40 research outputs found

    Obtaining of a Constitutive Models of Laminate Composite Materials

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    The study of the mechanical behavior of composite materials has acquired great importance due to the innumerable number of applications in new technological developments. As a result, many theories and analytical models have been developed with which its mechanical behavior is predicted; these models require knowledge of elastic properties. This work describes a basic theoretical framework, based on linear elasticity theory and classical lamination theory, to generate constitutive models of laminated materials made up of orthotropic layers. Thus, the models of three orthotropic laminated composite materials made up of layers of epoxy resin reinforced with fiberglass were also obtained. Finally, by means of experimental axial load tests, the constants of the orthotropic layers were determined


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    THE IMPORTANCE OF MANUFACTURING DRAWINGS IN THE DESIGN PROCESS: A DIDACTIC CONTRIBUTION TO ENGINEERING EDUCATIONAbstracturing the direct design or reverse engineering process of products and machinery, various geometric and manufacturing information is generated according to the phases or stages of development applied during a project in different subjects. Much of this information is not used or lost and students face various problems when generating manufacturing drawings. This article discusses the importance of manufacturing drawings during the direct design process and its implications for engineering education. To generate the design information, the concept of manufacturing primitive and a classification of the manufacturing drawings that follow the stages of direct design are applied. It is using a case study to show the process of generating and documenting the information. The importance of transmitting knowledge to the student is necessary for their academic and professional training. Using tools that are actually used in industrial practice within their processes. Improving the results of students in their subjects and in academic or professional stays. Currently, this acquired knowledge has also been important in academic exchanges because the same way of working is being implemented worldwide.Keyword: Engineering Education, Manufacturing Drawings, Manufacturing

    High Prevalence and Diversity of Cephalosporin-Resistant Enterobacteriaceae Including Extraintestinal Pathogenic E. coli CC648 Lineage in Rural and Urban Dogs in Northwest Spain

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    The aim of this work was to assess the prevalence of extended spectrum-β-lactamase (ESBL)- and carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae in fecal samples recovered from rural and urban healthy dogs in Northwest Spain (Galicia) to identify potential high-risk clones and to molecularly characterize positive isolates regarding the genes coding for ESBL/pAmpC resistance and virulence. Thirty-five (19.6%) out of 179 dogs were positive for cephalosporin-resistant Enterobacteriaceae, including Escherichiacoli and Klebsiella pneumoniae (39 and three isolates, respectively). All the isolates were multidrug resistant, with high rates of resistance to different drugs, including ciprofloxacin (71.4%). A wide diversity of ESBL/pAmpC enzymes, as well as E. coli phylogroups (A, B1, C, D, E, F and clade I) were found. The eight isolates (20.5%) found to conform to the ExPEC status, belonged to clones O1:H45-clade I-ST770 (CH11-552), O18:H11-A-ST93-CC168 (CH11-neg), O23:H16-B1-ST453-CC86 (CH6-31), and O83:H42-F-ST1485-CC648 (CH231-58), with the latter also complying the uropathogenic (UPEC) status. The three K. pneumoniae recovered produced CTX-M-15 and belonged to the ST307, a clone previously reported in human clinical isolates. Our study highlights the potential role of both rural and urban dogs as a reservoir of high-risk Enterobacteriaceae clones, such as the CC648 of E. coli and antimicrobial resistance traits. Within a One-Health approach, their surveillance should be a priority in the fight against antimicrobial resistanceThis research was funded project FIS PI17-00728 (Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Spain), cofunded by the European Regional Development Fund of the European Union: a Way to Making Europe (FEDER); Project PID2019-104439RB-C21/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and FEDER; ED431C 2017/57 from the Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria, Xunta de Galicia and FEDER; and by the Strategic Researcher Cluster BioReDeS funded by the Regional Government Xunta de Galicia under the project no. ED431E 2018/09. D. Díaz-Jiménez and I. García-Meniño acknowledge the Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria, Xunta de Galicia for their pre-doctoral grants (ED481A-2019/022 and ED481A-2015/149, respectively). The Research stay of I. García-Meniño at the Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias was funded by a grant from the Sociedad Española de Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiología Clínica (SEIMC)S

    Experiencias en el desarrollo de software para las pymes y para la Educación en Ingeniería: Una contribución de las universidades de la RED ALFA

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    Industry-university and university-university relations should be motivated and strengthened, since they represent one of the most important bases for achieving relevant technological education and for developing projects that benefit companies, especially micro and small enterprises. In this sense, the ALFA Network was formed in Cd. Obregon, Sonora, in 2005, which is integrated by three universities and one company, whose purpose was to promote the development of applied research and to support SME companies in the region. This article presents two experiences related to the development of software to support a microenterprise and the design of a proposition calculator for mathematics education. The projects were developed by the universities participating in the ALFA Network, with the collaboration of professors and students. The ALFA Network has achieved positive results since its constitution and has been key to the development of research among its member institutions.Las relaciones industria-universidad y entre universidades, deben ser motivadas y fortalecidas ya que representan una de las bases más importantes para lograr una educación tecnológica pertinente y para desarrollar proyectos que beneficien a las empresas, en especial a las micro y pequeñas empresas. En este sentido se formó en Cd. Obregón, Sonora, en el año 2005, la Red ALFA la cual está integrada por tres universidades y una empresa, cuyas finalidades fueron potenciar el desarrollo de investigación aplicada y apoyar a las empresas Pyme de la región. En este artículo se presentan dos experiencias relacionadas con el desarrollo de software para apoyar a una microempresa y el diseño de una calculadora de proposiciones para la enseñanza de las matemáticas. Los proyectos fueron desarrollados por las universidades participantes de la Red ALFA, con la colaboración de profesores y alumnos. La Red ALFA ha logrado resultados positivos desde su constitución y ha sido clave para el desarrollo de investigación entre las instituciones que la conforman

    El aprendizaje basado en proyectos: una experiencia de la EBC en la carrera de ingeniería industrial en calidad de la universidad la Salle Noroeste

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    Competency-Based Education is emerging as an educational approach to support Education 4.0. In the same way, active methodologies are techniques that are being applied to train engineers in the context of Industry 4.0. In this sense, Universidad La Salle Noroeste since 2011 has implemented a program of competencies in all its academic programs and trains its professors through an open diploma course. This article presents some results of the application of the competency model applied to engineering programs at Universidad La Salle Noroeste. The definition of the Lasallian competency model and the application of active methodologies in engineering subjects are described. In order to show a case study, Project Based Learning will be considered, which was used to promote learning in the subject of Automation in the Quality Industrial Engineering career, achieving important results. The case of study concerns the synchronization of production systems.La Educación Basada en Competencias se perfila como un enfoque educativo para apoyar a la Educación 4.0. De la misma manera, las metodologías activas son técnicas que se están aplicando para poder formar a los ingenieros en el contexto de la Industria 4.0. En este sentido, la Universidad La Salle Noroeste desde el año 2011 tiene implementado un programa de competencias en todos sus programas académicos y capacita a sus profesores mediante un diplomado abierto. En este artículo se presentan algunos resultados de la aplicación del modelo por competencias aplicado a las carreras de ingeniería de la Universidad La Salle Noroeste. Se describe la definición del modelo de competencias lasallistas y la aplicación de las metodologías activas en materias de ingeniería. Para mostrar un caso de estudio, se tomará en cuenta el Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos el cual fue utilizado para impulsar los aprendizajes de la materia de Automatización en la carrera Ingeniería Industrial en Calidad logrando resultados importantes. El tema tratado se refiere a la sincronización de sistemas productivos

    Chemical treatments in maize seeds to improve germination in acidic soils

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    Objective: To evaluate the effect of different germination promoters on three maize genotypes grown in Dystric Cambisol soils, since germination problems are linked to latency and restrict agronomic management. Design/Methodology/Approach: We conducted an experiment at the Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Juan Rodríguez Clara using a split-plot design with a factorial treatment arrangement. The large plot contained genotypes (GEN) G1 = MS-405, G2 = Arlequin, and G3 = MS-404; while the small one comprised promoter (PROMO) HS = humic substance, CI = citrulline, and SA = salicylic acid. We evaluated the following variables: germination speed (GS), emergence percentage (EMERG), stem and leaf volume (S&LV), root volume (RV), chlorophyll (CHL), secondary roots (SECR), stem diameter (DMT), number of leaves (NL), foliar area (FA), root length (RL), and plant height (PH). Then, we conducted a variance analysis and Tukey’s tests (α£0.05). Results: For each promoter, we observed main effects in EMERG, CHL, and PH for CI; S&LV, NL, FA, and PH for HS; and RL for SA. In genotypes G2 and G3, variables GS, EMERG, NL, and PH were statistically equivalent, DMT varied only in G2, and there were no statistical differences for S&LV, RV, CHL, SECR, FA, and RL. We observed some simple effects in combinations with CI: GS and PH varied in G3, EMERG in G2 and G3, CHL in G1 and G3, DMT in G1 and G2, and S&LV in G2. Study limitations/Implications: Soaking corn for one hour in the solution and weighing the correct amount properly are required, since weighing too much may inhibit germination. Findings/Conclusions: Promoter CI at a dose of 1,000 ppm accelerates the emergence speed of genotypes G2 and G3 in acidic soils

    Estratégia androgógica de trabajo colaborativo apoyada por las tic tac y tep en el desempeño académico de los alumnos de primer cuatrimestre de la carrera de tecnologías de información área desarrollo de software multiplataforma de una universidad tecnoló

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    The current study aims to demonstrate whether andragogic strategies are correlated with the academic performance of Higher Technician University students of the Multiplatform Software Development career of a Technological University. In this research, a basic research methodology was applied, with a quantitative approach, correlational level and non-experimental design.  The population was 50 students from a technological university, who are currently enrolled in the level of higher university technician in multiplatform software development. A digitalized questionnaire of 48 questions for both variables was used as a tool, through the survey technique, measuring the perception of students in the use of andragogic and technological strategies. The conclusion obtained is that there is a positive relationship between the technological andragogic strategies and the academic performance of the students according to p value 0.00 < 0.05, the same one that reaches a moderate degree, rho=0.43, establishing the importance that involves the use of interactive skills by the student, in the environment that develops their academic activities.El actual estudio tiene como objetivo demostrar si las estrategias andragógicas se correlacionan con el desempeño académico de los estudiantes Técnico Superior Universitario de la carrera de Desarrollo de Software Multiplataforma de una Universidad Tecnológica. En esta investigación se aplicó una metodología de investigación básica, con enfoque cuantitativo, de nivel correlacional y diseño no experimental. La población fue de 50 alumnos de una universidad tecnológica, que actualmente cursan el nivel de técnico superior universitario de desarrollo de software multiplataforma. Se utilizó como herramienta un cuestionario digitalizado de 48 preguntas para ambas variables, mediante la técnica de la encuesta, midiendo la percepción de los estudiantes en el uso de estrategias andragógicas y tecnológicas. La conclusión obtenida es que existe una relación positiva entre las estrategias andragógicas tecnológicas y el desempeño académico de los alumnos según p valor 0,00 < 0,05, el mismo que alcanza un grado moderado, rho=0,43, estableciendo la importancia que involucra el uso de habilidades interactivas por el alumno, en el ambiente que desarrolla sus actividades académicas

    Temporal patterns of active fire density and its relationship with a satellite fuel greenness index by vegetation type and region in Mexico during 2003-2014

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    Background: Understanding the temporal patterns of fire occurrence and their relationships with fuel dryness is key to sound fire management, especially under increasing global warming. At present, no system for prediction of fire occurrence risk based on fuel dryness conditions is available in Mexico. As part of an ongoing national-scale project, we developed an operational fire risk mapping tool based on satellite and weather information. Results: We demonstrated how differing monthly temporal trends in a fuel greenness index, dead ratio (DR), and fire density (FDI) can be clearly differentiated by vegetation type and region for the whole country, using MODIS satellite observations for the period 2003 to 2014. We tested linear and non-linear models, including temporal autocorrelation terms, for prediction of FDI from DR for a total of 28 combinations of vegetation types and regions. In addition, we developed seasonal autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) models for forecasting DR values based on the last observed values. Most ARIMA models showed values of the adjusted coefficient of determination (R2 adj) above 0.7 to 0.8, suggesting potential to forecast fuel dryness and fire occurrence risk conditions. The best fitted models explained more than 70% of the observed FDI variation in the relation between monthly DR and fire density. Conclusion: These results suggest that there is potential for the DR index to be incorporated in future fire risk operational tools. However, some vegetation types and regions show lower correlations between DR and observed fire density, suggesting that other variables, such as distance and timing of agricultural burn, deserve attention in future studiesAntecedentes: Una adecuada planificación del manejo del fuego requiere de la comprensión de los patrones temporales de humedad del combustible y su influencia en el riesgo de incendio, particularmente bajo un escenario de calentamiento global. En la actualidad en México no existe ningún sistema operacional para la predicción del riesgo de incendio en base al grado de estrés hídrico de los combustibles. Un proyecto de investigación nacional actualmente en funcionamiento, tiene como objetivo el desarrollo de un sistema operacional de riesgo y peligro de incendio en base a información meteorológica y de satélite para México. Este estudio pertenece al citado proyecto Resultados: Se observaron en el país distintas tendencias temporales en un índice de estrés hídrico de los combustibles basado en imágenes MODIS, el índice “dead ratio” (DR), y en las tendencias temporales de un ìndice de densidad de incendios (FDI), en distintos tipos de vegetación y regiones del país. Se evaluaron varios modelos lineales y potenciales, incluyendo términos para la consideración de la autocorrelación temporal, para la predicción de la densidad de incendios a partir del índice DR para un total de 28 tipos de vegetación y regiones. Se desarrollaron además modelos estacionales autoregresivos de media móvil (ARIMA en inglés) para el pronóstico del índice DR a partir de los últimos valores observados. La mayoría de los modelos ARIMA desarrollados mostraron valores del coeficiente de determinación ajustado (R2 adj) por encima de 0.7 to 0.8, sugiriendo potencial para ser empleados para un pronóstico del estrés hídrico de los combustibles y las condiciones de riesgo de ocurrencia de incendio. Con respecto a los modelos que relacionan los valores mensuales de DR con FDI, la mayoría de ellos explicaron más del 70% de la variabilidad observada en FDI. Conclusiones: Los resultados sugirieron potencial del índice DR para ser incluido en futuras herramientas operacionales para determinar el riesgo de incendio. En algunos tipos de vegetación y regiones se obtuvieron correlaciones más reducidas entre el índice DR y los valores observados de densidad de incendios, sugiriendo que el papel de otras variables tales como la distancia y el patrón temporal de quemas agrícolas debería ser explorado en futuros estudiosFunding for this work was provided by CONAFOR-CONACYT Project 252620 “Development of a Fire Danger System for Mexico.” This work was also cofinanced by the Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Tecnología Agraria y Alimentaria and European Social Fund (Dr. E. Jiménez grant)S

    VAR2CSA Serology to Detect Plasmodium falciparum Transmission Patterns in Pregnancy.

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    Pregnant women constitute a promising sentinel group for continuous monitoring of malaria transmission. To identify antibody signatures of recent Plasmodium falciparum exposure during pregnancy, we dissected IgG responses against VAR2CSA, the parasite antigen that mediates placental sequestration. We used a multiplex peptide-based suspension array in 2,354 samples from pregnant women from Mozambique, Benin, Kenya, Gabon, Tanzania, and Spain. Two VAR2CSA peptides of limited polymorphism were immunogenic and targeted by IgG responses readily boosted during infection and with estimated half-lives of <2 years. Seroprevalence against these peptides reflected declines and rebounds of transmission in southern Mozambique during 2004-2012, reduced exposure associated with use of preventive measures during pregnancy, and local clusters of transmission that were missed by detection of P. falciparum infections. These data suggest that VAR2CSA serology can provide a useful adjunct for the fine-scale estimation of the malaria burden among pregnant women over time and space