1,441 research outputs found

    Resignificaci?n del concepto de evaluaci?n formativa como eje dinamizador de la labor de los docentes en la Instituci?n Educativa ?Luis Carlos Gal?n Sarmiento? de Honda

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    236 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEl presente trabajo de investigaci?n tuvo como objetivo diagnosticar las pr?cticas de evaluaci?n de los aprendizajes desarrolladas en la instituci?n educativa Luis Carlos Gal?n Sarmiento del municipio de Honda-Tolima, con el fin de proponer estrategias que fortalezcan la reflexi?n y la conceptualizaci?n para trasformar la evaluaci?n a partir de seis categor?as: Conceptos de evaluaci?n educativa y evaluaci?n de los aprendizajes, t?cnicas e instrumentos, usos, finalidades y principios. As? mismo se realiza un proceso de formaci?n a trav?s del plan Lector a partir de algunos referentes te?ricos con el fin de resignificar la evaluaci?n de los aprendizajes y mejorar los procesos evaluativos en la instituci?n educativa, se realizaron intervenciones al SIE y al plan de clase. El enfoque de la investigaci?n fue de tipo cualitativa, alcance descriptivo y dise?o Investigaci?n Acci?n Participaci?n, el cual permiti? transformar las pr?cticas de evaluaci?n de 23 docentes y de esta forma hacer un aporte a la comunidad acad?mica y a la comunidad educativa de la regi?n en torno al tema de la evaluaci?n que es tan importante en el proceso de ense?anza y aprendizaje y a la vez complejo. Palabras claves: Evaluaci?n formativa, Sistema de Evaluaci?n SIE, Plan lectorThis research had as objective to diagnose learning assessment practices developed in the educational institution Luis Carlos Gal?n Sarmiento in Honda - Tolima town in order to propose strategies that strengthen reflection and conceptualization to transform evaluation based on six categories: Concepts of educational evaluation and evaluation of learning, techniques and instruments, uses, purposes and principles. Likewise, a training process is carried out through the reader plan based on some theoretical references in order to resignify the evaluation of learning and improve the evaluation processes in the educational institution, interventions were made to the SIE and the class plan. The focus of the research was qualitative, descriptive and design Research Action Participation, which allowed to transform the evaluation practices of 23 teachers and in this way make a contribution to the academic community and the educational community of the region about evaluation that is so important and at the same time complex in the teaching and learning process. Keywords: Formative evaluation, Evaluation System SIE, Reader Pla

    Quasi-Exact Solvability and the direct approach to invariant subspaces

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    We propose a more direct approach to constructing differential operators that preserve polynomial subspaces than the one based on considering elements of the enveloping algebra of sl(2). This approach is used here to construct new exactly solvable and quasi-exactly solvable quantum Hamiltonians on the line which are not Lie-algebraic. It is also applied to generate potentials with multiple algebraic sectors. We discuss two illustrative examples of these two applications: an interesting generalization of the Lam\'e potential which posses four algebraic sectors, and a quasi-exactly solvable deformation of the Morse potential which is not Lie-algebraic.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figure

    Noncommutative effective theory of vortices in a complex scalar field

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    We derive a noncommutative theory description for vortex configurations in a complex field in 2+1 dimensions. We interpret the Magnus force in terms of the noncommutativity, and obtain some results for the quantum dynamics of the system of vortices in that context

    Experiencia religiosa en ambientes virtuales de aprendizaje.

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    El art?culo es resultado del proyecto de investigaci?n ?Cartograf?a social de la experiencia religiosa en los ambientes virtuales de aprendizaje? , que desde una perspectiva anal?tica, aborda el mapeo de los espacios virtuales de aprendizaje, que a su vez, son referentes ciberespaciales en los cuales se construye la red-comunidad de aprendizaje, y se expresan las m?ltiples vivencias humanas y religiosas, desde el estilo cristiano de presencia en el mundo digital. El an?lisis fue orientado desde el procedimiento metodol?gico teol?gico (texto, contexto, pretexto), se utiliz? la t?cnica de la cartograf?a social, as? como las herramientas e instrumentos tecnol?gicos propios de los ambientes virtuales de aprendizaje, y los mapas colectivos de las experiencias humanas y religiosas, en el espacio y la red- comunidad virtual de aprendizaje de la Licenciatura en Ciencias Religiosas, Facultad de Teolog?a. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

    Impact of footwear and foot deformities in patients with Parkinson?s disease: A case-series study

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    Background: Parkinson's disease (PD) is a common and complex neurological problem. Gait abnormalities are frequent in PD patients, and this increases the risk of falls. However, little is known about foot deformities and footwear in this vulnerable population. Here we investigate whether patients with PD use an appropriate shoe size and know if they have foot deformities or alterations. Methodology: A study of a series of observational descriptive cases in a convenience sample (n = 53 patients) diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. One trained investigator evaluated foot and ankle health. The footwear and foot measurements were obtained using a Brannock device. Results: The podiatric examination and footwear examination detected a high presence of podiatric pathologies and inappropriate footwear. This has a negative impact on the quality of life of these patients. Conclusions: This research detected an elevated number of people with foot deformities or alterations. Moreover, a high proportion of participants with PD wear inadequate footwear (in length, width, or both)

    La relaci?n entre la CAG de derecho interno y las CAE de los CDI

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    Aquellas Cl?usulas Antielusivas Espec?ficas (?CAE?) de los Convenios para evitar la Doble Imposici?n (?CDI?), que tienen una estructura objetiva (?CAE propias?), establecen su alcance a trav?s de criterios espec?ficos (l?mites temporales, l?mites cuantitativos, exigencias verificables de manera formal como las caracter?sticas del receptor del pago, el accionariado del receptor del flujo, entre otros), no entran en conflicto con la Cl?usula Antielusiva General (?CAG?) de derecho interno. Un an?lisis distinto debe llevarse a cabo en relaci?n a las ?CAE impropias?, esto es, aquellas cl?usulas que, destinadas a un sector o tipo de renta espec?fico, comparten la naturaleza de la CAG en el sentido que se encuentran sustentadas en el criterio ?sustancia sobre forma? o ?realidad econ?mica?. S?lo en este caso la relaci?n se resuelve a trav?s del principio lex specialis derogat generali. Estas cl?usulas (CAE impropias) no implican ning?n tipo de regla de protecci?n al contribuyente, lo que nos parece grave, ya que su redacci?n utiliza terminolog?a vaga y ambigua (?principal prop?sito o uno de los principales prop?sitos?), y sin ninguna disposici?n de salvaguarda. Nuestro planteamiento sugiere criterios para proteger al contribuyente de la aplicaci?n de las referidas cl?usulas por parte de la autoridad tributaria

    Fortaleciendo los h?bitos lectores implementando la literatura infantil como estrategia l?dico pedag?gica para enriquecer las habilidades comunicativas de los ni?os y ni?as del grado preescolar

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    116 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEl presente proyecto de investigaci?n centra su acci?n en estimular desde edades tempranas, la lectura y el acercamiento a los libros, como v?a para desarrollar h?bitos lectores y enriquecer las habilidades comunicativas. Tiene como objetivo fijar en el ni?o el h?bito de la lectura donde el principal factor es determinar aquellas posibles causas que propician o desmotivan a los ni?os el deseo de leer dentro de su mundo, aprender a tener un h?bito lector a temprana edad se ve como una necesidad en el desarrollo personal y social de cada uno de los ni?os, por eso vemos necesidad o alternativa de desarrollar estrategias l?dico pedag?gicas como la literatura infantil, por medio de un proyecto pedag?gico de aula para fortalecer h?bitos lectores, que le permitan transformar su inteligencia creadora, mejorar sus competencias comunicativas entre las que aparecen, leer, escribir, hablar y escuchar adem?s permite acercarlos de manera agradable a los textos. Conforme con esto, se tiene como referencia la investigaci?n formativa, de igual manera un modelo de investigaci?n cualitativo con enfoque etnogr?fico, con ?nfasis participativo y cooperativo, utilizando instrumentos como entrevistas, cuestionarios entre otros dentro del desarrollo del proyecto. El cual se llev? mediante dos fases, la primera se hizo mediante la observaci?n de la cual se detect? una problem?tica y la segunda en la cual se hizo una intervenci?n mediante el proyecto pedag?gico de aula, que dio paso a la participaci?n activa de toda una comunidad educativa. Palabras clave: literatura ? lectura ? h?bitos ? cuentos ? habilidades comunicativasThe present research project focuses on stimulating reading and the approaching to books from early ages, as a way to develop reading habits and enriching communicative skills. Its aim is to establish the habit of reading in children, where the main factor is to determine those possible causes that encourage or discourage children the desire to read within their world; learning to acquire a reading habit at an early age is seen as a necessity in the personal and social development of each child, thus, it is seen the necessity or alternative to implement dynamic-pedagogical strategies such as children's literature, through a pedagogical classroom project to strengthen reading habits, that allows him to transform his creative intelligence and to improve his communicative competences such as, reading, writing, speaking and listening; it also allows to connect them in a pleasant way to texts. Accordingly, the research is based on formative research, as well as a qualitative research model with an ethnographic approach, with a participative and cooperative emphasis, using instruments such as interviews, questionnaires and others within the project development. This was carried out in two phases: the first one was done through the observation in which a problematic was detected and the second one, where an intervention was made through the classroom pedagogical project, which gave way to the active participation of an entire educational community. Keywords: Literature - reading - habits - stories - communicative skill

    Improved personalized survival prediction of patients with diffuse large B-cell Lymphoma using gene expression profiling

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    BACKGROUND: Thirty to forty percent of patients with Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma (DLBCL) have an adverse clinical evolution. The increased understanding of DLBCL biology has shed light on the clinical evolution of this pathology, leading to the discovery of prognostic factors based on gene expression data, genomic rearrangements and mutational subgroups. Nevertheless, additional efforts are needed in order to enable survival predictions at the patient level. In this study we investigated new machine learning-based models of survival using transcriptomic and clinical data. METHODS: Gene expression profiling (GEP) of in 2 different publicly available retrospective DLBCL cohorts were analyzed. Cox regression and unsupervised clustering were performed in order to identify probes associated with overall survival on the largest cohort. Random forests were created to model survival using combinations of GEP data, COO classification and clinical information. Cross-validation was used to compare model results in the training set, and Harrel's concordance index (c-index) was used to assess model's predictability. Results were validated in an independent test set. RESULTS: Two hundred thirty-three and sixty-four patients were included in the training and test set, respectively. Initially we derived and validated a 4-gene expression clusterization that was independently associated with lower survival in 20% of patients. This pattern included the following genes: TNFRSF9, BIRC3, BCL2L1 and G3BP2. Thereafter, we applied machine-learning models to predict survival. A set of 102 genes was highly predictive of disease outcome, outperforming available clinical information and COO classification. The final best model integrated clinical information, COO classification, 4-gene-based clusterization and the expression levels of 50 individual genes (training set c-index, 0.8404, test set c-index, 0.7942). CONCLUSION: Our results indicate that DLBCL survival models based on the application of machine learning algorithms to gene expression and clinical data can largely outperform other important prognostic variables such as disease stage and COO. Head-to-head comparisons with other risk stratification models are needed to compare its usefulness

    ZNF577 Methylation Levels in Leukocytes From Women With Breast Cancer Is Modulated by Adiposity, Menopausal State, and the Mediterranean Diet

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    The methylation levels of ZNF577 in breast tumors has been previously identified as a possible epigenetic mark of breast cancer associated with obesity. The aim of the current study was to investigate differences in methylation levels of ZNF577 depending on obesity, menopausal state and dietary pattern in blood leukocytes, a non-invasive sample. The methylation levels of ZNF577 of two CpG sites (CpGs) located in promoter and island previously identified as differentially methylated according to adiposity and menopausal state by 450 k array (cg10635122, cg03562414) were evaluated by pyrosequencing in DNA from the blood leukocytes of breast cancer patients [n = 90; n = 64 (71.1%) overweight/obesity and n = 26 (28.9%) normal-weight] and paired tumor tissue biopsies (n = 8 breast cancer patients with obesity; n = 3/5 premenopausal/postmenopausal women). Differences in methylation levels were evaluated at each CpGs individually and at the mean of the two evaluated CpGs. Adherence to the Mediterranean diet was evaluated using the MEDAS-validated questionnaire, and the consumption of food groups of interest was also evaluated using the recommended intakes of the Sociedad Espanola de Nutricion Comunitaria. The methylation levels of ZNF577 were correlated between paired leukocytes and breast tumor biopsies (r = 0.62; p = 0.001). Moreover, higher methylation was found in leukocytes from patients with obesity (p = 0.002) and postmenopausal patients (p = 0.022) than patients with normal-weight or premenopausal, respectively. After adjusting for the body mass index and age, higher levels of ZNF577 methylation were also found in women with greater adherence to the Mediterranean diet (p = 0.017) or specific foods. Relevantly, the methylation levels of ZNF577 showed a good ability for fish consumption detection [area under the ROC curve (AUC) = 0.72; p = 0.016]. In conclusion, the association between methylation of ZNF577 and adiposity, menopausal state, and adherence to the Mediterranean diet can be detected in the blood leukocytes. The results guarantee the need of performing further studies in longer longitudinal cohorts in order to elucidate the role of ZNF577 methylation in the association between breast cancer, adiposity and dietary patterns