11 research outputs found

    Odontopus abdominalis (Coleoptera: Curculionidae): a new avocado pest in northeastern Brazil.

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    This is the first report of Odontopus abdominalis as a novel pest in avocado orchards in the Alagoas State, in Northeastern Brazil. Adults feed and bore holes in the leaves, and larvae feed on the mesophyll tissue, boring galleries in the leaves. Leaf necrosis then reduces the photosynthetic tissue in the mesophyll. This study contributes relevant information for reporting O. abdominalis as a novel avocado pest in Brazil. This knowledge is essential for defining adequate pest management approaches

    Estado hídrico e produtividade de abacateiros 'Hass' em resposta à irrigação suplementar invernal

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of supplemental irrigation, during winter dry season, on the water status and productivity of 'Hass' avocado (Persea americana) trees. The experiment was carried out on a clayey Oxisol from 2014 to 2016, when extreme climatic events were recorded in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. The rainfed regime was compared with two irrigation regimes, applied during the whole and half of the irrigation run time defined by the grower, corresponding to 5,091 and 2,545 m3 h-1 water, respectively. The following variables were evaluated: soil water tension; leaf water potential, color, and chlorophyll content; leaf and fruit abscission rates; tree size; and fruit size and yield. Supplemental irrigation applied during half of the run time increased fruit yield by 18.2%. However, irrigation applied during a fixed-time period and the occurrence of unusual rainfall spells caused soil water logging, negatively affecting tree growth and water status.O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos da irrigação suplementar, durante a estação seca de inverno, no status hídrico e na produtividade de abacateiros 'Hass' (Persea americana). O experimento foi realizado em Latossolo argiloso de 2014 a 2016, quando eventos climáticos extremos foram registrados no Estado de São Paulo. O cultivo em sequeiro foi comparado com dois regimes de irrigação suplementar, aplicados durante o total e a metade do tempo de irrigação definido pelo produtor, o que equivaleu a 5.091 e 2.545 m3  h-1 de água, respectivamente. Foram avaliadas as variáveis: tensão de água no solo; potencial hídrico, coloração e teor de clorofila foliares; taxa de abscisão de folhas e frutos; tamanho das plantas; e tamanho e produção de frutos. A irrigação suplementar aplicada em metade do tempo de irrigação aumentou em 18,2% a produção de frutos. No entanto, a aplicação de irrigação de duração fixa e a ocorrência de chuvas atípicas durante a estiagem invernal favoreceram o encharcamento prolongado do solo, com efeitos negativos sobre o crescimento e o estado hídrico das árvores

    Pre-germination and fertilization techniques in avocado seedling production

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    No capítulo 1, foram avaliados substratos (casca de pinus, fibra de côco e areia), desinfestações (Orthocide®, Álcool 70% diluído e associado a Hipoclorito de sódio diluído em água destilada e água corrente), escarificações mecânicas (lateral, basal e não lesionada) e retirada do tegumento (ausência e presença) na germinação das sementes de abacateiros \'Margarida\' e \'Fortuna\'. Apenas a escarificação mecânica (basal ou lateral) resultou em maior Índice de Velocidade de Germinação para ambas as cultivares. No capítulo 2, o objetivo foi investigar se a aplicação de adubação e solução nutritiva via fertirrigação em substrato comercial, reduz o período para a produção de mudas de abacateiros \'Hass\' sobre o porta-enxerto \'Fortuna\'. No 1º ciclo, foram testadas soluções nutritivas em 3 concentrações (T1, T2 e T3), adubo de liberação lenta Osmocote® 15-9-12 (T4) e água destilada (T5). No 2º ciclo, foram selecionados os tratamentos que proporcionaram a formação dos porta-enxertos em menor tempo no 1º ciclo, acrescidos de 2 formulações de fertilizantes foliares: Crop+® e Supla Sílica®, ambos com 4 aplicações quinzenais. Foram avaliados diâmetro, altura, índice de clorofila foliar, número de folhas, área foliar, área superficial e volume das raízes dos porta-enxertos no 1º ciclo, e das mudas no 2º ciclo. Também foram analisadas a massa fresca e seca da parte aérea e do sistema radicular, a fixação do enxerto e a análise foliar (apenas no 2º ciclo). O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, com 14 repetições (análises não destrutivas), 12 repetições (destrutivas) no 1º ciclo, e 26 repetições (não destrutivas), 12 (destrutivas) sendo 3 para análises foliares no 2º ciclo. O Osmocote® resultou em porta-enxertos aptos para enxertia em menor tempo, com maior fixação do enxerto, assim como a solução mais concentrada. Os resultados apontam que soluções ainda mais concentradas podem antecipar o desenvolvimento das mudas, mas, ainda assim, é possível produzir porta-enxertos sem o aporte de nutrientes, porém em maior tempo. A aplicação de fertilizantes foliares interferiu apenas na composição de macro e micronutrientes das mudas. No 3º capítulo, o objetivo foi comparar o desenvolvimento de porta-enxertos de abacateiros produzidos em saquinhos plásticos (T1) e pela técnica air pruning (T2), ambos em casca de pinus (4,5L). O delineamento foi inteiramente casualizado com 30 repetições, sendo avaliados a altura, diâmetro, número de folhas e índice de clorofila foliar a cada 10 dias por 60 dias. As análises destrutivas (12 plantas/tratamento) envolveram a mensuração da área foliar, massa fresca e seca da parte aérea e sistema radicular, volume, área superficial, comprimento e diâmetro das raízes. A técnica de air pruning favoreceu a produção dos porta-enxertos de abacateiro cv. Fortuna, por apresentarem maior massa fresca e seca da parte aérea, com 10,7% a mais de folhas e sistema radicular mais fino e ramificado, com comprimento total de 4193,94 cm e diâmetro médio inferior de 1,09 mm quando comparado às plantas dos saquinhos em que o comprimento total observado foi de 3160,86 cm e diâmetro de 1,27 mm.In chapter 1, substrates (pine bark, coconut fiber and sand), disinfestations (Orthocide®, 70% alcohol associated with sodium hypochlorite diluted in distilled water and tap water), mechanical scarification (lateral, basal, and uninjured) and tegument removal (absence and presence) were evaluated concerning the \'Margarida\' and \'Fortuna\' avocado seed germination. Only mechanical scarification (basal or lateral) resulted in higher Germination Speed Indices in both cultivars. In chapter 2, the aim was to investigate if fertilizer and nutrient solution applications via fertigation employing a commercial substrate would reduce \'Hass\' avocado seedling production periods concerning the \'Fortuna\' rootstock. In the first cycle, nutrient solutions (three concentrations, T1, T2 and T3), slow release fertilizer Osmocote® 15-9-12 (T4) and distilled water (T5) were evaluated. For the second cycle, the treatments that resulted in rootstock development in less time than the first cycle were selected plus two foliar fertilizer formulations, namely Crop+® and Supla Silica®, both applied four times every two weeks. Rootstock root diameter, height, leaf chlorophyll index, number of leaves, leaf area, surface area and volume were determined in the first cycle and those of seedlings were evaluated in the second cycle. The fresh and dry masses of both the aerial portions and root systems and scion attachment were determined, while leaf analyses were carried out in the second cycle only. The experimental design was entirely randomized, comprising 14 and 12 repetitions for the non-destructive and destructive analyses in the first cycle, respectively, and 26 and 12 repetitions for the non-destructive and destructive analyses, respectively, in the second cycle, with three of these employed for the leaf analyses. The application of Osmocote® and the more concentrated solution resulted in rootstocks suitable for grafting in less time, with greater scion attachment. The findings indicate that even more concentrated solutions can anticipate seedling development, although rootstocks can still be produced without nutrient contributions, albeit in longer periods of time. Foliar fertilizer application interfered only in macro and micronutrient seedling compositions. The third chapter aimed to compare the development of avocado rootstocks produced in plastic bags (T1) and by air pruning (T2), both employing pine bark (4.5 L). The applied design was entirely randomized consisting in 30 repetitions, with height, diameter, number of leaves and leaf chlorophyll index determined every 10 days for 60 days. The destructive analyses (12 plants/treatment) involved determining leaf area, fresh and dry aerial portion and root system masses and volume, surface area, length and diameter. The air pruning technique favored the production of avocado rootstocks (cv. Fortuna), with greater fresh and dry aerial portion masses, 10.7 % more leaves and finer and more branched root systems, presenting a total length of 4193.94 cm and a smaller average diameter of 1.09 mm compared to plants produced in bags, which presented 3160.86 cm in total length and 1.27 mm in diameter

    New avocado Cultivars in the central-western region of São Paulo State, Brazil

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    A cultivar Hass detém cerca de 90% do comércio de abacate para exportação. Em contrapartida, são descritas diversas cultivares de abacateiro protegidas por patentes em vários países, sendo menos da metade delas estabelecidas comercialmente. Ampliar o período de oferta de abacates do tipo \'Hass\' no mercado é de interesse para os exportadores brasileiros, pois impulsiona melhores negociações frente à demanda do fruto no mercado externo, sobretudo com países do Hemisfério Norte, em épocas em que o mercado se encontra num período crítico de alta demanda e baixa oferta. Este estudo objetivou avaliar variáveis que caracterizaram o desenvolvimento, a produção e os atributos de qualidade dos frutos das cultivares de abacateiros \'Hass\', \'Carmen\' e \'Gem\' nas condições edafoclimáticas da região Centro-Oeste do estado de São Paulo durante os anos de 2016 e 2017, visando ampliar o período de oferta dos frutos do tipo \'Hass\' no mercado internacional. No primeiro capítulo dessa dissertação, são apresentados os resultados relativos à comparação entre a cultivares Hass e Carmen, quanto às variáveis de crescimento de ramos de verão e de final de inverno/primavera, número de panículas por ramo, intensidade e tipo de florescimento, tamanho da planta (altura, diâmetro paralelo e perpendicular à linha de plantio e volume de copa), produção (Kg por planta, número de frutos por planta, eficiência produtiva e índice de alternância produtiva) e qualidade dos frutos (massa, diâmetro, comprimento, relação C:D, calibre e variáveis pós-colheita). Os resultados apontaram que \'Carmen\' apresentou maior crescimento dos ramos de verão, enquanto o mesmo foi observado para \'Hass\' nos ramos de final de inverno/primavera. No ano de 2016, \'Carmen\' produziu um número maior de panículas por ramo, em contrapartida, em 2017, a intensidade de florescimento foi maior para \'Hass\'. Nos dois anos, \'Carmen\' produziu mais inflorescências indeterminadas e menos determinadas em relação a \'Hass\'. Quanto à maturação dos frutos, \'Carmen\' mostrou-se mais precoce em cerca de quinze dias, embora ambas as cultivares tenham florescido na mesma época. \'Carmen\' apresentou superioridade em todas as variáveis produtivas analisadas, no entanto, mostrou-se mais alternante. Em ambos os anos, os frutos de \'Hass\' foram maiores em todas as variáveis que caracterizam o seu tamanho. As variáveis de pós-colheita apresentaram a mesma tendência em frutos de ambas as cultivares. No segundo capítulo, objetivou-se caracterizar o hábito vegetativo e reprodutivo da cultivar Gem na mesma região de cultivo. As avaliações foram executadas conforme as descritas no primeiro capítulo. \'Gem\' apresentou crescimento dos ramos de final de inverno/primavera mais acentuado, maior porcentagem de flores indeterminadas nos dois anos, maturação tardia, atingindo o percentual mínimo de matéria seca no final do mês de junho que evolui até o mês de outubro. As árvores possuem hábito de crescimento vertical, sendo indicada para pomares adensados. Os frutos produzidos são de tamanho grande. \'Carmen\' e \'Gem\' são promissoras para a região de cultivo, podendo ser indicadas como novas opções na produção de abacates do tipo \'Hass\'.The Hass variety holds about 90% of the world avocado production. In contrast, within a wide range of several other avocado cultivars available in different countries, less than half of them had established commercially. Expanding the period of supply of \'Hass\' and \'Hass\'-type avocados is of interest to Brazilian exporters, because it facilitates fruit commercialization in the external markets of the Northern Hemisphere, in critical periods of high demand and low supply. The objective of this research was to evaluate plant growth, production and fruit quality attributes of \'Hass\', \'Carmen\' and \'Gem\' avocado cultivars in the edaphoclimatic conditions of the central-western region of the São Paulo State during the years of 2016 and 2017, aiming to extend the period of supply of \'Hass\' type fruits in the international market. In the first chapter of this dissertation, the results of the comparison between Hass and Carmen avocado cultivars are presented, regarding growth variables of summer and late winter/spring shoots, the number of panicles per shoot, the intensity and flowering type, tree size (height, diameter parallel and perpendicular to the planting line and canopy volume), yield (kg per plant, number of fruits per plant, yield efficiency and alternate bearing index) and fruit quality (mass, diameter, length and post-harvest quality variables). The results showed that \'Carmen\' avocado trees have higher growth of summer shoots, while \'Hass\' trees show larger growth of the shoots flushing by the end of winter/spring. In 2016, the \'Carmen\' trees yielded a larger number of panicles per shoot, while in 2017, the flowering intensity of \'Hass\' trees was higher. In both years, the \'Carmen\' trees produced a larger percentage of indeterminate inflorescences in comparison with \'Hass\' trees. In terms of fruit maturity, the \'Carmen\' fruit ripened about fifteen days earlier than \'Hass\' fruit in, although both cultivars flowered at the same time. The \'Carmen\' cultivar was superior than \'Hass\' in all the production variables analyzed in this study, despite of having a stronger tendency to alternate bearing. In both years, Hass\' yielded larger fruit size. Fruit post-harvest variables showed a similar tendency in both cultivars. In the second chapter, the objective was to characterize the vegetative and reproductive habit of the Gem cultivar in the same region of cultivation. The \'Gem\' trees have a vertical growth habit, being indicated for densified orchards, and showed stronger vigor of the winter/spring vegetative flush, with higher percentage of indeterminate flowers large fruit size and late maturation in both evaluated years. Both the \'Carmen\' and \'Gem\' avocado cultivars are promising for the growing region and may be indicated as new options for production of \'Hass\'-type avocados


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    It is reported the occurrence of coleoborers Cosmopolites sordidus (Germar, 1824), Metama- sius hemipterus (L., 1758), Metamasius canalipes (Gyllenhal, 1838) and Rhynchophorus palmarum (L., 1758) attacking banana cultivar 'Terra' (Musa paradisiaca) (Musaceae), in the municipality of Joaquim Gomes, State of Alagoas. Twenty adult specimens were sent to Prof. Dr. Sergio Antonio Vanin, Department of Zoology, In- stitute of Biosciences, University of São Paulo and identified by morphological characteristics, being this the first report of M. canalipes and R. palmarum damaging the cultivar 'Terra’ in Brazil. Attack symptoms in the field are initially manifested by chlorosis, necrosis and fall of the lower leaves, the fruits did not develop satis- factorily and plants finished by fall over. As a result of infestation was observed the death of 70% of the plants evaluated in the area


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    The aim of this study was to report the occurrence of Xanthopastis timais (Cramer, 1780) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in amaryllis ( Hippeastrum hybridum Hort ., Amaryllidaceae), as well as estimating lethal concentrations (LC 50 and LC 99 ) of soursop seed extract, Annona muricata L. (Annonaceae), against its larvae. The experiment was carried out at the Laboratory of Entomology of the Research Center for Agricultural Sciences, Federal University of Alagoas, in Rio Largo - AL, Brazil . First, we collected caterpillars from amaryllis plants that were reared until pupal and adult stages (parental generation). Next, part of the adults was used for species identification, and the rest were bred to produce next generation (F1), being after that applied in a laboratory bioassay. The lab trial was performed in a completely randomized design, with six treatments and five replications containing three second - instar caterpillars. These larvae were fed pieces of amaryllis leaf (4 x 4 cm), which were previously soaked in treatments for 30 seconds and, air - dried on absorbent papers for one hour. Each treatment consisted of one concentration of ethanol extract of soursop seeds (0.0, 1.0, 0.5, 0.25, 0.125 and 0.0625% w/ v) with distilled water and DMSO at 1% (v/ v), for solutions. We noted that the lethal concentrations LC 50 and LC 99 were 0.29% (w/ v) and 2.27% (w/ v), respectively. In view of our results, we can state that larval stage of X . timais were influenced by extract application in terms of survival, mortality, larvae weight and larval stage length. Besides of that, it was the first time this species was recorded in Alagoas state

    Toxicity and application of neem in fall armyworm

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    Aqueous extracts of neem, Azadirachta indica A. Juss., leaf and seed cake were tested for toxicity in Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith, 1797) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) utilizing different methods of application (foliar and systemic). Probit analysis was used to determine the LC50 and regression analysis for mortality at different concentrations of the extracts (0.5%, 1.0%, 1.5%, 2.0% and control treatment). Two caterpillar morphometric variables (larval length and cephalic capsule width) and the scale of damage of attacked plants were measured and, analyzed using the Kruskal-Wallis test (P<0.05). The LC50 values for neem seed cake and leaves were 0.13% and 0.25%, respectively. For larval length and cephalic capsule width, the larvae were more affected to the seed cake extract than leaf extract, however there was no significant difference between the methods of application for these variables. There was no difference in the scale of damage by the extracts and the methods of application analyzed. Both methods of application provided similar results and, the main differences were associated with more efficient of the seed cake extract.  Aqueous extracts of neem, Azadirachta indica A. Juss., leaf and seed cake were tested for toxicity in Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith, 1797) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) utilizing different methods of application (foliar and systemic). Probit analysis was used to determine the LC50 and regression analysis for mortality at different concentrations of the extracts (0.5%, 1.0%, 1.5%, 2.0% and control treatment). Two caterpillar morphometric variables (larval length and cephalic capsule width) and the scale of damage of attacked plants were measured and, analyzed using the Kruskal-Wallis test (H=16.93; P=0.0304). The LC50 values for neem seed cake and leaves were 0.13% and 0.25%, respectively. For larval length and cephalic capsule width, the larvae were more affected to the seed cake extract than leaf extract, however there was no significant difference between the methods of application for these variables. There was no difference in the scale of damage by the extracts and the methods of application analyzed. Both methods of application provided similar results and, the main differences were associated with more efficient of the seed cake extract


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    The aim of this study is to document the heretofore unrecorded natural occurrence of the larval parasitoid Digonogastra sp. on Diatraea flavipennella Box, 1931 (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) in sugarcane fields. The collections were made in the Usina Santa Clotilde area, in Rio Largo municipality, Alagoas State, Brazil. This is the first record of Digonogastra sp. parasitizing caterpillar of D. flavipennella in Brazil. The parasitism rate was found to be 14.06%. The occurrence of this parasitoid indicates potential for natural regulation of that pest in sugarcane crop

    Frugivorous flies and their parasitoids associated with Surinam cherry fruits

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    ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to know and assess natural infestation of frugivorous flies (Diptera: Tephritidae and Lonchaeidae) and their parasitoids in Surinam cherry fruits. The survey was conducted in an organic orchard, located in the municipality of Maceió, Alagoas. From October 2010 to January 2011, mature green, half-ripe and ripe Surinam cherry were collected. Infestation index was higher for mature green and half-ripe fruits. Five species of frugivorous flies were identified: Anastrepha fraterculus , Anastrepha obliqua , Anastrepha sororcul , Ceratitis capitata (Diptera: Tephritidae), and Neosilba pendula (Diptera: Lonchaeidae). It were identified the parasitoids: Doryctobracon areolatus , Opius bellus, Utetes anastrephae and Asobara anastrephae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), being D. areolatus with highest percentage of parasitism in all maturation stages. N . pendula was recorded in Brasil associated to Eugenia uniflora L. (Myrtaceae). O . bellus , U . anastrephae and A . anastrephae were also recorded for the first time in the State of Alagoas. Mature green and half-ripe Surinam cherries are the most fruit fly infested, and the parasitism rate is higher in half-ripe and ripe fruits