461 research outputs found

    Excitatory-inhibitory branching process: A parsimonious view of cortical asynchronous states, excitability, and criticality

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    We acknowledge the Spanish Ministry and Agencia Estatal de investigación (AEI) through Project of I + D+i Ref. PID2020-113681GB-I00, financed by MICIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and FEDER “A way to make Europe,” as well as the Consejería de Conocimiento, Investigación Universidad, Junta de Andalucía and European Regional Development Fund, Project references A-FQM-175-UGR18 and P20-00173, for financial support. R.C.L. acknowledges funding from the Spanish Ministry and AEI, Grant No. FPU19/03887. This work was partially supported by a Sofja Kovalevskaja Award from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, endowed by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (V.B.). We also thank H. C. Piuvezam, J. Pretel, G. B. Morales, P. Moretti, O. Vinogradov, and E. Giannakakis for valuable discussions.The branching process is the minimal model for propagation dynamics, avalanches, and criticality, broadly used in neuroscience. A simple extension of it, adding inhibitory nodes, induces a much-richer phenomenology, including an intermediate phase, between quiescence and saturation, that exhibits the key features of “asynchronous states” in cortical networks. Remarkably, in the inhibition-dominated case, it exhibits an extremely rich phase diagram that captures a wealth of nontrivial features of spontaneous brain activity, such as collective excitability, hysteresis, tilted avalanche shapes, and partial synchronization, allowing us to rationalize striking empirical findings within a common and parsimonious framework.Alexander von Humboldt-StiftungBundesministerium für Bildung und ForschungFEDEREuropean Regional Development Fund A-FQM-175-UGR18, FPU19/03887, P20-00173 ERDFAgencia Estatal de Investigación MICIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, PID2020-113681GB-I0

    Soft trade-offs and the stochastic emergence of diversification in E. coli evolution experiments

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    Laboratory experiments of bacterial colonies (e.g., \emph{Escherichia coli}) under well-controlled conditions often lead to evolutionary diversification in which (at least) two ecotypes, each one specialized in the consumption of a different set of metabolic resources, branch out from an initially monomorphic population. Empirical evidence suggests that, even under fixed and stable conditions, such an ``evolutionary branching'' occurs in a stochastic way, meaning that: (i) it is observed in a significant fraction, but not all, of the experimental repetitions, (ii) it may emerge at broadly diverse times, and (iii) the relative abundances of the resulting subpopulations are variable across experiments. Theoretical approaches shedding light on the possible emergence of evolutionary branching in this type of conditions have been previously developed within the theory of ``adaptive dynamics''. Such approaches are typically deterministic -- or incorporate at most demographic or finite-size fluctuations which become negligible for the extremely large populations of these experiments -- and, thus, do not permit to reproduce the empirically observed large degree of variability. Here, we make further progress and shed new light on the stochastic nature of evolutionary outcomes by introducing the idea of ``soft'' trade-offs (as opposed to ``hard'' ones). This introduces a natural new source of stochasticity which allows one to account for the empirically observed variability as well as to make predictions for the likelihood of evolutionary branching to be observed, thus helping to bridge the gap between theory and experiments

    Diseño y desarrollo de un vehículo híbrido multipropósito y ligero para servicios urbanos

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    La necesidad de reducir las emisiones de CO2 ha obligado a los fabricantes de automóviles a mejorar el consumo de combustible de sus vehículos y a desarrollar arquitecturas híbridas de propulsión, tanto gasolina – eléctrico como con pila de combustible. Aunque la configuración de este tipo de vehículos híbridos puede ser similar a la de los tradicionales de motor térmico, nuevos componentes implican nuevas posibilidades de reconfigurar el sistema de propulsión, diferentes distribuciones de volúmenes y pesos, de manera que se puede mejorar su dinámica y sus prestaciones. El origen del proyecto presentado es la respuesta del INSIA a las necesidades de una empresa de equipamiento urbano de tener un vehículo híbrido para aplicaciones ligeras. Está diseñado para equipar diferentes configuraciones híbridas, tanto de gasolina como de pila de combustible y, por petición del cliente, dispone de paneles solares en el techo de la cabina y de la caja de carga

    Análisis sobre la normativa de las aguas minero-medicinales. Posibles tratamientos

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    The mineral waters have been a part of our lives for many centuries, since they are believe to be beneficial and to have therapeutic properties for the human health. This fact makes a key issue to provide an analyses od the current legislation on this issue ( Royal Decree-Law 743/1928, April 25th, that aproves the statute on exploitation of spring of mineral and medicinal water; Mining Law of 1973 and its regulations), in order to determine the treatments that may be applied to these watersm meanly in the case of Legionella appearance, or as preventive maesure of it. The results of this analysis shows that there is no limitation or prohibition in the treatments to what they may be subjected, as long as their physico-chemical characteristic remains altered. Contamination by Legionella bacterium, is nowadays an issue of concern, and that is reason why Public Health Authority has established the quidelines to apply for spas in order to avoid or fight a possible outbreak.Las aguas minero-medicinales han estado y están presentes en nuestras vidas desde épocas remotas hasta la actualidad, ya que a las mismas se le atribuyen propiedades terapéuticas beneficiosas para el organismo humano. Este hecho, hace que sea trascendente un análisis de la legislación vigente en esta materia (El Real Decreto-Ley de 743/1928, de 25 de abril, por el que se aprueba el Estatuto sobre la explotación de manantiales de aguas minero-medicinales; Ley de Minas de 1973 y el Reglamento que la desarrolla), para determinar los posibles tratamientos a que pueden ser sometidas estas aguas, especialmente en el caso de aparición de la Legionella, o como medida preventiva de la misma. De las diferentes normativas, se deduce que no existe limitación o prohibición alguna en los tratamientos a los que pueden estar sujetas, siempre y cuando no se alteren las características del agua y sus efectos. La Legionella, constituye un nuestros días un motivo de preocupación, por la que Sanidad ha establecido, las pautas a seguir por los establecimientos balnearios para evitar o combatir un posible brote

    Effects of Low-Load Blood Flow Restriction Resistance Training on Muscle Strength and Hypertrophy Compared with Traditional Resistance Training in Healthy Adults Older Than 60 Years: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Background: There is clinical interest in determining the effects of low-load blood flow restriction (LL-BFR) resistance training on muscle strength and hypertrophy compared with traditional high- and low-load (HL and LL) resistance training in healthy older adults and the influence of LL-BFR training cuff-pressure on these outcomes. Methods: A search was performed on the MEDLINE, PEDro, CINHAL, Web of Science, Science Direct, Scopus, and CENTRAL databases. Results: The analysis included 14 studies. HL resistance training produces a small increase in muscle strength (eight studies; SMD, −0.23 [−0.41; −0.05]) but not in muscle hypertrophy (six studies; (SMD, 0.08 [−0.22; 0.38]) when compared with LL-BFR resistance training. Compared with traditional LL resistance training, LL-BFR resistance training produces small moderate increases in muscle strength (seven studies; SMD, 0.44 [0.28; 0.60]) and hypertrophy (two studies; SMD, 0.51 [0.06; 0.96]). There were greater improvements in muscle strength when higher cuff pressures were applied versus traditional LL resistance training but not versus HL resistance training. Conclusions: LL-BFR resistance training results in lower muscle strength gains than HL resistance training and greater than traditional LL resistance training in healthy adults older than 60 years. LL-BFR resistance training promotes a similar muscle hypertrophy to HL resistance training but is greater than that of traditional LL resistance training. Applying cuff pressures above the limb occlusion pressure could enhance the increases in muscle strength compared with traditional LL resistance training.Sección Deptal. de Radiología, Rehabilitación y Fisioterapia (Enfermería)Fac. de Enfermería, Fisioterapia y PodologíaTRUEpu

    Scientific basis for the industrialization of traditionally used plants of the Rosaceae family

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    © 2020 Elsevier Ltd Plants have been traditionally used for the treatment of different types of illness, due to biomolecules with recognised benefits. Rosaceae family is used in traditional Galician medicine. The following plants Agrimonia eupatoria, Crataegus monogyna, Filipendula ulmaria, Geum urbanum, Potentilla erecta and Rosa canina are usually found in treatments. The aim of this study is to perform an ethnobotanical review about the bioactive compounds of these plants and their different bioactivities, both studied in vitro and in vivo. The nature of the bioactive compounds is varied, highlighting the presence of different phenolic compounds, such as phenolic acids, flavonoids or tannins. Understanding the beneficial effects of the administration of the whole plant or target tissues from A. eupatoria, C. monogyna, F. ulmaria, G. urbanum, P. erecta and R. canina as well as those from their individual compounds could lead to the development of new drugs based on the use of natural ingredients.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Nuevos datos sobre las faunas marinas del Eoceno medio-superior de Navarra (área surpirenaica occidental). Revisión de los fósiles de la colección Ruiz de Gaona

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    During Eocene times the Pyrenean area may have played an important role as a paleobiogeographic link between the Western Tethys and the North Atlantic domains. However, its marine faunas are still poorly documented. This paper presents the results of a first study on the mid–upper Eocene (Lutetian to Priabonian) marine macrofossils of Navarre included in the paleontological collection of Máximo Ruiz de Gaona, a researcher whose studies on the geology and paleontology of this territory constitute an obligatory historical reference. The described fossils come from the Eocene marly formations of the Pamplona basin and the Urbasa-Andia limestone Formation and overlying deposits, in the Estella-Urbasa area, west of the Pamplona fault. Some of the specimens studied come from outcrops that do not exist any longer. This fact increases the interest of conservation and the study of this collection. The paleontological data from the Estella-Urbasa area are almost entirely new. This study has allowed the description of 24 taxa of marine macrofauna. Seven of them ─Cyclolitopsis patera, Funginellastraea barcelonensis, Pycnodonte rarilamella, Metacrinus sp., Triplacidia sp., in addition to an indeterminate Cyclostomatida bryozoan and an indeterminate Serpulidae annelid─ are new to the fossil record of Navarre. The macropaleontological associations described in this and previous works are not as diverse as those from other coeval European geological regions. In addition to possible ecological conditions, sampling biases and, above all, taphonomic biases, specifically the loss of invertebrate species with aragonite skeletons, arise as the main explanation.Durante el Eoceno el área pirenaica pudo desempeñar un papel importante como encrucijada paleobiogeográfica entre los dominios del Tetis occidental y el Atlántico norte. Sin embargo, sus faunas marinas están todavía poco documentadas. En este trabajo se presentan los resultados de un primer estudio sobre los macrofósiles marinos del Eoceno medio–superior (Luteciense–Bartoniense–Priaboniense) de Navarra de la colección paleontológica de Máximo Ruiz de Gaona, investigador cuyos estudios sobre la geología y paleontología de este territorio constituyen una referencia histórica obligada. Los fósiles descritos provienen de las formaciones margosas del Eoceno de la cuenca de Pamplona y de la Formación Calizas de Urbasa-Andia y niveles suprayacentes, en el área de Estella-Urbasa, al oeste de la falla de Pamplona. Algunos de los especímenes estudiados provienen de afloramientos ya desaparecidos, circunstancia que aumenta el interés de la conservación y estudio de esta colección. Además, los datos paleontológicos del área de Estella–Urbasa son casi del todo novedosos. Este estudio ha permitido describir 24 taxones de macrofauna marina. Siete de ellos ─Cyclolitopsis patera, Funginellastraea barcelonensis, Pycnodonte rarilamella, Metacrinus sp., Triplacidia sp., además de un briozoo Cyclostomatida y un anélido Serpulidae indeterminados─ son nuevos para el registro fósil de Navarra. Las asociaciones macropaleontológicas descritas aquí y en otros trabajos precedentes son poco diversas si se las compara con las coetáneas de otras regiones geológicas europeas. Además de posibles condicionamientos ecológicos, se plantea la existencia de sesgos de muestreo y, sobre todo de sesgos tafonómicos, en concreto, la pérdida de las especies de invertebrados con esqueletos aragoníticos, como principal explicación de este hecho

    Secreted citrate serves as iron carrier for the marine pathogen photobacterium damselae subsp damselae

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    Photobacterium damselae subsp damselae (Pdd) is a Vibrionaceae that has a wide pathogenic potential against many marine animals and also against humans. Some strains of this bacterium acquire iron through the siderophore vibrioferrin. However, there are virulent strains that do not produce vibrioferrin, but they still give a strong positive reaction in the CAS test for siderophore production. In an in silico search on the genome sequences of this type of strains we could not find any ORF which could be related to a siderophore system. To identify genes that could encode a siderophore-mediated iron acquisition system we used a mini-Tn10 transposon random mutagenesis approach. From more than 1,400 mutants examined, we could isolate a mutant (BP53) that showed a strong CAS reaction independently of the iron levels of the medium. In this mutant the transposon was inserted into the idh gene, which encodes an isocitrate dehydrogenase that participates in the tricarboxylic acid cycle. The mutant did not show any growth impairment in rich or minimal media, but it accumulated a noticeable amount of citrate (around 7 mM) in the culture medium, irrespective of the iron levels. The parental strain accumulated citrate, but in an iron-regulated fashion, being citrate levels 5–6 times higher under iron restricted conditions. In addition, a null mutant deficient in citrate synthase showed an impairment for growth at high concentrations of iron chelators, and showed almost no reaction in the CAS test. Chemical analysis by liquid chromatography of the iron-restricted culture supernatants resulted in a CAS-positive fraction with biological activity as siderophore. HPLC purification of that fraction yielded a pure compound which was identified as citrate from its MS and NMR spectral data. Although the production of another citrate-based compound with siderophore activity cannot be ruled out, our results suggest that Pdd secretes endogenous citrate and use it for iron scavenging from the cell environmentThis work was supported by grants AGL2012-39274-C02-01/02 and AGL2015-63740-C2-1/2-R (AEI/FEDER, EU) from the State Agency for Research (AEI) of Spain, and co-funded by the FEDER Programme from the European Union. The support of Xunta de Galicia (Spain) with grant GRC-2014/007 is also acknowledgedS

    Main bioactive phenolic compounds in marine algae and their mechanisms of action supporting potential health benefits

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    Given the growing tendency of consumers to choose products with natural ingredients, food industries have directed scientific research in this direction. In this regard, algae are an attractive option for the research, since they can synthesize a group of secondary metabolites, called phenolic compounds, associated with really promising properties and bioactivities. The objective of this work was to classify the major phenolic compounds, compare the effectiveness of the different extractive techniques used for their extraction, from traditional systems (like heat assisted extraction) to the most advance ones (such as ultrasound, microwave or supercritical fluid extraction); the available methods for identification and quantification; the stability of the enriched extract in phenolic compounds and the main bioactivities described for these secondary metabolites, to offer an overview of the situation to consider if it is possible and/or convenient an orientation of phenolic compounds from algae towards an industrial application.The research leading to these results was funded by FEDER under the program Interreg V Spain-Portugal by POPTEC, IBERPHENOL Project (ref. 0377-Iberphenol-6-E) and by NANOEATERS Project (ref. 0181-NANOEATERS-01-E) that supports the pre-doctoral work of C. Jimenez-Lopez; by MICINN supporting the Ramón&Cajal grant for M.A. Prieto (RYC-2017-22891); by Xunta de Galicia and University of Vigo supporting the post-doctoral grant for M. Fraga-Corral (ED481B-2019/ 096), and the pre-doctoral grants for A.G. Pereira (ED481A-2019/0228) and P. García-Oliveira (ED481A-2019/295); by the company AlgaMar (www.algamar.com) and Axudas Conecta Peme (Xunta de Galicia) supporting the IN852A 2018/58 NeuroFood Project that financed the pre-doctoral grant for C. Lourenço-Lopes; Ibero-American Program on Science and Technology (CYTED - AQUA-CIBUS, P317RT0003) and UP4HEALTH Project (H2020-BBI-JTI-2019) for financial support. Lucía Cassani thanks the Secretaría General Iberoamericana (SEGIB) - Fundación Carolina for a grant.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio