12 research outputs found


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    The aim of this paper is to evaluate soil shear strength from the Dobkovicky landslide. The landslide was activated on June 6, 2013 after heavy rains and the D8 motorway, which was under construction at the time, was damaged. The laboratory tests were carried out on two types of soils, clay and tuff, both from the surface of the rupture. Critical and residual friction angles were evaluated on both types of soils


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    The aim of this paper is to evaluate soil shear strength from the Dobkovicky landslide. The landslide was activated on June 6, 2013 after heavy rains and the D8 motorway, which was under construction at the time, was damaged. The laboratory tests were carried out on two types of soils, clay and tuff, both from the surface of the rupture. Critical and residual friction angles were evaluated on both types of soils

    Geologische Untersuchungen an der Neubaustrecke Dresden-Prag: Geologische Untersuchungen an der Eisenbahn-Neubaustrecke Dresden-Prag (2011 - 2020)

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    In der Schriftenreihe werden alle Ergebnisse der geologischen Untersuchungen vorgestellt, die seit 2011 im Umfeld der geplanten Eisenbahnneubaustrecke Dresden-Prag durchgeführt worden sind. Der geplante mindestens 25 km lange, grenzüberschreitende Erzgebirgsbasistunnel durchquert verschiedene Gesteine und komplexe Störungszonen. Untersuchungsschwerpunkt waren die geologischen, tektonischen und hydrogeologischen Verhältnisse im grenznahen Raum des geplanten Trassenkorridos. Die Veröffentlichung richtet sich an Behörden, Institutionen, Ingenieur- und Planungsbüros, die sich mit der Umsetzung der Neubaustrecke beschäftigen sowie an die geologisch interessierte Fachwelt und Öffentlichkeit. Redaktionsschluss: 28.08.202

    Posouzení stabilitních poměrů v severní části intravilánu města Zlín

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    Import 20/04/2006Prezenční výpůjčkaVŠB - Technická univerzita Ostrava. Fakulta hornicko-geologická. Institut geologického inženýrství (541


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    The aim of this paper is to evaluate soil shear strength from the Dobkovicky landslide. The landslide was activated on June 6, 2013 after heavy rains and the D8 motorway, which was under construction at the time, was damaged. The laboratory tests were carried out on two types of soils, clay and tuff, both from the surface of the rupture. Critical and residual friction angles were evaluated on both types of soils


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    The aim of this paper is to evaluate soil shear strength from the Dobkovicky landslide. The landslide was activated on June 6, 2013 after heavy rains and the D8 motorway, which was under construction at the time, was damaged. The laboratory tests were carried out on two types of soils, clay and tuff, both from the surface of the rupture. Critical and residual friction angles were evaluated on both types of soils

    A small-scale map analysis of the engineering-geological zone and landscape element dependencies for the land-use planning purposes in the Czech Republic

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    The aim of the article is to describe the connections among the engineering-geological zones and landscape elements on the level of a small-scale map analysis of a whole country. Next, it also brings quantified spatial information on the distribution of the different engineering-geological zones in the Czech Republic (CR) in relation to landscape elements as such information is strategic for engineering, agricultural, and forestry activities of different countries. The information is crucial for scientists and land-use planners, including the limiting conditions of the distribution of certain geological environments within a country, which helps to calibrate the activities and adjust to the environments. This study reports the results of an overlay analysis of engineering-geological zones of the Czech Republic and of landscape elements (Corine). However, the major aim was not the overlay analysis itself, but an analysis of the obtained information from the whole-country perspective. Existing GIS database of engineering-geological zoning maps and CORINE Land Cover for Czech Republic in Arc/INFO GIS format was used to be data source. All data were available as polygons. For data combination, we have used GIS tool Intersection, by which we have combined data from two data layers. Resulting layer and its database were then processed; areal extent and percentage for every class were calculated. The quantification is strategic for researchers, land-use planners, developers, and designers as they may pay better attention to the most widespread engineering-geological environments in a country, and thus possibly eliminate damage arising from identical attention being paid to all geological environments. Each country should pay attention to their geological environments based on spatial distribution, and in relation to the landscape element percentages.Web of Science781art. no. 2

    Geología y estratigrafía de la hoja 3246-ii Miramar, Costa Rica Geology and stratigraphy of the sheet 3246-ii Miramar, Costa Rica

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    Las rocas más antiguas de la hoja Miramar están conformadas por los sedimentos de la Formación Punta Carballo del Mioceno que afloran al SO de la hoja. Las vulcanitas del Grupo Aguacate (Mioceno-Plioceno) sobreyacidas por vulcanitas de la Formación Monteverde (Pleistoceno Inferior), representan la mayor extensión del mapa. En menor superficie se encuentran las ignimbritas del Plioceno hasta Pleistoceno y sedimentos del Cuaternario. Nuevas dataciones con el método K-Ar establecieron edades de 4,41±0,15 y 4,99±0,36 Ma para el Grupo Aguacate y de 1,77±0,11 y 1,71±0,22 Ma para la Formación Monteverde. El Grupo Aguacate también está conformado por una serie de cuerpos intrusivos de composición variable, entre ellos un stock gabrodiorítico que fue recién mapeado y se describe por primera vez con este trabajo. Se hicieron nuevas dataciones K-Ar del domo riodacítico cerro La Cruz, cuya edad fue datada en 1,71±0,14 Ma y del domo cerro San Miguel en 1,59±0,12 Ma. La definición de las unidades volcánicas se basa en la petrografía detallada de las rocas, así como en los resultados de la difractometría de rayos X, microsonda electrónica y 33 análisis químicos.The oldest rocks of the Miramar sheet are represented by sediments of the Punta Carballo Formation (Miocene), which are exposed at the SW corner. However, volcanic rocks of the older Aguacate Group (Miocene-Pliocene) and overlying Monteverde Formation (Lower Pleistocene) dominate the area. The Pliocene to Pleistocene silicic ignimbrites and Quaternary sediments are subordinate. New K-Ar ages yielded 4,41±0,15 to 4,99±0,36 Ma for the Aguacate Group and 1,71±0,22 to 1,77±0,11 Ma for the Monteverde Formation. Gabrodioritic stock was newly mapped in the Aguacate Group accompanying numerous other intrusive bodies of variable composition. New K-Ar ages were obtained for the rhyodacitic domes: 1,71±0,14 Ma for the cerro La Cruz Dome and 1,59±0,12 Ma for the cerro San Miguel Dome. Definition of volcanic units is based on detailed petrography, XRD, microprobe and 33 new bulk-rock chemical analyses

    Geología y estratigrafía de la hoja 3246-ii miramar, costa rica

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    The oldest rocks of the Miramar sheet are represented by sediments of the Punta Carballo Formation(Miocene), which are exposed at the SW corner. However, volcanic rocks of the older Aguacate Group (Miocene-Pliocene) and overlying Monteverde Formation (Lower Pleistocene) dominate the area. The Pliocene to Pleistocenesilicic ignimbrites and Quaternary sediments are subordinate. New K-Ar ages yielded 4,41±0,15 to 4,99±0,36 Ma forthe Aguacate Group and 1,71±0,22 to 1,77±0,11 Ma for the Monteverde Formation. Gabrodioritic stock was newlymapped in the Aguacate Group accompanying numerous other intrusive bodies of variable composition. New K-Arages were obtained for the rhyodacitic domes: 1,71±0,14 Ma for the cerro La Cruz Dome and 1,59±0,12 Ma for thecerro San Miguel Dome. Definition of volcanic units is based on detailed petrography, XRD, microprobe and 33 newbulk-rock chemical analyses. Las rocas más antiguas de la hoja Miramar están conformadas por los sedimentos de la FormaciónPunta Carballo del Mioceno que afloran al SO de la hoja. Las vulcanitas del Grupo Aguacate (Mioceno-Plioceno)sobreyacidas por vulcanitas de la Formación Monteverde (Pleistoceno Inferior), representan la mayor extensión del mapa. En menor superficie se encuentran las ignimbritas del Plioceno hasta Pleistoceno y sedimentos del Cuaternario.Nuevas dataciones con el método K-Ar establecieron edades de 4,41±0,15 y 4,99±0,36 Ma para el Grupo Aguacate y de1,77±0,11 y 1,71±0,22 Ma para la Formación Monteverde. El Grupo Aguacate también está conformado por una seriede cuerpos intrusivos de composición variable, entre ellos un stock gabrodiorítico que fue recién mapeado y se describepor primera vez con este trabajo. Se hicieron nuevas dataciones K-Ar del domo riodacítico cerro La Cruz, cuya edadfue datada en 1,71±0,14 Ma y del domo cerro San Miguel en 1,59±0,12 Ma. La definición de las unidades volcánicasse basa en la petrografía detallada de las rocas, así como en los resultados de la difractometría de rayos X, microsondaelectrónica y 33 análisis químicos. 

    Geologische Untersuchungen an der Neubaustrecke Dresden-Prag: Geologische Untersuchungen an der Eisenbahn-Neubaustrecke Dresden-Prag (2011 - 2020)

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    In der Schriftenreihe werden alle Ergebnisse der geologischen Untersuchungen vorgestellt, die seit 2011 im Umfeld der geplanten Eisenbahnneubaustrecke Dresden-Prag durchgeführt worden sind. Der geplante mindestens 25 km lange, grenzüberschreitende Erzgebirgsbasistunnel durchquert verschiedene Gesteine und komplexe Störungszonen. Untersuchungsschwerpunkt waren die geologischen, tektonischen und hydrogeologischen Verhältnisse im grenznahen Raum des geplanten Trassenkorridos. Die Veröffentlichung richtet sich an Behörden, Institutionen, Ingenieur- und Planungsbüros, die sich mit der Umsetzung der Neubaustrecke beschäftigen sowie an die geologisch interessierte Fachwelt und Öffentlichkeit. Redaktionsschluss: 28.08.202