140 research outputs found

    The Effects of Resistance and Plyometric Training on Vertical Jump

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    Several training protocols are available when it comes to increase the height of vertical jump. The purpose of the study was to test two different training protocols to see if they would generate a higher vertical jump at the end of a four week training period. This study tested to see if there was a correlation between two different types of training, resistance training and plyometric training, and the vertical jump. Both produce force and both have been used when training jump height, but which is best: resistance training or plyometric training? Six college-aged subjects who attend the University of Texas at Tyler (five male and one female) were divided into a resistance training group and a plyometric training group. Both groups then participated in four weeks of their designated training regimen. Each subject was tested at the end of each week using a Vertex and Ground Reaction Force plate to measure vertical height and force produced from each jump. We then normalized our data into percentages and inputted those values into an Excel program to create a Regression Line. The results showed that over a four-week period, plyometric training and resistance training saw an increase in vertical jump height, overall. However, the plyometric group increased their jump significantly over the four-week period and increased their force production. The resistance group, while they did increase their vertical, did not increase at the rate that the plyometric group did. Their force production generally speaking, decreased over the four-week period. However, with the data obtained, we can then use this to plan a program for coaches and their athletes. If coaches and trainers only have a short period of time, one month for example, then plyometric training is the best way to train for an increase in vertical jump height. More tests would have to be done to see if resistance training would be more effective than plyometric training over an extended period of time

    Correlation of cycles in Lava Lake motion and degassing at Erebus Volcano, Antarctica

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    Several studies at Erebus volcano have recorded pulsatory behaviour in many of the observable properties of its active lava lake. A strong correlation between the variations in surface speed of the lake and the composition of gas emitted has previously been noted. While previous studies have shown that the SO2 flux and the surface elevation exhibit pulsatory behaviour with a similar period to that of the surface speed and gas composition, suggesting they are linked, a lack of overlap between the di erent measurements has prevented direct comparisons from being made. Using high time-resolution measurements of surface elevation, surface speed, gas composition and SO2 flux we demonstrate for the rst time an unambiguous link between the cyclic behaviour in each of these properties. We also show that the variation in gas composition may be explained by a subtle change in oxygen fugacity. The cycles are found to be in-phase with each other, with a small but consistent lag of 1-3 min between the peaks in surface elevation and surface speed. Explosive events are found to have no observable e ffect on the pulsatory behaviour beyond the ~5 min period required for lake refi ll. The close correspondences between the varying lake surface motion, gas flux and composition, and modelled oxygen fugacity suggest strong links between magma degassing, redox change and the fluid dynamics of the shallow magmatic system.This is the final version of the article. It was originally published by Wiley on behalf of the American Geophysical Union in Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems here: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/2014GC005399/abstract. It will be embargoed until 19/1/15

    Optimizing Egg Recovery From Wild Northern Corn Rootworm Beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)

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    The northern corn rootworm, Diabrotica barberi Smith & Lawrence (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), is one of the most important insect pests in the U.S. Corn Belt. Efforts to obtain eggs from wild northern corn rootworm populations using techniques developed for other rootworm species have been unsuccessful due to lack of oviposition. In 2016, we evaluated four oviposition media in choice tests within each of three female densities in 30.5 × 30.5 × 30.5 cm BugDorm cages. The number of eggs laid per female was significantly affected by female density and the interaction of female density × oviposition media, but oviposition was relatively poor in all oviposition media (1.2 eggs per female when averaging the three female densities and all oviposition media). Single females were also evaluated in nonchoice assays in 6 cm × 6 cm × 8 cm clear plastic boxes and averaged up to 108 eggs per female depending on the oviposition media. In 2017, the cumulative number of eggs laid per female in boxes with one female was not significantly different from the number of eggs laid per female in boxes with 3 females. In 2018, the cumulative number of eggs laid per female was not significantly different between female densities of 1, 3, 5, or 10 females per box. Total egg production per box therefore increased as female density increased. More than 27,000 wild northern corn rootworm eggs were collected from just 190 females when collected relatively early in the field season. We now have an efficient and robust system for obtaining eggs from wild northern corn rootworm females

    Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance and bone health outcomes: a systematic review and exploratory meta-analysis

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    Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) is a common condition in the elderly. A number of studies have investigated the relationship between MGUS and bone health outcomes including bone mineral density (BMD), osteoporosis and fractures, but no meta-analysis exists. We conducted a systematic review and exploratory meta-analysis comparing bone health outcomes in patients with MGUS. Two independent authors searched PubMed and Scopus from inception until 19 October 2016. A meta-analysis of cross-sectional and longitudinal studies investigating fractures and BMD was conducted. Standardised mean differences (SMD) ± 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were calculated for BMD, and risk ratios (RRs) were calculated for prevalent and incident fractures. Of 174 initial hits, 10 studies of moderate methodological quality were eligible, including 8711 individuals with MGUS vs. 52,865 controls. Compared to controls, subjects with MGUS showed significantly lower values for radial cortical volumetric BMD (1 study; SMD = -5.45, 95% CI: -7.24 to -3.66), but not at the lumbar spine, femoral neck or hip. The incidence of fractures was higher in people with MGUS (n = 7466) vs. controls (n = 52,304) (RR = 1.36, 95% CI 1.28-1.44, I 2 = 0%) over a median of 12.5-year follow-up. The incidence of vertebral fractures was particularly elevated (RR = 2.50, 95% CI 1.53-4.06) although limited to two studies. In conclusion, although with limitations, our preliminary meta-analysis suggests that patients with MGUS are at higher risk of fractures despite evidence for differences in BMD being equivocal. Future longitudinal research is required to confirm our findings and determine if fracture prevention interventions are warranted in people with MGUS

    Cancer Cachexia: Traditional Therapies and Novel Molecular Mechanism-Based Approaches to Treatment

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    The complex syndrome of cancer cachexia (CC) that occurs in 50% to 80% cancer patients has been identified as an independent predictor of shorter survival and increased risk of treatment failure and toxicity, contributing to the mortality and morbidity in this population. CC is a pathological state including a symptom cluster of loss of muscle (skeletal and visceral) and fat, manifested in the cardinal feature of emaciation, weakness affecting functional status, impaired immune system, and metabolic dysfunction. The most prominent feature of CC is its non-responsiveness to traditional treatment approaches; randomized clinical trials with appetite stimulants, 5-HT3 antagonists, nutrient supplementation, and Cox-2 inhibitors all have failed to demonstrate success in reversing the metabolic abnormalities seen in CC. Interventions based on a clear understanding of the mechanism of CC, using validated markers relevant to the underlying metabolic abnormalities implicated in CC are much needed. Although the etiopathogenesis of CC is poorly understood, studies have proposed that NFkB is upregulated in CC, modulating immune and inflammatory responses induce the cellular breakdown of muscle, resulting in sarcopenia. Several recent laboratory studies have shown that n-3 fatty acid may attenuate protein degradation, potentially by preventing NFkB accumulation in the nucleus, preventing the degradation of muscle proteins. However, clinical trials to date have produced mixed results potentially attributed to timing of interventions (end stage) and utilizing outcome markers such as weight which is confounded by hydration, cytotoxic therapies, and serum cytokines. We propose that selective targeting of proteasome activity with a standardized dose of omega-3-acid ethyl esters, administered to cancer patients diagnosed with early stage CC, in addition to a standard intervention with nutritionally adequate diet and appetite stimulants, will alter metabolic abnormalities by downregulating NFkB, preventing the breakdown of myofibrillar proteins and resulting in increasing serum protein markers, lean body mass, and functional status

    Effects of powdered Montmorency tart cherry supplementation on acute endurance exercise performance in aerobically trained individuals

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    BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to determine whether short-term supplementation of a powdered tart cherry supplement prior to and following stressful endurance exercise would affect markers of muscle damage, inflammation, oxidative stress, and/or muscle soreness. METHODS: 27 endurance-trained runners or triathlete (21.8 ± 3.9 years, 15.0 ± 6.0 % body fat, 67.4 ± 11.8 kg) men (n = 18) and women (n = 9) were matched based on average reported race pace, age, body mass, and fat free mass. Subjects were randomly assigned to ingest, in a double-blind manner, capsules containing 480 mg of a rice flour placebo (P, n = 16) or powdered tart cherries [CherryPURE®] (TC, n = 11). Subjects supplemented one time daily (480 mg/day) for 10-d, including race day, up to 48-hr post-run. Subjects completed a half-marathon run (21.1 km) under 2-hr (111.98 ± 11.9 min). Fasting blood samples and quadriceps muscle soreness ratings using an algometer with a graphic pain rating scale were taken pre-run, 60-min, 24 and 48-h post-run and analyzed by MANOVA with repeated measures. RESULTS: Subjects in the TC group averaged 13 % faster half-marathon race finish times (p = 0.001) and tended to have smaller deviations from predicted race pace (p = 0.091) compared to P. Attenuations in TC muscle catabolic markers were reported over time for creatinine (p = 0.047), urea/blood urea nitrogen (p = 0.048), total protein (p = 0.081), and cortisol (p = 0.016) compared to P. Despite lower antioxidant activity pre-run in TC compared to P, changes from pre-run levels revealed a linear increase in antioxidant activity at 24 and 48-h of recovery in TC that was statistically different (16–39 %) from P and pre-run levels. Inflammatory markers were 47 % lower in TC compared to P over time (p = 0.053) coupled with a significant difference between groups (p = 0.017). Soreness perception between the groups was different over time in the medial quadriceps (p = 0.035) with 34 % lower pre-run soreness in TC compared to P. Over the 48-h recovery period, P changes in medial quadriceps soreness from pre-run measures were smaller compared to TC. CONCLUSION: Results revealed that short-term supplementation of Montmorency powdered tart cherries surrounding an endurance challenge attenuated markers of muscle catabolism, reduced immune and inflammatory stress, better maintained redox balance, and increased performance in aerobically trained individuals

    Replication timing maintains the global epigenetic state in human cells

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    ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank R. Didier and B. Alexander of the FSU Flow Cytometry and Confocal Microscopy Facilities for their help with flow cytometry and fluorescence-activated cell sorting for this project. Thanks to A. Brown of the FSU Biological Science Core Labs and to Y. Yang and C. Vied of the FSU Translational Labs. Thanks to S. R. Westermann of SCIGRAPHIX for generating the model figure. Thanks to B. van Steensel, J. Phillips-Cremins, and P. Fraser for critical reading of the manuscript. Funding: This work was supported by NIH grant GM083337 to D.M.G., GM035463 to V.G.C., and GM085354 to D.M.G., S.D., and V.G.C. D.L. is supported by the Hong Kong Research Grant Council (ECS 26104216). T.B. is supported by the William C. and Joyce C. O’Neil Charitable Trust, Memorial Sloan Kettering Single Cell Sequencing InitiativePeer reviewedPostprin

    Effects of powdered Montmorency tart cherry supplementation on an acute bout of intense lower body strength exercise in resistance trained males

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    BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to examine whether short-term ingestion of a powdered tart cherry supplement prior to and following intense resistance-exercise attenuates muscle soreness and recovery strength loss, while reducing markers of muscle damage, inflammation, and oxidative stress. METHODS: Twenty-three healthy, resistance-trained men (20.9 ± 2.6 yr, 14.2 ± 5.4 % body fat, 63.9 ± 8.6 kg FFM) were matched based on relative maximal back squat strength, age, body weight, and fat free mass. Subjects were randomly assigned to ingest, in a double blind manner, capsules containing a placebo (P, n = 12) or powdered tart cherries [CherryPURE(®)] (TC, n = 11). Participants supplemented one time daily (480 mg/d) for 10-d including day of exercise up to 48-h post-exercise. Subjects performed ten sets of ten repetitions at 70 % of a 1-RM back squat exercise. Fasting blood samples, isokinetic MVCs, and quadriceps muscle soreness ratings were taken pre-lift, 60-min, 24-h, and 48-h post-lift and analyzed by MANOVA with repeated measures. RESULTS: Muscle soreness perception in the vastus medialis (¼) (p = 0.10) and the vastus lateralis (¼) (p = 0.024) was lower in TC over time compared to P. Compared to pre-lift, TC vastus medialis (¼) soreness was significantly attenuated up to 48-h post-lift with vastus lateralis (¼) soreness significantly lower at 24-h post-lift compared to P. TC changes in serum creatinine (p = 0.03, delta p = 0.024) and total protein (p = 0.018, delta p = 0.006) were lower over time and smaller from pre-lift levels over time compared to P Significant TC group reductions from pre-lift levels were found for AST and creatinine 48-h post-lift, bilirubin and ALT 60-min and 48-h post-lift. No significant supplementation effects were observed for serum inflammatory or anti-inflammatory markers. None of the free radical production, lipid peroxidation, or antioxidant capacity markers (NT, TBARS, TAS, SOD) demonstrated significant changes with supplementation. Changes in TC whole blood lymphocyte counts (p = 0.013) from pre-lift were greater compared to P, but TC lymphocyte counts returned to pre-lift values quicker than P. CONCLUSION: Short-term supplementation of Montmorency powdered tart cherries surrounding a single bout of resistance exercise, appears to be an effective dietary supplement to attenuate muscle soreness, strength decrement during recovery, and markers of muscle catabolism in resistance trained individuals

    Acute and chronic safety and efficacy of dose dependent creatine nitrate supplementation and exercise performance

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    BACKGROUND: Creatine monohydrate (CrM) and nitrate are popular supplements for improving exercise performance; yet have not been investigated in combination. We performed two studies to determine the safety and exercise performance-characteristics of creatine nitrate (CrN) supplementation. METHODS: Study 1 participants (N = 13) ingested 1.5 g CrN (CrN-Low), 3 g CrN (CrN-High), 5 g CrM or a placebo in a randomized, crossover study (7d washout) to determine supplement safety (hepatorenal and muscle enzymes, heart rate, blood pressure and side effects) measured at time-0 (unsupplemented), 30-min, and then hourly for 5-h post-ingestion. Study 2 participants (N = 48) received the same CrN treatments vs. 3 g CrM in a randomized, double-blind, 28d trial inclusive of a 7-d interim testing period and loading sequence (4 servings/d). Day-7 and d-28 measured Tendo™ bench press performance, Wingate testing and a 6x6-s bicycle ergometer sprint. Data were analyzed using a GLM and results are reported as mean ± SD or mean change ± 95 % CI. RESULTS: In both studies we observed several significant, yet stochastic changes in blood markers that were not indicative of potential harm or consistent for any treatment group. Equally, all treatment groups reported a similar number of minimal side effects. In Study 2, there was a significant increase in plasma nitrates for both CrN groups by d-7, subsequently abating by d-28. Muscle creatine increased significantly by d-7 in the CrM and CrN-High groups, but then decreased by d-28 for CrN-High. By d-28, there were significant increases in bench press lifting volume (kg) for all groups (PLA, 126.6, 95 % CI 26.3, 226.8; CrM, 194.1, 95 % CI 89.0, 299.2; CrN-Low, 118.3, 95 % CI 26.1, 210.5; CrN-High, 267.2, 95 % CI 175.0, 359.4, kg). Only the CrN-High group was significantly greater than PLA (p < 0.05). Similar findings were observed for bench press peak power (PLA, 59.0, 95 % CI 4.5, 113.4; CrM, 68.6, 95 % CI 11.4, 125.8; CrN-Low, 40.9, 95 % CI −9.2, 91.0; CrN-High, 60.9, 95 % CI 10.8, 111.1, W) and average power. CONCLUSIONS: Creatine nitrate delivered at 3 g was well-tolerated, demonstrated similar performance benefits to 3 g CrM, in addition, within the confines of this study, there were no safety concerns