283 research outputs found

    Ecology of Conflict: Marine Food Supply Affects Human-Wildlife Interactions on Land

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    Human-wildlife conflicts impose considerable costs to people and wildlife worldwide. Most research focuses on proximate causes, offering limited generalizable understanding of ultimate drivers. We tested three competing hypotheses (problem individuals, regional population saturation, limited food supply) that relate to underlying processes of human-grizzly bear (Ursus arctos horribilis) conflict, using data from British Columbia, Canada, between 1960–2014. We found most support for the limited food supply hypothesis: in bear populations that feed on spawning salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.), the annual number of bears/km2killed due to conflicts with humans increased by an average of 20% (6–32% [95% CI]) for each 50% decrease in annual salmon biomass. Furthermore, we found that across all bear populations (with or without access to salmon), 81% of attacks on humans and 82% of conflict kills occurred after the approximate onset of hyperphagia (July 1st), a period of intense caloric demand. Contrary to practices by many management agencies, conflict frequency was not reduced by hunting or removal of problem individuals. Our finding that a marine resource affects terrestrial conflict suggests that evidence-based policy for reducing harm to wildlife and humans requires not only insight into ultimate drivers of conflict, but also management that spans ecosystem and jurisdictional boundaries

    Identification of Genes Involved in Lipid Biosynthesis through de novo Transcriptome Assembly from Cocos nucifera Developing Endosperm

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    Cocos nucifera (coconut), a member of the Arecaceae family, is an economically important woody palm that is widely grown in tropical and subtropical regions. The coconut palm is well known for its ability to accumulate large amounts of oil, approximately 63% of the seed weight. Coconut oil varies significantly from other vegetable oils as it contains a high proportion of medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA; 85%). The unique composition of coconut oil raises interest in understanding how the coconut palm produces oil of a high saturated MCFA content, and if such an oil profile could be replicated via biotechnology interventions. Although some gene discovery work has been performed there is still a significant gap in the knowledge associated with coconut’s oil production pathways. In this study, a de novo transcriptome was assembled for developing coconut endosperm to identify genes involved in the synthesis of lipids, particularly triacylglycerol. Of particular interest were thioesterases, acyltransferases and oleosins because of their involvement in the processes of releasing fatty acids for assembly, esterification of fatty acids into glycerolipids and protecting oils from degradation, respectively. It is hypothesized that some of these genes may exhibit a strong substrate preference for MCFA and hence may assist the future development of vegetable oils with an enriched MCFA composition. In this study, we identified and confirmed functionality of five candidate genes from the gene families of interest. This study will benefit future work in areas of increasing vegetable oil production and the tailoring of oil fatty acid compositions

    Bacillus pumilus B12 Degrades Polylactic Acid and Degradation Is Affected by Changing Nutrient Conditions

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    Poly-lactic acid (PLA) is increasingly used as a biodegradable alternative to traditional petroleum-based plastics. In this study, we identify a novel agricultural soil isolate of Bacillus pumilus (B12) that is capable of degrading high molecular weight PLA films. This degradation can be detected on a short timescale, with significant degradation detected within 48-h by the release of L-lactate monomers, allowing for a rapid identification ideal for experimental variation. The validity of using L-lactate as a proxy for degradation of PLA films is corroborated by loss of rigidity and appearance of fractures in PLA films, as measured by atomic force microscopy and scanning electron microscopy (SEM), respectively. Furthermore, we have observed a dose-dependent decrease in PLA degradation in response to an amino acid/nucleotide supplement mix that is driven mainly by the nucleotide base adenine. In addition, amendments of the media with specific carbon sources increase the rate of PLA degradation, while phosphate and potassium additions decrease the rate of PLA degradation by B. pumilus B12. These results suggest B. pumilus B12 is adapting its enzymatic expression based on environmental conditions and that these conditions can be used to study the regulation of this process. Together, this work lays a foundation for studying the bacterial degradation of biodegradable plastics

    DNA Extraction Method Development for Ocular Tissues

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    Purpose: DNA extraction kits are traditionally developed to work with liquid tissues such as blood, saliva, and swabs, but some have been proposed to work with solid tissues. Somatic variation in cancers can be important for tumor subtyping and treatment guidance, including ocular tumors. Additionally, epigenetic marks such as 5-methylcytosine (5mC) and 5-hydroxymethylcytosine (5hmC) are tissue-specific and change in disease states, particularly evident in diabetic retinopathy and age-related macular degeneration. Commercial DNA extraction kits are available from several vendors, but the various kits have different strengths and weaknesses, and the removal of PCR inhibitors will vary with each kit. This project investigates the yield and purity of DNA from ocular tissues using commercial DNA extraction kits. Methods: Cornea, neural retina, RPE/choroid layer, optic nerve, and capsular bag were collected and aliquoted into 15 mg aliquots. Extractions were performed using the following kits: DNEasy Blood and Tissue Kit (Qiagen;), GeneJET Genomic DNA Purification Kit (ThermoFisher Scientific), Monarch HMW DNA Extraction Kit for Tissue (New England Biosciences), and genomicPrep Mini Spin Kit (Cytiva). DNA was quantified using the Qubit Fluorometer and molecular weight was checked by agarose gel. Several more kits are currently being tested. Results: All four kits yielded high molecular weight DNA (above 20 kbp). The Monarch HMW kit yielded DNA with significantly higher molecular weights. The DNA yields per milligram of tissue were highest using the DNEasy Blood and Tissue Kit for optic nerve, neural retina, and RPE/choroid. The yield was highest for the cornea using the genomicPrep Mini Spin Kit. Only the genomicPrep Mini Spin Kit yielded sufficient DNA for quantification from the capsular bag, and total yields were minimal (600 ng or less). Additional kits are currently being tested, but initial results indicate that several commercial kits will be sufficient for DNA extraction of ocular tissues. Further work is needed to purify epithelial cells and stem cells from the intraocular lens. Conclusions: Of the kits tested, all are sufficient to obtain significant amounts of DNA from all ocular tissues aside from the capsular bag. The Monarch HMW yielded the highest molecular weight, but significantly lower quantities of DNA than the other kits, indicating that it may not be ideal for most purposes. Protocol development for the capsular bag is still underway

    The grand challenges of migration ecology that radar aeroecology can help answer

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    Many migratory species have experienced substantial declines that resulted from rapid and massive expansions of human structures and activities, habitat alterations and climate change. Migrants are also recognized as an integral component of biodiversity and provide a multitude of services and disservices that are relevant to human agriculture, economy and health. The plethora of recently published studies reflects the need for better fundamental knowledge on migrations and for better management of their ecological and human‐relevant effects. Yet, where are we in providing answers to fundamental questions and societal challenges? Engaging a broad network of researchers worldwide, we used a horizon‐scan approach to identify the most important challenges which need to be overcome in order to gain a fuller understanding of migration ecology, and which could be addressed using radar aeroecological and macroecological approaches. The top challenges include both long‐standing and novel topics, ranging from fundamental information on migration routes and phenology, orientation and navigation strategies, and the multitude of effects migrants may have on resident communities, to societal challenges, such as protecting or preventing migrant services and disservices, and the conservation of migrants in the face of environmental changes. We outline these challenges, identify the urgency of addressing them and the primary stakeholders – researchers, policy makers and practitioners, or funders of research.

    J/psi suppression at forward rapidity in Au+Au collisions at sqrt(s_NN)=39 and 62.4 GeV

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    We present measurements of the J/psi invariant yields in sqrt(s_NN)=39 and 62.4 GeV Au+Au collisions at forward rapidity (1.2<|y|<2.2). Invariant yields are presented as a function of both collision centrality and transverse momentum. Nuclear modifications are obtained for central relative to peripheral Au+Au collisions (R_CP) and for various centrality selections in Au+Au relative to scaled p+p cross sections obtained from other measurements (R_AA). The observed suppression patterns at 39 and 62.4 GeV are quite similar to those previously measured at 200 GeV. This similar suppression presents a challenge to theoretical models that contain various competing mechanisms with different energy dependencies, some of which cause suppression and others enhancement.Comment: 365 authors, 10 pages, 11 figures, 4 tables. Submitted to Phys. Rev. C. Plain text data tables for the points plotted in figures for this and previous PHENIX publications are (or will be) publicly available at http://www.phenix.bnl.gov/papers.htm