62 research outputs found

    Whole-body magnetic resonance imaging in pediatric oncology — recommendations by the Oncology Task Force of the ESPR

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    The purpose of this recommendation of the Oncology Task Force of the European Society of Paediatric Radiology (ESPR) is to indicate reasonable applications of whole-body MRI in children with cancer and to address useful protocols to optimize workflow and diagnostic performance. Whole-body MRI as a radiation-free modality has been increasingly performed over the last two decades, and newer applications, as in screening of children with germ-line mutation cancer-related gene defects, are now widely accepted. We aim to provide a comprehensive outline of the diagnostic value for use in daily practice. Based on the results of our task force session in 2018 and the revision in 2019 during the ESPR meeting, we summarized our group’s experiences in whole-body MRI. The lack of large evidence by clinical studies is challenging when focusing on a balanced view regarding the impact of whole-body MRI in pediatric oncology. Therefore, the final version of this recommendation was supported by the members of Oncology Task Force

    Main Results of Phase IV BEMUSE Project: Simulation of LBLOCA in an NPP

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    Phase IV of BEMUSE Program is a necessary step for a subsequent uncertainty analysis. It includes the simulation of the reference scenario and a sensitivity study. The scenario is a LBLOCA and the reference plant is Zion 1 NPP, a 4 loop PWR unit. Thirteen participants coming from ten different countries have taken part in the exercise. The BEMUSE (Best Estimate Methods plus Uncertainty and Sensitivity Evaluation) Programhas been promoted by theWorking Group on AccidentManagement and Analysis (WGAMA) and endorsed by the Committee on the Safety of Nuclear Installations (CSNI). The paper presents the results of the calculations performed by participants and emphasizes its usefulness for future uncertainty evaluation, to be performed in next phase. The objectives of the activity are basically to simulate the LBLOCA reproducing the phenomena associated to the scenario and also to build a common, well-known, basis for the future comparison of uncertainty evaluation results among different methodologies and codes. The sensitivity calculations performed by participants are also presented. They allow studying the influence of different parameters such as material properties or initial and boundary conditions, upon the behaviour of the most relevant parameters related to the scenario

    PREMIUM, a benchmark on the quantification of the uncertainty of the physical models in the system thermal-hydraulic codes: methodologies and data review

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    The objective of the Post-BEMUSE Reflood Model Input Uncertainty Methods (PREMIUM) benchmark is to progress on the issue of the quantification of the uncertainty of the physical models in system thermalhydraulic codes by considering a concrete case: the physical models involved in the prediction of core reflooding. The present document was initially conceived as a final report for the Phase I “Introduction and Methodology Review” of the PREMIUM benchmark. The objective of Phase I is to refine the definition of the benchmark and publish the available methodologies of model input uncertainty quantification relevant to the objectives of the benchmark. In this initial version the document was approved by WGAMA and has shown its usefulness during the subsequent phases of the project. Once Phase IV was completed, and following the suggestion of WGAMA members, the document was updated adding a few new sections, particularly the description of four new methodologies that were developed during this activity. Such developments were performed by some participants while contributing to PREMIUM progress (which is why this report arrives after those of other phases). After this revision the document title was changed to “PREMIUM methodologies and data review”. The introduction includes first a chapter devoted to contextualization of the benchmark in nuclear safety research and licensing, followed by a description of the PREMIUM objectives. Next, a description of the Phases in which the benchmark is divided and its organization is explained. Chapter two consists of a review of the involvement of the different participants, making a brief explanation of the input uncertainty quantification methodologies used in the activity. The document ends with some conclusions on the development of Phase I, some more general remarks and some statements on the benefits of the benchmark, which can be briefly summarized as it follows: - Contribution to development of tools and experience related to uncertainty calculation and promotion of the use of BEPU approaches for licensing and safety assessment purposes; - Contribution to prioritization of improvements to thermal-hydraulic system codes; - Contribution to a fluent and close interaction between the scientific community and regulatory organizations. Appendices include the complete description of the experimental data FEBA/SEFLEX used in the benchmark and the methodologies CIRCÉ and FFTBM and the general requirements and description specification used for Phase I. Due to the revision of the document, four extra appendixes have been added related to the methods developed during the activity, MCDA DIPE, Tractebel IUQ and PSI methods

    The potential risks and impact of the start of the 2015–2016 influenza season in the WHO European Region: a rapid risk assessment

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    Background: Countries in the World Health Organization (WHO) European Region are reporting more severe influenza activity in the 2015–2016 season compared to previous seasons. Objectives: To conduct a rapid risk assessment to provide interim information on the severity of the current influenza season. Methods: Using the WHO manual for rapid risk assessment of acute public health events and surveillance data available from Flu News Europe, an assessment of the current influenza season from 28 September 2015 (week 40/2015) up to 31 January 2016 (week 04/2016) was made compared with the four previous seasons. Results: The current influenza season started around week 51/2015 with higher influenza activity reported in Eastern Europe compared to Western Europe. There is a strong predominance of influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 compared to previous seasons, but the virus is antigenically similar to the strain included in the seasonal influenza vaccine. Compared to the 2014/2015 season, there was a rapid increase in the number of severe cases in Eastern European countries with the majority of such cases occurring among adults aged < 65 years. Conclusions: The current influenza season is characterized by an early start in Eastern European countries, with indications of a more severe season. Currently circulating influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 viruses are antigenically similar to those included in the seasonal influenza vaccine, and the vaccine is expected to be effective. Authorities should provide information to the public and health providers about the current influenza season, recommendations for the treatment of severe disease and effective public health measures to prevent influenza transmission

    Regional Patterns of Late Medieval and Early Modern European Building Activity Revealed by Felling Dates

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    Although variations in building activity are a useful indicator of societal well-being and demographic development, historical datasets for larger regions and longer periods are still rare. Here, we present 54,045 annually precise dendrochronological felling dates from historical construction timber from across most of Europe between 1250 and 1699 CE to infer variations in building activity. We use geostatistical techniques to compare spatiotemporal dynamics in past European building activity against independent demographic, economic, social and climatic data. We show that the felling dates capture major geographical patterns of demographic trends, especially in regions with dense data coverage. A particularly strong negative association is found between grain prices and the number of felling dates. In addition, a significant positive association is found between the number of felling dates and mining activity. These strong associations, with well-known macro-economic indicators from pre-industrial Europe, corroborate the use of felling dates as an independent source for exploring large-scale fluctuations of societal well-being and demographic development. Three prominent examples are the building boom in the Hanseatic League region of northeastern Germany during the 13th century, the onset of the Late Medieval Crisis in much of Europec. 1300, and the cessation of building activity in large parts of central Europe during armed conflicts such as the Thirty Years’ War (1618–1648 CE). Despite new insights gained from our European-wide felling date inventory, further studies are needed to investigate changes in construction activity of high versus low status buildings, and of urban versus rural buildings, and to compare those results with a variety of historical documentary sources and natural proxy archives.</jats:p

    Bridging the gaps in tree-ring records: Creating a high-resolution dendrochronological network for southeastern Europe

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    Dendrochronological research in North-Central Europe and the East Mediterranean has produced networks of long regional oak (Quercus sp.) reference chronologies that have been instrumental in dating, provenancing, and paleoclimate research applications. However, until now these two important tree-ring networks have not been successfully linked. Oak forests and historical/archaeological sites in southeastern Europe provide the key for linking the North-Central European and East Mediterranean tree-ring networks, but previous dendrochronological research in this region has been largely absent. This article presents the initial results of a project, in which we have built oak tree-ring chronologies from forest sites and historical/archaeological sites along a north-south transect between Poland and northwestern Turkey, with the aim of linking the North-Central European and East Mediterranean tree-ring networks and creating a new pan-European oak data set for dendrochronological dating and paleoclimatic reconstruction. Correlation among tree-ring chronologies and the spatial distribution of their teleconnections are evaluated. The southeastern European chronologies provide a solid bridge between both major European dendrochronological networks. The results indicate that a dense network of chronologies is the key for bridging spatial and temporal gaps in tree-ring records. Dendrochronological sampling should be intensively continued in southeastern Europe because resources for building long oak chronologies in the region are rapidly disappearing.Center for Mediterranean Archaeology and the Environment (CMATE) Special Issue, Joint publication of Radiocarbon and Tree-Ring Research, also cited as WaĹĽny, T., Lorentzen, B., Köse, N., Akkemik, Ăś, Boltryk, Y., GĂĽner, T., . . . Vasileva, J. (2014). Bridging the Gaps in Tree-Ring Records: Creating a High-Resolution Dendrochronological Network for Southeastern Europe. Radiocarbon, 56(4), S39-S50.This item is part of the Tree-Ring Research (formerly Tree-Ring Bulletin) archive. For more information about this peer-reviewed scholarly journal, please email the Editor of Tree-Ring Research at [email protected]

    Filling the Eastern European gap in millennium-long temperature reconstructions

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    Tree ring–based temperature reconstructions form the scientific backbone of the current global change debate. Although some European records extend into medieval times, high-resolution, long-term, regional-scale paleoclimatic evidence is missing for the eastern part of the continent. Here we compile 545 samples of living trees and historical timbers from the greater Tatra region to reconstruct interannual to centennial-long variations in Eastern European May–June temperature back to 1040 AD. Recent anthropogenic warming exceeds the range of past natural climate variability. Increased plague outbreaks and political conflicts, as well as decreased settlement activities, coincided with temperature depressions. The Black Death in the mid-14th century, the Thirty Years War in the early 17th century, and the French Invasion of Russia in the early 19th century all occurred during the coldest episodes of the last millennium. A comparison with summer temperature reconstructions from Scandinavia, the Alps, and the Pyrenees emphasizes the seasonal and spatial specificity of our results, questioning those large-scale reconstructions that simply average individual sites
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