710 research outputs found

    Surface shape resonances in lamellar metallic gratings

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    The specular reflectivity of lamellar gratings of gold with grooves 0.5 microns wide separated by a distance of 3.5 microns was measured on the 2000 cm1^{-1} - 7000 cm1^{-1} spectral range for p-polarized light. For the first time, experimental evidence of the excitation of electromagnetic surface shape resonances for optical frequencies is given. In these resonances the electric field is highly localized inside the grooves and is almost zero in all other regions. For grooves of depth equal to 0.6 microns, we have analyzed one of these modes whose wavelength (3.3 microns) is much greater than the lateral dimension of the grooves.Comment: 4 pages (LaTex), 5 postscript figures, to be published in Physical Review Letter

    O mercado da tilápia em 2014.

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    Mercado nacional. Descrição da evolução de cada polo produtor. Mercado externo.bitstream/item/117068/1/cnpasa.pd

    Study of corrosion by Dynamic Gravimetric Analysis (DGA) methodology. Influence of chloride content in solar salt

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    When a system for thermal energy storage (TES) is designed, many factors must be considered: storage time, dimensions, material to store heat, etc. Usually, molten salts are selected as TES materials because of their great thermal properties at high temperatures. When the whole TES system is going to be built, the material to be used for containing the thermal storage material becomes an important issue. It must have proper mechanical properties, withstand high temperatures and, above all, resist corrosion due to storage material, being in most of the cases, highly corrosive molten salt mixtures. To determine the corrosion on a metal plate, ASTM Standard-G1-03 procedure is usually applied, in which the corroded metal sample is submitted to several cycles including: attack by a chemical solution, washing, cleaning, drying, and weighing. In order to minimise the handling of the sample, a new methodology (Dynamic Gravimetric Analysis, DGA) has been developed and used to determine the corrosion produced in carbon steel A516Gr70 samples induced by different salt mixtures commonly used as molten salts containing different amounts of chloride, at working temperatures conditions. The results show that the higher is the content of chloride in molten salts the greater is the steel loss produced by corrosion and makes the corrosive kinetics to be highly increased when it is overtaken. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Conflicts Of Interest In Research On Electronic Cigarettes

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    INTRODUCTION The tobacco control community has raised some concerns about whether studies on electronic cigarettes (e-cigarettes) published in scientific journals hide conflicts of interest (COI) and whether such reports are biased. This study assessed potential COI in the e-cigarette scientific literature. METHODS Cross-sectional study was conducted on e-cigarette publications indexed in PubMed up to August 2014. We extracted information about the authors (affiliations, location, etc.), publication characteristics (type, topic, subject, etc.), results and conclusions, presence of a COI statement, and funding by and/or financial ties to pharmaceutical, tobacco, and/or e-cigarette companies. An algorithm to determine the COI disclosure status was created based on the information in the publication. Prevalence ratios (PRs) and confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated to identify associations with COI disclosure, controlling for several independent variables. RESULTS Of the 404 publications included in the analysis, 37.1% (n=150) had no COI disclosure statement, 38.6% declared no COI, 13.4% declared potential COI with pharmaceutical companies, 3.0% with tobacco companies, and 10.6% with e-cigarette companies. The conclusions in publications with COI, which were mainly tied to pharmaceutical companies, were more likely to be favourable to e-cigarette use (PR=2.23; 95% CI: 1.43-3.46). Publications that supported the use of e-cigarettes for both harm reduction (PR= 1.81; 95% CI: 1.14-2.89) and smoking cessation (PR= 2.02; 95% CI: 1.26-3.23) were more likely to have conclusions that were favourable to e-cigarettes. CONCLUSIONS One-third of the publications reporting studies on e-cigarettes did not have a COI disclosure statement, and this proportion was even higher in news articles, editorials and other types of publications. Papers with conclusions that were favourable to e-cigarette use were more likely to have COI. Journal editors and reviewers should consider evaluating publications, including funding sources, to determine whether the results and conclusions may be biased

    ESMO recommendations on the standard methods to detect NTRK fusions in daily practice and clinical research

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    Abstract Background NTRK1, NTRK2 and NTRK3 fusions are present in a plethora of malignancies across different histologies. These fusions represent the most frequent mechanism of oncogenic activation of these receptor tyrosine kinases, and biomarkers for the use of TRK small molecule inhibitors. Given the varying frequency of NTRK1/2/3 fusions, crucial to the administration of NTRK inhibitors is the development of optimal approaches for the detection of human cancers harbouring activating NTRK1/2/3 fusion genes. Materials and methods Experts from several Institutions were recruited by the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) Translational Research and Precision Medicine Working Group (TR and PM WG) to review the available methods for the detection of NTRK gene fusions, their potential applications, and strategies for the implementation of a rational approach for the detection of NTRK1/2/3 fusion genes in human malignancies. A consensus on the most reasonable strategy to adopt when screening for NTRK fusions in oncologic patients was sought, and further reviewed and approved by the ESMO TR and PM WG and the ESMO leadership. Results The main techniques employed for NTRK fusion gene detection include immunohistochemistry, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), RT-PCR, and both RNA-based and DNA-based next generation sequencing (NGS). Each technique has advantages and limitations, and the choice of assays for screening and final diagnosis should also take into account the resources and clinical context. Conclusion In tumours where NTRK fusions are highly recurrent, FISH, RT-PCR or RNA-based sequencing panels can be used as confirmatory techniques, whereas in the scenario of testing an unselected population where NTRK1/2/3 fusions are uncommon, either front-line sequencing (preferentially RNA-sequencing) or screening by immunohistochemistry followed by sequencing of positive cases should be pursued

    Abordaje no farmacológico del dolor en pediatría desde la perspectiva de enfermería: Aplicación de materiales audiovisuales y buzzy®

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    Objetivo. Evaluacion del abordaje multidisciplinario del dolor pediátrico. Metodo. Revisión sistemática de la bibliografía más actualizada acerca del tema en los buscadores médicos Pubmed, Cuiden, Scielo, Cochrane Library y Cinahl. Aplicando en los motores de búsqueda los términos: “Pain Assessment”, “Pain Measurement” “Pain Management” “Nonpharmacologic treatment”, realizando  una acotación a aquellos artículos escritos en castellano e inglés y con fecha de publicación posterior a enero de 2015. Resultados y Discusión. Se ha tratado la identificación de la intensidad del dolor que requiere de un abordaje complejo y no existe un método de evaluación que se muestre superior a otro. Parece por tanto adecuado la aplicación de la combinación del autoregistro por parte del paciente siempre que sea posible, la familia y la aplicación de escalas de aplicación sistematizada por parte de personal cualificado para ello. Para la aplicación de las escalas parece conveniente la utilización según la validación de estas en determinados grupos de pacientes y lo familiarizado que este el personal encargado de registrarlas. El tratamiento farmacológico está siendo desarrollado amplia y eficazmente como medida complementaria a las formas habituales de tratamiento del dolor. Estas medidas en su mayoría de las veces por su fácil aplicación, escaso coste y casi nulo riesgo de iatrogenia se están implementando en la mayoría de las unidades de atención pediátrica. Esta aplicación de medidas exige de la creatividad y capacitación continua del personal que las lleve a cabo y de una correcta evaluación del dolor en cada momento de la asistencia. Conclusión. El control del dolor y la ansiedad que asocia son un desafío de abordaje multidisciplinar en el que la enfermería cumple un gran papel, desde su posición tanto de realizadora de la gran mayoría de procedimientos que pueden desencadenarlo como desde la aplicación de las medidas no farmacológicas