14 research outputs found

    Estudio de viabilidad de una instalación fotovoltaica de coste 50.000 euros en España

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    La energía fotovoltaica ha experimentado un importante ascenso a lo largo de los últimos años en España, convirtiéndose en una inversión muy interesante para un inversor medio. En este artículo se hace un análisis de la viabilidad de una instalación solar fotovoltaica de coste unos 50.000 euros instalada en España hace unos dos años. Esta instalación tiene una producción de 10.000 kWh anuales y unos ingresos actuales en torno a los 4.000 €/año; su rentabilidad económica está en torno al 8% anual, y el periodo de retorno de unos doce año

    Tendencias en el precio de la energía eléctrica: efecto de la liberalización sectorial (1997-2010)

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    El presente artículo realiza un análisis de los cambios en el mercado eléctrico en España a lo largo de las dos últimas décadas; estos cambios afectan a las cuatro actividades fundamentales: Producción, transporte, distribución y comercialización. La Ley 54/1997 del Sector Eléctrico ha modernizado el sector en España con muchos cambios, de los que consideramos que el más importante es la liberalización del sector, pasando del monopolio a la libre competencia, aunque con ciertos matices. En particular nosotros hemos analizado la influencia de la liberalización en los precios de venta de la electricidad, opinando que el efecto ha sido positivo para el mercado.The next paper realizes an analysis of the structure of the changes in the electrical market in Spain for the last two decades, these changes affects the main activities: Production, transport, distribution and sale. The Law 54/1997 of the Electrical Sector has modernized the market in Spain with dozens of changes, we think the most important is the progressive liberalization, from the monopoly to the free competition. Especially we have analyzed the influence of the liberalization in the prices of sale of the electricity, proposing a positive effect on the market.peerReviewe

    Estudio de viabilidad económica de una central termosolar de 50 MW con y sin almacenamiento térmico

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    The aim of this study is to do an economic feasibility study in a cylindrical-parabolic solar thermal plant of 50 MW in Badajoz. Two different cases have been studied, first case the solar thermal plant without thermal storage and the other case, the solar thermal plant with thermal storage (salt tanks). The advantages and disadvantages of the use of each element have also been analyzed.Este articulo trata sobre el estudio de viabilidad económica de una central termosolar cilíndrico-parabólica de 50 MW en el término municipal de Badajoz. Para ver las diferentes alternativas en el diseño y estudio económico de la instalación se han tenido en cuenta dos casos, un primer caso de la central sin almacenamiento térmico y un segundo caso de la central con almacenamiento térmico. La finalidad con la que se presenta este estudio es analizar los diferentes casos y presentar conclusiones al respecto

    Viability and Performance Analysis, at a Physical Level, of a Maritime Communication Network on Medium Frequency

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    This paper analysed the potentialities that have not yet been exploited of the Automatic Vessel Identification System on Medium Frequency (AVISOMEF) that was previously presented to the scientific community. This system expanded the spectrum of possibilities of the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS). By the time AVISOMEF was presented, one of the unexpected benefits was that it could constitute a platform capable of supporting a Maritime Communication Network on Medium Frequency; all remotely located vessels could communicate with each other by using AVISOMEF, making use of the new established network, within the geographic area of implementation, without needing to use satellite techniques. Medium frequency propagation is stable and is not subject to coverage restrictions. To conduct this experiment, we collaborated with the Spanish Maritime Safety Agency (SASEMAR). It was thanks to them that we gathered real-time information about the nationwide maritime traffic that navigated through the Spanish Search and Rescue jurisdiction waters from 2018 to 2020

    Influence of Ships Docking System in the Reduction of CO2 Emissions in Container Ports

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    Taking into account the increase in the emission of greenhouse gases produced by ships, during navigation and maneuvering in port, a direct consequence of the increase in maritime traffic, the international community has developed a broad set of regulations to limit such emissions. The installation in commercial ports of automatic mooring systems by means of vacuum suction cups, thus considerably reducing the time required to carry out ship mooring and unmooring maneuvers, is a factor that is considerably influencing the decrease in emissions of polluting gases in commercial ports with high traffic. The objective of the present work is to verify the influence of the use of the automatic mooring systems via vacuum suction cups on the emissions of polluting gases produced in the facilities destined to the traffic of container ships. To do this, two different calculation methods were used, Environmental Protection Agency and Environmental and Engineering Consultancy, to then compare the results of the two and thus obtain the reduction in emissions per twenty-foot equivalent unit in these terminals during mooring maneuvers. The paper concludes with a discussion on the values of the reductions in emissions obtained and the advantages of the installation of automatic mooring systems using vacuum suction cups in commercial ports located near population centers

    Long-term monitoring on Percent cover of vascular plants in Doñana shrublands 2008-2022

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    [Description of methods used for collection/generation of data] The long-term monitoring of plant cover of Doñana shrublands is part of a harmonised protocol for the Long-term Ecological Monitoring Program of Natural Resources and Processes targeting Terrestrial Vegetation. The general aim of this protocol is to monitor and assess the dynamics of the main dominant terrestrial and aquatic vegetation types of Doñana. For shrublands, percent cover is recorded annually starting from 2008 to the present (2022) by staff of the Monitoring Team by one sampling campaign per year during the flowering season (between March and May) in 21 permanent square plots (15x15m). Cover is measured using the line intercept method in 3 transects of 15 m length oriented from East to West and located at fixed points of 2.5, 7.5 and 12.5 metres at both sides of the plot. Using the line-intercept method, the coverage of each species is measured with a measuring tape, including the class age (adult or seedling) and the canopy status (green or dead). This method enables to calculate the percent cover for each species across the transect and for the whole plot, including data on class age and percent of dry and green canopy, additionally to the percent of bare soil, plant density, species richness and vascular plant diversity for every plot.[Methods for processing the data] The data was recorded in CyberTracker sequence. The protocol used has been supervised by researchers and the data have been validated by the members who performed the sampling. The raw data was processed with Excel and the percent coverage was calculated and unificated by species, life stage and state.Dataset are structured following well-established data formats. Three files are provided and they are related to each other with the variable eventID. The first file (icts-rbd-shrubPlantCover_event_202300207) contains the information of each event (time of occurrence, geographical coordinates, sampling effort, etc…); the second file (icts-rbd-shrubPlantCover_occ_20230207) contains the percentage of plant cover of shrubland species recorded in each site, numbers of individual recorded and taxonomic classification; the third file (icts-rbd-shrubPlantCover_mof_20230207) contains additional information (measurements or facts) of vegetation recorded in each transect, like average vegetation height.The long-term monitoring on plant cover of Doñana shrublands is part of a harmonised protocol for the Long-term Ecological Monitoring Program of Natural Resources and Processes targeting Terrestrial Vegetation. The general aim of this protocol is to monitor and assess the dynamics of the main dominant terrestrial and aquatic vegetation types of Doñana. For shrublands, percent cover is recorded annually starting from 2008 to the present (2022) by staff of the Monitoring Team by one sampling campaign per year during the flowering season (between March and May) in 21 permanent square plots (15x15m). Cover is measured using the line intercept method in 3 transects of 15 m length oriented from East to West and located at fixed points of 2.5, 7.5 and 12.5 metres at both sides of the plot. Using the line-intercept method, the coverage of each species is measured with a measuring tape, including the class age (adult or seedling) and the canopy status (green or dead). This method enables to calculate the percent cover for each species across the transect and for the whole plot, including data on class age and percent of dry and green canopy, additionally to the percent of bare soil, plant density, species richness and vascular plant diversity for every plot.We acknowledge financial support from National Parks Autonomous Agency (OAPN) between 2004-2007; Singular Scientific and Technical Infrastructures from the Spanish Science and Innovation Ministry (ICTS-MICINN); Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Sustainable Development from the Regional Government of Andalusia (CAGPDES-JA) since 2007; and Doñana Biological Station from the Spanish National Research Council (EBD-CSIC) since all the study period (2008-2022).1. icts-rbd-shrubPlantCover_event_20230207: eventID, institutionCode, institutionID, datasetName, collectionCode, eventDate, year, month, day, verbatimEventDate, eventTime, country, continent, countryCode, stateProvince, county, municipality, locality, locationRemarks, verbatimLocation, verbatimElevation, minimumElevationInMeters, maximumElevationInMeters, decimalLatitude, decimalLongitude, geodeticDatum, samplingProtocol, sampleSizeValue, sampleSizeUnit, samplingEffort and recordedBy. 2. icts-rbd-shrubPlantCover_occ_20230207: eventID, occurrenceID, collectionCode, occurenceTime, decimalLatitude, decimalLongitude, basisOfRecord, recordedBy, identifiedBy, scientificName, verbatimScientificName, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, specificEpithet, scientificNameAuthorship, taxonRank, organismQuantity, organismQuantityType, lifeStage and occurrenceRemarks. 3. icts-rbd-shrubPlantCover_mof_20230207: eventID, measurementID, measurementType, measurementValue, measurementUnit, measurementDeterminedBy, measurementDeterminedDate and measurementMethod.Peer reviewe

    Long-term monitoring on percent cover of vascular plants in shrublands of Doñana 2008-2022

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    The long-term monitoring on plant cover of Doñana shrublands is part of a harmonised protocol for the Long-term Ecological Monitoring Program of Natural Resources and Processes targeting Terrestrial Vegetation. The general aim of this protocol is to monitor and assess the dynamics of the main dominant terrestrial and aquatic vegetation types of Doñana. For shrublands, percent cover is recorded annually starting from 2008 to the present (2022) by staff of the Monitoring Team by one sampling campaign per year during the flowering season (between March and May) in 21 permanent square plots (15x15m). Cover is measured using the line intercept method in 3 transects of 15 m length oriented from East to West and located at fixed points of 2.5, 7.5 and 12.5 metres at both sides of the plot. Using the line-intercept method, the coverage of each species is measured with a measuring tape, including the class age (adult or seedling) and the canopy status (green or dead). This method enables to calculate the percent cover for each species across the transect and for the whole plot, including data on class age and percent of dry and green canopy, additionally to the percent of bare soil, plant density, species richness and vascular plant diversity for every plot.The aim of this project is to provide information about the evolution of the conservation status of Doñana. To do that, it has been designed a monitoring program of the dynamic of natural processes and the distribution and abundance of species and communities. This monitoring is generating time series of data which is being used to analyse long-term trends

    Educación primaria : orientaciones y recursos metodológicos para una enseñanza de calidad

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    Resumen tomado de la publicaciónSe exponen una serie de orientaciones y recursos metodológicos para ejercer con competencia la práctica docente en las distintas áreas de educación primaria. Se divide en cuatro partes: en la primera se estudian las peculiaridades evolutivas de 6 a 12 años desde los puntos de vista cognitivo, emocional, físico y social; en la segunda se ofrecen orientaciones metodológicas de carácter pedagógico sobre la familia, la educación intercultural y el diseño de la práctica docente, incluida la atención a la diversidad; en la tercera se aportan algunas metodologías de aplicación directa en diferentes áreas de contenido; en la cuarta se proponen algunos recursos de carácter estructural y organizativo para favorecer los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje y educación.MadridBiblioteca de Educación del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte; Calle San Agustín 5 -3 Planta; 28014 Madrid; Tel. +34917748000; [email protected]

    Climatic fiction as an educational resource in audiovisual communication and advertising

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    Este proyecto de Innovación Docente propone un estimulante y creativo trabajo con alumnado y profesorado a partir de las narrativas literarias y cinematográficas de la ficción climática, un subgénero donde el cambio climático dificulta las condiciones de vida de la sociedad futura, integrando la “fantasía climática” y “la ciencia ficción”. Varios estudios académicos apuestan por la ficción climática como un recurso pedagógico y de sensibilización para enfrentarse al cambio climático y facilitar los procesos de mitigación y adaptación a uno de los principales retos a los que se enfrenta la humanidad en las próximas décadas.Universidad Complutense de MadridDepto. de Ciencias de la Comunicación AplicadaFac. de Ciencias de la InformaciónFALSEsubmitte