762 research outputs found

    Buridán, el 'impetus' y la primera unificación de la física terrestre y celeste

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    El papel desempeñado por el concepto de impetus en la evolución de las ideas físicas reviste una indudable relevancia. Por un lado, a mitad de camino entre la noción aristotélica y newtoniana de movimiento, dicho concepto permite mantener la unidad de laThe role placed by the concept of impetus in the evolution of physical ideas is of great relevance. On the one hand, standing on the middle ground between the aristotelian and newtonian notions of movement, said concept allows us to maintain the unity o

    El espíritu de la filosofía moderna en sus rasgos esenciales

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    Este artículo pretende poner de manifiesto del modo más unitario posible cuáles son los grandes principios de los que procede la filosofía moderna. Después de considerar en general los puntos posibles de partida de la filosofía (mundo, yo, Dios), se constata que la filosofía moderna ha elegido como principios desde los que comenzar su andadura el yo (sobre todo en Descartes) y el absoluto (especialmente en Spinoza y el idealismo). Posteriormente el artículo se dedica al análisis detallado de cada uno de los aspectos contenidos por estos principios que han configurado el pensamiento moderno como una reflexión antropocéntrica, mecanicista y deísta.This article tries to show, in the most clear and unitary way, the great principles which modern philosophy proceeds from. After first considering the great points of departure for philosophy (World, I and God), it is revealed, that modern philosophy has chosen from these themes the "I", as foundation from which it begins its course (evident in Descartes) as well as the absolute (in Spinoza and Idealism). As next step a detailed analysis is undergone of all the aspects contained in these principles, to reach to the conclusion, that modern thought is anthropocentric in the way that it confronts the problem of the "I", mechanistic in its vision of nature and deistic in its explanation of God

    Mario Sina, Introduzione a Locke

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    El Concilio Vaticano II ante la filosofía moderna: temáticas y autores

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    The spirit of the Second Vatican Council can be expressed in three terms that summarize its tremendous effort: faithful, pastoral and modern. In this spirit, the Church sought to deal with doctrinal questions in a new way, preferring mercy to severity. In agreement with this spirit of the Council, Paul VI transformed the Congregation of the Holy Office into the Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith and suppressed the Index of prohibited books. The inclusion of many modern philosophers shows that the relation between modern philosophical thought and Catholic theology has been difficult, most likely due to the principle of immanence at the heart of modern thought. The article, then, analyzes and evaluates the metaphysical, gnoseological and ethical themes that stem from the assumption of the principle of immanence in some modern philosophers. However, the suppression of the Index shows that the essential continuity, faithfulness to the faith, is able to be accompanied by the accidental reform, as pastoral requirement and modernization

    Francisco Suárez and the Whig Political Tradition: The Case of Algernon Sidney.

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    La filosofía en las Constituciones de la Universidad de Alcalá de Henares.

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    Las murallas de Madrid

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    Las murallas de Madrid. Informe en colaboración con M. López Oter