14 research outputs found

    Cystatin B is essential for proliferation and interneuron migration in individuals with EPM1 epilepsy

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    Progressive myoclonus epilepsy (PME) of Unverricht-Lundborg type (EPM1) is an autosomal recessive neurodegenerative disorder with the highest incidence of PME worldwide. Mutations in the gene encoding cystatin B (CSTB) are the primary genetic cause of EPM1. Here, we investigate the role of CSTB during neurogenesis in vivo in the developing mouse brain and in vitro in human cerebral organoids (hCOs) derived from EPM1 patients. We find that CSTB (but not one of its pathological variants) is secreted into the mouse cerebral spinal fluid and the conditioned media from hCOs. In embryonic mouse brain, we find that functional CSTB influences progenitors' proliferation and modulates neuronal distribution by attracting interneurons to the site of secretion via cell-non-autonomous mechanisms. Similarly, in patient-derived hCOs, low levels of functional CSTB result in an alteration of progenitor's proliferation, premature differentiation, and changes in interneurons migration. Secretion and extracellular matrix organization are the biological processes particularly affected as suggested by a proteomic analysis in patients' hCOs. Overall, our study sheds new light on the cellular mechanisms underlying the development of EPM1

    Mob2 Insufficiency Disrupts Neuronal Migration in the Developing Cortex

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    Disorders of neuronal mispositioning during brain development are phenotypically heterogeneous and their genetic causes remain largely unknown. Here, we report biallelic variants in a Hippo signaling factor-MOB2-in a patient with one such disorder, periventricular nodular heterotopia (PH). Genetic and cellular analysis of both variants confirmed them to be loss-of-function with enhanced sensitivity to transcript degradation via nonsense mediated decay (NMD) or increased protein turnover via the proteasome. Knockdown of Mob2 within the developing mouse cortex demonstrated its role in neuronal positioning. Cilia positioning and number within migrating neurons was also impaired with comparable defects detected following a reduction in levels of an upstream modulator of Mob2 function, Dchs1, a previously identified locus associated with PH. Moreover, reduced Mob2 expression increased phosphorylation of Filamin A, an actin cross-linking protein frequently mutated in cases of this disorder. These results reveal a key role for Mob2 in correct neuronal positioning within the developing cortex and outline a new candidate locus for PH development

    Investigation of the embryonic and adult neural stem cells function, in mouse models through alterations of the expression levels of the Geminin superfamily genes

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    The generation of all different type of cells that reside the adult brain, as well as thegeneration of new born neural and glial cells during adulthood, require the strict balancebetween self-renewal and differentiation decisions of embryonic and adult neural stem cells.The mechanisms that control these processes are not well understood, however, the membersof Geminin superfamily, Geminin, Idas and Lynkeas, were proposed to control cells fatedecisions and cell cycle progression making them good candidates for understanding neuralstem cells function.Η δημιουργία των διαφόρων τύπων κυττάρων που απαρτίζουν τον ενήλικο εγκέφαλο,καθώς και η φυσιολογική παραγωγή νευρικών και γλοιακών κυττάρων κατά την ενήλικη ζωή των θηλαστικών, απαιτούν το συντονισμό των διαδικασιών αυτο-ανανέωσης και διαφοροποίησης των εμβρυικών και ενήλικων νευρικών βλαστικών κυττάρων και το σωστό καθορισμό τους προς συγκεκριμένη γενεαλογία. Παρά το γεγονός ότι οι μηχανισμοί που συντονίζουν αυτές τις διαδικασίες δεν έχουν ακόμα πλήρως διαλευκανθεί, οι πρωτεΐνες της υπεροικογένειας Geminin, οι Geminin, Idas και Lynkeas, έχουν προταθεί ότι μπορεί να συμβάλλουν στο καθορισμό της μοίρας των κυττάρων, καθώς συμμετέχουν τόσο στην πρόοδο του κυτταρικού κύκλου όσο και στη διαφοροποίηση των κυττάρων

    Mob2 Insufficiency Disrupts Neuronal Migration in the Developing Cortex

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    Disorders of neuronal mispositioning during brain development are phenotypically heterogeneous and their genetic causes remain largely unknown. Here, we report biallelic variants in a Hippo signaling factor-MOB2-in a patient with one such disorder, periventricular nodular heterotopia (PH). Genetic and cellular analysis of both variants confirmed them to be loss-of-function with enhanced sensitivity to transcript degradation via nonsense mediated decay (NMD) or increased protein turnover via the proteasome. Knockdown of Mob2 within the developing mouse cortex demonstrated its role in neuronal positioning. Cilia positioning and number within migrating neurons was also impaired with comparable defects detected following a reduction in levels of an upstream modulator of Mob2 function, Dchs1, a previously identified locus associated with PH. Moreover, reduced Mob2 expression increased phosphorylation of Filamin A, an actin cross-linking protein frequently mutated in cases of this disorder. These results reveal a key role for Mob2 in correct neuronal positioning within the developing cortex and outline a new candidate locus for PH development

    Evolution of Cortical Neurogenesis in Amniotes Controlled by Robo Signaling Levels.

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    Cerebral cortex size differs dramatically between reptiles, birds, and mammals, owing to developmental differences in neuron production. In mammals, signaling pathways regulating neurogenesis have been identified, but genetic differences behind their evolution across amniotes remain unknown. We show that direct neurogenesis from radial glia cells, with limited neuron production, dominates the avian, reptilian, and mammalian paleocortex, whereas in the evolutionarily recent mammalian neocortex, most neurogenesis is indirect via basal progenitors. Gain- and loss-of-function experiments in mouse, chick, and snake embryos and in human cerebral organoids demonstrate that high Slit/Robo and low Dll1 signaling, via Jag1 and Jag2, are necessary and sufficient to drive direct neurogenesis. Attenuating Robo signaling and enhancing Dll1 in snakes and birds recapitulates the formation of basal progenitors and promotes indirect neurogenesis. Our study identifies modulation in activity levels of conserved signaling pathways as a primary mechanism driving the expansion and increased complexity of the mammalian neocortex during amniote evolution

    GemC1 is a critical switch for neural stem cell generation in the postnatal brain

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    The subventricular zone (SVZ) is one of two main niches where neurogenesis persists during adulthood, as it retains neural stem cells (NSCs) with self-renewal capacity and multi-lineage potency. Another critical cellular component of the niche is the population of postmitotic multiciliated ependymal cells. Both cell types are derived from radial glial cells that become specified to each lineage during embryogenesis. We show here that GemC1, encoding Geminin coiled-coil domain-containing protein 1, is associated with congenital hydrocephalus in humans and mice. Our results show that GemC1 deficiency drives cells toward a NSC phenotype, at the expense of multiciliated ependymal cell generation. The increased number of NSCs is accompanied by increased levels of proliferation and neurogenesis in the postnatal SVZ. Finally, GemC1-knockout cells display altered chromatin organization at multiple loci, further supporting a NSC identity. Together, these findings suggest that GemC1 regulates the balance between NSC generation and ependymal cell differentiation, with implications for the pathogenesis of human congenital hydrocephalus

    Mob2 Insufficiency Disrupts Neuronal Migration in the Developing Cortex

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    Disorders of neuronal mispositioning during brain development are phenotypically heterogeneous and their genetic causes remain largely unknown. Here, we report biallelic variants in a Hippo signaling factor—MOB2—in a patient with one such disorder, periventricular nodular heterotopia (PH). Genetic and cellular analysis of both variants confirmed them to be loss-of-function with enhanced sensitivity to transcript degradation via nonsense mediated decay (NMD) or increased protein turnover via the proteasome. Knockdown of Mob2 within the developing mouse cortex demonstrated its role in neuronal positioning. Cilia positioning and number within migrating neurons was also impaired with comparable defects detected following a reduction in levels of an upstream modulator of Mob2 function, Dchs1, a previously identified locus associated with PH. Moreover, reduced Mob2 expression increased phosphorylation of Filamin A, an actin cross-linking protein frequently mutated in cases of this disorder. These results reveal a key role for Mob2 in correct neuronal positioning within the developing cortex and outline a new candidate locus for PH development

    GemC1 governs multiciliogenesis through direct interaction with and transcriptional regulation of p73

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    A distinct combination of transcription factors elicits the acquisition of a specific fate and the initiation of a differentiation program. Multiciliated cells (MCCs) are a specialized type of epithelial cells that possess dozens of motile cilia on their apical surface. Defects in cilia function have been associated with ciliopathies that affect many organs, including brain and airway epithelium. Here we show that the geminin coiled-coil domain-containing protein 1 GemC1 (also known as Lynkeas) regulates the transcriptional activation of p73, a transcription factor central to multiciliogenesis. Moreover, we show that GemC1 acts in a trimeric complex with transcription factor E2F5 and tumor protein p73 (officially known as TP73), and that this complex is important for the activation of the p73 promoter. We also provide in vivo evidence that GemC1 is necessary for p73 expression in different multiciliated epithelia. We further show that GemC1 regulates multiciliogenesis through the control of chromatin organization, and the epigenetic marks/tags of p73 and Foxj1. Our results highlight novel signaling cues involved in the commitment program of MCCs across species and tissues. This article has an associated First Person interview with the first author of the paper