35 research outputs found

    Impacto do traumatismo dentário na qualidade de vida relacionada a saúde bucal de crianças e seus familiares inseridos em programa de atendimento ao traumatismo dentário

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    ABSTRACT - Background: Traumatic dental injury (TDI) constitutes a public health problem. Objective: The objective of this study was to detect the impact of TDI on oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) of preschool children in a dental trauma care program and to evaluate the psychometric properties of the OHRQoL instrument in this population. Methods: A cross-sectional study including a nonprobabilistic sample of 2- to 6-year-old children from a 5-year collection period was performed. We used Andreasen’s classification to evaluate TDI and the Brazilian version of the Early Childhood Oral Health Impact Scale (ECOHIS) to assess OHRQoL. Based on the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, Student’s t test was applied to compare the means of impact in the cases of complicated and uncomplicated TDI considering a p value < 0.05. Results: The final sample was composed of 146 children (mean age 4.31 ± 1.68 years). The search for treatment was 90% mediated and 56.7% TDI was in support of tissue. The ECOHIS had satisfactory properties (Cronbach’s α = 0.83 and test-retest/ intraclass correlation coefficient = 0.79). The ECOHIS mean was 6.79 ± 8.64 for the total scale, 4.29 ± 6.46 for the child subscale, and 2.50 ± 3.06 for the family subscale. Complicated TDI had a greater impact on OHRQoL in total score (p = 0.036), child subscale (p = 0.038), symptoms domain (p = 0.049), and function domain (p = 0.030). Conclusions: The OHRQoL instrument was satisfactory. It was detected that complicated TDI impacts negatively on the OHRQoL of children and their families.RESUMO - Introdução: Os traumatismos dentários (TD) constituem um problema de saúde pública. Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi detectar o impacto do TD na qualidade de vida relacionada à saúde bucal (QVRSB) de crianças e seus familiares assistidos em Programa de Atendimento ao Traumatismo Dentário (PATD) e avaliar a propriedade psicométrica de um instrumento de QVRSB nessa população. Método: Um estudo do tipo transversal incluindo uma amostra não probabilística de crianças de 2–6 anos de um período de 5 anos de coleta foi realizado. Utilizouse a classificação de Andreasen para avaliar os TD e a versão brasileira do Early Childhood Oral Health Impact Scale (ECOHIS) para detectar o impacto sobre a QVRSB. Baseado no teste de Kolmogorov-Smirnov, o teste t Student foi aplicado para comparar as médias de impacto nos casos de TD complicados e não complicados considerando p < 0,05. Resultados: A amostra final contou com 146 crianças (média de idade de 4,31 ± 1,68). A busca por tratamento foi mediada em 90% dos casos e 56,7% dos TD ocorreram em tecido de suporte. O ECOHIS apresentou propriedades satisfatórias na população empregada (α de Cronbach = 0,83 e teste-reteste/ICC = 0,79). A média do ECOHIS foi 6,79 ± 8,64 na escala total, 4,29 ± 6,46 na subescala criança e 2,50 ± 3,06 na subescala família. Os TD complicados apresentaram maiores escores na escala total (p = 0,036), subescala criança (p = 0,038), domínio sintoma (p = 0,049), domínio função (p = 0,030). Conclusões: O instrumento utilizado foi satisfatório e pode detectar que os TD complicados geraram impacto negativo na QVRSB de crianças e sua família.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Panorama global da anquiloglossia em recém-nascidos: uma análise bibliométrica

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    This study aims to understand the global panorama of ankyloglossia in newborns by means of a bibliometric analysis of scientific productions up to January 2023. A search was conducted with the terms "Newborn", "Ankyloglossia" and their synonyms in the Pubmed, Embase, Cochrane, Virtual Health Library, Web of Science and Scopus platforms. After removing duplicates and applying the eligibility criteria, 431 studies were included and imported into the VOSviwer software. The most cited keywords were "Surgery" (198) and "Breastfeeding" (151). Among the 49 countries surveyed, the United States published the most on the subject (107). The most relevant study in the studied portfolio was "Ankyloglossia: assessment, incidence, and effect of frenuloplasty on the breastfeeding dyad" by Ballard and collaborators. The journal "Pediatrics" obtained the highest number of citations (608) and year 2019 recorded the most articles about ankyloglossia in newborns (44). The findings of this study show that the topic linked to oral brakes has sparked a growing interest in the scientific community, and show the concern in unveiling the real impact of ankyloglossia on the infant's breastfeeding, as well as the need to seek a consensus in diagnosis regarding surgical indication.Este trabalho buscou mapear o panorama global da anquiloglossia em recém-nascidos por meio da análise bibliométrica de produções científicas até janeiro de 2023. Para obtenção dos estudos, foi realizada uma busca avançada com os termos “Newborn”, “Ankyloglossia” e seus sinônimos nas plataformas Pubmed, Embase, Cochrane, Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde, Web of Science e Scopus. Os resultados foram importados para o gerenciador de referência Zotero. Após a remoção das duplicatas e aplicação dos critérios de elegibilidade, 431 estudos foram incluídos na análise e importados para o software VOSviwer versão 16.18. As palavras-chave mais citadas na pesquisa foram “Cirurgia” (198) e “Aleitamento” (151), que também apresentaram forte ligação entre si. Dentre os 49 países pesquisados, os Estados Unidos, o Reino Unido e a Austrália foram os que mais publicaram sobre o assunto, com 107, 44 e 28, respectivamente. O estudo mais relevante no portfólio estudado foi escrito por Ballard e colaboradores sob o título “Ankyloglossia: assessment, incidence, and effect of frenuloplasty on the breastfeeding dyad”. A revista “Pediatrics” obteve o maior número de citações (608) e ano de 2019 registrou a maior quantidade de artigos sobre a anquiloglossia em recém-nascidos (44). Os achados deste estudo demonstram que a temática ligada aos freios orais tem despertado um interesse crescente na comunidade científica e evidenciam a preocupação em desvendar o impacto real da anquiloglossia na amamentação do bebê, assim como a necessidade de buscar um consenso no diagnóstico em relação à indicação cirúrgica

    Dental trauma and mouthguard: knowledge and attitudes in Physical Education undergraduates

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    To evaluate the knowledge and attitudes in a group of Brazilian physical education undergraduate students, relative to dental trauma and use of mouthguard. A total of 373 undergraduates from three public universities of Rio de Janeiro were interviewed by means of a semi-structured standardised questionnaire. The data were tabulated and analyzed using the statistical program SPSS, 17.0. Frequency was performed and it was also applied the qui-quadrado (p ; 0.05). With regard to prevention, 89.81% knew mouthguard although only 17.96% wore it during sport activities. The students were given no information during their undergraduation course, even though the curriculum has the discipline of first aid. The dentist are supposed to develop actions so that such knowledge meets the needs of the future physical education practitioners.Este estudo objetivou avaliar o conhecimento e as atitudes de estudantes de Educação Física de Universidades públicas do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, em relação ao traumatismo dentário e uso de protetor bucal. Foram entrevistados 373 graduandos de três universidades públicas do Rio de Janeiro, através de questionário semiestruturado e padronizado. Os dados foram tabulados e analisados (SPSS 16.0), sendo obtida a frequência (%) e a relação dos mesmos (Teste qui-quadrado, p ; 0,05). Tratando de prevenção, 89,81% conheciam o protetor bucal, embora apenas 17,96% o utilizavam durante atividades esportivas. Conclui-se que os alunos não recebem tais informações durante a graduação, mesmo possuindo em sua grade curricular a disciplina de primeiros socorros. Cabe aos cirurgiões dentistas desenvolver ações para que este conhecimento supra as necessidades dos futuros profissionais de educação física

    Risk Factors for Different Types of Traumatic Injuries in Primary Teeth

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    Objective: To evaluate traumatic dental injuries (TDI) in primary teeth and the association of gender and age with different injuries. Material and Methods: Records of patients with TDI in primary teeth were included. The following parameters were registered: gender and age, place of trauma, cause of trauma, affected tissue and tooth, number of injured teeth, type of injury, and gingival and bone damage. A logistic regression analysis was performed to explore the interaction between gender and age on the occurrence of types of injuries (p≤0.05). Results: The total of 721 records were evaluated and 370 records were included, being 61.6% boys and 60.5% children aged 0–3 years old, with 658 primary teeth affected. The support tissue was most affected (496/658), followed by dental tissue (139/658). Enamel/dentine fracture with pulp exposure (n=51) and intrusion (n=131) were the most common injuries of dental and support tissues, respectively. In general, boys suffered more traumas than girls, regardless of the age range. As for concussion, logistic regression confirms that gender and age are also influencers. Girls (OR=1.822, CI = 1.050-3.164, p=0.033) in the 4–6 year age group (OR=2.15, CI = 1.239–3.747, p=0.007) are more likely to have concussions. Children age 4–6 years were less likely to suffer an intrusion (OR=0.496; CI = 0.278– 0.886; p=0.018). Conclusion: Gender and age influence concussion and intrusion in the primary teeth

    Educative practices and attitudes within the pre-school environment: evaluating the education professionals

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    School and family together play an important role in the individual development of children. Therefore, this study aimed at evaluating the practices and attitudes towards oral health care of 245 education professionals working in 24 public municipal pre-schools in NiterĂłi, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The data were obtained from self-questionnaires consisting of both open and closed questions. The methodology was both quantitative and qualitative, and the quantitative analysis was based on frequency (%). Regarding oral health practices, it was observed that the majority of the education professionals emphasized toothbrushing as a vital method of oral hygiene. In addition, 70.7% of the education professionals performed other types of oral hygiene activities with the schoolchildren, and 17.1% did so with the children's families. All the participants of the study considered that education professionals have a key role in promoting healthy oral habits amongst the schoolchildren and they believe that involving the dentist in educative programs is important. It was therefore concluded that the education professionals surveyed have positive practices and attitudes regarding the children's care, and they recognize their role in fostering healthy habits and developing integrated pedagogic oral health programs