564 research outputs found

    Implementing two-factor authentication

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    Two-factor authentication is a part of modern authentication technologies. It is also called multifactor authentication or shortly 2FA. Traditional one-factor authentication method process provides only one factor, typically a password. This is quite easy possible to hack. Two-factor authentication is based in the assumption, that two of the three factors of authentication are used. Satakunta University of Applied Sciences, later called SAMK, operates with modern ICT environment. Administrative portals and management systems needs better security. To find the best possible way is to implement secure two-factor authentication method and bring it to production use in SAMK environments. At least more complex authentication is needed with administrative systems, but the solution must be implementable also to whole staff everyday use e.g. with VPN. A first pilot environment will be made and after that the solution can be extended to heavier use. The research type used will be case study research. That research type will be best suitable to match any needs of the wanted solution. The most benefit for this thesis is Satakunta University of Applied Sciences, it will get a modern secure authentication layer for its systems and get documentation how it will work and need to be published. This is really needed in SAMK environment so benefit for the company will be good. The thesis will include two-factor authentication methods, use in on premise environment, use in cloud systems and different usage surveys and doing the implementing action in SAMK environment

    Achieving transparency and effectiveness – A paradox?

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    The purpose of this thesis is to find out how the paradox between transparency and effec-tiveness is visible and managed in the city of Vantaa. Background for the thesis comes from the changes the city of Helsinki tried to implement in its own budget process. The key re-search questions are how the paradox between transparency and effectiveness and effec-tiveness is visible in Vantaa and how are the managers of Vantaa managing with the paradox. The hypothesis is that the paradox is visible and that the managers are trying to achieve both transparent and effective decision making. Theoretical background for this theory is the par-adox theory and much in this thesis is drawn from the work of Marianne Lewis and Wendy Smith and Miguel Pina e Cunha and Linda Putnam. Paradoxes cannot be discussed without making the distinction with the value conflicts clear also. The thesis was done as a qualitative content analysis and a questionnaire was sent to the personnel of the division of strategy and leadership of the city of Vantaa. The questionnaire consisted of more quantitative ques-tions and some open-ended questions which were meant to collect data to be qualitatively analyzed. The questionnaire was open for a month in summer of 2023 and it got 21 respons-es. The responses make clear that the the contradiction between transparency and effec-tiveness is visible and recognized in the management of Vantaa. The responses are analyzed from the point of view of different response groups for different angles to the subject. Final-ly, the open-ended questions are analyzed and the responses are categorized around two different key questions, how is the paradox visible and how are the managers of Vantaa managing with the paradox. The results show that the paradox of transparency and effec-tiveness is visible in larger level or in specific decisions and processes. For the management of the paradox the responses were divided to functional and dysfunctional ways to manage with the paradox. From these responses it would seem that good communications are the key to manage with the paradox of transparency and effectiveness. Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena on selvittää, miten läpinäkyvyyden ja tehokkuuden pa-radoksi näkyy ja miten sitä hallitaan Vantaan kaupungissa. Opinnäytetyön taustalla ovat muu-tokset, joita Helsingin kaupunki yritti toteuttaa omassa talousarvioprosessissaan. Keskeisiä tutkimuskysymyksiä ovat, miten läpinäkyvyyden ja tehokkuuden paradoksi näkyy Vantaalla ja miten vantalaiset johtajat pärjäävät paradoksin kanssa. Hypoteesi on, että paradoksi on näkyvissä ja että johtajat yrittävät saavuttaa sekä avoimen että tehokkaan päätöksenteon. Tämän teorian teoreettinen tausta on paradoksiteoria, ja suuri osa tässä opinnäytteessä on peräisin Marianne Lewisin ja Wendy Smithin sekä Miguel Pina e Cunhan ja Linda Putnamin töistä. Paradokseista ei voida keskustella tekemättä eroa myös arvoristiriitojen kanssa. Opin-näytetyö tehtiin laadullisena sisällönanalyysinä ja kysely lähetettiin Vantaan kaupungin stra-tegia- ja johtamisvastuualueen henkilöstölle. Kyselylomake koostui kvantitatiivisemmista kysymyksistä ja muutamista avoimista kysymyksistä, joiden tarkoituksena oli kerätä aineistoa laadullisesti analysoitavaksi. Kysely oli avoinna kuukauden ajan kesällä 2023 ja siihen saatiin 21 vastausta. Vastauksista käy ilmi, että läpinäkyvyyden ja vaikuttavuuden ristiriita näkyy ja tun-nistetaan Vantaan johtamisessa. Vastauksia analysoidaan eri vastausryhmien näkökulmasta eri näkökulmista aiheeseen. Lopuksi analysoidaan avoimet kysymykset ja luokitellaan vas-taukset kahden eri avainkysymyksen ympärille, miten paradoksi näkyy ja miten vantalaiset johtajat pärjäävät paradoksin kanssa. Tulokset osoittavat, että läpinäkyvyyden ja tehokkuu-den paradoksi näkyy laajemmalla tasolla tai erityisissä päätöksissä ja prosesseissa. Paradoksin hallitsemiseksi vastaukset jakautuivat toiminnallisiin ja toimimattomiin tapoihin selviytyä pa-radoksin kanssa. Näiden vastausten perusteella näyttää siltä, että hyvä viestintä on avain avoimuuden ja tehokkuuden paradoksin hallintaan

    Framework for Sales and Operations Planning in Engineer-to-Order Environment

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    In recent years, sales and operations planning (S&OP) has become an integral part of the supply chain functions in many organizations. S&OP is seen as a way to create organizational alignment with the operating strategy and as a result improve revenue, decrease inventory levels and reduce costs. Thus, its positive effect on company’s performance has clearly been noticed. Despite the growing practical interest towards the implementation and execution of S&OP, the research around the topic has focused on consumer goods or pharmaceutical industry and on Make-to-Stock (MTS) environment. This master’s thesis studies the execution and best practices related to S&OP in industrial manufacturing in Engineer-to-Order (ETO) environment. The goal of the research is to develop a framework for the execution of S&OP for companies operating in ETO context. In addition, a deeper understanding is sought on the factors that create the need to customize S&OP based on the requirements of ETO environment. These objectives were addressed by first developing a framework related to S&OP execution in MTS environment based on the current academic literature. Through an empirical study, the assumptions of the framework were tested by interviewing S&OP process stakeholders within an organization operating in ETO environment. This provided a chance to gain understanding on how S&OP is carried out in the context of ETO and what are the similarities and differences compared to S&OP in MTS environment. Based on these findings, the initial framework was modified to the needs and requirements of ETO context. As a result, an execution framework for S&OP in ETO environment was created. The framework constructed passed the weak market test carried out in this research and is being implemented in the case company. The findings of this study imply that there are differences in the execution of S&OP between MTS and ETO environment and, hence, the processes should be managed differently. It was evident that S&OP should be customized according to the requirements of the business environment. The found factors with the greatest impact on the need to customize S&OP in ETO context are fluctuating demand, difficulty to forecast and wide and complex product portfolio. Due to the existence of these factors, there is a need to place high emphasis on demand planning, scenario analysis and strategy and risk analysis as part of the S&OP in ETO environment. In addition, finance should be integrated as part of the process and the transparency of the process and decision-making should be secured. The framework constructed in this study provides opportunities for organizations operating in ETO environment to enhance their S&OP practices and, hence, ensure continuous competitiveness

    Developing marketing and communication : Case Tampere Chamber of Commerce and Industry

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    The aim of this work is to provide the customer, Tampere Chamber of Commerce and Industry, with knowledge about the current state of their marketing and communication, and an insight to what aspects of communication should be developed and how. Prior to this research there was very little information on what the employees, other key people and stakeholders thought about the current state of communication and marketing in the organization. It was necessary to collect matter-of-fact data and opinions on all factors relating to marketing and communication. Tampere CCI has taken steps towards more functional communication by hiring a person responsible of marketing and communications. This research is a result of a need to develop all aspects of communication as pointed out by the hired employee. Research interviews and an online questionnaire were used as research methods, and these research methods represented both qualitative and quantitative research methods. Combining the broad numerical data from quantitative research and the detailed data from the qualitative research helps to better understand the research problem, while ensuring the most comprehensive approach. There were ten research interviews carried out, five of the interviewees being employees of Tampere CCI, and 5 of them board members. The online questionnaire was sent to 581 recipients, of which 130 replied. The research process resulted in finding the aspects of communication that were either problematic or lacking. In addition several ideas for development were presented. This work enables Tampere CCI to start planning how communication and marketing could be developed in order to achieve better results. Tampere CCI is now able to create marketing and communication that will yield improved relations with all individuals and companies involved, while at the same time providing a more desired and fruitful company image. This research is confidential, and thus chapters 4, 5 and the Appendices are not available for public reading

    Management of investment processes on Finnish farms

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    Structural change in agriculture means a continuous need for investing in farm production. It is essential for the sustainable operations and the economy of the farm that such investments are successful. In this research, different stages of the investment process of farms were studied as well as the use of information and the success perceived during the investment process. The study was carried out with mail surveys and telephone interviews on the Finnish Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN) farms. The most challenging investments were in animal husbandry buildings and, as to these investments, the comparison of alternatives was the most challenging stage. For most investments, the planning phase was considered more challenging than the implementation. Before making the decision, farmers acquired information from many sources, of which the opinion of the main customer and the experiences of fellow farmers were the most valued. Some of the products considered were so new on the market that it was not easy to get adequate information and, furthermore, the information given by suppliers was not always accurate. Decision-making was supported by calculations, but qualitative factors had a dominating role. Large basic decisions were made relatively quickly, while details needed a longer time to process. In general, farm managers were satisfied with their investments. Improvements in work quality and quantity were especially mentioned and generally qualitative factors were the ones first in mind when evaluating the successfulness of the investment

    Quality characteristics of edible linseed oil

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    In this review the quality properties of linseed oil for food uses are discussed as well as factors affecting this quality. Linseed oil has a favourable fatty acid composition with a high linolenic acid content. Linseed oil contains nearly 60% á-linolenic acid, compared with 25% for plant oils generally. The content of linolenic acid and omega-3 fatty acids is reported to be high in linseed grown in northern latitudes. The composition of fatty acids, especially unsaturated fatty acids, reported in different studies varies considerably for linseed oil. This variation depends mainly on differences in the examined varieties and industrial processing treatments. The fatty acid composition leads also to some problems, rancidity probably being the most challenging. Some information has been published concerning oxidation and taste, whereas only a few studies have focused on colour or microbiological quality. Rancidity negatively affects the taste and odour of the oil. There are available a few studies on effects of storage on composition of linseed oil. In general, storage and heat promote auto-oxidation of fats, as well as decrease the amounts of tocopherols and vitamin E in linseed oil. Several methods are available to promote the quality of the oil, including agronomic methods and methods of breeding as well as chemical, biotechnological and microbiological methods. Time of harvesting and weather conditions affect the quality and yield of the oil

    Cadmium and fatty acid contents of linseed in Finland

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    The Cd content of the seed samples varied between 0,27 and 1,3 mg/kg dry matter. The Cd contents of the crush samples were 56 % higher on average than those of the corresponding seeds. The content of alfa-linolenic acid of the Finnish samples was among the highest compared with results from several international studies (reference value 57,0 %, Morris 2003). The composition of fatty acids, especially unsaturated fatty acids, reported in different studies varies considerably. This variation depends mainly on differences in the examined varieties and in industrial processing treatments

    Öljypellavan siemenen itävyydessä on ongelmia

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    Öljypellavan siemenistä valmistettujen tuotteiden kysyntä ylittää raaka-aineen tarjonnan. Viljelyala ei ole kasvanut, koska kylvösiementen itävyys ei ole ollut riittävän hyvä, vähintään 85 %. Itävyysongelmien vuoksi kylvöön on tarvittu poikkeuslupa. Itävyyteen vaikuttavat muun muassa puinti ja kosteus.vo

    Jatkuva ihokontakti vastasyntyneen kanssa - havainnointi

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    Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli kuvailla Vauvamyönteisyysohjelman toteutumista Jorvin sairaalan synnytyssalissa kaksi tuntia synnytyksen jälkeen. Tutkimus tehtiin yhteistyössä Jorvin sairaalan synnytysosaston kanssa. Tavoitteena on edistää saadun tiedon avulla Jorvin sairaalan synnytysosastolla Vauvamyönteisyysohjelman mukaista toimintaa. Ennen opinnäytetyömme empiiristä vaihetta etsimme näyttöön perustuvaa tietoa äidin ja vastasyntyneen välisestä ihokontaktista ja sen hyödyistä. Tutkimus kuului Hyvä Syntymä -hankkeeseen. Opinnäytetyömme teoriaosuuteen etsimme tutkittua tietoa äidin ja vastasyntyneen välisen ihokontaktin hyödyistä. Valitsimme vain sellaiset tutkimukset, joissa käsiteltiin terveitä äitejä ja vastasyntyneitä sekä säännöllisiä alatiesynnytyksiä. Tietoa äidin ja vastasyntyneen ihokontaktin tukemisesta Jorvin sairaalan synnytysosastolla keräsimme havainnoinnin avulla. Havainnoinnit toteutettiin videomateriaalin avulla. Kuvasimme kolmea kätilöä ja äiti–lapsi -paria kaksi tuntia synnytyksen jälkeen. Tutkimuksessamme aineiston analysointi tapahtui sisällönanalyysin avulla. Analyysissa kiinnitimme huomiota kätilön ja äidin väliseen vuorovaikutukseen, kätilön toimintaan sekä äidin ja vauvan reaktioihin. Analysoidun aineiston pohjalta kirjoitimme tutkimuksemme tulokset. Tulosten perusteella todettiin, että Vauvamyönteisyystyöryhmän laatimat ihokontaktin tukemiseen liittyvät suositukset toteutuivat Jorvin sairaalan synnytysosastolla. Kätilöt toimivat vauvan hoidossa ja seurannassa sekä äidin ja vauvan vuorovaikutuksen tukemisessa työryhmän laatimien suositusten mukaisesti. Ensi-imetys onnistui vauvan ollessa ihokontaktissa. Koska tutkittavien määrä oli pieni (N=3), tulokset eivät ole yleistettävissä. Jatkossa aiheesta olisi hyvä tehdä kattavampia ja laajempia tutkimuksia, jolloin pystyttäisiin tekemään luotettavampia johtopäätöksiä.The purpose of our study was to describe the realisation of the Baby-friendly Hospital Initiative of the Jorvi Hospital, Espoo, Finland, two hours after birth. Our study was concluded in cooperation with the hospitals maternity ward. The aim of our study was to contribute to the hospitals Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative by applying the information gathered during the study. The study was a part of The Good Birth project (in Finnish, Hyvä Syntymä –hanke) For the theoretical part of this study, we searched for studies concerning the benefits of skin-to-skin contact between the mother and the newborn. The studies, which were chosen for our study, concerned healthy mothers and newborn babies and regular labours. The information on encouraging skin-to-skin contact in the Jorvi hospital was gathered by observing three midwives and mother-newborn pairs two hours after labour. The observation was carried out by filming them. In our study, the analysis of the material was concluded with the help of the methods of content analysis. In our analysis, we focused on the interaction between the midwife and the mother, the behaviour of the midwife and the reactions of the mother and the newborn. The analysis formed the foundation from which the results of the study were written. The results of our study shows that the recommendations made by the Baby-friendly Hospital Initiative workgroup concerning skin-to-skin contact were fulfilled on the maternity ward of the Jorvi Hospital. The midwives acted according to the recommendations by the workgroup during the nursing and follow-up of the newborn as well as supporting the mother-newborn interaction. First breastfeeding was successful when the newborn was in skin-to-skin contact