of the luminescence band were modelled using a Face-Centered Central Composite Design as a function of the main deposition variables (pressure, 185–300 mTorr; temperature, 250–400 °C; Si2H6/O2 flow ratio, 2–5) aiming to control the growth process and the incorporation of Si in excess as well as to determine the experimental conditions that yield the samples with the maximum intensity of the luminescence emission

    Biorrefinería de materiales lignocelulósicos. "Eucalyptus globulus"

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    Ante un panorama mundial acuciante en cuanto a escasez de materias primas, energía y fenómenos relacionados con la no biosostenibilidad, efecto invernadero y problemas sociológicos relacionados con el mundo agrario, forestal y rural, la biomasa lignocelulósica, y en particular la de elevada capacidad de producción, se revela como una fuente de materias primas ubicua y sostenible, cada vez más necesaria. Las tres fracciones química principales constituyentes del material lignocelulósico: celulosa, hemicelulosa y lignina, son en teoría, susceptibles de separación en lo que llamamos un esquema de fraccionamiento integral o Biorrefinería. Estos constituyentes por si solos o sus derivados permiten obtener productos de mayor valor añadido y en multitud de campos con un esquema similar al de la refinería del petróleo. De la celulosa pueden derivar polímeros celulósicos, como los que utilizamos diariamente con el uso del papel, y de otro tipo. Además es susceptible de hidrolizarse hasta sus monómeros constituyentes para obtener medios fermentables para producción de etanol, biocarburante para transporte. De las hemicelulosas y sus azúcares monoméricos derivados (pentosas) pueden también derivarse medios fermentables, pero en este caso y dada la mayor variedad de monómeros y oligómeros constituyentes, las posibilidades de obtención de diversos productos químicos se amplían en un amplio espectro. Pueden obtenerse productos para cosmética, farmacia, productos para alimentación animal y humana (principalmente relacionados con alimentos dietéticos y funcionales), algunos tan conocidos como el xilitol, el ácido acético, el furfural y productos poliméricos de síntesis (resinas furánicas) de interesantes propiedades dado su carácter biodegradable en contraste con los plásticos derivados del petróleo. De la fracción polifenólica o lignina, existe el uso tradicional como combustible que se aplica en el sector de la pasta celulósica, el papel y que supone una valorización energética de la fracción residual. Sin embargo, cobran cada vez más auge las posibilidades de uso en el sector de materiales (tableros), derivados de esteroles con aplicaciones en farmacia o alimentación funcional, antioxidantes, materiales poliméricos y aditivos de betunes y asfaltos.________________________________________Faced with a global outlook urgent as regards shortage of raw materials, energy and phenomenon related with no biosustainability, greenhouse effect and sociological problems related with the world agricultural, forestry and rural development, lignocellulosic biomass, and particularly that of high capacity of production , emerges as a source of raw materials ubiquitous and sustainable, increasingly necessary. The three main fractions chemical constituent of lignocellulosic material: cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin, are in theory, capable of separation in that we call a integral fractionation scheme or Biorefinery. These constituents on their own or their derivatives allow obtaining products with higher added value and in many fields with a scheme similar to oil refining. Cellulose can be derived cellulose polymers, as those used daily with the use of paper, and otherwise. Moreover it capable of hydrolyze itself to its constituent monomers for to obtain fermentable media to produce ethanol, a biofuel for transport. Of hemicelluloses and their derived monomeric sugars (pentoses) can also derive fermentable media, but in this case and given the greater variety of monomers and oligomers constituents, the possibility of obtaining different chemicals are covered in a broad spectrum. Products are available for cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, food products for human and animal (mainly related to dietary and functional food), some so called xylitol, acetic acid, furfural and synthetic polymer products (furan resin) with interesting properties given its biodegradability in contrast to petroleum plastic. Fraction of phenolic or lignin, there is a traditional use as a fuel applies in the sector of cellulose pulp, paper and that suppose a energy value of the residual fraction. However, becoming increasingly the possibility of use in the sector use of materials (boards), derived from sterols with pharmaceutical applications or functional foods, antioxidants, polymeric materials and additives of bitumen and asphalt