321 research outputs found

    Cultural rights within the hungarian Penal Law

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    O Direito da Execução Penal no sistema legal húngaro goza de grande especificidade. A regulamentação essencial do Direito de Execução Penal Húngaro está contida na Ordenação 11 de 1979. Esta norma refere-se à efetivação de punições e de sanções. A importância reside no fato de sua vigência ser iniciada no período socialista. Esta norma pode ser confrontada com o direito penal moderno, pois foi modificada diversas vezes após a queda do regime.The Penal Execution Law in the Hungarian legal system is very special. The basic rule of the Hungarian Penal Execution Law is in the Order 11 of 1979. This order is about the enforcement of the punishments and sanctions. It is special because it came into effect during the time of the socialism. This order can be compared to modern rule of law Penal Codes because it was modified several times after the change of regime

    Broker Scandals in 2015 in Hungary

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    Domesticating Mathematics: Taxonomic Diversity in Archaeozoological Assemblages

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    Understanding taxonomic richness is indispensable in studying the choices made in the exploitation of the local fauna such as those of the broad-spectrum revolution in the Near East. Such investigations, however, sometimes disregard the stochastic nature of human decision-making, while others present complex mathematical models. The basic nature of samples is rarely discussed. The fundamental thesis of our study is that assemblages of different sizes can be compared only exercising extreme caution. When species richness is studied as a function of assemblage size, the remains of birds, large and “micro-” mammals show strongly differing statistics. Diversity increases along with the number of identifiable bones in the case of birds, while the same trend is most protracted in the case of large mammals. This means that taxonomic diversity in animal bone assemblages is a function of not only assemblage size but also of taxonomic composition. The structure of “input” data is thus qualitatively dependent on assemblage size. The underlying factors influencing the archaeological representation of the fauna, including sampling, anatomical and taphonomic traits of the three types of vertebrates are discussed by animal groups. Taxonomically different animal remains should not be included within the same faunal list as their culture historical interpretations (animal keeping, hunting, random natural deposition) also differ. These phenomena must all be considered when a reliable interpretation of animal remains is attempted in various archaeological periods. A régészeti állatcsont-anyagok fajgazdagságának megértése nélkülözhetetlen olyan kérdések kutatásában, mint pl. a közel-keleti őskori közösségek által fogyasztott állatfajok rendszertani spektrumának szélessége, választékának kihasználása. Az ilyen vizsgálatok során sokan figyelmen kívül hagyják az emberi döntések sztochasztikus természetét, míg mások bonyolult matematikai modellekkel igyekeznek leírni azt. A minták alapvető természetére kevesen fordítanak figyelmet. Vizsgálataink alaptétele, hogy a különböző nagyságú minták csak rendkívüli körültekintéssel hasonlíthatók össze. Amikor a meghatározott fajok számát a mintanagyságok függvényében vizsgáljuk, a madarak, a nagytestű emlősállatok és a „mikrofauna” emlős fajai más-más értékeket mutatnak. A fajgazdagság nem lineárisan követi a csontok darabszámának alakulását: ahhoz viszonyítva a madarak esetében növekszik a legintenzívebben, leginkább pedig a nagytestű emlősök csoportjában marad el a mintanagyság gyarapodásától. Eszerint az egyes leletegyüttesek állattani változatossága nemcsak a mintanagyságtól, hanem a taxonómiai összetételtől is függ. Ez azt mutatja, hogy a régészeti értelmezésben már a „bejövő” alapadatok összetétele is minőségileg függ a mintanagyságtól. A tanulmányban körvonalazzuk a háttérben meghúzódó okokat, a három vizsgált gerinces állatcsoport reprezentáltságát meghatározó mintavételi, tafonómiai és anatómiai különbségeket. E maradványok értelmezése nem mosható egybe egyetlen „faunalistában”, hiszen kultúrtörténeti jelentésük (állattartás/vadászat, madarászat és véletlenszerű, természetes lerakódás) is változó. Mindez nem mellőzhető az állatok különböző régészeti korszakokban játszott szerepének hitelességre törekvő értékelésekor

    Current concept on the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease-crosstalk between genetic and microbial factors: Pathogenic bacteria and altered bacterial sensing or changes in mucosal integrity take "toll"?

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    The pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is only partially understood. Various environmental and host (e.g. genetic-, epithelial-, immune and non-immune) factors are involved. It is a multifactorial polygenic disease with probable genetic heterogeneity. Some genes are associated with IBD itself, while others increase the risk of ulcerative colitis (UC) or Crohn's disease (CD) or are associated with disease location and/or behaviour. This review addresses recent advances in the genetics of IBD. The article discusses the current information on the crosstalk between microbial and genetic factors (e.g. NOD2/CARD15, SLC22A46A5 and DLG5). The genetic data acquired in recent years help in understanding the pathogenesis of IBD and can identify a number of potential targets for therapeutic intervention. In the future, genetics may help more accurately diagnose and predict disease course in IBD

    Influence of Can Flatness on Heat Dissipation of Aluminium Electrolytic Capacitor

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    The lifetime of aluminium electrolytic capacitors highly depends on their core temperature. Heat dissipation in general applications happens by the extended cathode, which is in contact with the inner side of the can. In the case of heat sink applications, the most important heat transfer phenomenon is the heat conduction through the bottom of the aluminium can. The quantity of the dissipated heat is in direct proportion to the size of the heat transfer surface. The more dissipated heat may increase the lifetime of the capacitor. Therefore, the flatness value of the can bottom is critical. This paper presents a flatness measurement method, which can successfully replace the equipment for a more complex and more expensive 3D measurement. It discusses an implementation of a measurement environment, where data acquisition and visualization are automated by a LabVIEW-based software. In addition, this study deals briefly with the influence of production processes on the flatness value of the capacitor produced by leading manufacturers