11 research outputs found

    The effect of artisanal preservation methods on nutritional security of “Mukene” Rastrineobola argentea caught from Lakes Victoria and Kyoga in Uganda

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    The artisanal fish preservation methods in Uganda are characterized by extreme operating conditions. Consequently, vital nutritional components diminish in value and quantity which renders fish consumer nutritionally insecure. To establish the magnitude of nutritional loss, duplicate samples of Mukene Rastrineobola argentea were collected from Kiyindi landing site on L. Victoria and Moone landing site on L. Kyoga. Each set of duplicate samples was divided into five portions and kept on ice. For each preservation method a portion was processed into respective products at Food Bioscience and Agri-Business Laboratories aside from the control (fresh) sample. Both preserved and control samples were analysed for nutrient loss at Department of Chemistry, Makerere University using AOAC methods. The composition of fatty acids was determined by methanolysis gas chromatography and Mass spectrophotometry of the resultant methyl esters. The results indicate that nutrients of all preserved samples did not vary significantly from the control except for some fatty acids. The Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) in fresh samples declined from 6.72% to 1.08% in deep-fried samples constituting 83.93% nutrient loss. The sum ratio w3:w6 as well as EPA: DHA (Docosahexaenoic) ratio in fried samples also varied significantly (p<0.5) lower than 0.668 and 0.20 for the average of either preservation methods and experts recommended ratio respectively. Further research has been recommended to ascertain the causative factor, since Mukene frying is being promoted in the Great lakes region as alternative method to sun-drying. In conclusion, regular consumers of fried Mukene do not benefit much from the nutritional and health attributes of Omega 3 and 6

    Nutritional value of commonly consumed desert date tree products

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    The desert date ( Balanites aegyptiaca , Del. L.) is one of the neglected staple crops of growing importance in the drought and famine-prone areas of Uganda. Unfortunately, information on its nutritional composition is still lacking, thus limiting their wider use and promotion. This study was designed to determine the nutritional composition of various parts of B. aegyptiaca eaten by Ugandans. Samples were collected from Katakwi, Adjumani and Moroto districts in Uganda. Dry matter content of the leaves, flowers and fruit pulp ranged from 95% in fruit pulp, to 98% in leaves and flowers. Ash content of the leaves and flowers was 8.07%; while that of the fruit pulp was 6.97%. Fat content of the leaves (2.29%) was significantly higher than that in fruit pulp (0.37%). Similarly, crude protein content was greater in the leaves and flowers (16.95%) than in the fruit pulp (5.4%). The leaves and flowers were generally richer in macronutrients than in fruit pulp in the order of K&gt;Na&gt;Mg with mean values of 19.54, 3.32 and 1.26 mg g-1. Iron was the most abundant micronutrient in all Balanites parts. This was followed by Mn, Zn and Cu with mean values of 452.21, 60.65, 35.69 and 25.49 \ub5g g-1, respectively. A similar trend was found in fruit pulp. There is a need to determine the level of anti-nutritional factors in Balanites products and the effect of different leaf preparation methods on nutrient availability to further guide their wide usage.Le dattier du desert ( Balanites aegyptiaca , Del. L.) est une culture de base negligee qui cro\ueet dans les milieux \ue0 s\ue9cheresse et sujets aux famines en Uganda. Malheureusement, l\u2019information sur sa composition nutritionnelle est encore manquante, ainsi limitant son utilisation et sa promotion. Cette Vtude Vtait conduite pour d\ue9terminer la composition de B.aegyptiaca dans diff\ue9rentes parties consomm\ue9es par les ougandais. Des \ue9chantillons \ue9taient collect\ue9es dans les districts de Katakwi, Adjumani et Moroto en Ouganda. Le contenu en mati\ue8re s\ue8che des feuilles, des fleurs et des pulpes de fruits variait de 95% dans les pulpes de fruits, \ue0 98% dans les feuilles et fleurs. Le contenu en cendre des feuilles et fleurs \ue9tait 8.07% et 6.97% dans les pulpes de fruits. Le contenu en mati\ue8res grasse dans les feuilles (2.29%) \ue9tait significativement plus \ue9lev\ue9es que celui des pulpes de fruits (0.37%). De fa\ue7on similaire, le contenu en protein brute des fleurs \ue9tait plus \ue9lev\ue9 dans les feuilles et fleurs (16.95%) que dans la pulpe de fruits (5.4%). Les feuilles et les fleurs \ue9taient g\ue9n\ue9ralement plus riches en macronutriements que dans la pulpe de fruits dans l\u2019ordre de K&gt;Na&gt;Mg avec de valeurs maoyennes de 19.54, 3.32 et 1.26 mg g-1. Le fer \ue9tait le miconutriment plus abundant dans toutes les parties de Balanites. Ceci \ue9tait suivi de Mn, Zn et Cu avec pour valeurs moyennes 452.21, 60.65, 35.69 et 25.49 \ub5g g-1, respectivement. Une tendance similaire \ue9tait observ\ue9e dans la pulpe de fruits. Le besoin s\u2019impose de d\ue9terminer le niveau des facteurs anti-nutritionnels dans les produits de Balanites et l\u2019effet de diff\ue9rentes m\ue9thodes de pr\ue9paration des feuilles sur la disponibilit\ue9 de nutriments pour guider leur vaste usage

    ) May (2011) Res

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    Abstract An identification has been achieved of only 1:1 and 1:2 chelates of hexahydroxystannat

    ) May (2011) Res

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    Abstract An identification has been achieved of only 1:1 and 1:2 chelates of hexahydroxystannat

    Physico-Chemical Characteristics and Fatty Acid Profile of Desert date Kernel Oil

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    The desert date ( Balanites aegyptiaca (L.) Del.) is an indigenous fruit tree, common in the arid and semi-arid lands of Africa. Its fruits, available in the height of the dry season, contain edible pulp which is an important food for both humans and livestoCk. Balanites kernel is a source of highly regarded edible and medicinal oil. Both the fruits and oil are trade items in the west Nile sub-region of Uganda. Because of its growing importance as a source of food and income for dryland communities, an assessment of the physico-chemical characteristics and fatty acid profile of kernel oil in Uganda was carried out. Balanites fruit samples were collected from Katakwi, Adjumani and Moroto districts; representing the Teso, West Nile and Karamoja tree populations, respectively. Balanites kernels constituted 19.5% of the nuts, and kernel oil yield was 44.5% (v/v or w/w). The oil was light yellow with a refractive index of 1.46 at 20 oC and viscosity of 15.75 - 22.60 cSt at 40 oC. The saponification value of the oil was 186.28 mg KOH g-1; while the acid value was generally low (1.33 -1.95 mg KOH g-1). Iodine value ranged from 98.20 to 103.32 I2 g 100 g-1. Four major fatty acids; linoleic (39.85%), (oleic 25.74%), stearic (19.01%) and palmitic (15.40%) were found in Balanites oil. This gives a high percentage of the nutritionally beneficial unsaturated fatty acids (65.6%). Balanites kernel oil is a good source of essential unsaturated fatty acids. Attempts should be made to increase its utilisation through improved proCessing and packaging for the benefit of rural and peri-urban communities.Le dattier du desert ( Balanites aegyptiaca (L.) Del.) est un arbre fruitier indigène commun des milieux arides et semi-arides d’Afrique. Ses fruits, disponibles dans la saison sèche contient une pulpe comestible constituant un aliment important pour l’alimentation humaine et le bétail. Le grain de Balanites est une source reconnue d’huile comestible et médecinale. D’autre part, les fruits et l’huile ensemble sont commerciables dans la sous-région ouest du Nile en Ouganda.Du fait de sa grande importance comme source d’aliment et de revenu pour les communautés des régions arides, une évaluation des caractéristiques physico-chimiques et le taux d’acide gras dans les huiles de graines était conduite en Ouganda. Des échantillons de fruits de balanites étaient collectés dans les districts de Katakwi, Adjumani et Moroto représentant la région de Teso, la partie Ouest du Nile et les populations d’arbres de Karamoja, respectivement. Les graines de Balanites constituaient 19.5% des noix, et le rendement en huile était de 44.5% (v/v or w/w). L’huile était jaune claire avec un indice de refraction de 1.46 at 20 oC et une viscosité de 15.75 - 22.60 cSt à 40 oC. La valeur de saponification de l’huile était de 186.28 mg KOH g-1; pendant que la valeur de l’acide était généralement basse (1.33 -1.95 mg KOH g-1). La valeur de l’Iodine variait de 98.20 à 103.32 I2 g 100 g-1. Quatre acides gras majeurs dont l’acide linoléique (39.85%), oléique (25.74%), stéarique (19.01%) et palmitique (15.40%) étaient trouvé dans l’huile de Balanites. Ceci donne un pourcentage élevé d’acides gras insaturés nutritionnellement bénéfiques (65.6%). L’huile des graines de Balanites est une bonne source d’acides gras essentiels insaturés. Plus d’efforts devront être fait pour accroître son utilisation à travers des procédvs améliorés et emballage pour le bénéfice des communautés rurales et peri-urbaines

    Physico-chemical characteristics and fatty acid profile of desert date kernel oil in Uganda

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    Includes abstract in FrenchBecause of its importance as a source of food and income for dryland communities, an assessment of the physico-chemical characteristics and fatty acid profile of kernel oil was carried out. Both the fruits and oil are trade items in the west Nile sub-region of Uganda. Balanites kernel oil is a good source of essential unsaturated fatty acids. Attempts should be made to increase its utilization through improved processing and packaging. As a multipurpose tree, B. aegyptiaca offers food, medicines, cosmetics, fodder, fuelwood and pesticides valued for subsistence living in the arid and semi-arid areas where other options are few

    Nutritional value of commonly consumed desert date tree products

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    The desert date ( Balanites aegyptiaca , Del. L.) is one of the neglected staple crops of growing importance in the drought and famine-prone areas of Uganda. Unfortunately, information on its nutritional composition is still lacking, thus limiting their wider use and promotion. This study was designed to determine the nutritional composition of various parts of B. aegyptiaca eaten by Ugandans. Samples were collected from Katakwi, Adjumani and Moroto districts in Uganda. Dry matter content of the leaves, flowers and fruit pulp ranged from 95% in fruit pulp, to 98% in leaves and flowers. Ash content of the leaves and flowers was 8.07%; while that of the fruit pulp was 6.97%. Fat content of the leaves (2.29%) was significantly higher than that in fruit pulp (0.37%). Similarly, crude protein content was greater in the leaves and flowers (16.95%) than in the fruit pulp (5.4%). The leaves and flowers were generally richer in macronutrients than in fruit pulp in the order of K>Na>Mg with mean values of 19.54, 3.32 and 1.26 mg g-1. Iron was the most abundant micronutrient in all Balanites parts. This was followed by Mn, Zn and Cu with mean values of 452.21, 60.65, 35.69 and 25.49 µg g-1, respectively. A similar trend was found in fruit pulp. There is a need to determine the level of anti-nutritional factors in Balanites products and the effect of different leaf preparation methods on nutrient availability to further guide their wide usage.Le dattier du desert ( Balanites aegyptiaca , Del. L.) est une culture de base negligee qui croît dans les milieux à sécheresse et sujets aux famines en Uganda. Malheureusement, l’information sur sa composition nutritionnelle est encore manquante, ainsi limitant son utilisation et sa promotion. Cette Vtude Vtait conduite pour déterminer la composition de B.aegyptiaca dans différentes parties consommées par les ougandais. Des échantillons étaient collectées dans les districts de Katakwi, Adjumani et Moroto en Ouganda. Le contenu en matière sèche des feuilles, des fleurs et des pulpes de fruits variait de 95% dans les pulpes de fruits, à 98% dans les feuilles et fleurs. Le contenu en cendre des feuilles et fleurs était 8.07% et 6.97% dans les pulpes de fruits. Le contenu en matières grasse dans les feuilles (2.29%) était significativement plus élevées que celui des pulpes de fruits (0.37%). De façon similaire, le contenu en protein brute des fleurs était plus élevé dans les feuilles et fleurs (16.95%) que dans la pulpe de fruits (5.4%). Les feuilles et les fleurs étaient généralement plus riches en macronutriements que dans la pulpe de fruits dans l’ordre de K>Na>Mg avec de valeurs maoyennes de 19.54, 3.32 et 1.26 mg g-1. Le fer était le miconutriment plus abundant dans toutes les parties de Balanites. Ceci était suivi de Mn, Zn et Cu avec pour valeurs moyennes 452.21, 60.65, 35.69 et 25.49 µg g-1, respectivement. Une tendance similaire était observée dans la pulpe de fruits. Le besoin s’impose de déterminer le niveau des facteurs anti-nutritionnels dans les produits de Balanites et l’effet de différentes méthodes de préparation des feuilles sur la disponibilité de nutriments pour guider leur vaste usage

    Nutritional value of commonly consumed desert date tree products

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    Includes abstract in FrenchBalanites products offer great opportunity to reduce malnutrition, contribute to food security and reduce poverty among dryland communities. The desert date (Balanites aegyptiaca) is a neglected crop in the drought and famine-prone areas of Uganda. This study determines the nutritional composition of B. aegyptiaca edible parts in Uganda so as to promote their wider utilization. Results reveal that Balanites leaves, flowers and fruit pulp are good sources of proteins, Fe, K, Mn, Zn and Cu thus contributing substantial amounts of macro and micronutrients to human diet. However, leaves and flowers were nutritionally superior to fruit pulp