104 research outputs found

    "Why don’t you tell them…" : unheard voices in Claude Lanzmann’s Shoah

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    Claude Lanzmann’s nine-hour documentary Shoah (1985) is a rich source of knowledge on the Nazi extermination of Jews in Central Europe. Its main material consists of interviews with people who witnessed the Holocaust, conducted in the very locations of the wartime events. The present paper analyses an iconic scene from Chełmno on Ner, where between 1940-43 and later 1944-45 the first Nazi death camp was located. A group of locals - gathered in front of the parish church, around one of the survivors of the camp - recall the events, sometimes in stunning technical detail. Their Polish utterances are translated into French; English subtitles are based on the French of the interpreter. The Polish linguistic material is not neutral: it is marked with dialectal and sociolectal features; the speakers engage in conversation on the side, comment on the situation of the interview in various ways, verbal and non-verbal. In the translation, both into French and English, sentences are skipped, the plurality of voices is flattened, and differences in memory are smoothed out. The resulting text is rather a summary than a translation. The paper offers close-up analyses of chosen sequences from the interview to show the complexity of the communication situation and the extent of distortion caused by the way translation works in the film. It also offers an alternative translation, which aims at giving voice to the actual people of Chełmno and acknowledging as fully as possible the complication and difficulty of memory construction through language, especially in a highly traumatic area. It hopes to offer insights into the bystander position in Holocaust discourse

    Zastosowanie skali NEP do badania świadomości ekologicznej młodzieży akademickiej

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    Introduction: Humans’ attitude toward nature, based on the anthropocentric philosophy and belief in human exceptionalism are the root causes of environmental crisis. New Ecological Paradigm (NEP) presumes to step away from anthropocentrism and recognizing the limits to growth, which is based on unsustainable exploitation of the environment. Worldwide, the level of acceptance for NEP is measured by the NEP Scale (New Ecological Paradigm Scale) consisting of 12–15 theses, for which answers are expressed in a Likert scale.Research Aim: Using the NEP Scale for examination of academic youth’ senvironmental awareness.Method: Online survey including a 15-element NEP Scale translated into Polish was used; for questionnaire and data collecting Qualtrics Survey App was applied. The collected data from among N = 260 students were subjected to ordering, re-coding, and statistical analysis, including descriptive statistics, frequencies, and t-test for the NEP index in the groups of genders, using SPSS Statistics Respondents’ support for NEP was estimated by frequency analysis of “pro-ecological” responses, comparison of means, and the NEP index.Results: The frequency of responses expressing support for NEP was 74.5; the mean for individual questions valued from 1 (no support) to 5 (maximum support) was 4.13. The NEP index (scale from 0 to 1) was 0.78. T-test confirmed gender influence on NEP Index, which was higher among women than men (mean 0.79 vs. 0.72), with p = 0.007.Conclusions: The NEP Index values indicate the high environmental awareness of the studied academic youth. Higher support for NEP among women is in line with the worldwide trend observed in numerous studies, in which women’s awareness and behaviour are more pro-ecological than men’s.Wprowadzenie: Stosunek człowieka do przyrody oparty na antropocentrycznej filozofii i przekonaniu o wyjątkowości człowieka doprowadził do kryzysu ekologicznego. Nowy Paradygmat Ekologiczny (NPE) zakłada odejście od antropocentryzmu i uznanie ograniczeń dalszego rozwoju cywilizacyjnego opartego na niezrównoważonej eksploatacji środowiska naturalnego. Stopień poparcia społeczeństw dla NPE może być mierzony skalą NEP (New Ecological Paradigm Scale) składającą się z 12–15 tez, wobec których badani wyrażają stopień poparcia w skali Likerta.Cel badań: Ocena świadomości ekologicznej młodzieży akademickiej za pomocą skali NEP.Metoda badań: Ankieta on-line, obejmująca 15 pytań skali NEP i dane demograficzne; 15-elementową wersję skali NEP poddano adaptacji językowej. Kwestionariusz ankiety i gromadzenie danych zrealizowano w programie Qualtrics Surveys. Zebrane dane pochodzące od N = 260 osób poddano uporządkowaniu, rekodowaniu i analizie statystycznej, obejmującej statystyki podstawowe i częstości dla pytań NEP oraz analizę wariancji i test t-studenta dla indeksu NEP w grupach płci. Analizę przeprowadzono w programie SPSS Statistics Poparcie dla NPE szacowano przy użyciu analizy częstości odpowiedzi „proekologicznych”, porównania średnich oraz indeksu NEP.Wyniki: Poparcie dla NPE wyniosło 74,5; średnia dla pytań NEP wartościowanych od 1 (brak poparcia) do 5 (max. poparcie) wyniosła 4,13; indeks NPE (skala od 0 do 1) wyniósł 0,78. Test t-studenta wykazał zróżnicowanie płciowe indeksu NEP, który był wyższy dla kobiet niż mężczyzn (0,79 vs 0,72), przy p = 0,028.Wnioski: Wartości indeksu NEP świadczą o wysokiej świadomości ekologicznej badanej grupy. Poparcie dla NPE jest wyższe wśród kobiet niż mężczyzn, co jest zgodne z ogólnoświatową tendencją obserwowaną w badaniach, większej proekologiczności kobiet w porównaniu z mężczyznami

    Mycobionta of birch and birch stump roots and its possible effect on the infection by Armillaria spp. II.

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    This paper presents the differences in size and structure of mycobionta communities occurring in soil and on/i n roots of a 30 year-old birch and its stumps 2 years after cutting of the trees. Special attention was paid to the occurrence of Zygorhynchus moelleri and Trichoderma viride. The first species due to the metabolites produced may presumably stimulate the infection by Armlllaria. The second species is a well-known antagonist of Armillaria, Z. moelleri accounted only for 2.6, l.3 and 9.l % of the total number of isolates in rhizoplane as well as in the fine and thick roots of stumps, respectively. Trlchodcrma viride and T. virens were present in roots of Hve birch and its stumps only occasionally. The relatively big population of Mycelium radicis atrovirens- particularly in the fine roots of stumps is attributed to their high vitality and relatively lower level of root decomposition. It seems that the rate of stump root decomposilion does not favour their colonization by Z. moelleri and its supposed contribution in enhancing the infection by Armillaria might not be so distinct as on stumps of 49-year-old birches

    Microfungi in the soil beneath common oak and their effect on Armillaria occurrence

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    Microfungal assemblages in a soil beneath 30- and 50·year-old oaks and their 2-year-old stumps were studied using the soil dilution plate method. A total of 98 culturable microfungi were isolated. Compared to the living oaks before felling and the control living oaks, the density of Mortierella macrocystis, Penicillium jonczewskii, Pseudogymnoascus roseus Sporothrix schenckii, Tolypoccladiumum inflatum and Umbelopsis vinacea sigificantly inacased in the soil beneath slumps in the 32- and 52-year-old stands. Density of Aspergillus kanagawaensis, Monodictys lepraria, P. daleae and sterile dematiaceous hyphomycetes increased significantly in the 32-year-old stand and Chrysosporium merdarium in the 52·year-old stand. These fungi are known 'stimulants' of Armillaria rhizomorph formation. It is suggested that the increase in density of Armillaria rhizomorph 'stimulants' in a soil beneath oak stumps may increase the possibility of colonization of stumps by Armillaria

    Health of poplars in plantations in the sanitary protection zones of Legnica and Glogow copper mills

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    The health status of 6−16−year−old poplars (mostly Populus robusta) in the sanitary protection zones around Legnica and Głogów copper mills (SW Poland) is described. The health of the poplars was assessed as a frequency of trees with symptoms of stem canker and occurrence of virus diseases on leaves. Fungi were isolated from 24 samples of canker wood (20×20×20 cm each) in five afforested complexes and then identified on the basis of colony morphology and sporulation on PDA and SNA after 40 days of incubation. Cankers occurred on <5−95% of poplar trees. Poplar mosaic virus was observed sporadically in collections of P. robusta, P. balsamifera and P. gerlica. The canker wood was colonized by 20 species of facultative pathogens. Acremonium pteridii, Exophiala sp. and Gibberella baccata were the most common and frequent (in 4−5 complexes). Aureobasidium pullulans, Epicoccum nigrum and Fusarium solani occurred in 3−4 complexes. Alternaria alternata, Cadophora fastigiata, Didymella molleriana, Fusicolla aquaeductuum, Gibberella avenacea, Graphium sp., Leptosphaeria maculans, Nectria inventa, Phoma herbarum, P. minutella, Sarocladium strictum, Trichosporon ovoides and Valsa sordida were less frequent and often occurred only locally. The fungi recorded may serve as indicators of the vitality and health status of trees in industrial zones. The best approach to eliminate the risk of colonization by pathogens is to maintain trees in a state of vigorous growth. Management practices that promote good growth include fertiliza− tion, watering during drought, avoidance of unnecessary wounding of trunk and roots, and using correct pruning procedures