22 research outputs found

    Meteorological Forecasting for renewable energy plants. A case study of two energy plants in Spain

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    Energy resources are the engines that drive every economy [1], [4], [14], Therefore, it is necessary to develop their exploitation in a friendlier, environmentally and sustainable way indeed it is a critically needed nowadays. Then, it is necessary to improve efficiency and optimize renewable energy in order that replace polluting energy sources. This work aims to relate the use of forecasting on meteorological variables such as wind speed, wind direction, solar radiation, among others, obtained by mathematical models implemented on computer to forecast energy production in renewable energies plants. It has been implemented and automated one of the most used models by the scientific community in this field, WRF (Weather Research and Forecasting Model). WRF is a next generation mesoscale model, designed to serve as a tool for meteorological research in addition to provide forecasts in operational regime. This research introduce the topic of energy forecast, mainly of renewable energy, focusing on wind and solar energy, basing the study on a better forecasting of meteorological variables in order to use as income in energy production forecast. A case study in two Spanish renewable energy plants is exposed.


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    The purpose of this paper is to show the application of a new methodology approach to diagnose the impact of management of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) with the reference frame ISO/IEC 38500 inside the organizations. It is based on the government's analysis of organization’s technological resource management, being the strategic axis part of business strategic planning and its ICT Governance, effectiveness and efficiency, and the value of ICT for its guidelines and the risks involved in its development to optimize the use of organization’s resources. In the first stage, a documentary research was carried out as an essential part of this study and an interview with an expert; Then a tool (questionnaire) was designed to collect, measure and evaluate data on aspects and components of the ISO/IEC 38500 standard. A case study of Ecuadorian retail organization was carried out. Once the information was processed, the respective indicators were obtained that helped to identify current status of ICT governance processes of the organization. With the obtained indicators we could see which principles are the ones that characterize this sector, in which they put the greatest amount of resources; be they human or financial. It was also evident that the two dimensions on which the study was based on have very different results, since emphasis was placed on what corresponds

    High-growth firms’ behavior in Latam: the case of ICT sector in Ecuador

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    The work aims to study the High-Growth Companies (HGF) of the ICT sector in Quito-Ecuador and contribute to improve the understanding of the behavior of HGFs in the LATAM region by presenting empirical evidence. A tripod approach is used focusing on the Resource-based view with the test of 7 hypotheses over a case study. In addition, a contextualized survey for the case was carried out to cover both the Institution and the Industrial based view. A multivariate analysis was performed to explore what factors allow us to understand the high-growth behavior. The results show that 4 of the 7 hypotheses were accepted. The correlations between profitability, leverage, liquidity, innovation, and sales growth are relatively "low" but "statistically significant." An explanation is given according to the theoretical framework built. Otherwise, factors such as: solvency, infrastructure (machinery and equipment), exports “did not present statistically significant correlation”


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    E-government for Sustainable Development is one of international cooperation strategy in dealing with environmental protection and ecological problems through enhanced citizen participation, better access and quality of services in order to achieve Green Governments. In this context, some countries are supported by international assistance to achieve this goal with benchmarking and benchlearning approaches. This research contributes to explain the relationship between improvements in governance influences in economic, social and environmental development and how such regional cooperation on the development of national information and communication technology (ICT) strategies and programs is related to E-government and Sustainable Development. This comparative study of Andean countries takes a Rational Neo-institutionalist perspective to look at longitudinal changes in these developing countries. Quantitative data such as E-government index is combined with qualitative information from reports and documents in order to empirically examine effects of e-government on sustainable development in these countries. The findings show that the strategies adopted by Ecuador have significantly contributed to its location within the references in progress of E-government and Sustainable Development in the region. The research suggests that E-government development has positive effects on better governance and sustainable development of Andeans countries. Advancement on E-government is not only a trait of developed countries but also serves as an enabler for sustainable development of developing countries

    Procesos de desarrollo e innovación: aplicación de una metodológica para medir el nivel de innovación en el contexto organizacional ecuatoriano / Development and innovation processes: application of a methodology to measure the level of innovation in the Ecuadorian organizational context

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    Este artículo presenta una aplicación metodológica para medir el nivel de innovación basado en el Modelo de Capacidades, Resultados e Impactos para el sector de manufactura de bebidas no alcohólicas en Ecuador. Se introduce un marco teórico que subraya el proceso social que contemplan la tecnología y la innovación dentro del contexto del desarrollo de la sociedad, además se analiza la necesidad de generar indicadores de innovación contextualizados a realidades locales. Los resultados muestran cierta cercanía entre la línea base construida anteriormente para el Ecuador y la estimación del nivel de innovación en el caso analizad

    Aportes desde el enfoque analítico: consumo energético del sector residencial del Ecuador

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    El sistema energético juega un rol fundamental en el desarrollo de los pueblos y en el diseño de un modelo de desarrollo sostenible. Aspectos como, el acelerado crecimiento demográfico, las significativas alteraciones sobre la integridad de los ecosistemas y la previsible crisis que enfrenta el sistema energético son motivo de debate y preocupación. Al añadir el heterogéneo estilo de desarrollo que caracteriza a los países periféricos, se hace imperante plantear estrategias y políticas públicas, las cuales además de generar diversificación en el sector de generación, también se orienten hacia correctas y más sostenibles formas de consumo energético. Esto implica trabajar bajo un enfoque Bottom-up (BU) o ascendente, marco que posibilita el estudio del contexto energético a niveles sectoriales, la comprensión del comportamiento de los consumidores y el potencial de segmentos particulares del mercado energético. Bajo este marco, el enfoque analítico permite diferenciar grupos de consumidores (módulos homogéneos) en función de un conjunto de factores sociales, económicos, ambientales, tecnológicos y culturales. La investigación tiene por objetivo la ampliación del entendimiento de los módulos homogéneos en el contexto de demanda energética en el sector residencial del Ecuador, siendo este el punto de partida para realizar estudios de mayor profundidad. El presente trabajo aborda el primer y segundo nivel (N) de desagregación para explorar y describir el consumo en el sector residencial referido a las áreas urbana y rural (N1) caracterizado por los ingresos y consumos (N2) de los hogares. Se comprueba que los hogares del sector urbano presentan mayores ingresos, más artefactos y equipamiento y mayores gastos; consecuentemente, la matriz correspondiente a los usos es más variada, grande y compleja. En este sentido, los desafíos deben ser enfrentados con una mirada estratégica de largo plazo, vinculando a la innovación como un instrumento transformador estratégico para poder transitar por un sendero de desarrollo sostenible

    La congruencia de valores en organizaciones privadas, públicas y mixtas

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    The value congruence describes the relationship between organizational and individual values, which may differ depending on the sector of the organiza-tion. The aim of this research was to identify the dif-ferences between organizations in various sectors based on their congruence of values. The sample was 1227 workers from seven Ecuadorian organizations. As a result, we found statistically significant differ-ences between private and public organizations, as well as between private and mixed organizations. At the same time, there were differences between the correlations according to value congruence variables in the three sectors. We can say that in order to un-derstand cultural dynamics, the sector to which these organizations belong is fundamental because it will have an impact on how much people are identified with their organization and, therefore, on the conse-quences of this relationship at the level of involve-ment, motivation and job satisfaction.La congruencia de valores indica la relación entre valores organizacionales e individuales, lo que puede diferir en función del sector de la organización que se estudia. Esta investigación tuvo por objetivo identificar las diferencias entre organizaciones de varios sectores en función de la congruencia de valores. La muestra estuvo conformada por 1227 trabajadores de siete organizaciones ecuatorianas. Como resultado se obtuvo la existencia de diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre organizaciones privadas y públicas, así como entre privadas y mixtas. Al mismo tiempo, hubo diferencias entre las correlaciones de la congruencia de valores en los tres sectores. Podemos afirmar que para entender las dinámicas culturales, el tipo de sector al que pertenecen estas organizaciones resulta fundamental pues va a tener un impacto en cuánto se identifican las personas con su organización y, por tanto, en las consecuencias de esta relación a nivel de implicación, motivación y satisfacción con el trabajo

    Diseño de una red wan para interconectar las empresas de la Fundación Familia Salesiana Salinas utilizando Mikrotik

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    The present project is focus in design and implement a technological solution to solve failures in intercommunication and interconnection to internet among several companies of the Fundación Familia Salesiana Salinas, it has become a situation for which there have been problems such as delays in: accounting and poor communication between local, regional and international hierarchies; in an industry that continues its expansion and the increase of productivity the delays start to become in such a big problem reflected in time and money. To obtain an optimal solution to this problem we offered a centralized wireless network design with Ubiquiti brands antennas proper for a short-range need and Mikrotik routers based on the Linux kernel. So, it could give connectivity and an optimal use of the bandwidth that is limited in 3MHz provided for the ISP to all business members. It was used structured wiring from each antenna to the end user of every company that carry out the accounting management. In addition, it was adapted industrial APs and a network extender for optimal performance and coverage, providing a future scalability of the network. The results were satisfactory, obtaining values upper the threshold of connectivity and quality of the links, guaranteeing a good communication despite the different climatic scenarios; the restriction of inappropriate use of the Internet by employees avoid the saturation and collapse of the Internet, providing a conditioned freedom.El presente proyecto está orientado a diseñar e implementar una solución tecnológica para solventar las falencias en la intercomunicación e interconexión al internet entre varias empresas que conforman la Fundación Familia Salesiana Salinas, lo cual ha constituido un problema que ha generado inconvenientes diversos tales como demoras en los procesos de contabilidad y la comunicación ineficiente entre los distintos niveles jerárquicos locales, regionales e internacionales; en una industria la cual sigue expandiendo su productividad y los pequeños inconvenientes empiezan a volverse grandes problemas que se materializan en pérdidas de tiempo y dinero. Para dar una solución óptima a esta problemática se propone el diseño de una red inalámbrica centralizada a través de antenas de la marca Ubiquiti propicias para cortos alcances y routers Mikrotik basados en el núcleo Linux, cuyos propósitos fueron brindar conectividad y además gestionar el ancho de banda adecuadamente para el uso óptimo de los recursos teniendo como limitación un ancho de banda del ISP de 3MHz para todas las empresas miembro. Adicionalmente, se implementó un cableado estructurado desde cada antena colocada hasta el usuario final de la empresa respectiva. Además, se complementó con la adecuación de APs industriales y un extensor de red para un óptimo desempeño y cobertura previendo una futura escalabilidad de la red. Los resultados obtenidos fueron satisfactorios ya que se superaron los umbrales mínimos de conectividad y de calidad de los enlaces garantizando así una buena comunicación ante los diversos escenarios climáticos; la restricción inteligente del uso de Internet hacia los empleados previno el uso inadecuado de su acceso y así evitar la saturación y el colapso del uso de ancho de banda, brindando una libertad condicionada