206 research outputs found

    Development of a Fast and Efficient Method to Analyze Microplastics in Planktonic Samples

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    Financiado para publicación en acceso aberto: Universidade da Coruña/CISUG[Abstract] Microplastics (MPs) affect plankton (a basis of the trophic chain) and planktivorous fish can ingest them through food confusion or by trophic transmission. Consensus to determine MPs in plankton is lacking and, so, three digestion treatments were evaluated: Alkaline (potassium hydroxide) and enzymatic (protease plus lipase) digestions, both combined with a hydrogen peroxide stage; and an oxidative method using a surfactant (sodium dodecyl sulfate) plus hydrogen peroxide. The alkaline method using potassium hydroxide was found to damage polystyrene. MPs were identified with a stereomicroscope and characterized by reflectance infrared microscopy in semi-automatic mode (using dedicated multi-well aluminium plates). Analytical recoveries for polypropylene, polystyrene, polyethylene, polyamide, polyvinyl chloride and polyethylene terephthalate were higher than 75%, 82% and 83% for the alkaline, enzymatic and oxidative treatments, respectively. The enzymatic method was successfully validated in a European interlaboratory exercise and the oxidative method was demonstrated to be a reliable, fast and cheaper alternative.The Spanish Government (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad and Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación-Agencia Estatal de Investigación) and the JPI-Oceans European Program are acknowledged by the BASEMAN (PCIN-2015-170-C02-01, with FEDER/ERDF funds) and the MicroplastiX (PCIN-PCI2020-112145) projects. Thanks are given also to the Spanish Government by the CTM2016-77945-C3-3-R (ARPA-ACUA) Grant. The Galician Government (“Xunta de Galicia”) is acknowledged for its support to the QANAP group (Programa de Consolidación y Estructuración de Unidades de Investigación Competitiva. Ref. ED431C 2017/28) partially financed by FEDER/ERDF fundsXunta de Galicia; ED431C 2017/2

    Resting and denning sites of European mink in the northern Iberian Peninsula (Western Europe)

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    We recorded resting and breeding sites used by the endangered European mink (Mustela lutreola) inhabiting Western Europe (Foral Community of Navarre). Over a sample size of 22 radio-tracked mink (10 adult females, 7 adult males, 2 young females, and 3 young males) between March 2007 and February 2009, we found that European mink mainly rested within brambles and reeds (39.7% for each type, n=156), regardless of seasons and age-sex classes. On average, the resting site re-use rate was 1.3 (range=1–4.3). Nine out of 10 breeding dens were located in lagoons or tributaries. The only one located along a main river course lost the litter due to flooding. Eight out of 10 breeding dens were in bramble patches. Thick and helophytic vegetation should be prioritised in management plans aimed at improving the conservation status of this species. Promoting this vegetation would favour adequate resting and breeding sites for European mink. A focus on improving vegetation around lagoons or tributaries can help to minimise flooding during the breeding period.Peer reviewe

    6-Methyl-Nitroarachidonate :a novel esterified nitroalkene which potently Inhibits platelet aggregation and exerts cgmp mediated vascular relaxation

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    Postprint.Nitro-fatty acids represent endogenously occurring products of oxidant-induced nitration reactions. We have previously synthesized a four isomers mixture of nitroarachidonic acid, a novel anti-inflammatory signaling mediator. Herein, we synthesized, chemically and biologically characterized for a first time an esterified nitroalkene derived from the nitration of methylarachidonate (AAMet): 6-methyl-nitroarachidonate (6-AAMetNO2). Synthesis was performed by AAMet reaction with sodium nitrite in acidic conditions. Analysis by mass spectrometry (positive ion ESI-MS) showed a [M+H]+ ion of m/z 364, characteristic of AAMetNO2. Fragmentation of this ion yielded a daughter ion at m/z 317, corresponding to the neutral loss of the nitro group ([M+HHNO2]+). Furthermore, IR signal at 1378 cm-1 and NMR data confirmed the structure of a 6-nitro positional isomer. This novel esterified nitroalkene showed to be capable of promoting vascular protective actions including: a) the induction of vasorelaxation via endothelium-independent mechanisms, associated with an increase of smooth muscle cells cGMP levels and b) a potent dosedependent inhibition of human platelet aggregation. We postulate that 6-AAMetNO2 could be a potential drug for prevention of vascular and inflammatory diseases, where the presence of the methyl group may increase its pharmacological potential

    Edad y provenincia de las rocas volcánico sedimentarias de la formación combia en el suroccidente antioqueño colombia

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    Los estudios petrográficos y de paleocorrientes realizados en la Formación Combia (Mioceno), departamentos de Antioquia y Caldas en Colombia sugieren que ésta se formó a partir flujos volcánicos y volcanicoclásticos que se originaron hacia el oeste y este del actual Valle del Río Cauca.Los estudios de trazas de fisión en circones colectados de diferentes horizontes de la Formación Combia arrojan edades Cretácicas, Paleoceno Tardío EocenoTemprano y Mioceno Tardío, las cuales han sido interpretadas como el resultadode eventos sintectónicos generados a lo largo del Sistema de Fallas Romeral, en los que se dio el retrabajamiento del basamento cretácico y del Miembro inferior de la Formación Amagá, coetáneamente con los eventos volcánicos, entre 10 y 6 Ma, que dieron origen a la Formación Combia.Dentro de las edades obtenidas se destaca la de 53,4 ± 1,4 Ma en una muestra de ceniza de caída que no presenta retrabajamiento alguno. Este resultado sugiere que los sedimentos subyacentes serían aún más antiguos y en consecuencia, que el volcanismo tipo Combia pudo haber comenzado en el Paleoceno y no en el Mioceno como ha sido hasta el momento aceptado

    Design, Synthesis and Biological Characterization of Potential Antiatherogenic Nitric Oxide Releasing-Tocopherol Analogs.

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    PostprintSynthesis and biological characterization of a series of tocopherol analogs with NO-releasing capacity are reported. The selected NO-donor moieties were nitrooxy and furoxan. All products were tested for their in vitro NO-releasing capacities, vasodilating properties and antiplatelet activity. They were also capable to prevent LDL oxidation

    Adhesion factors and antimicrobial resistance of Escherichia coli strains associated with colibacillosis in piglets in Colombia

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    Background and Aim: The pathogenicity of Escherichia coli is determined by the presence of genes that mediate virulence factors such as adherence capacity and toxin production. This research aimed to identify the adhesion factors and antibiotic resistance capacity of E. coli strains associated with diarrhea in piglets in Colombia. Materials and Methods: Presumptive E. coli strains were isolated from the rectal swabs of piglets in swine farms between 4 and 40 days of age with evidence of diarrhea. Presumptive E. coli strains were tested for antibiotic resistance. The hemolytic capacity of presumptive E. coli strains was measured and molecularly identified. Strains confirmed as hemolytic E. coli was evaluated for the presence of five adhesion factors (F4, F5, F6, F18, and F41) and resistance to 11 antibiotics. Results: Fifty-two putative E. coli strains were isolated, six of which showed a hemolytic capacity. The hemolytic strains were molecularly identified as E. coli. Adhesive fimbriae were found in five of six β-hemolytic E. coli isolates. Combinations of the adhesion factors F6–F18 and F6–F41 were linked to antibiotic resistance capacity. Conclusion: The phenomenon of E. coli strains resistant to multiple antibiotics on pig farms represents a constant risk factor for public health and pig production

    Implications of cytokine genes in allergic asthma

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    [EN] Asthma is a complex disease involving numerous mediator molecules and effector cells, in combination with a range of environmental determining factors. Cytokines play a key role in the physiopathological mechanisms of asthma; the study of the structure, regulation and variations of the genes that encode for these molecules is therefore crucial. Cytokines have extremely diverse roles, and exert effects both as activators and inhibitors of the innate and adaptive immune response. Certain modifications in the expression or structure of these molecules, resulting from the presence of polymorphisms, may give rise to deregulation of the mentioned effects, and therefore to a predisposition to develop concrete asthma phenotypes.Fondo Español de Investigación Sanitaria (FIS); FEDER funds; Spanish Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology; Clinical research aid from the Fondo Caja de Burgos

    Evaluación del conocimiento sobre efecto del cigarrillo en internas fumadoras. Pereira 2004.

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    El objetivo general de este estudio fue evaluar el nivel de conocimiento sobre los daños causados por el cigarrillo, en las internas que fuman en un Establecimiento Penitenciario y Carcelario de Mujeres de Pereira, durante el segundo semestre de 2004

    Evaluación del conocimiento sobre efecto del cigarrillo en internas fumadoras. Pereira 2004

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    El objetivo general de este estudio fue evaluar el nivel deConocimiento sobre los daños causados por el cigarrillo, en las internas que fuman en un Establecimiento Penitenciario y Carcelario de Mujeres de Pereira, durante el segundo semestre de 2004. Inicialmente se identificaron y cuantificaron las condenadas fumadoras, obteniendo como población estudio un total de 34 internas entre las 149 presentes en la institución. Luego se aplicó una encuesta semiestructurada, la cual permitió recolectar las variables: continuas (nombre, edad etc.) y discontinuas, divididas en variables dicotómicas (procedencia, ¿tiene hijos?) y discretas (escolaridad, cambios en el organismo desde que comenzó a fumar). La información recolectada se condensó en una base de datos en epiinfo, la cual se analizó en forma univariada; posteriormente se realizó análisis bivariado, entre las variables más representativas. Las principales limitaciones en el desarrollo del trabajo fueron la falta de cooperación de las internas, algunas de las cuales presentaron una actitud apática y desconfiada alterando los datos de la encuesta y ocasionando de esta manera sesgos de información, además del horario para la recolección de información, ya que se cruzaba con otras actividades realizadas por ellas o por los estudiantes. El 91% de las internas conoce que el hábito del cigarrillo trae efectos adversos para la salud; de ese 91%, 52% cree que causa cáncer de pulmón; el 15% que causa ‘enfermedad en los pulmones’. El análisis bivariado mostró que a mayor edad, mayor es el conocimiento acerca de los efectos que el cigarrillo ejerce sobre la salud y la relación con el número de cigarrillos consumidos diariamente. Las internas tienen algún conocimiento de los efectos adversos del cigarrillo, porque la mayoría aceptó la relación de éste con enfermedades; pero la concordancia es básicamente para problemas respiratorios, más no para alteraciones sistémicas; además creen que todas las enfermedades respiratorias son causadas por el cigarrillo. El principal problema es que aún con el conocimiento de las posibles consecuencias que se derivan del hábito del cigarrillo, no muestran interés por dejarlo. Se recomienda establecer programas permanentes para proporcionar métodos o alternativas que les faciliten superar este hábito, sin que esto les afecte su estado  emocional.